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Tagged With "Succession Planning"


Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

SalesServiceGuy ·
In Canada, no such plan exits nor am I even aware the capability exists within Toshiba copiers. In my market, multi-tier pricing for color does not comes up in competitive pricing. For a 25 cpm, pricing seems to be holding steady at $0.010 Black and $0.070 color for single units. I have seen less and sometimes we move the cpc around a bit. For example, when we set up a copier we build the initial toner costs into our equipment costs. That gives us 32,000 colour pages to play with.

Re: MPS and Linux HELP!

jdicarlo ·
So some clarification first. PaperCut absolutely does support Mac. In fact, it is the only cost recovery/print control solution that I know of that actually installs in an all Mac environment. (Server and Client) It also is the only solution I know of that installs in a Linux environment. So both of your issues are solved with PaperCut. I included the install guides for Mac and Linux to get you started.

Re: Ricoh's Environmental / Green Policy

The special turbines that were going to 'power' the eco-billboard never got installed. I believe there was an issue with NYC permits / approvals / etc. Well-intentioned but not executed to plan.

Re: Senior VP wants P4P Access!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Geez, I can't tell you all how many people I've rejected for BS information, most probably don't know that I manually approve every member. Yeah it's a duanting task and sometimes it is quite disheartening to see BS information that comes through The site, except for the proposal section is FREE, I plan to keep it that way.

Re: Best Fishing Lakes in NJ

No, but I have a friend who lives about 20 miles south in Baldwinsville, NY and I'll be sure to investigate. Sounds like I may have to plan a trip up North and stop at Dinosaur Bar-B-Q in Syracuse on my way there!

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

5050 (Guest) ·
Merlin -- you are absolutley any business there are several costs. but you never know if a dealer had special terms with a their manufacturer to order x amount - or if they were trying to acheive a certain level to hit their quoata or win some award? Really hard to speculate on a business model which we don't know anything about. But the one thing that I do know is that - these idiots are everywhere..... And quite frankly -- the people who want that type of partnership would by...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Neal ·
Konica Minolta Says It Has No Plan to Counter Oce Bid (Update1) By Mariko Yasu Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Konica Minolta Holdings Inc., the Japanese lens and office-equipment maker, said it has no plan to counter Canon Inc.’s offer to buy Oce NV for 730 million euros ($1.1 billion). “There’s no plan to make an offer to Oce at the moment,” Minoru Ikehara, a spokesman at the Tokyobased company, said by phone today. While Konica Minolta had considered an acquisition of the Venlo, Netherlands-based...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Found this on the web today:: By Pavel Alpeyev Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Orbis Funds, the asset manager that opposed takeover offers by Warren Buffett and Citigroup Inc., rejected Canon Inc.’s 730 million euro ($1.1 billion) bid to buy unprofitable Dutch printer maker Oce NV as too low. Canon’s 8.60 euros-a-share offer “significantly undervalues” Oce’s assets, and Orbis doesn’t want to sell its stake of about 10 percent at that price, the Bermuda-based manager of $20 billion in assets said in a...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Canon and Océ: More Details Canon and Océ: More Details By Cary Sherburne on November 19th, 2009 Océ management conducted a well-attended press teleconference today to provide further details of its acquisition by Canon. Jan Hol, who was interviewed earlier by WhatTheyThink, was on the line from Europe, and North America was represented by Mal Baboyian, president, production printing systems, Océ North America, and Joe Skrzypczak President and CEO of Océ North America. Océ reiterated that...

Re: Matt Espe named CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp

It is surprising that they left Marty (The English Hammer) in America as Execeutive VP and CFO. As for the consolidation of locations and offices, the plan is for immediate synergy:

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

txeagle24 ·
Email I sent to the email address referenced above: How will the changes that were announced today affect the RFG Dealer Channel? I work for a Lanier Dealer that was formerly a Gestetner Dealer. One of our primary concerns over the past several years is that RBS & IKON consistently undercut us on price, not only for hardware but also for service & supplies, which is where we make our profit. Additionally, there are currently 9 other entities (including RBS & IKON) in the...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

SalesServiceGuy ·
I do not think salespeople who use this tactic plan to be in the business 10 years from now.

Re: Industrial Label Printers

SalesServiceGuy ·
We sold two copiers recently to a Window & Door Manufacturer. One of the copiers had 4k clicks on it in less than a week so we thought we would have a good revenue stream. I have been thinking about these Label printers so I asked the client about how they use the ones that they already have. I was floored when the client told me that they plan to spend $100k this year on labels alone.

Re: Open-source 3-D printers head to a desktop near you

JasonR ·
Doubt it!

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #2: They ask obvious questions. What they do: They ask lots of questions that could have easily have been answered by searching the Internet. Why they do it: They figure they can wing it, usually because they’re over-confident in their ability to make the sale. What happens: They end up wasting valuable one-on-one time with a busy customer who has other things to do that provide a free education. Your Action Plan: To avoid this blunder, always research the customer thoroughly before...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #3: They ignore the competition. What they do: They never bother to discover who else is trying to sell to that prospect. Why they do it: They’re so excited at the opportunity that they don’t want to look too hard at something that might scuttle the deal. What happens: The competitor gets the inside track because they know what you’re pitching and they position their product to make sure that it’s more attractive to the prospect. Your Action Plan: To avoid this blunder, always ask...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

JasonR ·
Here's the thing about this plan: if the customer says "we don't share that information" that's OK, you are on equal footing with everyone else. If they tell you who is in the deal (as most customers will) then you are on equal footing with everyone who asked and have an advantage over everyone who didn't.

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #4: They don’t learn how the customer buys. What they do: They get deeply involved in a sales opportunity without finding out what’s unique about the customer’s buying process. Why they do it: Usually this happens when the reps is focused on the sales process. The reps keeps thinking about how to sell, rather than about how the customer is going to buy. What happens: Worst case, the rep loses the deal. Best case, the rep experiences inexplicable delays as the customer takes actions...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #5: They give a generic sales pitch. What they do: They natter on and on about their company, its offerings, and its strategy. Why they do it: Usually they’ve been handed a “standard” presentation created by marketing people who have no idea how to sell. What happens: They never really find what the prospect wants and needs, so the pitch is just a “spray and pray”. Your Action Plan: To avoid this blunder, get “centered” before your next sales call. During your conversation with the...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #6: They don’t know business basics. What they do: They reveal their ignorance of basic business and accounting principles. Why they do it: Unfortunately, it’s usually because they are, uhh… ignorant about basic business and accounting principles. What happens: The lack of such knowledge seriously limits the rep’s ability to add value to the discussion. The rep seems at a loss when the conversation moves to important issues like ROI and how the rep’s offerings will impact the...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #7: They avoid closing the deal. What they do: They spend so much effort into building the opportunity that they never quite get to the business of closing it. Why they do it: They’ve invested in the opportunity that they’re afraid that the answer will be “NO”, which will mean that all that effort was a waste of time and that the prospect doesn’t really “like” the sales rep. What happens: The opportunity dies on the vine or goes to the competition. Your Action Plan: To avoid this...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
What they do: They give in to last minute demands from the prospect, usually for extra discounts, “or else the deal is off.” Why they do it: They’re deathly afraid of losing the deal at the end of the sale cycle, so they crumple when the prospect pushes. What happens: The customer rightfully concludes that 1) the rep didn’t offer the best deal from the start and 2) the rep lacks a backbone. The customer thus no longer trusts the rep and will constantly push for more and more and more and...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #9: They don’t follow through. What they do: After the deal has gone through, they don’t bother to make certain that the customer is delighted. Why they do it: They feel that they are “too busy” working on new accounts and developing new business. What happens: The reps find that the key to success in sales — repeat business — never really develops because the customers fell that the rep doesn’t really care. As a result, the rep is constantly forced to develop new contacts and new...

Re: Ricoh 3035 help, please

mansart ·
Art, Found this on

Re: PPDM from Ricoh, Questions

Deanw ·
About a year since posts on this thread. Is there much activity on this product? We include initial connectivity for the MVP printing & scanning. We don't mention ppdm, however our plan is if customer requires OCR or other feature that ppdm provides wewillgive them the free lisc. And offer to install it and provide support on a billable basis. Im curious to here what everyone else is doing.

Re: Tohoku Earthquake Wreaks Havoc on Printer Industry Supply Chain

Art Post (Guest) ·
This was an article from the NY times over the weekend! SHIBATA-MACHI, Japan — When the ground shook violently on the afternoon of March 11, the ceiling collapsed in part of the huge Ricoh copier factory here, exposing the vents and wires above. The offices at the Ricoh plant near Sendai are still in disrepair; workers have focused on restoring the factory and production. The ceiling is still not fixed. But employees are back at their posts, working under temporary lighting and wearing hard...

Re: Comp Plan Poll

Art Post (Guest) ·
ok, for those of you who answer hybrid please explain the comp plan if you can

Re: Copier Compensation Plans

Art Post (Guest) ·
This was emailed to me from a P4P'er who wishes to remain anonymous. Art, This past April I had the opportunity to leave the industry but I have kept an eye on it since then. This topic definitely perked my interest because I feel like I was both the beneficiary and victim of a Gross Profit Comp Plan at my last gig. I have been on both sides of this topic, Revenue & GP plans, and I never made more than $51K in a given year and yet I was always 100% of plan. My final year under this GP...

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

JasonR ·
Good point. I'm no economist, but I'm at least intrigued by the 9-9-9 plan Cain has proposed. AND... At least he's proposing something concrete instead of "Secure the borders and hold people responsible!" both of which are of course meaningless.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Don Sweet ·
Being from New Hamsphire I have met Ron Paul and was very impressd with his knowledge and he would reduse the size of Gov't. But no real plan like Herman Cain's 999. Romney is the local favorite but I still want to learn more about Cain. I hope to meet him soon.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Old Glory ·
Any candidate that is OK with Iran having nuclear arms scares me. Cain's 9-9-9 plan is intriguing but worthless because he would not have the support of the House or Senate, Republican or Democrat so it would never come to pass. This is also true of much of Ron Paul's ideas.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Art Post (Guest) ·
Old Glory: Simplify Government, we need less of it for certain things. Cain's plan is fair yet simple. It's up to the voters to put pressure on the congressman and senators to approve the reform. You're right without support it goes nowhere and WE the people need to tell the people in charge that we want it. But, tell me who has a better plan at this point in time??

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Old Glory ·
I wouldn't equate a flat tax with simplifying government. I am for lower taxes and a smaller government which I think most of the Republican candidates are for and I will be for Cain if he gets the nomination but it won't be because I believe he will be successful instigating the 9-9-9 plan.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Art Post (Guest) ·
Old Glory: I see Perry just came out with a plan for a flat tax for 20%, not sure exactly what that're from East Texas, what are you thoughts on Perry? I have relatives in Mass that state Romeny is a train wreck.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Old Glory ·
The difference between Perry's 20% flat tax and Cain's 9-9-9 is that Perry's plan does not include a consumption tax (nat'l sales tax). I haven't been comfortable with the fact that Cain's plan would have even the poorest paying a 9% national sales tax on top of their state sales tax. My view of Perry is that he would be capable and is genuinely fiscally and socially conservative. He gets a bad rap for some of what he has had to do regarding illegal immigration but unless you live in a...

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Art Post (Guest) ·
Actually, I have been comfortable with this, because if some rich guy goes and buys a 10 million jet, they will pay one million in taxes and if that person afford the jet, I'm sure they can afford the tax. What it comes down to is that it's going to cost money to fix the problem. However everyone needs to pay, it can't be burdened on the middleclass. Just think of all the illegals in the country and I see em here in NJ, most are paid cash (never filing taxes), well as soon as they go to buy...

Re: Kodak & Possible Buyers?

GIntel ·
I know for a fact that kodak is out of photography so those patents are as good as gone. I think the old plan was to restructure and become a printing company, which is ironic considering all the print guys are trying to diversify out of print fast. It could be that if they get in any worse shape Kodak will sell its printing businesses too.

Re: Comments on the Canon 1730/1740/1750 Models

Art Post (Guest) ·
The Ricohs have been slow sellers is not because of end user needs or wants. Basically ours is a quota/revenue driven business from the top to the bottom. The preferred compensation model for commissions is that of a revenue based plan with commissions. Why have a GP driven comp plan for your sales people when your Dealership or Branch has a revenue based quota plan from the manufacturers? It just doesn't make sense. With that A4's from Canon, Sharp, Ricoh, and KonicaMinolta has presented...

Re: SP5200 Series. What's your plan???

Art Post (Guest) ·
we offer three plans: * Pay as you go * Cost per page (al inclusive) * maintenance plan (consumables are chargable)

Re: SP5200 Series. What's your plan???

fisher ·
$0.0135 for an all inclusive cpc is not enough by my math even with the $90 a quarter minimum. (That is unless they don't come close to the minimum) Keep in mind that the odds of you getting full yield out of the toner cartridges are slim to none. To my knowlege Ricoh is not guaraneeing the yield on the cartridges. I'm thinking $0.015 as a bare minimum and would prefer to see it closer to $0.02 I'm leaning towards an annual plan that does not include the consumables and discounting the ...

Re: Sales Commission Comp Package

Old Glory ·
What makes a survey such as this so difficult are the variables. I want to say to the "newbees" out there that you can't take survey results such as this and determine anything when comparing to your situation. Variables such as GP for instance. Most are not paid from true dealer cost but from a cost plus formula that varies. I may get a high % commission on GP but cost starts at dealer cost plus 20% where someone else may have a low commission but cost begins at dealer cost plus 5%. What...

Re: Custom Page coverage meter

Art Post (Guest) ·
Would like to hear from any Kyocera people out there, I heard "I have heard about this Kyocera coverag-based CPC plan, they launched it in Europe last summer and had some pilot programs in the US since" Any help on this would be appreciated!

Re: Oki Managed Print Services

bandit41076 ·
a little more info

Re: new C4502/5502

Old Glory ·
The attachment should answer both questions...key points and what has been launched.

Re: P4P Hotel Maven "Karma" Program

Art Post (Guest) ·
GMAN: You are a few posts away from your mug! Old Glod deserves a hoodie also. The plan is for when you reach the next level and not the existing level you are at. I'm working with a limited budget here.

Re: Ricoh Vision 2012

I believe it is called Convergence and all three brands will be in attendance, as a cost-cutting measure. Yet, the Wynn Hotel is the venue, I believe, which gets good reviews. Plan for a lot of information the ChaMPS program and surge protectors!

Re: Browser Units

Kitz ·
Didn't get to test it yet, however I plan on including it in my quote as standard, will see if it helps us stand out in the crowd.

Re: OKI Data and Toshiba Tec Agree to Joint Development of Multifunction Printers

GIntel ·
A few notes: Toshiba has been rebranding OKI's A4 LED MFPs in Europe for years Oki has been rebranding Toshiba's A3 MFPs in the US and Europe for years This may lead to some type of M&A in the future, but its not part of the current plan This is intended to be a way for BOTH members to stay in the market by combining R&D and manufacturing resources

Re: 0% Copier Financing

Old Glory ·
All of this is fine and good as an intellectual exercise but in my 30+ years I have never answered the question of interest rate. I have been asked for it a lot but unless you have a guaranteed FMV to te customer, you can't calculate the actual Interest rate and evn then you should probably calculate in the forced insurance, interim rent, and a 3-4 evergreen payments as well. Besides, unless they plan on exercising the purchase option, the interest rate doesn't matter and if they do plan on...

Re: 0% Copier Financing

CashGap ·
Absolutely and 100% correct, word for word!!! Rental car is a much better example than my $100,000 house. As you can imagine, this topic is a pet peeve of mine!!!