Tagged With "KM 5050"
Re: Rumor Alert!
I haven't heard anything, would be interesting, and I guess it's a move that has to be done
Re: Rumor Alert!
I can't confirm these specifics, but the Global dealer down here stopped selling Sharp and Konica Minolta a few years ago, so I assumed this happened awhile back.
Re: Can your Copier Do This???
All of the XEROX "Office Profuct Line has a capability called Job Build on the control panel, It is a simple tool that allows you to change settings within one job...Let me know if there is near me. I'll split with you! 5050
Re: P4P member: Allegheny County signs 5 year contract with Amcon Office Systems
Gman - Your absolutely right...Green Initiatives have always interested me and from a financial perspective they are great investments right now for stocks. Art - Thank you -- this was the most competitive and nail bighting 4 months in my career so far. Being government this bid had to go out to the public. The bid requirements were 50 pages long, and the time spent in dotting I's and crossing t's was insane. Every company who sells copiers bid in the Pittsburgh Market. Everyone body who...
Re: Color Copying & Printing Can Be Expensive (Unless....)
Interesting story -- what other manufactures aside from XEROX have new product coming out to address this?
Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?
Without a value statement that goes beyond copiers and even mps at this point --- people will be selling at cost, because they are transient, non-professional, and either don't have or have confidence in their skill set. The Trick is to work with companies that aren't in the market to buy copiers---I guarantee that their are other challenges that they are facing and trying to overcome...When you do this you can sell at retail, because there is no competition and you earned that commission.
Re: Xerox 5675
John -- Government pricing is public knowledge...Depending on which state you are in, usually can see it under DGS - Department of General Services. If it is not the state contract awardee -- it will be under costar, etc.
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
they are typically user customized in the application. For example a law firm printing to an HP 4000, when they print a letter it's always in dup or triplicatel; right? So the program is set up when they select to print, a letter that they get: 1. a print on letterhead 2. a print on plain paper 3. a print on colored paper 4. an evnelope. I always run into this when replacing printers, because it never is configured to do the same thing, and i have like 30 legal secretaries wanting to kill...
Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?
Merlin -- you are absolutley right...like any business there are several costs. but you never know if a dealer had special terms with a their manufacturer to order x amount - or if they were trying to acheive a certain level to hit their quoata or win some award? Really hard to speculate on a business model which we don't know anything about. But the one thing that I do know is that - these idiots are everywhere..... And quite frankly -- the people who want that type of partnership would by...
Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?
If you can't speculate, how do you know they are idiots? The business model of selling products at a loss to gain future revenue is not new. Microsoft loses money every time someone buys an xBox, Dell gives away printers costing $1,000 for free, Razors and blades, etc. All of those examples have been very successful for years.
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
They are using Timberline, a canned accounting package, so there's no functionality within the application to do this currently. You do have a really good question there though... what were they doing before?
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
Jason R: No, i never created this app for any of my customers.....I do not know if they app Art is working with has Macro Support, it was just something from my memory bank. I am not possible if that is a MS Office feature only, but am pretty sure that these types of things can be built in other apps as well
Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?
I have good relatioship === but employer is a little big... I am positive that equipment is dirt cheap, lease rates are bumped, but just like any other company, overhead to run a company has to be built in somewhere...Business's are in business to make money.....Even Non PRofits..... Merlin, are you a principal? I think the real point that should be taken away from this thread is that people have the ability to look at their company from a different perspective, not just the side of a...
Re: Need some help ---Scan Router for Vista 64 Bit
Jason -- thanks -- but that sucks== Does anyone know how to get an older ricoh product to scan to VISTA? I have A SAVIN 3515mf running Vista 64bit
Jason -- no the goal it to print a version of an 11 x 17 drawing and scale down to a letter size document. My PCL and PS3 driver is not reading the lines on the drawing as an image. I posted for a colleague so who just joined so I am not sure of the file format, nor am I familiar w/ this application. 2nd part yes -- they could do that -- that was a quick work around that we did - but was unhappy with the amount of clicks that it had to go through. They have a CANON that does it no problem.
John - Not familiar with RATIO -- can you please provide more info?
What is the change of speed of the RICOH PRO SERIES when utlizing the ring binder? What are the Jam Ratios when using this function? Are the rings propeitary from RICOH or can any Be used? thanks
5050 is actually a xerox p4pmember, so he does not have access to the ricoh forums. So I guess he posted here, maybe should have been in the solutions fourms which are open to all members.
5050: Search the internet for "GBC Pro Click" and you should see a very, very similar example. Advantage of this binding is the ability to re-open and change/insert/delete previously bound pages from the "book". I don't like the resulting bind as much as I do the GBC Comb (Cerlok) Binding but the "Pro Click" bind is a finished set when removed from the device.
Re: Need some help ---Scan Router for Vista 64 Bit
If you figure it out -- let me know --- I am going to keep playing with it- -- but I am not really tech savy.... It's annoying though.....Think I am going to buy a Mac.......If I can't use scanning and everything is going to be difficult -- i may as well have a cool looking pc.
Re: Need some help ---Scan Router for Vista 64 Bit
Well, the funny thing about that is that the scanning works on a mac, so you can have a cool-looking PC that actually works
Re: Ten Commandments of the Xerox ColorQube
used to be a non -- believer--- Think you may be surprised....Got in to trouble because I was waiting for the territory reps to put these out before i would sell them...Waited 6 months - they are loved by customers and service. Watch out and sharpen your tools, cause I am comin after the two meter machines.
Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh
Does this affect Oce-Imagistics At all? How?
Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh
Well, since Oce-Imagistics is a division of Oce, I'm pretty sure it means they all go to Canon now. This is the added US distribution I mentioned earlier.
Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh
I tend to agree with the notion that Imagistics won't change much on the short term. They will have Canon added to their mix but the Oce's will still be there. This acquisition isn't like buying a Global or an IKON. Canon acquired a manufacturer with it's own manufacturing and R&D. Over time the lines will be blurred but not for several years.
Re: New MP C6000 & MP C7500 from Ricoh!
will they release these in all markets? Remember when CANON did a limited realese with their MX7000. I still haven't seen one. What type of front ends are available? Looking forward to seeing these...It's about time but why only air assist and 12" x 18" if you get the lct. RICOH still needs to catch up with their competitors but this is a good start.
Re: Konica Minolta Pro 1050
.005 is still very profitable on this device....One great way to displace this machine is with a duplicator: It's a niche market but if you find Low Coverage Environments that need to run very heavy or a substrate not conducive to heat....Trust me,,,just demo your dup - You'll win.
Re: IKON Service Pricing for Kyocera
03/11/07 at 03:33 PM Reply with quote #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very interesting service plan. Being a Kyocera dealer, some things you may need to know. Toner for the KM 3050,4050 and 5050 msrp from Kyocera @ $ 185.00 and yields 34,000, based on 6% coverage. PM kit for the KM 3050 is 400,000 copies, but the KM 4050 and 5050 is 500,000 copies. What we have being told from Kyocera is this is the same machine we sell. There is NO...
Re: Ricoh Offers Managed Print Services to Reduce Printing Complexity
That announcement seemed to walk in circles. Not to mention I know the branch in my region can barely sell a copier, let alone assess a real organizations output.... I guess this initiative will keep the branch guys busy trying to learn something new, while we're in their taking the corporate business. Good for them.
Re: Global buysCOMDOC...yes you heard correct!
DID XEROX or GLOBAL make this acquistion? Press Release states GLOBAL - you all need to quite hatin and move on with your copier lives....
Re: Looking for competetive pricing help
Being a Ricoh/Kyocera Dealer, the KM 5050 cost we be in the Dmap 4-5 range. Depending on the size of the deal. You will have a hard time beating the CPC cost with Ricoh on the MP 5000SP. We can get it down in the .006 range. Good Luck
Re: KonicaMinolta Pro C6500
this must be one of two things: Liquidating Inventory for KM 6501 or Quick Print Pricing
Re: KonicaMinolta Pro C5501
encourage demo's on this unit --- they run horrible....similar to colorforce 8050...color is not consistent either.
Re: New High Volume from Ricoh?
It is my understanding from an inside source, that soon to com will be a revamped 90, 105, and the introduction of a 130 ppm. My only hope is they improve the duty cycle so it can compete with the big boys in high volume situations. 5050
Re: RICOH/SAVIN 3515 fax forward ?
Does any one know how to change the e-mail address in SCAN ROUTER PRO that faxes are being forwarded to? 5050
Re: Win $1,000 !!! P4P "Sell The Solution" Contest!!!
Wow, This is a a really cool idea! Just like the duplicator trip to West Caldwell. Alot of information though to be shared publically. As much as I would like to participate, I couldn't offer that info. Good Luck to All!
Re: Can you name this copier
I sold many of this AI1515 and AI2020 series! Plus the AI4040-5050 which were CRAP! Mita took back many of these machines, that were placed in a few school districts.
Re: Konica Minolta 1Rate Program Updates
Would be nice if others could help with this. I had a chat last week with a former KM rep about the changes in 1Rate KM program. It was stated that KM has dropped the auto escalator for the hardware and the maintenance. However it was stated that KM has raise the monthly rates for 1Rate three times since last year to cover the loss of the escalations. I was also told there was a freight fee for shipping of supplies. This is billed every month even if the client does not receive supplies. I...
KM 1 Rate aka Flat Rate (unlimited clicks)
With all of the hubbub about unlimited clicks with KonicaMinolta and now a few dealers. We'd like to hear your thoughts with our new survey. How Long Do You Think the Entire Industry will Make the Change to unlimited clicks?
Blog Post
The KM 1Rate Program & How to Sell Against It Webinar
In the last few weeks, I've had many inquires about the KM 1Rate program. That's the program that give clients unlimited clicks for a monthly fee. Yes, I stated unlimited clicks. With the help of P4P Hotel members I've been able to understand the terms and conditions of the program. Once you understand those you can put together a strategy to point out the good, the bad and the ugly. In the webinar we'll focus on those terms and conditions and the offer up a strategy to sell against it.
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of March 2009)
Rules of thumb...sell nothing but the need for an appointment on a phone call or initial call. Also never "sell" during your fact-finding for several reasons: 1.) The fact-finding process gets interrupted or stopped. 2.) You come across like a dog salivating over fresh meat. 3.) You tip your hand and lose some of the thunder you will get from your proposal. 4.) You inspire additional questions and thought processes that the prospect will then discuss with competitors. read the rest in the...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in November 2008
Busy, busy week last week, at least for Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday turned out to be a dud with just a couple of small orders. We all know the story for Thursday & Friday. I took a well deserved break from the site for four days. End of the year, the month, the year and the quarter coming up. I LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR! Enjoy the most popular threads from ten years ago this week. Ricoh, IKON, and the Next Great Bubble ''''1 11/15/084:31 PM acquisitions to date - or the next big bubble.