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Tagged With "Client Engagement Training Series"


Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 49"

Tom Koenig ·
Good Luck Art Still holding on to that $20 bucks!!!! Thank you, Have a Great Day! Thomas Koenig District Business Manager Dealer Division - Northeast Region RICOH USA, INC. 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Cell: 570-439-2864

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 49"

Art Post ·
Tom, Oh, aren't you the funny one!! Have fun at the Stratix Holiday party!

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-One of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
An excellent webinar on how to virtually prospect. What to say, what to do from America's #1 Sales Outsourcing Provider of the Year.

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...

Re: Saudi-Based United Carton Industries Company Invests in Digital with EFI Nozomi Corrugated Printer

David Lindsay ·

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Ask Me Anything

Sounds like I missed a good knowledge drop last week Art! Had a pretty good excuse, but love the topics discussed! I'm always learning and part of this ongoing learning is something from your blogs/emails that I throw in my knowledge bucket. Keep it up and I appreciate what you do!

Re: Ask Me Anything

Art Post ·
@TML Yup anytime there;s a new family member it over rides anything that has to do with business. Hope to have you on the next call. Just remember to RSVP on the calendar and I will send you the link

Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...

Re: 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate Service Program Will Change the Copier Industry

TomO ·
Art, a terrific take on the changing forces in the business model of the industry. Moneyball has arrived in the imaging business.

Re: 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate Service Program Will Change the Copier Industry

Art Post ·
Thank you Tom, writing it brought back some awesome memories

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Kyocera Guy ·
I know feast or famine right? I feel your pain but luckily not this month.

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Art Post ·
ty! I've had feasting for three months, now it's time for payback

Re: Smart Operations Panel

Art Post ·
I'm doing the same as Old Glory. It's taken some time but I'm able to train new Ricoh clients on the new interface. It's takes a lot of practice because I'm still use to the classic GUI

Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity

fisher ·
In my experience A4 machines are as much or even more hassle than an A3 machine to install and train which I do myself for the customer but my income off of the sale of the A4 device is a fraction of what it would have been had I sold an A3. Beyond that most A4 machines lack a document feeder built to handle the page volumes of walk up copying and scanning my customers do. At the end of the day I have to make a living so I spend my time on A3 opportunities.

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

CashGap ·
Not true. But car dealers routinely "train" using whatever version of the truth they think will make a sale.

Re: New A3 TASKalfa 305/255

SpartaGuy ·
Sounds like Kyocera won't have much use for dealers if you can train a monkey to set it up and service it.

Re: New A3 TASKalfa 305/255

fisher ·
That is the future of most small and mid sized machines. Prepare yourself.

Re: Quake in Japan

Art Post (Guest) ·
(Updates with Honda, Nissan closures beginning in fifth paragraph. See {EXT2 } for reports on the quake.) March 11 (Bloomberg) -- Companies including Sony Corp. and Toyota Motor Corp. halted output at plants after an 8.9- magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, damaging production facilities and causing power outages. Sony halted and evacuated six factories in northeastern Japan, said Yasuhiro Okada, a spokesman at the Tokyo-based company. He said the company was assessing the...

Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...

SalesServiceGuy ·
Toshiba HQ Bldg. in Tokyo is designed to resist earthquakes. Employees actually felt sea sick on the upper floors as the building gently swayed back and forth absorbing the shock waves. The elevators stopped woring. All Toshiba employees are OK and the earthquake had no significant effect on MFP production. MFP production is mainly in China. Toshiba has closed all non essential facilities to comply with Govt request. In Tokyo, there are now rolling black outs and interruptions to train...

Re: Sales Manager Advice

JasonR ·
I don't think you could have a selling sales manager who also (actually) manages 6 people. Selling sales mangers are great in areas that need someone in charge but the number of reps do not justify a manager (usually 2-3 reps). If you want someone to hire, train and actually manage people, don't give them a quota for individual sales. If you want someone to answer a few questions and turn in the month end paperwork without really "managing" anything, go with a selling sales manager.

Re: Ricoh Launches New Aficio MFPs With App2Me Solution

JasonR ·
Without limits? If you sold a 171 and the customer had 50 workstations, you would install the print driver (and then the fax driver) on every one of them? My suggestion is to incorporate a reasonable limit to the installs. The customer needs to learn how to install the driver anyway since I doubt you would come back out in six months to install a driver on their new PC. Five workstations per device seems to work well. That's enough to make sure everything is working and train the customer...

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Art Post (Guest) ·
Old Glory: I see Perry just came out with a plan for a flat tax for 20%, not sure exactly what that're from East Texas, what are you thoughts on Perry? I have relatives in Mass that state Romeny is a train wreck.

Re: For all Replublicans, or Indies

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm still on the Cain train, I heard someone make a statement that Cain does not have any political experience and I thought, gee that could be a good thing. Really though, I'm sick and tired of career polititians. I think a business man will make business decisions to get the US economy back on track.

Re: Selling is dead. The Customer Community killed it.

Jrlz ·
Well written blog, however I as agree with many of the points in the blog. For example: 1. Selling is not dead; it has changed and will continue to change. As the author finally arrives at near the end “old selling” is dead. As buyers change, great sales people have to change with them. Selling is alive and well, it has just changed. 2. Buyer communities did not kill selling. If anything, they can help it. If your company is doing a good job and made a name for itself then the buyer...

Re: Managed Services "Are You in or Out"!

txeagle24 ·
If you're going to sell I.T. you have to know I.T. and be able to speak their language. I take our I.T. Sales Specialists on a lot of calls, and once they start speaking geek, I know enough to somewhat understand, but the conversation eventually gets to areas that are completely Greek to me. It's just like if we were to get some sales guys from IBM and tried to train them to understand and sell imaging. It would be completely foreign to them.

Re: Managed Network Services discussion

Yoda ·
I was being facetious when I mentioned Sears. Just trying to make the point that its not that easy. MPS is easy. Cross train tech guys on HP and Lexmark, that already know imaging basics and turn them loose. Then your synergies take over. Your regular reps sell it and you don't need a stable full of specialists that are persnickety to say the least maintaining it.

Re: 240WD

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have situations like this before, even though the 240W is only six years old, keep in mind they were around for almost 4 years! Ricoh has now listed them as "limited parts" or something to that effect. This is the first item I would tell them about. There has got be advantages moveing to the W3601 for them. Are they scanning if so, are they only scanning as a .tiff. Are they emailing the scans as .tiffs or are they converting to .pdf, if they are converting to .pdf, have they considered...

Re: NEW Duplicator with Paper Cassette

Art Post (Guest) ·
I heard the JP 4500 is to be released within the nest week along with the new Seri Printer. I am not sure about this system, it just might be a system for the European Market.

Re: SERI Launch Date

Jayson Gilbertson ·
Please pardon my ignorance, but other may also not know. What is SERI?

Re: SERI Launch Date

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ah........, the long awaited SERI printer. This devices wroks in tandem with any of Ricoh's Digital Duplicators. It actually allows duplicators to print onto alternative media, such as "Tyvek", "Coated Stock" and other stock where the ink was not drying. The SERI dries the ink by passing the paper and ink from the duplicator under a UV light. This process also allows Ricoh to now release "transparent inks", meaning CMYK printing can be accomplished. To me the Seri gives us a new market, that...

Re: SMB scanning and Administrative Login

slim463 ·
Well, alot administrators have a 30, 60, or 90 day password policy. And when you setup a SMB scanning and the file destination is located on a server, the admin usually gives you the administrator password. Well, this password policy will effect you because you used the same credentials for each entry. They CORRECT workaround is to request a separate username and password created just for that MFP itself. And allow that newly created username and password FULL right access to the scan folder...

Re: So Many Choices

Art Post (Guest) ·
Scott: Of course one of the ways i keep up is with this web site, I can learn hardware and software as I "need to know" and still concentrate on prospecting, demoing and closing. To the new "recruit", how can one possible learn the features and benefits of the entire Ricoh line. We (COPI) sell the entire line, out of eight sales people we probably have two that have the knowledge to "sell it all"! I have seen numerous reps come and go, when they have had to learn product knowledge, sales and...

Re: AP3800CD Printing White Letters?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ted: The new Seri Model 25 (use with TCII or JP8500/5500) will be able to print the color of white! White ink is expected to be released in the next month or so! Art

Re: Urgent Need help!!!

Old Glory ·
We just got our Seri Reflex Blue in today so it must now be in stock. If not I can sell you one if you are in a bind. Is Reflex Blue what I need to do full-color?

Re: Urgent Need help!!!

Jim Stocker ·
Seri Blue M is needed for CYMK, Reflex is the Royal Blue, like our normal inks. I have spare Seri drums in an emergency.

Re: Urgent Need help!!!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Thanx for the effort, I heard that there are n o seri drums in stock and they may be arriving today. Art

Re: Riso HC5000

Jim Stocker ·
The Lexmark thing is now providing stability for Riso. Their sales actually increased last year, but only due to the sales of Lexmark. Otherwise, duplicator sales declined sharply, I hear. It would be great to get the scoop on this device, as Jim says, with the Seri and this, there might well be some life in the old girl yet!!!

Re: Global buysCOMDOC...yes you heard correct!

Chuck ·
Geez, what's with old dog copier guys and Algebra - took it twice in High School and passed it once then had to pass it again in college and barely passed. At RxR crossings I break out in a cold sweat waiting for Train A which left Peoria at 25 mph heading east and Train B which left Detroit heading west at 35 mph to collide 'cause I can't figure out where they'll crash . . .

Re: Duplicator and sorting ideas

Art Post (Guest) ·
Amanda: What type of finishing?, do they need booklet making, more than 20 11 x 17's? Would they like to have spot color? Finishing options are available, however my first approach would be with two 90's with the finishers. You can sell the sizzle, that the systems will pretty much work unattended. They will have to fill and empty the paper, any printer would love to have the job run with out much labor involved and you can also sell the sizzle of direct print from the PC. If the finishing...


Boston Mike ·
I was just thinking of taking the train in on Monday. I have to do a family thing on that Sunday which I cannot get out of. Let me know what the plan is. Thanks, -=Mike=-

Re: Samsung Printers Win Pick Awards for Outstanding Achievement from Buyers Laboratory

Art Post ·
Just in the last week I've read several threads on the P4P Hotel and heard from several dealers that they are loving the Samsung line of copiers. Watch out Canon, Xerox, Ricoh, Sharp, Konica Minolta, Kyocera and Toshiba the train is coming down the tracks!!

Re: JP4500 Quality !

Jim Stocker ·
Thought I'd share what I wrote to Scott.. We've got several units out there, but I really don't have a handle on actual yields as yet. I do have high expectations, though. So far reliably, we've had no issues. Even have a client who runs a bunch of envelopes with no cutting into the master, another benefit of its thickness. Haven't done much color work, possibly due to the limited standard colors. I heard a rumour that Ricoh was trying to see if they make this Seri compatible. We'll see. For...

Re: JP4500 Quality !

Art Post (Guest) ·
Guys, I took a chance and placed a 4500 in a print shop. He is enthralled with the copy/print technology. Ink yields compared to the JP3000 have been outrageous. He's averaging 11K per cartridge on long runs. He has not complained about registration, and he is doing single color NCR. As far as registration for 4 color work, the jury is still out. The JP4500 uses does the new press roiller design that is in the JP5500 and the JP8500. As far as working with the Seri, they should find a way to...

Re: New Duplicators from Ricoh

Jim Stocker ·
Not that I know of yet. Was it part of the Seri configuration? I knew they were developing that, but thought it was going to be a Seri hybrid - that is using a resin ink. Also, how many heads did it have? My information says that they might have up to 6 heads when all said and done. They are supposed to be replacing the 8500 with a unit that has the HQ master technology, with much greater functionality at the control panel. Any new news of that?

Re: territory splits

Neal ·
with us it's 40/60 with the 60 going to the installing rep who has responsibility to train and all follow up work

Re: Seriprinter with the LCT

Art Post (Guest) ·
I will check for you, we have not had the opportunity to install one of these. You may want to give Ray Bauer a call. He is the Product Manager for the Seri and the accessories. He can be reached at 973.882.2000. Thanx Art Post

Re: 480 Scanning Problem (odd size drawings)

Wallin Team ·
I have not tested any scanning on the 480W as of yet, but I always train customers to set the scan size versus using scanner mode. My experience has been that if your scan is slight skewed or off center, the scanner might recognize a bigger size. When printing, the printer will APS a larger paper size or not allow printing at all. If you have a scanned original that is just over 36", not only will the job redline, but you cannot force it to print to a specific roll. Basically, you are left...

Re: Seri Printer Question

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh has begun to take orders for the new Seri Printer!!!


Art Post (Guest) ·
Warren, I am not aware of a maunal for the RPCS driver. I train all my customers from my knowledge about the driver. I will do some checking. Art