Tagged With "Facts about Buyers and Purchasing"
Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?
Interesting thoughts, Thank you p4p. I have sold Canon for 20+ years. Many years ago they listed the imageClass line (MFP's under 2,500 dollars) and the entire scanning line and Wide Format line. As such I stopped selling those products as I have always been compensated on hardware gross profit and there was none. Todays buyer is much different and has already done homework before I even get to speak with them. The mfr uniqueness has been commoditized and they all provide the #1 buying...
Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?
In 10 years there WILL be outside sales reps, and many of them will be the committed, true professionals of today. The E-Commence platform have changed our business and how we do it. For example gone are the days when you could duck into a 15 story office building and cold call. But electronic format can still be your attention getter and facilitate your efforts in creating interest. I can buy anything on line and cut out the sales person. Try doing your own investing and getting the right...
Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?
I’m a little late to this party but had the thread open since it was posted. As a 35 year old i straddle the “millennial” and old school gap (in my opinion haha). There is value of ordering things online that can be commonly used or even basic electronics. But if it’s anything above basic, I still believe talking to someone even if on the phone, pays dividends. We recently bought a new vehicle for my wife and explored for weeks online our options, the new vehicles options, what the price...
Re: Sharp bond risk jumps as losses over 4½ years top $10 billion
Surely eventually the ship is sunk. I still see SAMSUNG as a buyer at some point even though the Japanese govt won't have it.....for now.
Re: office360 equipment leads
I haven't tried them yet. Still using Buyer Zone but they do email me about once a week wanting me to try it out. What are the details when you say "couple thousand minimum purchase"...They want you to prepay that amount?? We are using EDA Data now as well.
Re: office360 equipment leads
Thanks Monte. At first I was shocked at the 1,000 a month commitment but I don't know why as we were doing around 1,000 a month with buyer zone until the leads became junk.
Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity
Most are missing this great opportunity to shift dollars. The satellite channels are starting to tell end-users to shift print spend to IT Security, and other more pressing issues. It won't be long before the buyer starts circumventing the sales engine of yesterday. Thanks for posting Art
Re: Savin Dealer LOW price
Well, when the buyer is looking for someone to service his two Savins in a couple of years because the original dealer went bankrupt, maybe he'll understand the phrase, "you get what you pay for"
Re: Premium Membership "What's In It For Me"
Just a note for everyone and thanx to all of our new preium members. I have forged an alliance with another web developer that will be funneling leads our way. Right now I'm picking up the slack to get these leads. Some come from my site and some from another, however they are quality and not someone looking to beat you up on price. Remember the P4Pcafe Value. "We connect the serious multifunctional copier buyer with best of breed multifunctional experts in your area. We have thousands of...
Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....
I'm going to say something here from my experience of being a copier buyer BEFORE I started working in the copier industry. Yes, it's true, I was a client of the very dealership that I came to work for. You're not going to like what I have to say because you're sales reps and you trained to think a certain way. Please, for once, listen with an open mind to someone with experience being on the other side of the proposal. Ponder it, don't spin it. Most buyers don't care one bit what brand of...
Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make
What they do: They give in to last minute demands from the prospect, usually for extra discounts, “or else the deal is off.” Why they do it: They’re deathly afraid of losing the deal at the end of the sale cycle, so they crumple when the prospect pushes. What happens: The customer rightfully concludes that 1) the rep didn’t offer the best deal from the start and 2) the rep lacks a backbone. The customer thus no longer trusts the rep and will constantly push for more and more and more and...
Re: Competitive Copier Vendors
I think the local dealers biggest advantage against the National vendors is flexibility. Dealers naturally have much shorter chains of command due to having far less employees. Therefore, dealers can make quicker decisions. The National Vendors are always going to have the advantage of price and a lesser concern for profitability. If you cant beat them on price, thow in some change-ups on them. 1.Free Pro Services 2 Free HDD Decommissioning 3.Copy Blocks 4. Throw a "bonus" Office Chair,...
Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?
My rule is, if they need more training, or something wrong or inconvenient with the way I set up the print scan, I'll make it right, no charge. If they add a workstation and want it configured,if they changed their router/switch, decide (after 60 days or so) they need a different configuration, or some O/S related problem, that is chargeable. A case in point, a customer called me saying his can scan to folder icon has disappeared from his desktop. I suggested that the cleanup wizard has...
Re: Up against Minolta with a Rioh MP-C6501/Savin C9065 & MPC5501/Savin C9155
This will be a tough battle to prove without a sample file. I would educate the customer and understand the stock they are using and the application that created the file. What driver are they using? I would have them make sure each person is using the same stock. If the customer does not provide a stock for you...then make sure you use Hammermil, 98 semi-gloss to make the color pop. I would if possible invite the customer to the showroom and show them how easy it would be to produce the...
Re: Selling is dead. The Customer Community killed it.
Well written blog, however I as agree with many of the points in the blog. For example: 1. Selling is not dead; it has changed and will continue to change. As the author finally arrives at near the end “old selling” is dead. As buyers change, great sales people have to change with them. Selling is alive and well, it has just changed. 2. Buyer communities did not kill selling. If anything, they can help it. If your company is doing a good job and made a name for itself then the buyer...
Re: Japan's Sharp Corp plans to sell its copiers and air conditioners businesses
Somewhere near last.... However, I just picked up this press release from Rueters also: Sharp seeking over $1.2 bln for plant and other assets -Yomiuri * Sharp also in talks to sell some Tokyo offices -Yomiuri * Sharp will struggle to find buyer for solar business-source By Reiji Murai and Tim Kelly TOKYO, Aug 16 (Reuters) - Cash-strapped Sharp Corp is in talks to sell its key solar panel plant in Japan as part of an asset sale seeking more than $1.2 billion, local media said on Thursday,...
Re: I have a buyer in South America
Just read this post and wanted to add my comments. I ship a lot of product outside the USA and there are 2 important points that will protect you: 1. Ship all products using INCO Terms EXW your location. This means the buyer is responsible for all shipping, duty & taxes once the product leaves your possession. 2. Maintain a wire account with a minimum amount of money in it. Have the buyer wire the money to this account and as soon as the funds hit your account transfer the money to your...
Re: Sharp Announces New High Performance Workgroup Document Systems With Second Generatio
I am surprised Sharp is not beating their drum more about this as I think it is an industry first. I have been involved in several mobile print installs lately and they sometimes involve allowing non employees to use a companies wireless LAN. Usually you also need a PC turned on all of the time with a wireless app like Breezy installed and running on a local PC. This could be potentially problematic from a security point of view. Sharp's new approach by making the MFP the wireless access...
Re: Section 179 Deduction IRS Tax Code
As we all know in this business most of us recommend our clients to pay for the use of the technology under a Fair Market Value lease. There are many benefits to this lease structure and is by far the most dominate purchase option in the industry. Use of Section 179 provides a business the ability to fully expense/depreciate the cost of an asset in a given calendar year. In most cases we don't what the customer to own the equipment but if you customer is looking to capture their 179...
Re: Sales Tips
Ask Why? People have all sorts of reasons for not buying or giving an objection, and you shouldn't take "no" personally. The more you can put your ego aside and gracefully accept the refusal, the more you learn from the experience. So, assume for the time being that you've been turned down and your business with this person is done. Make it clear that you've accepted the reply. If you're no longer trying to sell him, you and the buyer will be in a more neutral territory, and you'll have...
Re: Sales Tips
13 Ways to Respond to the "Call Me After the Holidays" Objection Written by Aja Frost | @ ajavuu Calling prospects in the last few weeks of Q4 means you’ll hear a season-specific objection: “Can you call me back in the new year?” There are three potential reasons you’ll hear this line. First, your prospect might be interested in learning more but has a legitimate reason to postpone your conversation. Maybe he’s already used up his budget, his team or department is still finalizing next...
Re: Ricoh 2035 vs Mita 4035
Ok... Here's my 2 cents worth. If this is a price buyer, you stand a big chance of losing the deal on price and cost of service and supplies. We are able to sell this system (the 4035) over $2k lower than the 2035 and with 5 more pages per minute. We can even be right there in price on the 5035 to be honest. If the customer needs PostScript, you may be in a disadvantage as well, depending on the intelligence of your Kyocera dealer because the KM PostScript emulation is a standard driver with...
Re: Panasonic Dumps Dealers, Keeps all but a handful!!!!
FWIW, we haven't been a pandealer for many years now, and can still order parts, anything we want.. . . from MSC. What is MSC? I just got off the phone with Scott, my (former) sales rep. Apparently Panasonic cut 15,000 jobs nationwide (last day is end of February), and dumped all but the top handful of dealers. Those employees who lost their jobs can re-apply, but the "new" positions will be far fewer. Here's what I know so far: -If you have an existing Parts account, you'll keep it. Whew.
Re: Assume My Copier Lease....What?
Thanks for all of your questions and comments! To answer the first question by @AOSGROUP, we've had some success in our local area of Toronto, Canada. The transactions were completed manually before launching the marketplace. The current version of the marketplace was only launched this past January, so you guys are the early adopters. Transactions can take the form of either a lease assumption (where one credit-approved client assumes the lease of another as-is), or a split-buyout (where...
Re: Help! IS100e
The issues were Window components and firewall. The IT person did not want to change these settings. When changed, everything worked great. These are the REAL LIFE situations that we service reps encounter every time we need to connect one of our products. Sales sells it, and the buyer, buys it. Nether know how to connect it, or what’s involved.
Re: Toshiba Estudio 230 & Estudio 280
You can get those machines at through a wholesaler. I usually win deals against the "dealer" wholesale buyer. I say I can get the machine as well as anyone else. But who is going to fix it. Then bring in a copy of the Locator and show them that anyone can buy the machine they are looking for. Show the Value of going with you rather than the price of going with them. If they are buying only on price you probably don't want them as a customer anyway because the will question every bill and be...
Re: Feature Article for February "BuyerZone.com Friend or Foe"?
Just a follow up for Buyer Zone, a few more things that irked me. When you register you are told that you are one of six preferred vendors. I double check and yes, we were one of six. They sent me a list of the six vendors that would contact me. After a week, I received a call from Xerox and another dealer and they were not on the original lease. I can only assume that 6-9 dealers or manufacturers are contacting the end users. What a way to start a price WAR!!! In recent recent weeks, I have...
Re: "what is the interest rate"
I ask a Banker at one time, and figured it out to about 14%. If you assume one thing, that is the leasing companies want the same interest rate weather it FMV,10% or $1.00 buyout. Using DLL rate, the interest rate is about 13.60%. That's taking a fund rate of $ 5,000 over a 3 year period. The reason most people lease is base on there accounting procedures and how they write things off for taxes. Remember one thing, most people are payment buyers. If there payment is less than what they...
Re: How To Sell Duplicators Round Table
Print 4 Pay Market: Marketing: Cold calling, nine times out of ten the owner is always somewhere in the shop and 50% of the time you may have the chance to met him on the first cold call. Once you have the name of the owner or the buyer, (keep in mind this is all you want too accomplish on the first call) and a good look at the equipment that he is using, you will want to create a dedicated mailing list for P4P. I will then send them a direct mailer every month and follow up with an in...
Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor
Art Some very good points here, for both a buyer and seller. So often a seller is focused on one aspect of the deal with others being and economic time bomb. I think offering the professional "bowing out" of a price deal is necessary to consider, as just when you think prices couldn't get lower, they do. Taking an approach towards a true, mutually beneficial deal will either get appreciated, or get your on your way towards finding one.
Re: CPC rates vs Machine Cost with Customers
From a small town in South Africa and a technician .The cpc defines the type of company you are dealing with as a costumer or company shopping for a copier any sales person or copier company that has a lower cpc is normally going to be the worse pick . A low cpc quote is not a good thing and these companies will often escalate the cost per page and service contract ,they will have a bigger sales team then technical and this loss they are running at the undercutting of cpc to win deals is...
Re: Buyer Zone: Yay or Nay?
John, we are using buyer zone. A large majority of the leads have been garbage with people wanting to spend anywhere from 100-1000 dollars. If you have a good case as to why a lead didn't work they will credit them. I have had a few leads come through that we have closed big machines that were profitable so for now we are going to continue to use it. We also capped our monthly expenditure at around 600.00. A rep I just hired from a dealer out west swears by buyer zone and has said several...
Re: Buyer Zone: Yay or Nay?
I'll add this as well. Buyer zone has it figured out. You can't search for anything related to this industry and they don't show up first in search engines.
Re: Buyer Zone: Yay or Nay?
interesting, there's not even an open spot for buyer zone here in NJ.
Re: Buyer Zone: Yay or Nay?
Spoke to buyer zone yesterday and had a nice conversation with the lady about how the leads coming through were garbage and aren't in the business of selling 300.00 mfp's. I told her their biggest mistake was getting rid of the pricing thresholds. She said some of their copier vendors request those garbage 300.00 leads which I find hard to believe. I told her we were going to drop the service unless she did something for us. In the end she said they would credit any lead that we couldn't get...
Re: Inbound Marketing For Sales Reps (and Sales Vets)
Czech, Thank you for the very kind endorsement at the beginning of this article--I appreciate it. Most of our industry lives in the "outbound" side of lead generation with prospecting, cold calls, etc... This is good, but with today's buyer 57% of the way through the buying process before they contact a vendor or rep (Harvard Business Review survey of business decision makers, 2012) we HAVE TO get GREAT at inbound marketing. We're working on some exciting things to pull it all together and...
Re: How Buyer's Habits are Changing
What are you experiencing in the field? From incoming leads, I would agree than half or more are asking for a specific brand an model number. Thus, it's obvious that they have done their homework or someone else did it for them. How are buyers different than they were 5 years ago? I'm lucky if I can remember what I ate for dinner last week! Case in point, I had a multiple system lead a few months ago. The buyer outlined all of the features that he needed in an RFQ (commercial account), he...
Re: sales input
Hi Bob: Welcome to the Print4Pay Hotel! What market are you in? Door to Door is always tough, all I try to do on the cold call is get the name of the buyer (DM) and leave a business card. I can then follow up with a phone call. You probably should have some type of flyer explaining the value of your company. You bring instant credibility to table by being a service engineer. Use that to your advantage. I have more but would like to see what others have to say also.
Re: Are A4 MFPs an Environmental hazard?
I'm in agreement about he value at the end of lease for A4's. It was a topic of discussion that I had with two premier wholesalers. It's often heard "that one mans junk is another mans treasure." This can be true with a savvy buyer as long as they can get 3 year old A4's or less for a song and a dance. These would be perfect devices to put back in the field under a DaaS plan, even if it's only for a year or two. That model is probably the only potential I see for the off lease A4 devices.
Re: Konica Minolta Reinvents Office Print Technology with New IoT-Enabled bizhub® i-Series
This new copier line is one of the first to introduce a SSD 256 GB HDD as a standard feature. To date, I think all copier vendors have been using a 2.5" platter based HDD designed for laptop computers. I am wondering out loud the pros and cons of this choice. First off: 1). In all RFPs that I have seen the buyer is requesting a HDD and never a SSD. Konica Minolta is going to have to be constantly requesting amendments to RFPs. Maybe in the Konica Minolta new design there is the option to...
Re: Need some help with Canon scenario
The 5250 is not rated for that high a gsm. Buyer beware. I'm a canon dealer and I would never put that system in for the specs you listed. You may have better luck with the 7260 or the 9280. If the 20-30k is in color, the c700 might TCO out better than an imageRUNNER.
Re: Toshiba Tec shares rise more than 6 percent on sale report
By Christine Chou -- Japanese consumer electronics giant Toshiba on Monday denied reports saying it had been considering selling shares in subsidiary Toshiba Tec, a cash register systems maker. A Nikkei report previously claimed the near-bankrupt electronics firm was seeking to sell part of Toshiba Tec in order to plug an upcoming US$6.3 billion write down for its U.S. nuclear unit. According to the report, Toshiba has selected an advisory firm to help find a buyer soon for the point-of-sale...
Re: Linkedin Copier Sales Road Show - Chicago
Thank you all for your comments. Whether you are tenured sales rep or a new sales rep we all must be open and willing to adopt new sales methodologies to align with the modern buyer. If a baby boomer like myself can adapt you all can as well.
Blog Post
3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019
To everyone in sales, you can perform much better and become more successful, if you just learn to master with consistency the basics. Vince Lombardi , the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those are the basics his teams spent 80% of their time on in practice. Many analogies have been made between sales and sports. It’s often been said the one key fundamental principle in sports is to focus...
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ConnectWise, Continuum, and Thoma Bravo. Oh, the possibilities are becoming probable
Well, it’s not just Office Supply and Print Service Resellers who are witnessing changes which pose both opportunities, and threats to their Status Quo. When Sycamore Partners the Private equity firm who owns Staples bought the office supply wholesaler Essendant - many office products re-sellers became gravely ill knowing that their product’s wholesaler was now owned by their competitor. As the dust was settling on the Essendant deal. Staples buys DEX Imaging a mega copy/print dealer. It is...
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A True Sales Professional Knows Their Value And How To Use It
One of the most drastic changes in selling over the past decade has been the rapid evolution in customers’ overall sophistication and knowledge (courtesy of Father Google). Many of the issues salespeople encounter comes from their short-term, transaction-oriented sales mentality. This transactional approach means they go from deal to deal and from order to order. Customers made to feel like a means to an end. A TRANSACTIONAL MINDSET A transactional sales mindset runs rampant in today's sales...