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Tagged With "Spam"


Tips to Keep Your Sales Team’s Emails Landing in Inboxes and Out of Spam Folders

Art Post ·
“I’m sending you an email invite right now, but be sure to check your spam folder” Do your sales reps have to say this to leads over the phone? Hopefully they don’t, but if you run aggressive outbound campaigns, getting your company’s emails into inboxes can be an issue. Not all emails make it to their final destination, sort of like this cat: read the rest here

DocuSign & SPAM

Art Post ·
Since Covid I've been using DocuSign for most of our lease/order docs that need signatures. DocuSign will send you and email when the docs are viewed and of course the email with the signed documents return. Lately I've seen some of the outbound emails (signature envelopes not opened for days). It's always a good practice to send an email to the client after you've sent the DocuSign envelope telling them that the DocuSign was sent. In some cases depending on your clients email settings...

Re: DocuSign & SPAM

fisher ·
When you create the packet, go in your settings and turn on reminders. I set it to send a reminder every day until they complete it. If I send docs on Friday I set it to begin sending reminders on Monday and every day after. I'll usually send an email from my regular email as soon as I send the Docusign just to let them know that I've sent it.