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Tagged With "Succession Planning"


Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Larry Kirsch ·
Very interesting point of view. Always informative. Old adage. The more activity the greater the results. Plan your work. Work your plan. Have a great day.

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Ty Larry Kirsch

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

Art Post ·
All great comments, this the reason to change now if you still plan to be in this industry for another twenty years. I probably won’t be, but I still have a plan in place to make the shift to niche printing hardware devices. Still continuing to educate myself for the future

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
I read past the "bill" description too fast. A bill is not law, it is, I think, just an expression of unanimous opinion by the Senate. Somewhere in the news this week, I read that Kyocera intends to increase production of A3 copiers in China by expanding a current factory. I am sure all copier manufacturers plan 10+ years into the foreseeable future and cannot worry about politicians who could come and go every four years.

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
Even if the contract with the supplying dealer specifically has a clause that says the dealer will NOT buy the kit back, the lease co don't want it. I have never heard of a leasing company actually asking for the kit back at the end of a lease, they aren't interested. It's not part of their business plan. What is required as a condition on every lease is that the lessee is responsible for returning the equipment to a destination of the lease co's choice. If it does come to that it will go to...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

John Saramak ·
I remember it well and at ComDoc, in the early 80's we sometimes put the offer out there without it being a formal price plan. I think the customer realized that a lot of the toner they purchased and stocked was useless at end of the machines life. It was like a primer with a customer who had that and TCO on their mind, it was a way to close them. Equally, I remember taking it one step further in the early 90's with copy management - the first all inclusive (hardware, service, supplies)...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Old Glory ·
I remember a plan that didn't really take hold but it was a plan like the one John talked about and all accessories were proposed in the form of want a finisher, just commit to 10,000 additional copies per month. The CPC rate had an equipment portion attached to it so more clicks funded more equipment. If the CPC was normal plus .003, 10,000 clicks added $30/month which would fund $1,500 additional. Some customers that weren't willing to pay $1,500 would agree to 10,000 more...

Re: Will H.P. Uber the Imaging Channel

Czech ·
This is a great article! One point that I disagree on is that HP will be entering the SMB market with this acquisition. What's the point? Dealers own the SMB market, and most dealers will sell whatever their customers already have. Where HP has the advantage is going into their national and global accounts where they dominate with MPS contracts on A4 devices. Finally, they can go back to the banks/governments/etc and kick out the Canon/Ricoh/Xerox A3 devices that are in there. And because HP...

Re: Color Label Press University "Glossary of Terms" Part Three, Course One

Larry Kirsch ·
Art That industry needs our skills. Terms of understanding and mutually beneficial understanding requires the ART of negotiation. Talk soon. Plan your work , work your plan. Of course we never heard that. Lol.

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Larry Kirsch ·
Frankly in my experiences the vendor (oem) will try to obtain the business , then negotiate with the dealer if they are unsuccessful going direct. Sounds like the game plan they employ.. Suggest working those things out prior to channel conflict. Long range consequence tends to upset customer who then selects another manufacturer altogether. Best wishes to those who encounter these circumstances... Try settling before not after..

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
In 2016, Apex Technologies (now NineStar Corporation) purchased Lexmark at a 17% premium above its share price. In the background, the Chinese gov't had purchased a 5% stake in Apex (at that time a relatively small and unknown maker of 3rd party toner and inkjet cartridges). In fact, Lexmark sued Apex for for at least 15 patent violations. Via what is known as the IC Fund, the Chinese gov't is supporting its technology companies with the goal of of advancing China's, "Made in China 2025", a...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
It goes way beyond phones with Huawei. Huawei is attempting to dominate the global telecom market for next generation, super high speed, 5G networks. The reason why the Chinese gov't is flipping out over the extradition issues with Meng, CFO Huawei is because she is considered to be a key technology Princess in China with deep family ties to the Chinese gov't. The Meng extradition issue is exposing China's "Made in China 2025" plan to replace the USA and other countries in select dominant...

Re: The End of The Day With Ray!With Leadership We Will get Through This

SalesServiceGuy ·
Ray makes a lot of great points here! I have to break this video down, write notes and make a plan with my team. Sales could be on the downward trend through to at least Sept so it will be a good time for sales training and analyzing/ optimizing internal processes. Ray says "What is the message you are sending to your internal and external customers about how to navigate through this Corona Virus" ... I am not sure myself what that message is or should be? What is an internal customer? For...

Re: How To Sell Copiers In The Age of Coronavirus

SalesServiceGuy ·
That was a great 45 minutes! Gave me a few ideas. I plan to watch again as there was a lot of content to take in plus forward to my sales teams. Really appreciate the recording. Two very informative videos from the CEOs of Konica Minolta and Xerox on what they are doing and what is happening with their companies during the Corona Virus pandemic Konica Minolta has health care robots to measure patients temperatures walking into hospitals and to help...

Re: How To Sell Copiers In The Age of Coronavirus

Art Post ·
WOW! That's crazy with the helicopter and the copier

Re: 3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Kirsch ·
Well put plan your work. Work your plan fundamental that has a high degree of success keep up the good work happy new year

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
too bad there are so many crappy sales cultures in the business world. Too many companies look at sales people as a necessary evil and pay too much money to consultants that are so far removed from the industry that they don't have a clue. Most of these "consultants" will make a statement that we can make add more profit with our "new" program. Most times that program is to cut the comp plan of the sales people. I call it "Ikonism"

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Love it Jason! Finding out why we lost is always good. It allows for coaching and readjusting the game plan. The hardware deal may be lost if it involves one but the opportunities to sell additional solutions still exist.

Re: Linkedin Copier Sales Road Show - Chicago

exit148 ·
I attended the Chicago show also & it really was eye opening. You hear a lot of talk about how social media can help you increase sales but Larry really did explain it in a way that can be understood & implemented in our day to day business plan. But he does stress to implement his ideas on top of your usual day to day prospecting & hunting for new accts. Great stuff Larry. It was the 1st Social Media type of Sales Seminar I attended. I was a bit skeptical but I see where it...

Re: 3 Promises Major Account Copier Reps Must Make To Themselves And To Their Clients

Larry Levine ·
Art, Plan on attending in Dallas in April. A central spot for all parts of the U.S. Investing in growth is a good thing. I am sure Stratix will support your endeavors.

Re: 3 Promises Major Account Copier Reps Must Make To Themselves And To Their Clients

Art Post ·
haha, you're a funny guy!

Re: 3 Promises Major Account Copier Reps Must Make To Themselves And To Their Clients

Larry Levine ·
Re: 3 Promises Major Account Copier Reps Must Make To Themselves And To Their Clients
Blog Post

Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
Well, it happened some pioneers in the print industry are delivering an as a Service model. The Participates of the Imaging Channel must respond and deliver print equipment, its supplies, it’s parts, and its labor to repair in this as a Service model. A fixed cost for a product which eats consumables. Some in the industry are beside themselves and will more than likely lose control in how they proceed unless of course, they move forward timely based on knowledge over desperation caused by...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
There's a pretty decent thread below about relationship selling. It's ten years old and yes I found it some place on the web. Speaks about common ground with the client along with trust. Take the three minutes to read this thread. Relationship Selling – The Buy and Buy Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/18/09 Neal · 1/19/098:46 AM bundled with Kodak MarketMover, which is a package to assist printshop owners in marketing and selling digital output. The...
Blog Post

How Well Are You Creating Visibility? My Journey To Outbound 2019!

Larry Levine ·
Those close to me, who know the real me, know I have no problem asking for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It's an opportunity to expand your horizons. I'm simply amazed by the amount of people who simply fail to ask for help. I've made it my mission to educate, engage and excite all those inside the sales world. Sales leaders and their sales teams must stand up, unite and transform how they go to market in a world full of sales mediocrity (I'm being nice). I believe every...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
It's been a hectic week for me. Had to spend a couple days in PA for meetings, coupled with the end of the month. January was nothing but a bummer. That's what happens when you cram everything in for the end of the year. One item I was happy with was my commission check. Back to rebuilding the pipeline. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week. Weekend Copier Notes from 1/25/09 Neal ¡ 1/26/096:56 AM server, which is a relabeled Konica Minolta PRO C 6501. This certification is based...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Dang, there's a ton of content here! Check out the blog series for 31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31 , there are 31 in total and I'm trying to get them all in a collection for us. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 4thWeek of January 2004 Art Post ¡ 1/26/142:19 PM the new product.http://support. ricoh .com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/rc2/model/ c 32_38/ c 32_38en.htmJG Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces The...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 5 Years Ago (1st Week of February 2014)

Art Post ·
Were you in the industry five years ago? If not some of these threads will shed some insight on what was the top threads 5 years ago this week. If you've been in this industry longer than five years, then many of these threads may bring back some memories. In any case enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses Art Post ¡ 2/6/149:20 PM EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses...
Blog Post

What Does It Mean To Sell From The Heart?

Larry Levine ·
Selling From the Heart goes against everything that standard sales training teaches you. The world has changed and yet, how we sell seems to be stuck in past decades. No longer are the old-school or hard-nosed tactics working, it’s time for a change. So how do you sell in this current environment? From the heart!!! You put the needs of your clients first. You place them up on a silver business platter. You intently listen to their every word, what they need and how you can best fill it. You...
Blog Post

The Death of Global Imaging Systems is Confirmed

Art Post ·
On the 30th of October we posted this topic on the Print4Pay Hotel forums The Death of Global Imaging Systems? Just a few minutes we were notified that indeed Global Imaging Systems is no more. Xerox has announced a name change along with many other changes that have been posted on It was also posted that the name for Imaging will be XBS (maybe Xerox Business Solutions or Systems). Here's a snipped from a recent thread: Name change announced Health care plan combined 401k...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
There's a cool blog below from Bill Siderys titled MFP & Copier Pay Plan Changes for the Future . If you get the chance check it our. Bill is still a member of the Print4Pay Hotel, and I'd like to thank him for his valued long time membership. Check out the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 09/28/08 Neal ¡ 9/30/089:36 PM , selling out to Ricoh . Details on NewCal: o Founded by former Kodak copier technicians, Steve Tarpley & Ken Wilkens in 1991 o Won...
Blog Post

6 Reasons Why Flat Rate Service Program Will Change the Copier Industry

Art Post ·
I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see the industry evolve over the last 38 years! Back in the early eighties their was only one plan for a copier maintenance agreement. We included "x" amount of...
Blog Post

A Selling From The Heart Professional Is Not A Sales Settler!

Larry Levine ·
I applaud DirecTV with their bold and 'direct' ads on TV. They continue to make an impact within the cable TV wars; but they've also made a substantial impact within the sales world (more in a bit). In a sales campaign from a few years ago, they play on one single phrase which showcased a frontier-era family in a suburban neighborhood stuck in antiquated ways such as a horse-and-buggy and, by the way, cable. “We’re settler's son, we settle for things,” explained the father in “Neighbors”...
Blog Post

The 3 P's A Sales Professional Takes To Heart To Help Them Crush Sales!

Larry Levine ·
As humans we're wired to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this ever so important than in sales, as this is where we spend much of our waking hours. I'm a firm believer that having a purpose matters more now than ever before. A sales professional thrives on being a part of a purpose. They live for becoming part of something that really matters, something that really makes a difference to the lives of their clients and prospects. In chapter 6 of my new book, Selling from...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Steve Mcbride

Art Post ·
About a month ago I had the opportunity to attend the BTA National event in New York City. While at the event I ran into Steve Mcbride, Steve is currently VP of Sales with Innovolt. We had an interesting discussions about the cool Bluetooth technology with the Innovolt Smart Protectors (you can get these from Polek & Polek ) and how techs can identify the voltage in the MFP through a smart phone. I also found out that Steve had started selling copiers in the late seventies. Thus, I asked...
Blog Post

3 Confidence Building Tips To Become The Best Sales Version Of You!

Larry Levine ·
Sales is hard . It’s not for the weak at heart. It requires the right mindset to really be successful. One massively overlooked factor to becoming a great sales professional is the confidence you have in yourself. If you fail to build sales confidence, you’ll consistently struggle to effectively sell. By 'confidence' per say, I'm not referring to fake it until you make it. I'm talking a deep, down inside of you confidence to become the best version of YOU. CONFIDENCE IS CRITICAL Did you know...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Art Post ·
It was good to see Darrell Leven at the recent BTA National Event in New York City a few weeks ago. During one of the breaks we had the chance to chop it up a bit about the imaging industry. Where we started and how we go to where we are today. During that chat is when I found out that Darrell started selling copiers in the late seventies. I asked if he would mind contributing to our Selling Copiers in the Seventies blog. Here's Darrell! What year did you start in the industry and what was...
Blog Post

How to Implement Your Own Flat Rate Program "registration link"

Art Post ·
We're pretty excited about the response from P4P'ers. As of today we have 52 RSVPs. If you're interested and have not RSVP'd we can add another 23 members now. I expect this to be a max event so please make sure you RSVP here and I'll send you the registration link. For those that have RSVP'd the registration link is below. The date is set for November 19th at 4PM Eastern Standard Time. I copied the below content from the Webinar registration page. " In this highly anticipated webinar event,...
Blog Post

Consistency... It's At The Core Of Every Sales Professional

Larry Levine ·
When it comes to sales performance, consistency separates the good from the great. How often have you observed a sales rep having a series of record quarters or a banner year, only to follow it up with spats of mediocrity and below average performance? Consistency, especially in the sales world is an enormous word. This differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful and the professionals from the reps. Consistency will change the course of your sales life! Consistency allows you to...
Blog Post

Attention Sales Leaders... Are Your Sales Reps Invested?

Larry Levine ·
The single biggest piece of investment advice: Invest in Yourself! Let's face it, it’s almost impossible to increase your income without first becoming a better sales professional. In order to obtain better investment results, one must first become a better investor. This means some of your investment must be diversified. How many on your sales team invest in themselves? YOUR sales team is the most important thing you can place your time and money on. Are you teaching them to invest? THEIR...
Blog Post

3 Strategies Sales Professionals Use To Decline Being Invited To The Pity Party Of Discouragement

Larry Levine ·
Sales professionals constantly face the temptation to give into discouragement. Bad news and rejection are inevitable in sales. What's important is how you handle it. Let's be honest, we all get discouraged. It’s just one of those potholes we face as we navigate down the road called sales. When we get discouraged our attitude, belief and emotions turn negative. When this happens our productivity plummets, we tend to retreat, withdraw and bitch about everything. The risk of giving up on...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in August 2003

Art Post ·
There's an interesting thread below about the Riso V8000 which was a dual color single pass duplicator. At the time I was selling the Ricoh products and all we had was the Ricoh TCII. Where Riso developed a single device that was able to print colors, Ricoh came out with an optional slave device. You could not print to the Ricoh TCII, in order to get two colors in a single pass, you had to make the masters on a single color Ricoh duplicator. Once the masters were made you then had to...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in August 2013

Art Post ·
I thought it would be time for something new. Each week we post threads from the last 10 year and 15 years on the Print4Pay Hotel. So we're going to give you another one. This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago. Enjoy these most excellent threads from just 5 years ago! Who Makes the Best Multifunctional Copy Machine? Art Post ¡ 8/28/1310:23 PM manufacturers for multifunctional copiers. Here they are in the tiers. Tier I: Canon (includes Oce), Ricoh (includes Savin and Lanier), Xerox and...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Here they are. Our top threads from five years ago in the Print4Pay Hotel RICOH UNVEILS NEW AWARD-WINNING SOLUTIONS AT PRINT 13, PROVIDING SUPERIOR CONTROL FOR PERSONALIZED DOCUMENTS Art Post ¡ 9/9/138:07 PM shops today and allows operators to easily implement logic-based ticketing, and choose media and finishing options that apply to statements of variable lengths - achieving identical output across Ricoh , Xerox and Kodak devices, saving time and increasing asset utilization in the...
Blog Post

5 Tips to Help You Increase Your Sales in 2019

Art Post ·
I started to title this blog and then stopped because I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this. I wanted to write about the start of the new year and what reps can do to increase their skills and sales from last year. The first thing we need to do is to forget about last year. Whether you were a winner or a loser last year is over! An old saying in sales "is that you're only as good as your last month". Now is the time to forget about last year, now is the time to set your sales goals...
Blog Post

Behind Every Great Sales Professional You'll Find A Coach... Who's Your Coach?

Larry Levine ·
Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson. Tom Brady has Bill Belichick. What's the common denominator? Coaching benefits professional athletes, so why don't more in sales leadership, sales management and in sales have coaches? Tom Brady, the New England Patriots quarterback credits much of his passing success to Tom Martinez his former quarterback coach. He worked with Brady to refine his release and improve his throwing technique. Atul Gawande a surgeon and writer for the New Yorker...
Blog Post

Twelve Days of Christmas "My Copier Company Gave to Me"

Art Post ·
Twelve Days of Christmas "My Copier Company Gave to Me" I have two of these, one my wife did and I did another. I got her point of view, typical office worker scenario. My wife will be ready this so, thank you for your input dear!!! We'll see which one is liked best by all of you! On the 12 th day of Christmas, my Copier Company gave to me: 12 Scan2cloud apps On the 11 th day of Christmas, my Copier Company gave to me: 11 Cartridges of Toner On the 10 th day of Christmas, my Copier Company...
Blog Post

3 Things Sales Reps Need To Ditch To Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
New Year... New exercise plan, new diet, and new sales plans. The New Year is also a time to break bad habits. Habits, they're behaviors that impact the decisions we make about how to spend our time, our sales activities and resources. Think of sales habits in the same way. You accumulate experiences and knowledge over time which influences your outlook as well as your ability to effectively manage what you do on a daily basis. From the most tenured sales reps to the sales newbies,...
Blog Post

A Recent Copier Appointment That Went From Bad to Good

Art Post ·
My second appointment of the day proved to one of the most enjoyable appointments I've had in recent memory. It was with an existing account that was in the last 3 months of a 36 month lease for an A3 color MFP. The account only has one, but so do most of my accounts. I'd like to say I flourish with onesies and twosies. Just a tip for some of you that may be new in the copier business. When quoting leasing always lead with a 36 month lease. There are two well maybe three reasons for that.