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Tagged With "Standard Poor"


Re: A4s and Single Function Laser in MPS

JasonR ·
My first thought is that your post has a lot of jargon in it I don't understand. (I'm directly responsible for MPS, so it's not that I'm unfamiliar with the terms). When Art can't understand your question about and industry he's been in for 20+ years, it's time to back up and re-write . Secondly, regarding your questions about placing supplemental A4 MFPs around, it all depends upon the customer. I have some customers that have central MFPs and NO additional MFP capability. I have others...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Now that you raise the subject of Consumables, Ricoh allows IKON to purchase heavily from KATUN. IKON has always been notorious for buying non-OEM parts and supplies at deep discounts, which is one of the reason they had a poor reputation for service. Yet, it also helped IKON steal many a deal. Possibly, this practice will change for Ricoh products and they will only source Third Party Aftermarket for theie Canon base at this time.

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Shaja ·
I'm going to say something here from my experience of being a copier buyer BEFORE I started working in the copier industry. Yes, it's true, I was a client of the very dealership that I came to work for. You're not going to like what I have to say because you're sales reps and you trained to think a certain way. Please, for once, listen with an open mind to someone with experience being on the other side of the proposal. Ponder it, don't spin it. Most buyers don't care one bit what brand of...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

lep524 ·
Some great points in this thread. In the end all of the main copier products do the same thing...they put toner on the paper, fuse it and offer a collection of ancillary tools which in many cases are more important (like scanning) than the copy function anymore. Someone said earlier it was the whole package that the client wants to buy...they get impacted from everyone in your dealership, admin, billing, shipping, support, sales and yeh your suppliers too. We are a multiple branded op with...

Re: PDF Direct Print

jswinberlin ·
Update: To use the "scan to copy" feature> In Web Image Monitor add a destination with Protocol FTP where the server is the IP Address of the device. Under folder authentication use admin w/ password of admin. With this, you can scan to an archive folder and the "scan to copy" destination and acheive 2 things at once. You can also scan from a black & white MFP that has color scanning to a color printer for poor mans color copying.

Re: MP W2400 fine black dots/dirty background

chops ·
You can extend Ricoh drum life by adjusting the Dev Bias Adjustment for the Image area SP 2201-1. I suggest taking it down to 525, check print quality. Around 425 w/ poor print quality is when it's maxxed out and a new one is needed.

Re: RISO AR9100 Envelope Feeder Demonstration For ComColor High-Speed Inkjet Printers

fisher ·
Is anyone actually selling ComColors. Our original order is still all still sitting in their boxes in the rafters a year later with the exception of the one we have set up for demo and one that we took out for a short rental. Freaking white elephants. Can't get past the price and poor image quality. Customers either think its too expensive or they don't find the quality to be acceptable. Quality is ok if you use the special paper but people don't want to hear that either.

Re: Should you ever sell something for nothing?

Art Post (Guest) ·
You'd never know it but this thread is over a year old. I always like coming back to this thread to put things in perspective. I too have given systems away at no profit and in a couple instances lost money on a particular deal to penetrate the accoount. That account stayed with me for many years and probably was good for 20-30 units over time. It's more about what you build, it seems we're always building new accounts, for whithout new accounts we would see our commissions, and sales...

Re: Pacific Office Automation, which sells printers

JasonR ·
I say this a lot, but that is some really poor writing/reporting.

Re: OKI Data and Toshiba Tec Agree to Joint Development of Multifunction Printers

SalesServiceGuy ·
On that last post, you can dream in technicolour but Toshiba is not leaving the MFP business. The recurring revenue on parts and supplies is too good. A lot of the consolidation of the larger players was due to long term poor management decisions and unprofitable business models. Although MFPs are a small part of Toshiba Corporation's sales, it is the largest and most profitable part of Toshiba TECs sales, a Toshiba subsiduary corporation.

Re: Ricoh Dealership in Minnesota will buy.......

VinceMcHugh ·
Independent Dealers will never compete successfully with any Direct _BS branch on price. The _BS Branch has shown that they are willing to run their branches at a loss for years! We must sell at a profit, IMHO they should (Legally) have to also sell at a profit (Don't get me started on dumping). If you work for an independent dealer and you are trying to compete with a _BS Branch (that sells your product) on price then you are playing into their hands, and you are going broke. They can...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

fisher ·
This storm is really exposing the flaws of leasing and their insurance policies. I have a number of clients who are just plain screwed. In the future I would have the customer take the leasing company's insurance and not send in the insurance certificates. I have customers who sent in insurance certificates only to find that they did not have flood contents coverage on their policy. One in particular had not even made the first payment on the lease and had only signed the lease 4 weeks...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

Art Post (Guest) ·
Found out today, that Assurant does cover floods, I actually got a document from them about their services and I'll post it here later. Seems like most BOP policies will not cover floods, and Assurant will. However this leads to another issue, when leasing companies ask for "proof of insurance" and get a copy of the rider, do they not check to see if their equipment is covered in case of flood? If they miss this and do not charge for insurance is it then their loss and not the lessee? Some...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

fisher ·
I'm in the same boat. I now think that taking the leasing company's insurance is the best option for the customer. My customers with leasing company coverage have had a delay of a few weeks but next week I will deliver the first unit that was covered. Took a while but its a done deal. Another customer with their own insurance immediately got new gear right away. They were dead in the water without equipment so they did a new lease. I put on my sales order clearly that it was the customer's...

Re: Image Quality Not a Main Criteria in MFP Purchase

VinceMcHugh ·
Color quality is not an issue, until it is an issue! Too often customers wrongly assume that if one MFD can do something fine, the other it do it just as well. They WANT it to be a commodity! The reason that many of the features of an MFD are only mildly interesting to the customer is either because WE have done a poor job showing them how the feature will help them solve a business problem, or you are talking to the wrong person. If you are only talking to the Purchaser then all they care...

Re: Worst Experience with Nuance

VinceMcHugh ·
When Ed Schmid was running eCopy they had the best pre & post sales support in the industry. You could call an 800 # while onsite and get someone to answer the phone who actually knew the product better than you did. Those were the days when eCopy was a Canon only product. But Canon did not buy a controlling interest in eCopy so when their contract ran out, eCopy opened up to all copier manufacturers, and their support became poor, the rapid expansion overwhelmed them. I thought that the...

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·
I've always remembered these quotes: The hardier I work the luckier I get. Winners make things happen, losers wait for things to happen. Be careful what you wish for. The thought of cheap price is long forgotten after poor service. Sometimes you need to crawl before you can walk, the time that you are putting in now will help you in the future, be patient, put some numbers up despite the pitfalls, prove that you can succeed and not for one month or one quarter, if you can do all of that you...

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Yoda ·
You are wise beyond your years Obi-wan kenobi. That's it never again. I actually looked up the spelling. LOL.!

Re: 100 calls a day, 240 minutes talk time a day, 4 opps per day

Art Post (Guest) ·
yoda in my case, I came from a failing dealership and at the end many customers were lost due to the poor financial condition of the company. The company was run like it was still in the eighties, no real CRM, no marketing, no real lease database except for what I kept personally. The last three years at least for me have been spent building the territory back to where it was. Our new company did not invest in any new database although I wish they had. I try to specialize in the wide format...

Re: Sharp Digital (Old RE-POST)

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: spressomon Sent: 6/20/2002 4:54 PM All I can tell you the few departments within one of my major accounts (local county) hates all their Sharps, even the newer digitals. They are not reliable and very service intensive. Their pricing structure (both hardware and service rates) are always more than our GSA Equiv. Additionally I have had to buyout a number of these leases, even in our local county government installations, due to poor quality, reliablility and lack of support from Sharp...

Re: Need Help

Jim Stocker ·
Art, I don't have very good news for you. I have a bunch of these in the field and the yields on ink are significantly lower than anticipated. Initially, we were told that the yield would be fantastic(~11K/cart). However, Ricoh has never been able to produce a CPC sheet, like they do for the other models, in fact, thay say one does not exist. Standard, on the other hand, does have one that they distribute to their dealers, that I have since found. It is attached. Not good news, though, as...

Re: I need a leasing company for a new customer

merlin ·
You may also try BCL leasing. They are good for poor credit and over funding.

Re: HP 9000MFP and HP 4101MFP

Graham ·
I can tell you that the 9000MFP is not a good deal. My Church here in Boise was given one of these on the pre-launch Delta program that HP has. This machine has had so many problems, not to mention the slow FCO time, but also the poor technical support from HP. The Saddle Stitch finisher has never quite worked right either. I would stay away from it. The folks at the church refer to it as "That Boat Anchor". The 9000MFP is indeed a PRINTER that they have attached a scanner to, not that that...

Re: Gas Price Check

DRichard (Guest) ·
Yes, we are taxed enough...but not effectively. Too much tax to make up for poor economic practices. Too much for short-sighted policies. Too much protectionism. Not enough to support maintenance of our infrastructure, developing alternative energy, education and retraining workers to replace outdated manufacturing, and supporting preventive medical care. By the way, gas around the corner today is $1.99/gal. PRAISE OBAMA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding Art.

Re: Gas Price Check

Art Post (Guest) ·
LOL, you know what though, I would go along with the $1.00 as long as flat tax (fEDERAL sALES tAX) was instituted and the IRS was disolved

Re: Gas Price Check

JasonR ·
I'm all for a Federal Sales tax, like they have in Europe. Just think, you could get your check from your employer with no taxes taken out (except Social Security), put it in the bank and gain interest with no taxes paid, buy and sell stocks with no taxes on the gain/loss, etc., etc. The only time you'd have to pay tax is if you actually bought something (and unprepared food would be exempt from tax). This sure sounds like a win-win-win to me. For the poor, they get a tax cut because they...

Re: Gas Price Check

Neal ·
Actually, the poor will be taxed more heavily because in the US at least, they pay no income taxes now at all. So any user fee or tax would hit them at whatever the rate would be and most say that rate would need to be a minimum of 15% to 20%. That would be on every dollar they spend. It is actually a more equitable tax because now the top 5% of taxpayers pay 90% of the taxes. I'm all for it, but you know as well as I that it wouldn't last long. The rate would only go up or there would be...

Re: Gas Price Check

JasonR ·
I think that's true no matter what tax plan we are on, so it might as well be a fair one to begin with As far as the poor paying more, if there's no tax on rent, utilities food or medicine, they shouldn't be paying much. I also believe there is a refund procedure in Europe where you can turn in your tax receipts and get what you paid in taxes returned to you if you meet certain criteria. I've also considered no tax on clothes, but I guess there would need to be some delineation between...

Re: Gas Price Check

Old Glory ·
How can so many people, left and right of center agree on something yet not see any changes? That was rhetorical...the answer is because ultimately the government gets much of it's power via the tax code. As JasonR says, there would be ways to help the poor but with a national sales tax, even the criminals and drug dealers would pay taxes. Not to equivicate Harvard with criminals but I heard today that Harvard doesn't pay a penny of tax including revenue on a $37 Billion endowment. I am...

Re: Sales Tips

Art Post (Guest) ·
KEEP IT SIMPLE Just a few words of advice about your email correspondence. Keep your messages brief and to the point -- write only a few short paragraphs. Your writing style should be upbeat, but professional. Don't sprinkle your copy full of exclamation marks as this has a tendency to look phony! Rather, use strong transitions, dashes, interesting adjectives and crisp writing. Be sure to include all your contact information and a direct hot link to your site. Consider a closing signature...

Re: Ricoh 2035 vs Mita 4035

Graham ·
Greg... Here are the Kyocera Salesman Comebacks for your list just so you know.... This is not a knock on anyone, just telling you what I would say if these questions were posed to me... posted Thu February 12 2004 04:45 PM Art, Thank you so much for your help here! You have gone above and beyond! Ted, Mike & Merlin, Thank You as well! Here is what I have come up with. Kyocera Mita shortcomings: newer, with less overall experience with our rat race. I certainly recognize their connected...

Re: Sales Quiz

bnosbod ·
1. Poor Attitude 2. Wrong Attitude #. No Attitude

Re: Sales Quiz

Graham ·
1. Poor Planning 2. No Account Knowledge before the call 3. Attitude

Re: Ikon sells leasing units to GE

ibreatheozone ·
G.E. is a tremendous power player. i agree its b.s. but finacially they might have to do it, here in the midwest they are notorious for skimming on parts and service. removing serial numbers on off lease machines is... well. money and poor management relaxes CEO judgment. 25 a company like ikon, with the way the economy is? im glad i dont have to worry about questionable buisness practices to put food on my table. the stress of what we do is enough, i cant comprimise my integrity...

Re: This is a good one!!!

bnosbod ·
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance William Green

Re: KMBS announces new direct organization

Larry Levine ·
I disagree. Direct operations are driving this business into the ground. The end result is the client suffers drastically. Things will never change though. It is sad to see dealers who have sold only to see their old client base erode to broken promises and poor support.

Re: Daily Sales Philosophy

Confucius say, "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger." Yoshida say, "Poor leader who spend too much time rearranging soldiers in army, will soon lose fight on battlefield."

Re: Ricoh 5100en vs KIP 7900

Michael ·
I recently lost to KIP because OUR system would not respect pen settings for shading. On a gray scale generated out of an AutoCAD color wheel they wanted to match shade 255, which is a very light shade of gray to represent hardscape....and we could not even get close. The 5100en just plotted a dark gray. This was specifically using HDI drivers (which was the firms preference due to quqlity expectations)....PCL and Postscript worked fine, but with those we lost a lot of quality control. This...

Re: Firmware Issues That Need To Be Resolved

Star1 (Guest) ·
Speaking from a small/mid sized dealership point of view (which it sounds like your are), it looks to me like a 100% problem with your Service Manager (or whoever is in charge of your service department.) 1) Are you ordering parts overnight because the campany's not stocking properly? Or could it be because your techs are "shotgun" troubleshooters? A "yes" to either of these questions falls on the Service Manager's shoulders (poor initial and ongoing training, as well as not keeping an eye...

Re: 551/2560/2575 Replacement

wyzguynyuk ·
Thanks Pete. The really funny thing is that I spoke to my Savin dealer rep on the same day you posted this info and he told me that there was absolutely NO information available about the new products and none would be released until the launch of the 51 ppm system in November. Maybe I should invite the poor sap to join P4P so that his dealers don't know more than he does! Thanks again! Brian

Re: Copies exiting problem?

v-tec ·
I can assure you, it’s not a level problem. It’s a poor design. I’ve made guides out of the cardboard corner packing you receive with equipment and attached to the back of the roll feed. Works great, however, it won’t stack the 20 sheets anyway. And why does Ricoh want you to BEND OVER to get your copies when you can get 25 sheets stacked neatly standing up???

Re: CANON CLC 4100 / 5000

JasonR ·
Just so you know, the 6870 is a business class machine with poor color quality. The 4100 and 5000 are top-of-the-line graphics color copiers with near-photographic quality. Totally different beasts. I'm an SE so I don't know street pricing, sorry. =\

Re: Ricoh 4420nf + Fax forward to email

glnsk8ter ·
from my poor memory, in web image monitor, login and go to the forwarding screen, create a scanner destination that has an email address, their is a bitswitch that can be set so it will be a PDF, turn on wild card and don't put in any list that would restrict which ones by an id, I beleive that is it. easier than going through the control panel.

Re: Competing against Xerox

Art Post (Guest) ·
I agree we have the best product! Hope the account is not Xerox incumbent. I lost to a 6204 about six weeks ago, I tried by best to point out the differences however what I did not do is have the customer agree that he needs the Features, Advantage and Benefits of the 240W. After Monster Garage I have changed my tactics to have the customer agree to these points. 1. Have the customer agree that they need an external controller, not embedded. Tell them the FAB on the Plotbase Controlller. 2.

Re: Ricoh Corporation Introduces Print Director Software

Shaja ·
What bothers me is the inadequate job Ricoh is doing with informing dealers about products that are being discontinued. When even my Ricoh Order Processor isn't sure whether or when a model has been discontinued, that is extremely poor communication all the way around.

Re: Death of Ricoh Business Solutions!

Art Post (Guest) ·
The fight against Ricoh Direct Channel, I urge all of you to post your stories about poor service, poor customer support and poor experiences, on this new web site. Together we may be able to complie a Un-Reference site that will help dealers maintain our margins and sales. here is the link

Re: Banding at Cl 7000 (cian color)

TA ·
Poor contact at the back of cyan drum maby. I'm not a HW expert but I think the drum is grounded at the back.

Re: Xerox using Ryder truck drivers to set-up and train customers

Art Post (Guest) ·
Mike: Good fuel too poor on the fire! I can't wait to use this. Art

Re: Around the World w/Ricoh #3

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh Launches Tree Planting Offset Program Ricoh UK has joined the growing list of companies implementing tree growing initiatives by offering its customers the opportunity to plant fruit trees in a bid to offset carbon emissions. The printer manufacturer is working with Seeds for Africa, which, according to Ricoh, educates young people in Africa about how to farm their own fruit and vegetables. The program monitors the printer and copier usage levels of businesses. For every 100,000...

Re: Ricoh ICE (Intergrated Cloud Environment)

fisher ·
Played with trying to set it up in our showroom. First of all it took over a week and several emails to get a code to enter into the machine when the documentation claims you will get the code within an hour. Fought with it and the piss poor instructions for a couple of hours. Gave up. Can't sell something where the support from Ricoh is that poor. Moved on.