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Tagged With "Sales Blog"


Re: Bad salespeople still exist, don't they?

Czech ·
Spot on Art. I love Gary Vaynerchuk's famous quote, "Legacy is greater than currency." You never know where you will be in 5 years. Walking away from every deal with your reputation and integrity intact is more important.

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

Art Post ·
Vince: Well stated! I'm having a hard time with this also. We've seen Ricoh on-line now, they are pushing the envelope with direct vs dealer. I agree with you, what happens once the box arrives, what they thought they were getting because product marketing for all manufacturers have a tendency to over state what they systems can and can't do. I'm hoping we are right and Forrester is just pushing BS

Re: 10 Signs You Should Absolutely Hire That Salesperson

Art Post ·
In reference to the above blog. If you want salespeople that want to make money (desire). When the interview is almost over, slap $500 bucks on the table and ask the person. How would you rather make this $500 bucks? 1) work 40 hours for it or 2) try to talk me out of it If they choose #1, tell em thank you and we're not interested. However if they choose #2 and they can get through ten minutes of trying to talk you out it, then I recommend offering them the job and not the $500 bucks. Just...

Re: What Makes December One of My Best Sales Months for Revenue

Jason H ·
It's so simple, i don't understand why people don't do it. I guess sometimes things are so simple it's not thought of or it is so simple people make it hard.

Re: Rumor has it that...

Bill Siderys ·
Check out our blog at . It should be the first in the blog list.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Can anyone help with this?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I just added a poll to this question, please take the time to vote!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Management is now to the point that they are asking me weekly to update my forecast, it's getting to be a real drag going over every account on the opportunity list and what happened with them on a weekly basis. Isn't that the reason why I keep my CRM updated on a daily basis?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
Keeping the forecast updated is part of our job; they need to know what that looks like on a regular basis. If you're a proven producer (which you are), they shouldn't feel the need to ask for updates on every account. That's nitpicking.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Agreed forecasting is a part of the job, nitpicking is not.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
The biggest obstacle and it isn't on your list is time! If we are honest with ourselves the amount of time we are actually selling versus so called non selling activities creates my biggest limiting factor to increasing my success.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Bend: Nice one, I guess you are referring to slacking off and not doing the work right?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
I do block out some time for my fantasy football team but I don't count that

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I have my moments also... although I do like to make the dough!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Old Glory ·
The biggest challenge I see is that you have to sell so much more to make the same money you have in years past. It used to be that if someone needed duplexing, or stapling, or speed, etc. they had to pay for higher scale equipment. Now they can get for $3,000 what they used to have to pay $10,000 for. It used to be that everyone was a profitable prospect. Now only the upper 20-30% represent a potential revenue capable of earning over $1,000. Even solution sales are hard to build profit in...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Old Glory I agree!! Solutions take longer, I've been working on a secure print solution for almost 4 months. I'm lucky if the deal will top 40K and even luckier if I get the deal. I've tried to focus on higher end hardware and multiple units. The multiple units is tough because everyone is involved and margins are so so at best. MY only saving grace has been the wide format stuff.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

fisher ·
The Obama Economy is the biggest obstacle any of us face........He fixed it all right.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Wallingford ·
One of the biggest obstacles up until recently, was having to answer to a Sales Manager, who was totally incompetent, and the micro management he adopted in trying to gain kudos with management for his failure to produce a winning team formula was ridiculous. Fortunately, they have since given him the boot, and life is starting to get back to normal.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

dimaxusa ·
Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition that affects a lot of sales reps in virtually all industries. It is a type of an iron deficiency disorder. It is when iron in your blood is transformed into lead that forms in your rear end. If someone bounces from dealership to dealership and never finds success it is most likely them. If they’ve had...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I did not put an option for reps activity, because I believe most of the members here are true professionals and we understand how important it is to complete those activity goals for the week, month or quarter. You are correct, there are no short cuts, you need to work!! Originally Posted by dimaxusa: Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition...

Re: Xerox Color Qube Samples!

Art Post (Guest) ·
geesh, I have a ton of them do a search on my blog for colorqube and see the ten commandments!

Re: Message Received: Special members update

B13555 ·
Thanks for posting a comment. I am sorry, but I need to disagree with you. First, (this is spelled out) we must refrain from identifying ourself as an employee or affiliate on any blog, forum, or social networking site. Furthermore, you're right. Open dialog in a conversation so we can help each other improve is one thing, but written, documented detail is another. Not certain about your role within your organization, but a posting about improving our productivity to one person maybe...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Here's the link where these came from:

Re: New BETA P4P Site

Art Post (Guest) ·
Well, trying the social thingy. My thoughts are with facebook, my space, and linkedin is that the next gen and some current members may like to social site better. I still have to tweak it, add links, add permissions and to create a better flow. I'll be off for two weeks soon and will put a lot time and run both sites to see how the page views are. I also run my blog and an end users forum. I was thinking I can tie them all into one site and thus would only have to maintain the traditional...

Re: Can you trust the Cloud?

Constanzek ·
You can even scan directly and securely to the cloud from your Ricoh MFP(to Microsoft Online, Office 365 BPOS, SharePoint). Just take a look at or at our blog (you can find an articel about the security issue there as well). If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me.

Re: New Sharp Smart Phone MFP User Interface

montecore ·
This is going to ROCK the industry and once again Sharp is leading the way....there is nothing like this right now. They will debut this at the National Convention next month in Vegas. Here is a blog that will shed more light. Cannot wait for this to come out! Sharp's Interface

Re: Japan Crisis

fisher ·
Tsunami To Crimp Toner Supplies? Posted by Lamont Wood Mar 28, 2011 06:30 PM In the short term, yes, but in the long term things will probably sort themselves out, predicts economist's blog. Amidst all the other bad news out of Japan after the recent earthquake and tsunami, now it appears that toner may get scarce, at least for a while. \t A Forbes blog notes that Barclays Capital is predicting that Canon and Fujitsu Xerox may soon face shortages of toner material due to the disaster.

Re: The Death of the Fax Machine "Finally"

Art Post (Guest) ·
Just a note, the Cloud Fax solution has not been released yet, however it is in the works. In the above blog I'm referencing the new cloud fax service.

Re: Ricoh USA Eliminates CEO/President

Art Post (Guest) ·
Prior to the July fourth holiday weekend, it seems Jeff Hickling, President and CEO of Ricoh U.S. found his position was to be eliminated. Sources within the company that wish to remain anonymous have told us that Hickling is out. This has been confirmed with a letter from Kevin Togashi, Chairman and CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp. that was forwarded to us. For now, Kevin Togashi, Chairman and CEO of Ricoh Americas will direct the U.S. sales and operations. While working hard to build Ricoh as a...

Re: Just an FYI and Thankyou!

Art Post (Guest) ·
October's not over and we've just hit the 150,000th page view for the month. This includes the mfpsolutions blog, this forum and the open forums!! Thanx to all!

Re: Comments on the Canon 1730/1740/1750 Models

montecore ·
Thanks for taking time for the great blog....there was a lot of good info in there. The rule of thumb is 2 A4's to 1 A3. I thought he was referring to the Ricoh color A4's as those are the ones that I knew about. I have not seen an A4 Ricoh that fits this class. A4's really work great when a customer does not need all the bells & whistles or 11x17". Canon has a very good position like you said Art with the 2525. I have personally placed several of these units. However I have also placed...

Re: Selling is dead. The Customer Community killed it.

Jrlz ·
Well written blog, however I as agree with many of the points in the blog. For example: 1. Selling is not dead; it has changed and will continue to change. As the author finally arrives at near the end “old selling” is dead. As buyers change, great sales people have to change with them. Selling is alive and well, it has just changed. 2. Buyer communities did not kill selling. If anything, they can help it. If your company is doing a good job and made a name for itself then the buyer...

Re: Selling Copiers & MFP's "How to be Successful"

Former Member ·
Hi Art, I have just recently accepted a sales position in this industry after many years in the sales and marketing of various other products. I came across this post and wonder if you can clarify for me the difference between an appointment and an opportunity? How are you defining an opportunity? Thanks for the blog, great stuff!

Re: Transform Global 2012

Art Post (Guest) ·
Day one has passed and overall, I'm impressed with the event. I actually ran into a couple of P4P members and finally after all of these years got to meet Lee Rummage from RJ Young. On Wednesday evening Oki hosted the evening reception @ Hiltons Signature Island. Food, drinks and networking, at this time I also had to the chance to meet Greg Walters (Death of the Copier) and now the newly elected President of the MPSA. I also ran across many new contacts and believe it or not many readers of...

Re: Use of LinkedIn as a sales tool

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm now experimenting with my own personal blog, you'll see the links this week when reading one of my P4P Blogs. In it each blog I'll be using keywords an links that describes a recent sale (of course I'll be leaving out the customer name), but I will be addressing the vertical market, and the solution or the reason why I was picked as the vendor of choice. This is too also address the lack of leads that I get my Ricoh and from the ealership I work for. I have not have a real lead in my...

Re: BTA East 2012 District Event

Art Post (Guest) ·
There were 36 vendors at this event. I'll be posting a blog titled" my top 5 solutions/products of the event in the next day or so. Kyocera: Besides Nori have a heavy japanese accent, he was at times very hard to understand what he was saying, thank goodness for the power point slides. However, it seems that all of the manufacturers are now sharing the same slides! Business Process Optimization, find the pain, be a consultant to solve workflow and business problems with the use of software,...

Re: Ricoh Americas is contact my accounts for......

Jrlz ·
It must be becuase they are registered as NCPG. Ricoh is updating thier Oracle systems this month so my guess is that this is an automatic letter being genereted and becuase they are listed as NCPG registered it kicked the letter out. Just a guess.

Re: Hurricane Sandy Highlands NJ

HIGHLANDS - After weeks of stress and struggle following Hurricane Sandy, Highlands residents will gather together tomorrow afternoon for some serious fun at a free benefit concert. The concert, starring many well-known Jersey Shore musicians, will raise funds and awareness to help rebuild their town. The Hope for Highlands benefit concert will take place Sunday, November 25, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Seastreak Ferry terminal, 325 Shore Drive in Highlands. Although the concert itself is...

Re: Are you a Data Miner?

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm really not a data miner, however in the last 3 months, my personal blog or the one I have focused for central new jersey has developed 3 decent leads. One I sold, I don't have as much time as I like to update that one. But it just goes to show you that interested parties can find you via the web, I would also admit that on all three deals it wasn't about price, since one lead was for print production, one for a duplicator and another for a mid volume color. Is anyone else getting leads...

Re: Are you a Data Miner?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Thanx for this, now I need to figure out where to put the metadata for my blog.

Re: Big Tom Out as Prez at Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh Americas Eliminates COO Position along with Tom Salierno Ask me if I am shocked! NO, however it was a piece of interesting news. Eliminating a position to me is a polite way of saying you services are no longer required. Go here for the rest on my blog...... arts blog

Re: Selling Copiers "Testimonial Letters"

Neal · blog; just a picture

Re: Fakery aided school copier deal

Art Post (Guest) ·
Cash reshuffles principals, shifts staffers By Dakarai I. Aarons (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Supt. Kriner Cash has begun putting his mark on Memphis City Schools, reassigning central office administrators and making principal changes at several schools. The district also will soon be restructured from a centralized organization to one with three or four regions. Comments There are 37 responses to this article. Click here to join the conversation » STORY TOOLS...

Re: MFP Wars "Death of the Independent Dealer"

Leonardo Garcia ·
Art I too am an independent dealer and have trouble getting deals with schools or govt. agencies. How can we bargain with the OEMs to get a piece of the pie. I have dealings with schools on rentals but have a hard time getting new equipment in there. Any suggestions? If you want to email me my email is Thanks and God Bless! Leonard Garcia Jr. at Dependable Office Systems

Re: Sales Tips

fem4001 ·
13 Ways to Respond to the "Call Me After the Holidays" Objection Written by Aja Frost | @ ajavuu Calling prospects in the last few weeks of Q4 means you’ll hear a season-specific objection: “Can you call me back in the new year?” There are three potential reasons you’ll hear this line. First, your prospect might be interested in learning more but has a legitimate reason to postpone your conversation. Maybe he’s already used up his budget, his team or department is still finalizing next...

Re: imageRUNNER C1022 unveiled

JasonR ·
The picture on the blog looks like a normal Canon. I'm guessing the picture displayed here is the correct one?

Re: imageRUNNER C1022 unveiled

Art Post (Guest) ·
yeah, I did not want to hot link on the blog to the canon picture. Here I felt I could do it.

Re: Global buysCOMDOC...yes you heard correct!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Friday, January 30, 2009 A Xerox Company Agrees to Buy Comdoc Whoa! I had the call at 8:00am this morning and I was flabbergasted. My first thoughts was of this release; Xerox has become the latest technology heavyweight to issue a major round of layoffs.The company revealed on Thursday that the sagging economy has forced a reorganisation plan which could see some 3,000 jobs eliminated. Such a cut would remove five per cent of Xerox's total workforce. Global Imaging Systems, Inc. is owned by...