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Independent Studies Confirm Corporate Dependence on Printers, Scanners, and Related Devices

Art Post ·
BRIDGEWATER, N.J. , Jan. 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- For the past forty years, businesses have pursued the promise of the "paperless office." Even with advances in imaging technology, companies of all sizes continue a heavy dependence on printing as a key element of their workflow. Two separate studies completed for Brother International Corporation underscore corporate reliance on printers and devices that combine printing, scanning, and other functions. "Although technological advances and...

Re: Independent Studies Confirm Corporate Dependence on Printers, Scanners, and Related Devices

Art Post ·
Shared "pods," consisting of All-in-One and single function printers, offer superior monochrome and color imaging. Deployed within 25-35 feet of each workgroup to increase employee productivity, the "pods" are scalable, secure, and can be easily accessed by mobile workers. Me: What comes around goes around, those of us in the copier industry have been touting this concept for the last 10 years! Paper is NOT going away easily!