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Tagged With "Color Label Printing"


Re: Kyocera finally put's out a low volume A4 Color

Kyocera Guy ·
Yes I have sold a couple of these. For the price these are fantastic. My service manager is impressed which is hard to do. Dual side scanning is a definite selling point. The cost per page is going to be higher of course. I would say in the .015 black and white and .11 color to be safe (depending on your market of course). Not as good as say the 6535 per say but the machine is less than half the cost. If the run more than a couple thousand a month I would move them up to the 6535cidn. Let me...

Re: Graph Expo Day Two 2016

Larry Kirsch ·
Good work...

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

Martin Hofman ·
How true! And whats next? How long will it take before A4 will also be banned from the offices? My opinion; As soon as Generation Z enters the office-floors (A3 and A4) print will (sooner or later) ‘disappear’. Who's already preparing his business for this future?

Re: Ricoh To Acquire ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH, An Industrial Printing Software Company

Art Post ·
As other manufacturers migrate away from print. Ricoh continues to invest in print. Thoughts?

Re: Smart Operations Panel

Old Glory ·
If they are new to Ricoh I don't even go to the Classic screen. It is inevitable that the Classic Screen will cease to be an option some day. I usually also include the Quick Print Release to the Home Screen.

Re: MPS and Linux HELP!

jdicarlo ·
So some clarification first. PaperCut absolutely does support Mac. In fact, it is the only cost recovery/print control solution that I know of that actually installs in an all Mac environment. (Server and Client) It also is the only solution I know of that installs in a Linux environment. So both of your issues are solved with PaperCut. I included the install guides for Mac and Linux to get you started.

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Yup. it can print up to 300gsm

Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Art Post ·
Wow the OKI wide formats! Haven't run across any of these yet. I do remember that Oki bought a minor wide format player a number of years ago. Ah, now I remember, it was the Seiko wide format devices. I need to brush up on this one for you. The first thing I would lead with is how long Ricoh has had the same digital print engine. I believe it to be one of the most reliable engines on the market today. The Ricoh MP W6700 and MP 7100 are identical except that you can add a dual roll feeder to...

Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Art Post ·
So, the Oki or Teriostar 1040 is one page per minute faster than the Ricoh. Oki wants the user to replace the corona wire cartridge and the process cartridge. I believe the process cartridge is the drum. Now, the memories come back, if an end user scratches that drum, it's on the user to replace the drum which is going to be a very pricey item. If I was a business owner I would not want my peeps handling a part that has a cost of $1,500-$2,000. If they scratch it, it's on me to buy another,...

Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Most are missing this great opportunity to shift dollars. The satellite channels are starting to tell end-users to shift print spend to IT Security, and other more pressing issues. It won't be long before the buyer starts circumventing the sales engine of yesterday. Thanks for posting Art

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
With no debate, the US Senate unanimously passed a bill that would cut or eliminate tariffs on toasters, chemicals and roughly 1,660 other items made outside the United States. Nearly half of those items are produced in China, according to a Reuters analysis of government records. One can only hope that copy/ print devices and their parts and consumables have had their tariffs eliminated. Since there are no manufactures of copiers/ printers on US soil, I do not know from whom the proposed...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
SSG I checked here and there is nothing new at least about the recent passing of the Senate bill. I believe that Trump would still have to sign the bill and there is nothing about the House of Representatives either. It doesn't look good

Re: Around the Word with Konica Minolta

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Enters Predictive Healthcare Analytics with Value-Based Care Platform August 13, 2018 11:30 ET | Source: Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. Ramsey, NJ and Foster City, CA – August 13, 2018, Aug. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Konica Minolta Inc.’s (Konica Minolta) Business Innovation Center (BIC), technology innovator for the healthcare industry, announces today the company’s breakthrough entry into the healthcare analytics market: a Value-Based...

Re: Canon imageRUNNER Advance C3535i questions

Art Post ·
how about when printing? Is there a setting in the print driver? Can you send me post a pic?

Re: Around the Word with Konica Minolta

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta Again Joins the Fight against Childhood Cancer Ramsey, NJ, Aug. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc . (Konica Minolta) today announced they will again support Tackle Kids Cancer, a philanthropic initiative on behalf of the Children’s Cancer Institute at the Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital at Hackensack Meridian Health Hackensack University Medical Center. As with last year, Konica Minolta is partnering with THE NORTHERN TRUST...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Old Glory I agree!! Solutions take longer, I've been working on a secure print solution for almost 4 months. I'm lucky if the deal will top 40K and even luckier if I get the deal. I've tried to focus on higher end hardware and multiple units. The multiple units is tough because everyone is involved and margins are so so at best. MY only saving grace has been the wide format stuff.

Re: Print Control/Mgmt

John MacInnes ·
Hi Everyone, Thanks for your posts. Every year or two we see new, low cost competitors that come out of the woodwork for a little while. We are selling against these guys the same as you fight your low cost competitors. There are a few obvious detriments that seem to have stood the test of time. The revenue model can not possibly be profitable for 80% of your customers. Ridiculously low is exactly that, ridiculous and unsustainable. $500 worth of technical support will be used up mighty...

Re: Another Ricoh Dealer Takes on Konica Minolta

Who will be next? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A & A Office Systems Now Offering Esteemed Konica Minolta Product Line 9/9/2009 New England-based Company to Offer Award-Winning Lines of Konica Minolta MFPs, Production Print Systems, Printers, and Software Solutions Middletown, CT and Ramsey, NJ – September 9, 2009 – John Sullivan, President & CEO of A&A Office Systems (A&A) and Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta), a leading provider...

Re: Tidbits from Print '09

Art Post (Guest) ·
very nice, it made me feel like I had attended the show with out the hasel! Print on Demand in Phili, though not as large on Print 09 had a very low turn out also!

Re: Another Ricoh Dealer Takes on Konica Minolta

KenMark Office Systems Joins Elite Konica Minolta Dealer Channel Massachusetts-based Company to Offer Award-Winning Lines of Konica Minolta MFPs, Production Print Systems, Printers, and Software Solutions Ramsey, N.J. and Mashpee, Mass. - September 15, 2009 - Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc. (Konica Minolta), a leading provider of advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop, today announced that KenMark Office Systems (KenMark) of Mashpee,...

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

"4) Improved Consumable yields and costs * Konica Minolta continues to shift its color MFPs away from using imaging units featuring both drum-developer to offering separate mono developer and drums. This provides greater cost benefits for mono output and allows lower Mono CPC. Konica Minolta also increased toner and other consumable yields in its latest generation and forthcoming Color MFPs." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Konica Minolta Boosts Productivity for Small- to Mid-Sized...

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

Old Glory ·
If I am hearing this right, you have two issues...USB access and driverless/wireless printing. Others have USB printing, we don't. However, we have HotSpot Printers that no one else has. I am going to assume that you are not familier with this. HotSpot printers allow you to print from anything that has email access including iPhones or BlackBerries. You don't need drivers and you don't need to be on the network. You just email the file to a...

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

Old Glory ·
It will take me awhile to get used to the combined boards. Is there a way to tell? The only way for us to be able to print from USB would be to attach a laptop. Even those that have the ability to print from USB are limited to PDF's, correct?

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

John ·
Guys, Just an FYI. I am a Ricoh only dealer. Been on the hotel for awhile. We have looked at the Hotspot printers but it doesn't solve the walkup and print from a USB issue. John

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

Old Glory ·
I looked up your profile after JasonR's reply. Sorry for not remembering that "John" was you. I know it's your name but there are a lot of John's out there. Even if you eliminate all the John's that Dear John letters go to and all the outhouses by that name, that still leaves quite a few. Anyway, isn't it impossible to be able to print anything but PDF's from a thumb drive if it isn't plugged into a device with the software resident? For instance, how can an MFP print an Excel File without...

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

JasonR ·
Very true Old Glory, the printing ability would be quite limited with the "print from USB". Usually it is PDF/EPS/JPG (and sometimes TIFF)only.

Re: Savin SPC221SF and scan to email

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question How do I use Scan to Folder on Windows? Answer Documents scanned using your device can be sent over a network to a shared folder. To use Scan to Folder, follow these steps: Note: To send scanned documents to a shared folder on a computer, the correct user name, password, and directory must be set. Files can be sent to folder destinations on the following operating systems: Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 / Windows Vista Mac OS X Destinations must be registered via...

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

Old Glory ·
I would look into Fabsoft's Reform Print Driver. It captures the print stream from the user's application and allows you to apply "rules." I don't know if it will do what you need but it is where I would start. I don't remember how much it is but I do remember that it was cheap. Greg Levita (973)767-2100 ext. 505

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

Art Post (Guest) ·
We called fabsoft and they stated the retail was $3,200, this will not work any other ideas like untilizing an automatic print2file like ecopy and the automate the print process?

Re: Need help with Pay for Print Solution

Old Glory ·
John, I don't know if this is still a live issue for you but I thought of you while reading up on the Fiery Controller Option for the C2800/C3300 and the C4000/C5000. In an FAQ Document under wireless printing options it states, "When printing from USB removeable media, the Fiery will print Postscript and PDF File formats. If the Fiery has internet access and the Native Document Conversion option (i.e. EFI PrintMe) then you can also print native Microsoft Office Documents from your USB..."

Re: High Volume Updates

Art Post (Guest) ·
RICOH PRO 907/1107/1357 PRODUCTION PRINTER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Where do the new Pro Series Production Printers fit in the Ricoh high volume monochrome printer product line? A. The new Pro Series Production Printers are successors to the highly successful Digital Document Publisher models, the DDP70e and the DDP92. Those models were initially brought into the Ricoh product family through the acquisition of Hitachi. Technically, the 70-ppm Digital Document Publisher 70e is being...

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

JasonR ·
I can't think of any way to duplicate a page (that's not just a driver/print setting/printstream issue, that's wholesale re-creation of a page) without getting a package that will do much much more (and cost more than you want to pay). How about setting up two printers with different default settings and having them print twice? If they aren't willing to pay, they either need to be willing to take extra steps or relinquish this request.

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Will not work, cause document then needs to be stapled. I do remember that in most printers, you can set a feature where the printer will make a copy of the page that was sent, is this still true in most printers?

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

JasonR ·
Yeah, most printers have a setting in their menus where you can tell it to always print 2 copies of anything they receive. It'll pull them both from the same tray though and probably wouldn't finish them.

Re: Print Audit $50 August Gift Card Winner is .....

Art Post (Guest) ·
GMAN wins the gift ard for September, GMAN please PM me wih your address so Print Audit can send you your gift card!! New Members: 71 Total Hours Usage: 273 Print4Pay Hotel Message Board Top 5 Posters GMAN 23 Neal 22 JasonR 11 Old Glory 9 Top 5 Topic Starters Neal 8 jswinberlin 2 dfrazier 2 GIntel 2

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Well, I figured out a temp work around. 1. Customer prints invoice to ecopy. 2. While in ecopy, customer makes a copy 3. Customer then slects print, (RPCS driver) 4. Customer selects customized RPCS print IKon we set up. 5. Customer hits ok. Two part form is printed from printer, canary is pulled from second tray, white is pulled from first tray and then stapled. These are work orders that service techs will take in the field with them. Problem is customer states he does not want to use ...

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

CopyFax Jax ·
So this effort is eliminate "carbon copied" work orders for service techs? What is wrong with the print "workflow" when the software application that generates a service form cannot be configured to print two of the same item? This is not an easy "printer-centric" fix. The application needs to either carry this information to the printer as part of the job or you must have some print-based software (Planet Press/Dataworks) telling the printer what to do. At this point, what other problems...

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Does anyone know of a low cost solution? Meaning uder $1,000 that would make the system print and staple??

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

lep524 ·
I'm with Art. I think the A4 systems are in the market to stay and soon everyone will have them. Samsung will also have A3 systems within the next 18 months to be able to offer them with the A4's on bids and tenders. We shouldn't forget old HP when we have this discussion...they still collect more clicks in NA than any other manufacturer and they are seriously getting into the managed print business. It seems to me it is going to come down to who is going to gaurantee the client the toner on...

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

JasonR ·
I think this is the big change over the last 15-20 years. If you think back, there was a time that you could buy an "off-brand" (not Xerox, Canon or Ricoh) and be really disappointed. They just wouldn't do the job. That's not true anymore, at least for level of machine 90% of office users need. Sure, we may beat the other players on some specific uncommon features, but if they just need a MFP to copy/scan/print, you'd be hard pressed to find one that couldn't accomplish that.

Re: Embeded Print Director/PCS 6.0

Bill Knight ·
Ok I got the Java and the print director embedded installed fine. The customer wants to be able to track scans and fax also. According to the jobs list I did not do any scanning though I know I did. I found something the referanced an "Enhanced External Counter SDK" but cannot figure out where to download. Ricoh says it is part of the Java card. In the Administrator tab I see an option for this "Enhanced External Counter" but cannot see where to turn it on as it is greyed out. Ricoh has not...

Re: Embeded Print Director/PCS 6.0

trial (Guest) ·
I'm gonna cc the guys at print audit and I'm sure they'll have an answer for you. Today is Canada's Thanksgiving!

Re: P4P member: Allegheny County signs 5 year contract with Amcon Office Systems

This is an excellent example of why Dealers should be aware of their manufacturer's Environmental initiatives and be able to speak intelligently about 'sustainability.' Ricoh does a great job in this area, as well as XEROX and Konica Minolta. You also see more discussion on 'environmental benefits' in Managed Print Services strategies.

Re: P4P member: Allegheny County signs 5 year contract with Amcon Office Systems

5050 (Guest) ·
Gman - Your absolutely right...Green Initiatives have always interested me and from a financial perspective they are great investments right now for stocks. Art - Thank you -- this was the most competitive and nail bighting 4 months in my career so far. Being government this bid had to go out to the public. The bid requirements were 50 pages long, and the time spent in dotting I's and crossing t's was insane. Every company who sells copiers bid in the Pittsburgh Market. Everyone body who...

Re: Need Help for Print Solution!

5050 (Guest) ·
they are typically user customized in the application. For example a law firm printing to an HP 4000, when they print a letter it's always in dup or triplicatel; right? So the program is set up when they select to print, a letter that they get: 1. a print on letterhead 2. a print on plain paper 3. a print on colored paper 4. an evnelope. I always run into this when replacing printers, because it never is configured to do the same thing, and i have like 30 legal secretaries wanting to kill...


JasonR ·
Ouch, that's a tough one. If it's really a proprietary system, there's probably no chance of a converter being available. What's the actual file format? Does it save in an an autocad format? or HPGL? Secondly, why do you need it to be PDF? If it's for printing to a ricoh wide format, could they use a PDF print driver to drop the file into a folder for the Rioch to grab it from?


5050 (Guest) ·
Jason -- no the goal it to print a version of an 11 x 17 drawing and scale down to a letter size document. My PCL and PS3 driver is not reading the lines on the drawing as an image. I posted for a colleague so who just joined so I am not sure of the file format, nor am I familiar w/ this application. 2nd part yes -- they could do that -- that was a quick work around that we did - but was unhappy with the amount of clicks that it had to go through. They have a CANON that does it no problem.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

kdbyrum ·
A customer was demo'ing a canon color copier with fiery in their office. I stopped by on the second day to check to see how everything was going. The office manager asked me if there was any way that images or pictures would just randomly print off the hard drive of the system. Apparently, some very explicit images had been printed on the copier right before I got there. Rightfully so she was absolutley furious. I explained that the pictures had to have been printed by someone in the office.

Re: Weekend Industry Notes from 11/08/09

Art Post (Guest) ·
Not correct, this is an A4 device only and will not print 11x17 click here

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

JasonR ·
I customer once called me to ask for the "White Toner" for their copier. I told them that their copier only had black toner, but they wanted white toner to print on black construction paper.