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Tagged With "Fiery Driven"


Re: Saudi-Based United Carton Industries Company Invests in Digital with EFI Nozomi Corrugated Printer

Art Post ·
Ever since I saw the name Nozomi I was curious where it came from. I found this on wikipedia Nozomi ( Japanese : のぞみ , lit. "Wish" or "Hope," and known before launch as Planet-B ) was a Mars orbiter that failed to reach Mars due to electrical failures. The mission was terminated on December 31, 2003. [ citation needed ]

Re: Saudi-Based United Carton Industries Company Invests in Digital with EFI Nozomi Corrugated Printer

David Lindsay ·

Re: MP 6001 print driver issues

Techsupguy ·
That sounds like several cases that I have worked. You should call the Software and Solutions team. We have some ways of looking at the print drivers and print steam that can determine what the actual problem is. From what you are describing, the ERP system is not fully PCL compatible. The functions that are not showing up are driven in the Windows section of the print process. That is what usually is the case and sometimes the driver needs to be looked at, sometimes the application. I would...

Re: What will come of this?

M138 ·
but how much of that is "me too" to protect the base from xerox or someone else offering those solutions... the document solutions might keep the fox out of the hen house for a while. Consider that one of their core beliefs is that business is conducted through documents, so they have an array of document solutions - where IT companies think in terms of managing data not documents. From a resource perspective, imagine how cumbersome erp software would be if it was document driven rather than...

Re: MP201

txeagle24 ·
Yippee. Another worthless desktop MFP from Ricoh. While Lexmark is cranking out 40ppm desktops w/ full color touch screens, Ricoh "upgrades" to a 20ppm machine that is half as productive & has the same old button-driven control panel.

Re: Market Share Chart

Old Glory ·
Ricoh 2010 Market Share

Re: Comments on the Canon 1730/1740/1750 Models

Art Post (Guest) ·
The Ricohs have been slow sellers is not because of end user needs or wants. Basically ours is a quota/revenue driven business from the top to the bottom. The preferred compensation model for commissions is that of a revenue based plan with commissions. Why have a GP driven comp plan for your sales people when your Dealership or Branch has a revenue based quota plan from the manufacturers? It just doesn't make sense. With that A4's from Canon, Sharp, Ricoh, and KonicaMinolta has presented...

Re: End of 2011 Sales Quota Poll

fisher ·
What is this quota???? Don't live in a quota driven world. I will say this though. 2011 sucked. It didn't suck as bad as 2010, 2009 or 2008. How I look at things. In 2008 I did 40% less than 2007. In 2009 I lost another 10% on top of the 40% from the previous year. In 2010 I lost another 5% on top of the two previous. In 2011 I was up about 15% over 2010. January of 2012 was strong.

Re: Big, Big News from Xerox!!

Art Post (Guest) ·
May 1, 2003 - Xerox Partners with Industry Specialists to Develop Solutions for New Digital Office Products NEW YORK, April 30, 2003 – More than a dozen ready-to-go business solutions that will help customers increase productivity and transform their workflows were unveiled today by Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX) and its Premier Business Partners. The new or improved solutions couple the industry expertise of partner companies with the productivity benefits of Xerox office multifunction...


Monte ·
I too have customers that price compare with web pricing. I may adjust my pricing slightly but won't match it. Web commerce has very little customer service and is ONLY price driven. I think by now just about everyone has experience in an ecommerce sale that resulted in an unhappy experience. Try to bring out that pain in your customer...."hmmm wonder if the ecompany you are about to do busness with will be around in 12 months when companies like webvan are going out of business."

Re: RBS Continues to Dump Machines & Make Dealers Look Bad!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Here's some more on this: The attempt to reduce or to eliminate predatory pricing is also likely to reduce or eliminate com petitive pricing beneficial to consumers. --Harold Demsetz Predatory pricing is one of the oldest big business conspiracy theories. It was popularized in the late 19th century by journalists such as Ida Tarbell, who in History of the Standard Oil Company excoriated John D. Rockefeller because Standard Oil's low prices had driven her brother's employer, the Pure Oil...

Re: So Many Choices

Gregory (Guest) ·
Scott: I see it as a positive. The fact of the matter is, "it is what it is" and it's not going away. You must be a professional in the business today. This means you must continuously learn about the technology that you build solutions around. And that technology changes at least a little with each new product that is released into the field. Then you must know the pros and cons of your product as it relates to your competition. Then you must take that knowledge and learn the skill to...

Re: Another Ricoh Direct Give Away

Art Post (Guest) ·
Maybe, we all need to dig a little deeper. Could Ricoh just be buying these accounts to keep dealers out, meaning once they are the incumbent a dealer can't take the business away. I understand in this account they were the incumbant, however if they are willing to lose money (and I heard Ricoh lost a ton of money in the US this year), why not go out and buy all of the large accounts, fortune accounts and leave the scraps for the dealers? Mind you, this is also happening with KM, Sharp,...

Re: Another Ricoh Direct Give Away

CashGap ·
Specifically because protectionist laws setup in (I believe) the thirties prohibit auto manufacturers from operating directly in most states. Or they would have done it. I don't think they seriously feared that no one would buy cars ("car manufacturers would have been out of business") if they'd had a direct model!

Re: Form Overlay on 2022/2027 Printing

bnosbod ·
There is a software called PlanetPress which holds an image on the mfp hdd which the variable data is then placed on for priting. It is posctscript driven and works great for invoices, bulletins anything varable data driven...

Re: 3800C, duplex 90lb??

dscott (Guest) ·
the 3800c can run any paper weight you can find through the bypass. that being said, the maximum "recommended weight" is 48lb. the fuser will not run heavier paper for any length of time. you can drive your car on the beach but it does not mean it should be driven on the beach.


Steven Breault (Guest) ·
Sounds like another perfect opportunity to present customers with a bundled paper management solution that can save them $$$ thousands. With all the low price barracuda's out there, we have to move the customer's focus away from "cheap". Winning a deal after these low-ballers have driven the margins below sea level is not a fun way to earn a living or build a long term customer relationship. Properly presented, EPM provides powerful & compelling reasons for customers to buy from solution...

Re: NECS becomes a Samsung dealer

We're a full-line Canon dealer (table top through production) and have been a Samsung dealer now for a little under 2 years. There have been some bumps in the road, but nothing that I'd tell anyone to not bring their products on board. Samsung is a well oiled machine when it comes to how large corporations run. While they're still learning the ropes of the copier industry (don't have the tenure like Canon or Ricoh), they're a South Korean company and do things a lot differently than the...

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

Kitz ·
Why would you want to do this?

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

Art Post ·
The user loves the fact that they can send their 11x17 spreads to the doc server and then configure the print settings at the copier. Just trying to accommodate the end user

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

Kitz ·
Since they have the Fiery, once the job is printed it can be archived on the Fiery, all print settings will stay with that job. Make sure they have command work station installed on their PC and log into the fiery controller, right click on the print job and archive it.

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

Art Post ·
thanx, we'll give this a try!

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

msaeger ·
You can still use the document server with the fiery using the fiery postscript driver or the fiery pcl driver. In the PS driver just click the job properties tab, check document server, and fill in a name or whatever you want.

Re: MP C5100 PRO & EB 22 Fiery

msaeger ·
I have had people want to do this too because it's easier to figure out. Also you can't change any job properties except the quantity when reprinting from the fiery.

Re: New Ricoh MP C2003 & C2503

fisher ·
Brochure attached.

Re: New 31 PPM color

Dave (Guest) ·
I have been putting the new 3131 through it's paces and have shown to several customers. Overall print quality is excellent - different from 6513 but obviously true 8 bit color. Should be a good fit to compete with Canon 1180 - ie. good print quality, fiery driven, low cpp and cheap. The juries still out on the durability and reliability with thick stocks, but I'm glad to finally have a higher speed "graphics" machine to offer.

Re: ricoh aficio 220 asf

Jomama (Guest) ·
clean the driven roller at the turn-around position. I am not sure what this has to do with the price of eggs in China. But if you havent changed anything else, replace the sep roll and feed belt.

Re: Pay Plan

Old Glory ·
It is all about the clicks. There is no question that if salesreps were paid by the click the way cell phone reps are paid for the minutes, we would be alot more solutions oriented. We can have great influence on clicks but we don't because it doesn't pay next months mortgage. Do I really care if my Ricoh MFP is set as the default printer? Do I follow-up every month to see that prints are being driven to my unit? Am I attacking the back-room legacy printing and persistantly working until I...

Re: Who Needs 11x17?

Darren .... ·
Does it really cost that much more to make a machine that can print 11" as opposed to 8.5" ? Or one that will fit 17" in addition to 14"? I think pricing is driven more by the perception of capability. For the paper tray to accomodate 11" x 17", you are only adding 2.5" x 3" to the size of the machine. I would agree that rarely is 11" x 17" necessary, but if you took away the 11" print width for a 9" drum, you wouldn't have rotate sort, and speed would have to be measured by the 11" letter...

Re: Ricoh Americas Corporation "Unfair to Dealers"?

Lillian Wolfe ·
I'm a Major Acct Exec at RBS and I don't sell that low on 100 machine placements. This could probably get me fired but we all know who is running RBS now and profit was never a part of their plan! I'd lay money down that the rep's manager was not with RBS before April 1st! Don't blame the rep, they still make money on next to no profit deals now and if it comes from a zero based account (no Ricoh placements), they make even more! This is what is wrong in the whole industry today. Comp plans...

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Printfun ·
Yes. You can get an EFI external or embedded RIP with this machine. There is also a Xerox FreeFlow RIP option.

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Art Post ·
thanxx for this, which is the least in expensive of the three?

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Kitz ·
See attached, this may help

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Printfun ·
The embedded is the cheapest(followed by the FreeFlow, then the External)

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

David Whitten ·
The embedded Fiery is quite a bit cheaper, but comes very basic. I have had a few instances in which my customer had to buy the Impose package afterwards. The Fiery EX server includes Compose, Impose, and the Color Profiler Suite with the ES-2000 Spectrophotometer, a must have for all Print-for-Pay shops.

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Art Post ·
nice, thank you!

Re: Fiery Impose Question for EB-22

Typically that is a dongle inserted in the CPU. So, you could move the dongle from one fiery to the next.....cumbersome!

Re: Fiery Impose Question for EB-22

Art Post ·
thanx for this!

Re: Fiery Impose Question for EB-22

Art. Just found out that impose is now being licensed. No dingle anymore. However, you can impose on one fiery and export as a pdf. Call me if you need to...

Re: CPC rates vs Machine Cost with Customers

From a small town in South Africa and a technician .The cpc defines the type of company you are dealing with as a costumer or company shopping for a copier any sales person or copier company that has a lower cpc is normally going to be the worse pick . A low cpc quote is not a good thing and these companies will often escalate the cost per page and service contract ,they will have a bigger sales team then technical and this loss they are running at the undercutting of cpc to win deals is...

Re: This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Third Week of January 2003)

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Re: Ricoh Adds New Color Envelope Printer

jlsquared20125 ·
Art, When you get the chance take a look at the iQueue software that comes with this system. It is a very complete package which includes the ability to automatically recognize Spot colors, and allows you to manipulate them. This software will output to just about any device you can load a print driver for. I tested it on a Fiery driven device with excellent results.

Re: HP launches new A3 color laser MFP

Art Post ·
now this is pretty interesting "HP Custom Color Manager". Curious if this software would also have similar features that come with a fiery also

Shane Mattix

Blog Post

Selling Copiers "The Rep that BS's the Prospect"

Art Post ·
I apologize for not being able to write as much as I usually do. December was a rather busy month, in fact the busiest December in years. Cheers to that! It all started a few weeks ago when received a lead (yippee) that was labeled "looking to lease a printer" . I wasn't excited about the word "printer". However, a lead is a lead and follow up has to be immediate when you get a new lead. The Call I was able to connect with the prospect that day on the phone. I was asked if I sold Canon, I...
Blog Post

3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
To everyone in sales, you can perform much better and become more successful, if you just learn to master with consistency the basics. Vince Lombardi , the great Green Bay Packers coach, once said that football comes down to only two things: Blocking on offense and tackling on defense, and those are the basics his teams spent 80% of their time on in practice. Many analogies have been made between sales and sports. It’s often been said the one key fundamental principle in sports is to focus...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
Ten years ago this week and what was on our minds? It was the Great Recession. I remember it all too well. Many of my accounts were in the AEC market, remember losing almost 30% of that business because of bankruptcies, companies closing and companies just buying their device once they came to the end of the lease. Hope I never have to go through that again! Enjoy the threads from ten year ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/4/09 Neal · 1/5/097:19 AM According to survey of printshops...
Blog Post

How Well Are You Creating Visibility? My Journey To Outbound 2019!

Larry Levine ·
Those close to me, who know the real me, know I have no problem asking for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's an opportunity to expand your horizons. I'm simply amazed by the amount of people who simply fail to ask for help. I've made it my mission to educate, engage and excite all those inside the sales world. Sales leaders and their sales teams must stand up, unite and transform how they go to market in a world full of sales mediocrity (I'm being nice). I believe every...

EFI rolls out new superwide VUTEk h5 and new Fiery DFE at Connect

Art Post ·
EFI’s new 126-inch (320cm) wide VUTEk h5 hybrid LED printer can run up to 109 boards per hour and offers eight-colour and optional four-colour printing modes plus white, as well as an up to nine-layer print capability. EFI CEO Bill Muir at the Connect conference in Las Vegas Digital innovator Electronics For Imaging (EFI) has opened its 20 th annual global users’ conference in Las Vegas with the official launch of several new digital print technologies, including: - EFI’s newest high-speed,...