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Tagged With "Dark Reading"


Re: OKC-based company IMAGENET wants to keep employees’ $1,200 stimulus payments….

Art Post ·
I have some time to read through the link and it seems they bowed to pressure and have changed their policy. Thank goodness for that

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Manufacturer Support on Bids

Jason H ·
I agree. My KM rep and his boss were in the office yesterday and I asked him why he didn't show any interest in this opportunity and he said because you are buying at the lowest I can give you right now and there is nothing else I can do from a support part. He said he gave it about a 3-5% chance of winning the account based on what he read and what he could do. I am ok with that as most of our bid opportunities are not set up around here for dealers to participate. They always have some...

Re: MPS and Linux HELP!

jdicarlo ·
So some clarification first. PaperCut absolutely does support Mac. In fact, it is the only cost recovery/print control solution that I know of that actually installs in an all Mac environment. (Server and Client) It also is the only solution I know of that installs in a Linux environment. So both of your issues are solved with PaperCut. I included the install guides for Mac and Linux to get you started.

Re: Marco expands client base in Iowa

Art Post ·
I had to read this a second time, I thought I read a "cloud based provider of copiers". I think that would work also!

Re: P4P member: Allegheny County signs 5 year contract with Amcon Office Systems

5050 (Guest) ·
Gman - Your absolutely right...Green Initiatives have always interested me and from a financial perspective they are great investments right now for stocks. Art - Thank you -- this was the most competitive and nail bighting 4 months in my career so far. Being government this bid had to go out to the public. The bid requirements were 50 pages long, and the time spent in dotting I's and crossing t's was insane. Every company who sells copiers bid in the Pittsburgh Market. Everyone body who...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
So, will KM enter a better bid?? Read below: Océ may terminate the conditional agreement with Canon in the event that a bona fide third party makes an offer which is, in the reasonable opinion of Océ’s Management Board and Supervisory Boards, superior to the Offer. An alternative offer shall only be regarded as superior in the event its bid price exceeds the Offer price by 10%, or in the event of a consecutive bid by 5%. Canon has a right to match a superior offer. In the event the...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

GIntel ·
I read an article from 2005 that counted 55 total imagistics dealers at 55.

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
So, potentially Canon as added 100 additional locations in the US market for a cool 1.9 billion. Could they have acutally addded 100 million a month to the annual sales in the US with this deal?

Re: Panasonic Canada discontinues A3 Copier Distribution March 2011

Art Post (Guest) ·
I read the article on limewire and it stated the factory in Japan is ceasing to manufacture A3's guess thats it for the US market also!!

Re: The Effect Currency Evaluations have on the MFP industry

SalesServiceGuy ·
The Chinese YUAN has only marginally changed in the last 12 months compared to the USD. I have read on CNBC that this could be as much a result of Chinese Govt manipulating their currency on the world market to be undervalued to encourage exports.


Art Post (Guest) ·
this came across my alerts today!! « How Computer Forensics Firms Market Themselves | Main April 21, 2010 Going to Ditch a Copier? Think Twice. It May Carry Your Data. We had an e-mail from the Virginia State Bar's ethics guru, Jim McCauley, asking about an article he had read about how copiers can be gold mines for identity thieves. Indeed they can. Jim asked John to comment on the issue for a piece Jim is writing. As always, John's information is valuable and generally unknown to many...

Re: Time in business requirements

CashGap ·
I can agree that they leasing companies (and all lenders) acted foolishly in the past. Now the banks are acting like banks. That's not bad, though it may make it tougher to provide people with equipment you, I and they all know they have no business leasing. [If you were over 2 years in biz, 90% of the time no PG was required.] And now we know that two years in business is not adequate assurance of the company's ability to make the payments, so more assurance is required in the form of a PG.

Re: Why in 2010 have we still not seen Solid State Drives (SSD) in copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Much faster access time, 100% reliable, no moving parts, can't crash the drive head with sudden loss of power corrupting drive. Much smaller, lighter, much lower power consumption. Much less heat generated. Much less headaches for Service Dept compared to HDD as there is virtually no service required. An SSD can fit mechanically into the same hardware slot as a HDD. Just started showing up in laptops last year. MFP Copier vendors are always jostling to say they were first to market with some...

Re: Global Image Charge Wording

Old Glory ·
Had to retype??? Don't you have PPDM? Looks like a Scan-to-Word opportunity.

Re: Global Image Charge Wording

Art Post (Guest) ·
NO PPDM on my home pc, yes it would be a good use of PPDM.

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #6: They don’t know business basics. What they do: They reveal their ignorance of basic business and accounting principles. Why they do it: Unfortunately, it’s usually because they are, uhh… ignorant about basic business and accounting principles. What happens: The lack of such knowledge seriously limits the rep’s ability to add value to the discussion. The rep seems at a loss when the conversation moves to important issues like ROI and how the rep’s offerings will impact the...

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

Jomama ·
I thought I read on this site that the release was for November, Wrong?

Re: Ricoh NEW PRODUCT RELEASE - C3001, C3501, C4501, C5501

Old Glory ·
Art, you need to read the stuff you send. The answer was in the Lanier FAQ's that YOU posted. Q. What is the new Quota Setting feature? A. Quota setting is a new feature that allows administrators to set limits on the volumes that individual users or groups can run on the machine. More than a User Code tracking feature, limits can be placed on different kinds of output (color/B&W mode, copy or print, etc.)

Re: Weekend MFP Industry Notes 11/21/10

Art Post (Guest) ·
ya, I was kinda shocked when I read that, let me know what you found out.

Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon

SalesServiceGuy ·
Is any copier vendor begun to charge for MFP scans yet? I think I read somewhere recently where some vendor gives 45k free scans before the meter starts to charge. What would be a "market price" for a scan?

Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon

Art stated: "Geesh, so where does that leave the likes of KonicaMinolta, Toshiba, Kyocera and Sharp?" This specific Ricoh Press Release is a direct response to Konica Minolta acquiring All Covered, Inc. If you read carefully, there is no real newsworthy 'event' or 'announcement' in the Press Release, which is a statement in itself. The Press Release announces an 'intent' rather than an 'action' that has been taken. Sources tell me that this 'dog-and-pony' show was dressed up at an event held...

Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon

Chuck ·
Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon

Re: Setup in wireless environment

montecore ·
Thanks Art. I thought about that option but I am not sure if that will work with a copier. Also I have read they are not that reliable if it did work. Has anyone used a print server like this on a copier that is not usually setup as wireless?

Re: Setup in wireless environment

montecore ·
Thanks for the feedback. To be on the safe side I ended up snaking a 100 foot Cat5 cable back to the fast ethernet switch. I just was not too sure on the stability or how to setup one of these units. When you plug the cat5 into the copier are you using the wireless print server or the wireless bridge? Some wireless print server do not have the bridge from what I read. Can someone explain how to configure one of these units so we all can learn. JasonR what make/model are you using?

Re: Tohoku Earthquake Wreaks Havoc on Printer Industry Supply Chain

Art Post (Guest) ·
Whoa, that's a great read. Seems we're still not out of the woods!

Re: Recent letter to RFG principals

Chuck ·
Have not read it but sure would like to see it, can someone post?

Re: NY Times Article about Ricoh Japan

Chuck ·
Having read this article and comparing what has been told to us regarding a lack of product inventory by mid June, something just doesn't make sense. To still expect a 16+% increase in Profits YoY after what has happened seems unreasonable. Ideas anyone, other than outright misrepresentation of the facts for investors but that's too big a risk.

Re: Advantages of Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
All manufacturers have their own spin, even Konica Minolta. My father once stated " believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you read"!

Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?

SalesServiceGuy ·
1st 90 days, all inclusive, with no time limit on hours required to get the customer to say they are happy. Thereafter, billable at $95.00 per hour onsite. Dealer, Canada

Re: Ricoh USA Eliminates CEO/President

This is probably the best article I have ever read concerning the reality at Ricoh: It is such an accurate depiction of the situation since IKON took over the reigns at Ricoh. The only item that I disagree with is that the Dealer channel is only about 12% of Ricoh's total revenue (as opposed to the 20% mentioned in the article). The comparison to how current leadership at Konica Minolta is steadily growing revenue and becoming the new...

Re: Scan to folder and Vipre

jswinberlin ·
Montecore, I have spent many years in sales and began networking our systems almost 10 years ago. Currently, I handle all of our connectivity and solutions for our company and I have connected and troubleshot hundreds, maybe thousands of computers. I agree, a technician can and should be able to resolve this problem. However, first it is necessary to identify the problem. This requires ruling out what it is not. Of course, hindsight is 20/20. If I tell you this story, it seems simple.

Re: Cloud Poll

montecore ·
Vince thanks for the description. You are absolutely correct. This is a very hot topic out there right now. I have used this several times and it works like a charm. Customers love it and it's FREE. Here is an interesting point to keep in mind as you know Google Docs is FREE however have you ever read the EULA? Did you know whatever you send to the cloud when using the free google docs that google owns the rights to your documents? They can do whatever they wish with your information. That...

Re: MP W2400 fine black dots/dirty background

Anders And ·
Thanks for answering! I have read posts saying that drums from IPC should be better than Ricohs. We'll try one of those. Anyone who has experience with IPC?

Re: Why is single clicking an 11×17 on a “copier” legal?

Art Post (Guest) ·
"Like Button" We could have one of these, however I would have to "unsecure" the forums. Which means no one would have to register and anyone not in the industry could read the threads. I asked for this with the "secure" forums, however at this time the eve format will not support a "like" button. I would like to have this also, but still think we need to keep the forums secure for everyone. Art

Re: Custom Page coverage meter

Art Post (Guest) ·

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

SalesServiceGuy ·
Do not read too much into what happens in a small Canadian province and then apply it across North America.

Re: new C4502/5502

Jomama ·
The way I read it, it requires the HotSpot subscription, $15./year)

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

Art Post (Guest) ·
WBM Office Systems and Ricoh Canada announced a strategic partnership Monday, a news release said. The move will see Saskatchewan-based WBM grow significantly, taking on many of the technical and sales staff and expertise previously employed by Ricoh Canada, as well as many of the customer relationships held by Ricoh Canada in Saskatchewan. The physical office locations previously operated by Ricoh Canada will be closed, with the Regina location being reopened as a WBM Technology Deployment...

Re: Should you ever sell something for nothing?

Art Post (Guest) ·
You'd never know it but this thread is over a year old. I always like coming back to this thread to put things in perspective. I too have given systems away at no profit and in a couple instances lost money on a particular deal to penetrate the accoount. That account stayed with me for many years and probably was good for 20-30 units over time. It's more about what you build, it seems we're always building new accounts, for whithout new accounts we would see our commissions, and sales...

Re: never cold call again

Art Post (Guest) ·
I've never read it, I'm a believer in cold calling, don't do it as often but will still pick and choose my places. Anyone else?

Re: Kyocera Mita Dealer Show Review

Art Post (Guest) ·
BTW, when you read about KYOTIER (we coined that phrase)

Re: ComColor & Envelopes HELP please!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Got my answer, with not having a ps rip the file will print the preview image. The quality will not equal that of the read EPS artwork

Re: PaperCut

JasonR ·
Not very much, just what I'd read from press releases and such, and discussions with a couple of customers who use the Papercut NG product. From that, my impression of the product was that it was not as full-featured as some of our other cost accounting solutions, but as long as the customer did not need those "other" features, they were very happy using Papercut.

Re: Toshiba hit with $87 million fine over LCD price fixing scandal

SalesServiceGuy ·
I have read that Toshiba will likely not have to pay anything as other co named LCD suppliers have already paid damages equal to the total amount awarded. ... plus Toshiba is appealing the verdict.

Re: Oce:CBS::Ikon:RBS Simple Math

VinceMcHugh ·
Larry, I agree it is a great time to be an independent! Art, When I was at Ricoh - RBS the Ricoh leadership was more concerned about all of the branches being THE SAME then they were about each individual branch succeeding. What made me loose respect for the Ricoh Management team was they did not respect individual achievement. So even though my branch hit our triple crown numbers they dismantled what we had put in place, what made us successful, because they wanted all branches to be the...

Re: MP9000 vs Pro 907EX

Art Post (Guest) ·
(1) Mainframes require purchase of SR5000, SR5020, or SK5010 I'm pretty sure you are correct, the new SR5020 has an MSRP of 11,800. I can also remember in the past the the SR5000 was needed in order to connect the BK5000 because I got burned on this when I did not read the release notes. There are no release notes next to the SR5020, so I would have to assume that all you need is the SR5020.

Re: Wells Fargo Lease reduces Monthly Lease Cost!

montecore ·
Yes, this is what happens with WF when the lease renews for 1 year. I forgot the percent, I think it was 75-80% of the original lease. Read the WF lease and it will tell you the percent. I had a customer that was paying $800 per month with WF. Missed the letter of intent by 1 day the lease renewed for 1 year. The IT and Director was fed up with WF for many reasons. I explained that it was their fault the letter was not sent in. and they rolled 12 x 1 yr new WF renewal into my lease payment.

Re: 150 Calls a week

Art Post (Guest) ·
I just re read your thread and it's pretty much impossible to make 150 and connect to every DM. However the more calls you make the more dm's you'll get to speak to. Anyone else care to comment?

Re: Japan's Sharp Corp plans to sell its copiers and air conditioners businesses

Art Post (Guest) ·
Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America Sharp Electronics Corporation One Sharp Plaza • Mahwah, New Jersey 07495-1163 • e-mail: • EXECUTIVE BULLETIN August 16, 2012 Dear SIICA Dealers: As many of you have recently read, Sharp Corporation is in the process of revitalizing our operations in order to be more competitive. While this process takes time, we are moving aggressively to position ourselves for future growth. However, during this period,...