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Tagged With "Follow-Up"

Blog Post

Today's Hacked Update 8/30/2022

Art Post ·
LastPass was hacked -- again LastPass was hacked -- again. The good news is that no passwords appear to have been revealed from the password-saving site. The bad news is that ... Authy has been hacked , here is how to protect yourself ow did this hack happen? · How are Authy users affected? · How can you secure your Authy account? · Does the Authy hack mean 2FA isn't secure? Door Dash hacked , Facebook ready to face the ... Door Dash hacked , Facebook ready to face the music and Sephora...
Blog Post

Better Call Art "The Casual Follow up"

Art Post ·
I've been taught not to contact someone with a subject line or text in the email that refers to "checking in", "following up". When contacting you need to have some new information for the client. However in many cases what happens if you have nothing new and you still need to do that follow up?