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Tagged With "Xerox WorkCentre 5995 proposal"


Re: This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of March 2004)

Art Post ·
Dr. Print, it's been a long time in between threads!

Re: Top 10 MFP Copier Proposals for March 2014

Paul Sr ·
Eddy I want to see these proposals. Did you sign up yet? Paul Sr

Re: Top 10 MFP Copier Proposals for March 2014

Art Post ·
Eddy: Contact me, I can get you set up ASAP, going on Presidents Club on Tuesday and will be out of the country for a week. Art

Re: Top 10 MFP Copier Proposals for March 2014

jack carroll ·

Re: Samsung to Acquire Nuance?

yeti ·
Equitrac/Safecom/ecopy/ppdm its too small of a component of Nuance. I will bet you they split the document imaging division into a separate company.

Re: Samsung to Acquire Nuance?

Czech ·
I think buying Nuance would be a great opportunity for Samsung to get deeper in the solutions side of the industry. However, I 100% agree with Yeti that it's too small of a division of Nuance. Knowing that iPhone's Siri uses Nuance technology gives Samsung huge opportunities to work with or against Apple.

Re: Copier Dealers Need to Embrace the "Next Big Thing"

Czech ·
"For me, it's too much work for too little pay-off." Agreed. This small sales are great as positioning, but at the end of the day I want the MFP. Good article!

Re: This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of April 2004)

Julia H. ·
I will be out of the office starting 04/23/2014 and will not return until 05/13/2014. I will have limited email access, if this issue is urgent and requires an immediate assistance, please contact Eileen at Thank you. This message (and any attached files) is secret, confidential and proprietary and is intended solely for specific addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply email and...

Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunties Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Old Glory ·
Let me play devil's advocate here...First of all, usually it's not the dealers that forbid selling in other territories, it's the manufacturers, and dealers are bound by contract to uphold that obligation, which by the way is the only thing keeping us from having to compete with the internet. Secondly, if you receive any kind of salary and spend daytime hours selling a different product, that would be grounds for dismissal, regardless of brand or territory. If you question whether that is...

Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunties Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Art Post ·
Old Glory: Great comment, off hours would be the key. If you are salaried then you need to stick to working those hours for the company you work for, period! However, if you are a commissioned only rep, or looking to get out on your own, the opportunity stated above is a good way to get a start.

Re: Xerox CEO John Visentin Awarded $23M Total Pay In First Year

Art Post ·
Job well done to make $23 million US dollars. How many lost employees did it take to make that happen? I don;t know how many Xerox copiers were manufactured in 2018. Could it have been 100K? If so John V made $280 on every unit sold. Not a bad gig

Re: Rumor has it that Xerox gets $85M Contract from Staples

Art Post ·
Seems that Staples helped Xerox design print kiosks. It's also a 3 year contract and $18M is net new.

Re: Office Depot expands in-store presence of Xerox units

Art Post ·
Well, just after we hear about Staples buying Dex Imaging. We know see Office Depot is going to add thousands of Xerox MFP's to their locations. In fact from what was posted Production Units will also be in play. Does Office Depot have the cash to buy Xerox?

Re: Office Depot expands in-store presence of Xerox units

Today's news and now this are pretty interesting to read about. Will be very interesting to see how this is to play out.

Re: Office Depot expands in-store presence of Xerox units

fisher ·
In the early 2000s you could go into a Staples store and they would have commercial Canon copiers. It didn't last long.

Re: Xerox To Close About Half Of XBS Offices

Art Post ·
My sources told about two locations one in NJ going from 5 locations down to 2 and another in the mid-west going from 8 locations down to 3. "we just got notified today that 5 of our 8 offices are to be closed and that the sales and service people will be working from home or in two locations they are looking for incubators for them but any admin will be let go. And since all of the locations had sales and service managers they will be given the opportunity to become service techs or sales...

Re: Xerox filing details 'Project Own It,' plans to save $1.5 Billion

H Carl Little ·
Why would I buy a subscription to a Rochester newspaper to read one article?

Re: Xerox filing details 'Project Own It,' plans to save $1.5 Billion

Art Post ·
I agree with you!

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
China announced that they intend to place gov't employee/ observers into the Top 100 private tech companies in Hangzhou province of China with the stated goal of fostering a better business environment. China to place government officials in 100 companies including Alibaba The list of companies has not been published. NineStar Corporation of China which owns Lexmark is headquartered in a different province. NineStar has been described as the 4th largest tech company in China. Despite...

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
WEBSTER, N.Y. (WHEC) - Xerox is planning a new round of layoffs. A representative for the Rochester Regional Joint Board of Workers United said Xerox informed him it will be reducing management staff; union employees will not be affected. Advertisement – Content Continues Below Xerox cut hundreds of jobs back in August. Now, the union confirms it has been informed by the company that a new round of cuts is being rolled out Thursday. So far, company representatives haven’t said anything about...

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
Spectrum News ROC ‏ Verified account @ SPECNewsROC 52m 52 minutes ago One employee we spoke with said he was laid off this morning after 20 years with the company. The full scope of today's layoffs is to be determined. http:// tter_SPECNewsROC … # ROC

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
Webster town supervisor Ron Nesbitt concerned over what he says is talk of huge layoffs at # Xerox today @ SPECNewsROC 1 10:22 AM - Dec 13, 2018

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Did I mention that COECO (my company) is now an Anchor dealer for Xerox?

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
Carl What is an "Anchor Dealer" ?

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
December 13, 2018 08:28 PM More employees at Webster's struggling Xerox plant went home without jobs as the company executed a new round of layoffs Thursday. The company remained silent on its latest cutbacks but union leaders, local government officials and newly dismissed workers told News10NBC that numerous employees were let go although none of them could say exactly how many. "It's always nerve-wracking," exclaimed employee Sandy Mele who was not one of those dismissed."I've heard it...

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
Not only employees getting screwed so are Xerox Vendors The layoffs are occurring around the country at Xerox' Global Imaging sites, so the impact is wider than just in Rochester. And now they are not paying vendors within terms, any vendor without contracted terms are being paid in 60-90 days. While at the same time Xerox is pressuring their sales teams to help collect money from their customers. Don't be fooled by John V, anyone below his reverse Robin Hood group of merry men are at risk.

Re: Xerox Global Rumors today

Art Post ·
3 Word Statement: Define cause of Xerox' decline What's your 3 word statement? Here is my: "Unable to adjust"

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am deeply concerned about the race to the bottom with A4 product. A4 product certainly gets better everyday and some salespeople say it is just as good as A3...maybe true... except for your commissions. If you like Kraft dinner or Ramen noodles, downgrade your customers from A3 to A4. Let us not forget one of the largest A4 players out there is Lexmark. Lexmark is a 100% Chinese owned company called NineStar based in Guangdong, China. If you cheer MAGA, you cannot cheer Lexmark. God knows...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Appreciate the comments. However, your arguments regarding A4 vs. A3 pertain to what’s good for you. Industries which are going through disruption or when an industry’s particular product or its services become less valuable to those once dependent on them. The disease of Product-Centric thinking will infect those with a stubbornness to modify. It is not up to those who sell a product or service to determine its value. Its value is determined by those who buy the product or service.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
In 2016, Apex Technologies (now NineStar Corporation) purchased Lexmark at a 17% premium above its share price. In the background, the Chinese gov't had purchased a 5% stake in Apex (at that time a relatively small and unknown maker of 3rd party toner and inkjet cartridges). In fact, Lexmark sued Apex for for at least 15 patent violations. Via what is known as the IC Fund, the Chinese gov't is supporting its technology companies with the goal of of advancing China's, "Made in China 2025", a...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Art Post ·
SSG Wow, this has opened my eyes Thus the reason Huawei phones are not sold in the US. Personally, I don't trust the Chinese as far as I can spit. Who knows what chips are being loaded into Lexmark printers.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
It goes way beyond phones with Huawei. Huawei is attempting to dominate the global telecom market for next generation, super high speed, 5G networks. The reason why the Chinese gov't is flipping out over the extradition issues with Meng, CFO Huawei is because she is considered to be a key technology Princess in China with deep family ties to the Chinese gov't. The Meng extradition issue is exposing China's "Made in China 2025" plan to replace the USA and other countries in select dominant...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

fisher ·
There is little to no margin in A4. Folks who want those products are just going to buy on-line. Let them. Best bet is focus on areas where you can still make money. Let other people chase the race to the bottom stuff.

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

dimaxusa ·
Fuji might be the modern version of Konica’s Ikon CPP500 & Danka. What’s old could be new again. But don’t worry, according to all the naysayers, the industry has been dead since copy machines were taught how to print, scan and fax. Yes that right, I said copy machines, not MFP,MFD, XDF or whatever kids are calling them these days. You wanna make $200k per year selling gear, come and move to Wisconsin and we’ll so you the path to what could be...

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

SalesServiceGuy ·
Xerox floats the idea of buying HP on the same day that the Fuji Xerox/ Xerox tussle seems to be resolved. Does that sound like a coincidence? I think Art hit the nail on the head when he said "In addition they would not have to purchase MFP's from Fuji Film in the future." I think this is Xerox's way of letting Fuji Xerox know that they do not hold all of the cards.

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

Art Post ·
@SalesServiceGuy yeah that did seem kind of odd, however the Miami Herald did report that HP received a proposal from Xerox late yesterday. Ty for the comment

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

Art Post ·
@dimaxusa I agree what comes around goes around, will be interesting to see how things pan out. I'm having one of my best years in the business, however the last two months have been terrible. But I'm not ready to give it up, many more good years are still ahead of us

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

SalesServiceGuy ·
HP's head office is in Palo Alto, California. How could the Miami Herald in Florida, not known as a beacon of copier information and clear across the country, have this kind of information? Did someone at Xerox (?) deliberately leak confidential information to publicize a rumor?

Re: Xerox & Fuji Film Coming down to the Wire

Kiwispike ·
Makes sense, although I’m not convinced a billion dollars would deter HP inc. With their recent turmoil from supplies disconnect who knows. To get to their goals they will need a better more mature hardware range that includes office light production and they need it fast. From what I have seen the page wide technology still has a way to go not to mention the integration of the Samsung’s engines the failure rates are substantial. next 1-2 years is going to be majorly transforming for our...

Re: Xerox & Fuji Film Coming down to the Wire

Art Post ·
wow, there are that many failures with the Samsung print engines?

Re: Xerox & Fuji Film Coming down to the Wire

Kiwispike ·
I’m sure the engines are probably ok but dropping their formatters and drivers on top have allot of teething issues. In HP world they have a 49.xx error which is generic formatter/driver issue. I know a few dealers have dropped them and gone back to their original brands because of the high labour costs. It’s all very new technology I’m sure they will get it right after a few more generations

Re: Xerox & Fuji Film Coming down to the Wire

VinceMcHugh ·
As one of the top 10 HP dealers in the country it has been our experience that the HPs (Both Pagewides and the Samsung engines) have run well. We have been an HP Dealer for several years now and we have seen no evidence of a high failure rate. In fact just the opposite has been true. As one customer phrased it "Oh it's an HP? they just run!). My $0.02 Vince McHugh

Re: Martin Bachant Named President of Xerox Canada Ltd.

Art Post ·
That's some track record with 30 years of experience!

Re: HP confirms it received a business proposal from Xerox

Art Post ·
I read that the offer was $22 per share

Re: Xerox 5355 Info needed

It’s a 5335

Re: Xerox 5355 Info needed

Art Post ·
@AOSGROUP Thank you!

Re: The Toner Wars

SalesServiceGuy ·
Great article! A lot of stuff about this part of the industry I knew nothing about.

Re: The Toner Wars

Martin Hofman ·
Very interesting (and true) view on the future!

Re: Xerox's MFP "All in Plan" Reveal

billnortham ·
Art, I did the same thing but did not see where they gave me the benchmark amount. Where didnyou see that volume at?