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Tagged With "Losing"


Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Larry Levine ·
Art, Love it! Great perspective, a true professional. We can't bat 1.000 though it is a nice mindset. Being able to debrief, self-evaluate and learn how to improve is the key. The office environment we sell into as copier reps is rapidly changing and evolving. You may have lost the hardware sale but may look what you gained. Play your "sales cards" right and this can be parlayed into more revenue and more profit. Great job!

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Jason H ·
Love it. This all played out in full between the first post and today. I lost a deal to a competitor that I truly have never lost an MFP to. I had my typical pissed off time period where I pretty much hate everything and anything and asked the customer the reasoning. He said the church board laid the proposals out and took the cheapest one. I will log everything in my CRM and follow up in 5 years. This is the second time I've lost the deal but I keep going back. I wished him luck and went on...

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Art Post ·
Awesome!!! Love it!!!

Toshiba Loses Access to Unit's Cash After Hedge Fund Sues

Art Post ·
Toshiba Corp. lost access to one of its subsidiary’s funds after hedge fund Oasis Management went to court to get the unit to take back its cash from the struggling conglomerate. Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Corp., which had 87.8 billion yen ($806 million) parked at Toshiba at the end of last year, said it had terminated its deposit agreement and recalled the money by March 31, according to court documents obtained by Bloomberg. Hong Kong-based Oasis filed a provisional injunction...
Blog Post

Losing is the Key to Winning!

Art Post ·
Special thanx to Larry and Jason who gave me a few ideas with this next blog! We hate to lose right? Nothing grinds my gears more, than losing a prospect. I expect that I should be able to secure an order from all of my prospects. I expect to bat 1.000, however the reality is far from that. I definitely lose more deals than I win. In fact, I lose about 65% of the time. Is losing 65% of the time a bad thing? I don't think so, because I know that every lost deal moves me close a to obtaining...
Blog Post

You Can Always Win from Losing

Art Post ·
Nothing is written in stone unless you have the order docs in hand. Yes, I hate to lose, however when I lost today with a very important opportunity I didn't feel that bad. Don't get be wrong it sucked, however I did get a call from the client explaining why the went they way that they did and thanked me for the professional manner that I approached the sales process. For me, the art of the phone call from the potential client meant that I did every thing right. Sometimes even when we do...
Blog Post

Should We Celebrate Our Wins as Much as Our Loses?

Art Post ·
The last three weeks has been more about loses rather than wins. We all love to celebrate the wins with our peers, however when it comes to losing that's a song we don't want to sing about. With every lose I'll always ask the client why we (I) lost. Three weeks ago I did a Better Call Art video about the benefits of losing. That was the week where I lost 60K in opportunities and one of those was a $25K net new. I had a good shot at winning this because the client was not happy with the...