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Tagged With "subscription"

Blog Post

Speeds and Feeds of Copiers

Art Post ·
I had a lot of wind shield time today and it got me thinking about the recent thread that Kyocera was moving with speed licensing for some of their MFP models. I've always been a huge proponent of reducing the amount of MFP models that we offer to our clients. I believe there is no need to have 5 color and 5 black A3 models for clients and or sales people to choose from. We as an industry need to simply MFP offerings to dealers and clients alike. I would like to see one A3 model to replace...

Re: Speeds and Feeds of Copiers

gap ·
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Art. Super interesting stuff. I expect that we'll see Kyocera expand this option across a wider portion of its portfolio for these very reasons and more OEMs will explore this concept as well! Lisa

Re: Speeds and Feeds of Copiers

Art Post ·
ty for the information on these. Just a note about printing slower, all MFP's can print slower if you activate the thick paper mode. I understand that no one would want general printing to be slower. However the slower printing speeds might be a difference maker because no one else speaks about it. Benefit to the end user is better color quality on thicker stock. Please keep us informed when the new models arrive! Thank you!

Re: Speeds and Feeds of Copiers

Kyocera Guy ·
Currently the new model with speed licensing is the Taskalfa 2554ci 25ppm color that with an additional license can be bumped to a 3554ci with no additional hardware. We expect to see (not confirmed) a 45/55/65 as well some time in the future. Like you mentioned this cuts inventory costs and keeps things simple. Once a machine is registered at a certain speed you can't go back. So you can't upgrade a 25ppm to a 35 if a customer changes their mind down the road. Let me know if you have any...
Blog Post

Is 1 Rate aka Flat Rate Billing Passe

Art Post ·
Is 1 Rate aka Flat Rate Billing Passe in a Post Pandemic Business World? Since July is all about prospecting I've been able to pay many visits to Linkedin for conducting my research. Today the post below stood out from all of the others..... Yes, it seems Kyocera is going to have their own version of the 1 Rate aka flat rate billing for MFP's. For me the ad implied that the "one fixed rate subscription will be coming to a dealership near you soon". I had a rather long chat with an industry...
Blog Post

Why Subscription Models Are Best for Managed Print Services

Alex Cribby ·
Why Subscription Models Are Best for Managed Print Services A subscription is a consumer or business agreement to pay a specific amount of money every month to receive a product or service. Utilities such as electricity, water, and sewer, could all be considered subscription services. Internet and trash are two more monthly payments deemed essential for both businesses and homes. Other non-essential subscriptions have always existed. For example, magazines and newspapers have run on a hybrid...

Re: Is 1 Rate aka Flat Rate Billing Passe

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am up against RJ Young in a Church with four copiers with their version of the One Rate program and the above gives me some good ammo to use against them.

Re: Is 1 Rate aka Flat Rate Billing Passe

SalesServiceGuy ·
It pays to use the Search function to find articles of interest.

Re: Is 1 Rate aka Flat Rate Billing Passe

Art Post ·