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Tagged With "Sales Simplicity Seminars"


Re: Bad salespeople still exist, don't they?

Czech ·
Spot on Art. I love Gary Vaynerchuk's famous quote, "Legacy is greater than currency." You never know where you will be in 5 years. Walking away from every deal with your reputation and integrity intact is more important.

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

Art Post ·
Vince: Well stated! I'm having a hard time with this also. We've seen Ricoh on-line now, they are pushing the envelope with direct vs dealer. I agree with you, what happens once the box arrives, what they thought they were getting because product marketing for all manufacturers have a tendency to over state what they systems can and can't do. I'm hoping we are right and Forrester is just pushing BS

Re: What Makes December One of My Best Sales Months for Revenue

Jason H ·
It's so simple, i don't understand why people don't do it. I guess sometimes things are so simple it's not thought of or it is so simple people make it hard.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Can anyone help with this?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I just added a poll to this question, please take the time to vote!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Management is now to the point that they are asking me weekly to update my forecast, it's getting to be a real drag going over every account on the opportunity list and what happened with them on a weekly basis. Isn't that the reason why I keep my CRM updated on a daily basis?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
Keeping the forecast updated is part of our job; they need to know what that looks like on a regular basis. If you're a proven producer (which you are), they shouldn't feel the need to ask for updates on every account. That's nitpicking.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Agreed forecasting is a part of the job, nitpicking is not.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
The biggest obstacle and it isn't on your list is time! If we are honest with ourselves the amount of time we are actually selling versus so called non selling activities creates my biggest limiting factor to increasing my success.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Bend: Nice one, I guess you are referring to slacking off and not doing the work right?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
I do block out some time for my fantasy football team but I don't count that

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I have my moments also... although I do like to make the dough!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Old Glory ·
The biggest challenge I see is that you have to sell so much more to make the same money you have in years past. It used to be that if someone needed duplexing, or stapling, or speed, etc. they had to pay for higher scale equipment. Now they can get for $3,000 what they used to have to pay $10,000 for. It used to be that everyone was a profitable prospect. Now only the upper 20-30% represent a potential revenue capable of earning over $1,000. Even solution sales are hard to build profit in...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Old Glory I agree!! Solutions take longer, I've been working on a secure print solution for almost 4 months. I'm lucky if the deal will top 40K and even luckier if I get the deal. I've tried to focus on higher end hardware and multiple units. The multiple units is tough because everyone is involved and margins are so so at best. MY only saving grace has been the wide format stuff.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

fisher ·
The Obama Economy is the biggest obstacle any of us face........He fixed it all right.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Wallingford ·
One of the biggest obstacles up until recently, was having to answer to a Sales Manager, who was totally incompetent, and the micro management he adopted in trying to gain kudos with management for his failure to produce a winning team formula was ridiculous. Fortunately, they have since given him the boot, and life is starting to get back to normal.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

dimaxusa ·
Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition that affects a lot of sales reps in virtually all industries. It is a type of an iron deficiency disorder. It is when iron in your blood is transformed into lead that forms in your rear end. If someone bounces from dealership to dealership and never finds success it is most likely them. If they’ve had...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I did not put an option for reps activity, because I believe most of the members here are true professionals and we understand how important it is to complete those activity goals for the week, month or quarter. You are correct, there are no short cuts, you need to work!! Originally Posted by dimaxusa: Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition...

Re: Aficio 2022/27 SMB SMB Scan to file!

Jayson Gilbertson ·
What is SMB? SMB, which stands for Server Message Block, is a protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and communications abstractions such as named pipes and mail slots between computers. The earliest document I have on the SMB protocol is an IBM document from 1985. It is a copy of an IBM Personal Computer Seminar Proceedings from May 1985. It contains the IBM PC Network SMB Protocol. The next document I have access to is a Microsoft/Intel document called Microsoft...

Re: Need Everones Input for a Solution for Client

Shaja ·
Working, yes. Stumped, yes. You've got me puzzled at how to accomplish the automatic batch file renaming. I'm aware that there are various shareware and downloadable programs out there that claim to be able to do this, but isn't part of the problem that every fax will be laid out differently? So, then, you wouldn't be able to set a field rule for a zonal OCR. So back to being stumped. As for automatic capture, index, and filing with full rights, check out Prism Software's DocRecord.

Re: MFP Wars "The Final Five"

Art Post (Guest) ·
COECO signs dealership deal By John Henderson Rocky Mount Telegram Friday, March 27, 2009 One of the oldest office systems companies in the country that is based in Rocky Mount has entered into an agreement to become an authorized Canon dealer. Carolina Office Equipment Company, known as COECO, was formed in 1921 by Grover Robbins out of a small office supply store in Rocky Mount. It has grown into a diversified digital office equipment company with stores in Clinton, Fayetteville,...

Re: Printer Cost Security Manager

Boston Mike ·
Check out the stuff I posted from the Ricoh Connected Seminar... it might help ya.

Re: Lan-Fax on a NT 4.0 Terminal Server?

c_pd (Guest) ·
When I was at the Ricoh Connected seminar they strongly recommended against using the LanFax on any server. They also said that it would not work with terminal server. That being said I have used it on a server as a share and printed from the workstations. But I have not tried it with terminal server.

Re: Net New Business "How Do We Do It"?

SalesServiceGuy ·
You yourself Art dropped this pearl of wisdom a few days ago "A few days ago, I was going through my "Who's viewed your profile" on Linkedin. I try to connect with all of my second level contacts" I was on a recent sales seminar and believe that the point of Linkedin is to get and communicate with as many second level contacts as possible. LinkedIn is definitely the new sales tool of the last few years. I have been quilty of not using it effectively but now I put at least 30 minutes per week...

Re: Hit All Your Sales Goals in Just 5 Hours a Day

Art Post ·
Well, after the read I kinda like it, especially the part about going home after 5 hours, but I guess the devil is in the details. Yes, you could make 20 calls per hour and do it for 5 hours, then go home, however you'll be sure to get the appointments and then we have to figure in the travel time...

Re: advertising and mailers

bandit41076 ·
I have that one - anything new? See attached... seminar invite The WFSeminar Invitation.pdf doc was moved to Accountname: art_post username: p4pusers passcode: goodpals select p4pusers cabinet, then wideformat folder, then ricoh folder, them wide format, then 240w (whew!)

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, We had a nine month run where we MADE our sales numbers every month. Then we were slightly off in August (but better than last August). I think Sept will be back on track and we expect to end the year well. So 2013 has been significantly better than 2012, at least for us. Vince

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

txeagle24 ·
I'm about 105% of a $900k YTD quota & should finish the year over 100% of plan. Not nearly good as last year, but still a good year.

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

Art Post ·
txeagle: awesome!!

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

Czech ·
For those of you who are KILLING IT out in the field, what percentage of your sales is from net new business and what percentage is from base?

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

Art Post ·
I'm running at 91% of plan right now, we track net new business especially this year. I'm about 43% and the number #1 with our four branches.

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

txeagle24 ·
YTD 70% of my sales have been Net New vs 30% Upgrade. Q4 will have a lot of Upgrade, so it will probably end up being 50/50 for the year.

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

Art Post ·
how about everyone else???

Re: Sales, how is everyone doing?

Czech ·
50% of plan YTD. Not happy about it but I'm working towards a good Q3 ending and a strong Q4. Still have my eye on the prize of hitting 100% of quota. <script id="overlay_tmpl" type="text/html">// <![CDATA[ <divid="<%= overlayId %>"class="_mp3rocket_overlay_style"style="left: <%= overlayLeft %>; top: <%= overlayTop %>; width: <%= overlayWidth %>; height: <%= overlayHeight %>"></script>// ]]>

Re: Cold Calls in Person

Jason H ·
It seems I am lucky to get one a day. Have been having great success right now with referrals from friends and clients. I need to be prospecting more but I also have to wear two hats within the company and it makes it difficult to do much prospecting.

Re: 3 Sales Traps and How To Avoid Them

Art Post ·
All three are great points, good stuff West!

Re: Contex Americas Appoints Shea Vara to Director of Channel Sales

Art Post ·
atta girl!! congrats!!

Re: Big decline in MFP sales in Europe

Art Post ·
was wondering why until I read through the details "MFP" is also small A4 lasers and inkjets

Re: Toshiba Tec shares rise more than 6 percent on sale report

Art Post ·
By Christine Chou -- Japanese consumer electronics giant Toshiba on Monday denied reports saying it had been considering selling shares in subsidiary Toshiba Tec, a cash register systems maker. A Nikkei report previously claimed the near-bankrupt electronics firm was seeking to sell part of Toshiba Tec in order to plug an upcoming US$6.3 billion write down for its U.S. nuclear unit. According to the report, Toshiba has selected an advisory firm to help find a buyer soon for the point-of-sale...

Re: Sales Lists (D&B) and prospecting through e-mail and mailers.

Art Post ·
Sorry, I just saw this. Surprised no one else chimed in yet. I use constant contact for emails. This is my own personal account. I have 70 contacts (email addresses on that list). Most are existing, however 25% are clients that are not doing business with me. Once a month, I develop the "newsletter" for them. I put in four articles/blogs that I found interesting on the web, such as business tips , IT stuff, back up, etc. I also then put in a snippet about one of our services that I like to...

Re: The 4 Major Reasons Sales Managers Fail

In my 25 years in this industry (14 as a manager and leader of people) I have made all of the mistakes referenced in this article. In my opinion the most damaging one to not only yourself and your team, but to your entire organization, is the communicating change the wrong way mistake. As a leader you must at all times be in unison with the goals and vision of the company that provides you your paycheck. Or, move along QUICKLY to an organization that better fits your core business beliefs...

Sharp Continues To Build Out Direct Sales Presence With The Purchase Of Saratoga Technologies

Art Post ·
MONTVALE, N.J. , Feb. 19, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America's (Sharp) direct sales division, Sharp Business Systems (SBS), announced today that it has expanded its direct regional sales coverage for both document systems and managed network services in Eastern Tennessee and Southwest Virginia through the acquisition of Saratoga Technologies , Inc. Since its first branch opening in Arizona in 2006, Sharp has established 15 local SBS branches in 56 locations...


Art Post ·
NICK RODER JOINS FUJIFILM TO LEAD SALES FOR MID RANGE WIDE FORMAT PRESSES Hanover Park, Ill., December 4, 2018 – FUJIFILM North America Corporation, Graphic Systems Division announces Nick Roder as the new national sales manager for the renowned Acuity family of wide format presses. With more than 30 years in the graphics industry, Nick’s experience includes leadership within sales, new digital product launches, and people management. “I’m excited to be joining Fujifilm,” said Roder. “The...

Nurturing Salesmanship

Art Post ·
Sales hiring and management are consistently among the top three challenges VAR and MSP executives face. Trouble justifying a first sales salary and commission structure, learning to let go of the reins, refining sales processes to reflect corporate culture, and managing sales efforts to standard are common refrains. These challenges are likely to be found in any sales-centric professional services organization. I’ve certainly experienced them both over the past 20 years in the publishing...

RSA Refreshes Digital Workflow with New Software Releases at Print® 18

Art Post ·
RSA Refreshes Digital Workflow with New Software Releases at Print 18 Rochester, NY , September 10, 2018 Rochester Software Associates (RSA) , provider of production print workflow software solutions for in-plant and corporate print centers will showcase new software releases in booth 436 at Print® 1 8 that will refresh digital production print workflows. Print will be held at McCormick Place South in Chicago, IL. September 30 - October 2, 2018. There will be live demonstrations of new...

8 Powerful Referral Strategies That Will Double Your Sales

Art Post ·
Share to Facebook Share to Email App Share to LinkedIn Share to Messenger Share to Slack Love them or hate them, referrals are one of the most crucial components of a successful inbound sales strategy. In fact, there’s no more reliable way to grow any business than through sourcing referrals -- but only if it's done in a systematic, smart way. Unfortunately, most salespeople use outdated, hit-or-miss methods to get referrals. It’s no wonder that referrals inspire dread -- and procrastination...

NetEnrich Appoints David Dragonetti to VP of Global Sales

Art Post ·
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NetEnrich , a managed cloud services provider, has appointed David Dragonetti to vice president of global sales, reporting to Raghu Kamath, who heads NetEnrich’s global go-to-market teams. In related news, NetEnrich has hired Jon Nitto as sales director. Nitto and Dragonetti, who joined in March, are building a new “Sell With” team within NetEnrich. The initiative is designed to engage a few strategic partners to jointly sell managed and...

Kyocera H1 Profit Rises; Sales Up 8.4% - Quick Facts

Art Post ·
Kyocera Corp. (KYO) reported that its first-half net income to shareholders increased 23.6% to 78.39 billion yen. Earnings per share was 216.04 yen compared to 172.47 yen. For the first-half, sales revenue improved 8.4% to 800.64 billion yen. The company noted that this is due to contributions from merger and acquisition activities conducted during fiscal 2018 and increases in sales in the Components Business and the Document Solutions Group. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, basic...