Tagged With "Eddy Jones"
Re: Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies
Art, I have also been in the industry for many years…Jan. 1983. Working on Savin Liquid Toner machines. It would be interesting to see the presentation that you have put together to compare the information that you put together here with what goes on in my world in Illinois. Jeff
Re: Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies
Jeff: It's great staring out as techs right? As far as the presentation goes...., Global is going to have to shell out the shekels and then I can come to your place!!
Re: Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies
Art, I will pass this information on to our President of sales Don Phillips for his consideration and I agree with you that your knowledge is worth money. You have yourself a good one and keep up the great work you do. Please feel free to reach out to me if there is anything that I can help you with and or provide for you. Jeff
Blog Post
Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies
It's not often that I have the chance to bring the Print4Pay Hotel on the road. My first road show stop of this year was with Ethos Technologies aka Blue Ridge Copiers in Salem, Virginia. Many years ago, I had traveled the...
Blog Post
Twelve Days of Selling "Day 2"
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say On a bright Hawaiian Christmas day! I heard this today while traveling to the office. I love this song and every time I hear it, I'm reminded of Clark & Ellen Griswold, and Cousin Eddie! Yesterday, yes it was Sunday saw me take about 4 hours to plan Monday and to send at least 25 emails to prospects. Believe it or not I had two replies on Sunday! Neither one was a sale, but the email served as a seed planted and some...