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Tagged With "predictive"


Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2018

Martin Hofman ·
11a. For 2018 the total A4/A3 print volume (compared to 2017) will reduce with 10% 11b. For the coming 10 years the total A4/A3 print volume will reduce with 10% per year and will (in 2027) only be 35% of the current volume

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Jason H ·
I really like number 4, and I believe #7 is going to happen sooner than we expected. I hold out hope as well.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Kyocera Guy ·
Not liking the Kyocera part of #4 at all. On the other hand really liking # 10 Add: Color equipment will become more prevalent with costs of color equipment continuing to drop and coming more in line with monochrome.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

5) - Canon bought a very large stake in one last year (Therefore). Locally hosted or cloud based.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2014

SalesServiceGuy ·
By far the most likely, is growth in the 3D printer industry. I am seeing real interest already and am considering dipping my toes in the water with Makerbot.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2014

Old Glory ·
We bought a MakerBot and took it to a local Business Expo and we were BY FAR the biggest hit of the show. We were front page news on the local paper and on every news cast. We have no idea what we are going to do or how but the media exposure alone more than paid for the printer.

Re: Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

Czech ·
Nice! I would like to contribute a few of my own predictions as well: Xerox will sell its MFP division to focus entirely on production equipment and business services. Toshiba Tec will not sell nor merge with Sharp. Toshiba is too much of a powerhouse in North America alone. Konica Minolta will continue opening up direct branches due to the rapid growth of their brand. These branches will quickly fall apart when they realize that the dealer model is more profitable. Samsung will start...

Re: Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

txeagle24 ·
Sorry for being the bearer of gloom & doom, but I think Czech is either being either overly-optimistic or things in the Great White North are just different than in the Southwest USA. Here are my predictions: Lease volume trends based on UCC filings from EDA show that 2015 placements have fallen by over 13,600 since 2013 (almost 10%) & are now at levels nearly equal to 2009 & 2010. Faced with increased competition for fewer units running less volume due to digitization, dealers...
Blog Post

Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

Art Post ·
Looking back,  2015 was not one of my best years in the industry.  There were many factors involved but I can only blame myself for a somewhat lack luster performance (but I did have a good year of GP).  The good thing is, that January starts a new year and I'm excited about entering my 35th of SMB sales. Last years Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015  , some of the predictions from last year came to fruition and some did not.  I enjoy prognosticating on...
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Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Art Post ·
Looking back 2014 was one of my best years in the business. The fourth quarter of 2014 was the best quarter I've ever had!  I can only hope that 2015 will be as good as 2014 if not better.   Last years Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions...
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Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2014

Art Post ·
A better year in 2013 for everyone right?  I still fee the economy here in the Northeast is not what is was and am wondering if we'll ever get back to where we were in the mid 2000's.   I've been in this crazy business for 33 years and not...
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Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2017

Art Post ·
Looking back, 2016 was one heck of a year with our industry. Lexmark was purchased by Apex Technology Co., Ltd (People Republic of China). Who would have guessed that? Sharp Corporation lived to fight another day when Foxconn (Taiwan aka Republic of China) acquired them earlier this year. Then just a few weeks ago Print Audit purchases NeoStream (document management software company). Of course we then have the purchase of Samsung Imaging Division by HP. We can only wonder what's next for...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

Art Post ·
So was 2019 a good year or a not so good year for the imaging industry? If I'm thinking about my personal results then 2019 was awesome and one of the best ever. I think 2020 will prove to be one of the biggest years yet for change in our industry. Change is good, right? I'm sure there will be at least two or three bombshells with one of them happening in late January 2020 and then another in late March to early April 2020. None of my predictions came true in 2019 and that's because I didn't...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2018

Art Post ·
What a year! Ricoh sells most of their SMB accounts to dealers (not including education, legal and production) and proves that they are dedicated to their dealers. Toshiba might has probably staved off from selling the kitchen sink with the sale of their chip unit to a consortium that is led by Bain Capital. Epson delivers two color A3 ink MFP's with speeds of 75 & 100 pages per minute. Proving that disruption of our coveted A3 toner based is well underway. Last years Top Ten MFP Copier...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

SalesServiceGuy ·
Toshiba Corp does not own the majority of shares in Toshiba Tec Corp. Toshiba Tec is an independent corporation and owns 51% of its shares therefore controlling its own destiny. Toshiba Corp owns the remaining 49%. NineStar remains highly leveraged from its $3.6B 2016 acquisition of Lexmark and has fully tapped two lines of credit to keep operations functioning smoothly. NineStar can access unlimited funds from the Chinese gov't to fund future acquisitions under the China 2025 initiative.

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

SalesServiceGuy ·
Prediction 11. As eCommerce continues to grow at a rapid rate, the label printing industry is expected to grow with it. Expect more players with color label printing equipment.

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

Frank Vasquez ·
I agree with SALESERVICEGUY on his Toshiba/Lexmark comment, and the relationship between Toshiba and Lexmark has been very strong for a dozen+ years. I was actually a bit shocked that Lexmark re-labeled KM instead of Toshiba for their A3 products. The Toshiba product line has always been strong, and the newest series does NOT disappoint. The issue with Toshiba is that they have been resistant to investing the resources to offer a complete Toshiba-made, e-Bridge lineup from A4 all the way to...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

SalesServiceGuy ·
Expect a Toshiba Tec manufactured A4 product line maybe as early as April 2020 using the same eBridge Next operating system as the current A3 product line. The current "Toshmark" e478s/e389cs/e479cs product line sells well and will continue. These Lexmark models can currently use the Toshiba original Universal 2 print driver. I would not expect any news or interest in the Production space from Toshiba Tec.

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

Frank Vasquez ·
Yes - Toshiba is introducing two A4 units, I believe, and from what I hear, they are not much smaller than their A3 cousins. While I have heard claims they did this to minimize CPC's, it is probably because Toshiba did not want to invest in creating a whole new product line, rather tweak an existing one. It is wait-and-see time. Question is, will it fit on a desk/credenza? As to Production, I am well aware of Toshiba's lack of vision/desire in that arena, as I tried for years to push for...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2020

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am not aware of the specific details on the new approx April 2020 Toshiba Tec A4 designs. I do know that Toshiba Tec is moving away from SED-HDD towards a SSD in their products. Toshiba Corp is a world leader in SSD technology so expect something interesting in that area. If the new A4s are going to be larger than a tabletop that would partially explain why the Toshmarks will remain in the product line. I know Toshiba Tec is working on a tighter integration with these models. The Toshmarks...
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Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2021

Art Post ·
So 2020 was a year we would all like to forget! The global pandemic has changed the way we sell and we've all lost some great people along the way. Our great industry depression is one we will never forget. I posted the paragraph below in last years blog. I'm sure there will be at least two or three bombshells with one of them happening in late January 2020 and then another in late March to early April 2020. There was no bombshell in January for our industry but could the "late March to...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2021

Had a couple extra minutes this morning so I figured I'd chime in with my two cents as it's been almost 13 years of doing this so I feel I may know a little bit. Will be interesting to see if / what happens here. Both are formidable foes, so to think that one would merge into another or sell out seems highly unlikely. I would say Kyocera would be on the move. Knowing a local indy who was bought by Kyocera Document Solutions last year, these would seem the most likely to happen. Canon would...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2021

Joel Salus ·
“1. I'll go out on a limb and predict this merger or acquisitions to take place. Canon & Ricoh will merge or Canon will acquire Ricoh. Currently they are working together in Japan for MFP distribution logistics” Considering the continuing trend of people “printing less” rather than “printing more”, I do think it’s inevitable that copier/printer manufacturing consolidation will occur. I don’t know that “this year” will be the year that Canon and Ricoh merge, or one acquires the other, but...

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2021

Art Post ·
@TML ty for the comment Mike! Hope to meet you somewhere soon one day!

Re: Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2021

Art Post ·
@Joel Salus Ty for the comment all good stuff!
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2022

Art Post ·
Please keep in mind that predictions are just that. In most cases I'm having fun with coming up with some extreme predictions that will never come to fruition. However they do offer up some interesting "what ifs". So 2021 was a year we would all like to forget again. The global pandemic continued for another year and as I write this we are the throws of dealing with Omicron and hopefully the last variant we'll see. Hoping that 2022 will be prosperous and ripe with change. I mention change...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2023

Art Post ·
Top Ten Copier & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2023 Please keep in mind that predictions are just that. In most cases I'm having fun with coming up with some extreme prognostications that may never come to fruition. However they do offer up some interesting "what ifs". 2022. was that a year we'd like to remember or a year we'd like to forget? Change is constant and change is something that we need to embellish, how boring would our lives or industry would be without change. Here's the...