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Tagged With "Cost Assessment"


Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Wallingford ·
What came next with some dealers in the Oz market, was a guarantee that the client's copy costs would not rise annually, above a maximum of 10% which most clients would agree to. Or that it would only rise by the CPI, which these days is a joke of a deal, as it is only around 2%. But some now guarantee to hold the pricing for the term of the rental agreement, which at 5 years is just down right stupid.This has now become a lot more prevalent, as weak salesmen sell (if you can call it...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Art Post ·
Wallingford Thanx for this! From your thread I can tell we all have most of the same issues. Anyone else care to help with their first experience with CPC?

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

txeagle24 ·
I've only been around 9 years, but when I first started, we were selling the old Ricoh AP3800CMF (A3 color printer w/ a scanner kit attached to make it an MFP) since the 1224c/1232c was such a bust. In our Service Agreements, black toner was included in the CPP, but color toner was billable. When trying to get those customers to upgrade to the 2238c, I would create a cost per page analysis (since toner was included in our CPP for the 2238c) and had several furious customers who thought we...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

John Saramak ·
I remember it well and at ComDoc, in the early 80's we sometimes put the offer out there without it being a formal price plan. I think the customer realized that a lot of the toner they purchased and stocked was useless at end of the machines life. It was like a primer with a customer who had that and TCO on their mind, it was a way to close them. Equally, I remember taking it one step further in the early 90's with copy management - the first all inclusive (hardware, service, supplies)...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Old Glory ·
I remember a plan that didn't really take hold but it was a plan like the one John talked about and all accessories were proposed in the form of want a finisher, just commit to 10,000 additional copies per month. The CPC rate had an equipment portion attached to it so more clicks funded more equipment. If the CPC was normal plus .003, 10,000 clicks added $30/month which would fund $1,500 additional. Some customers that weren't willing to pay $1,500 would agree to 10,000 more...

Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?

Art Post ·
Wow! These are some awesome stories, I'm sure there are many more out there from some of our veterans, would love to read more.

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

kathie ·
Hey Art, can I use this? You offer some terrific points that I would like to get out to my network. I would be happy, of course, to source you and your blog/website as the author. I would post to my company FB page and to my LinkedIn page as well. kathie

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

Art Post ·
No problem, please feel free and credits would be awesome! Just double check my grammar.

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

John Saramak ·
Art Some very good points here, for both a buyer and seller. So often a seller is focused on one aspect of the deal with others being and economic time bomb. I think offering the professional "bowing out" of a price deal is necessary to consider, as just when you think prices couldn't get lower, they do. Taking an approach towards a true, mutually beneficial deal will either get appreciated, or get your on your way towards finding one.

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am helping a dealer set up a new webpage. I have read that helpful tips like the above help Search Engine Optimization (SEO) drive more traffic to your website. I will attach the same and use P4P as a reference.

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

Czech ·
Art, ballsy on declining to propose. Love it!

Re: 8 Talking Points for Selecting an Imaging/Copier Vendor

kathie ·
There were few misspelling but I’m trying to become more forgiving. : )

Re: Color Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 3 (produce 31 to 40 pages)

richj ·
I am out of the office on annual leave until the 26th Jan. In my absence please contact 01983 406522. Thank you

Re: Leasing Companies are not Exempt from Changes

Lease Maestro ·
Wow - that was quite the read. While there are a few details that I have a differing opinion on, I cannot agree more with Ray on the the fact that change is coming and the Leasing industry has not choice but to change with it. The question is not "will leasing companies change", but how much will they change and how much will they be able to change within their existing framework. Many of these leasing companies are part of larger banking organizations and will the regulatory and legal...

Re: Leasing Companies are not Exempt from Changes

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks for commenting the first step to change is the ability to discuss why you should. As all of know change is usually a forced reaction unfortunately. I would say that the real disruptions to any deliverable are those which come from new places. too many see their competitors as someone like them. Today we all need to look in new places. Regarding Quicken I believe the mass market they attract are not 800 plus credit scores. The interest paid by end-users doesn't need to necessary be...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
Wes also stated that early adopters will see greater profits with flat rate billing. Laggards will get in last and see the least amount of profit. Your statement about flat rate billing on RFPs will be more frequent in 2019. I receive many copier RF's Ill have to read them more closely to see if the flat rate is in the t's & c's

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Anders And ·
Will somebody please explain to me how you can offer unlimited prints at a fixed price, when your cost varies with the actual volume of prints? The only way flat rate is possible is the fact that print is declining, and you use that as a smoke screen. Flat rate is, as I understand it, like leasing or selling a car to a customer with free limitless gas and miles at a fixed monthly price. Obviosly you have to have escape doors in your t&c's - my customers will find out right away. When we...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
I was hoping some one could chime on this. Let me see if I can get Ray's attention on this

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Anders good questions. Flat Rate billing is simply a billing method. The most vital component is understanding cost. Our industry has known customer volumes for decades. We also know it’s declining. Customers’ will not change printing behaviors based on billing. Obviously, each dealer will determine their T&C. The smart ones will focus on controlling cost of labor and increase their FCE, they will sell the right equipment in the right volume band, and they will understand the importance...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Scotty ·
I believe it's location, location,location. What is usually hot in the city is not always taken up as practice in rural areas. With the help of units being able to email meter reads it removes the "annoying" part of collection meter reads. I am with the first guy as I am a long timer(35 years) and agree with his assessment

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Well, I am old timer too my friend. However, I learned along time ago geography does not stop progress. The new competitor who comes to the rural landscape won't deliver by the rules of the old way. I would image back when C.P.C took the place of the previous contract type. Many in the rural areas thought well, that will never happen out here. Well it did.

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Anders And ·
Thanks for commenting I am not worried about labor, I am more worried about consumables and yield parts. Our mif (mostly SMB) is producing less b/w and more color. And we have many customers who has outsourced large print jobs - fx. real estate agents who prints flyers. I am sure that they would bring that back home if the only cost is time and paper. So, some may change their behavior. Collecting counters is not a big deal any more - we are a Ricoh reseller (since 1980!) - and most of the...

Re: Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

wesmcartor ·
The difference in our iDaaS model is that volume DOES impact cost. Other flat rate model offer a rate with no impact on volume. Our program uses the current customer volume, service efficiency, margin expectations as well as our data on over 4 million devices to help remove the variables and concerns over switching to a no meter billing model. We can also adjust for color ratio's. So with the possible exception of print for pay, production and maybe some schools there is no reason not to...

Re: How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

Larry Kirsch ·
sounds like a great tool in the right hands. Thanks looking forward to the meeting,,,

Re: How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

jswinberlin ·
Art, once the app is downloaded, how do you get login information. Is this a software as a service? Is there a monthly fee? Thanks!

Re: How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

Art Post ·
There is a monthly fee, sign up for the webinar for the 9th or the 15th of February please, here is the link
Blog Post

Imaging Channel, 2019 the year of DaaS - My suggestions to help you Implement.

Art Post ·
Well, it happened some pioneers in the print industry are delivering an as a Service model. The Participates of the Imaging Channel must respond and deliver print equipment, its supplies, it’s parts, and its labor to repair in this as a Service model. A fixed cost for a product which eats consumables. Some in the industry are beside themselves and will more than likely lose control in how they proceed unless of course, they move forward timely based on knowledge over desperation caused by...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Wow, has it really been 5 years since the launch of Ricoh ICE. Well the threads from 5 years ago state it is. In addition I posted up a thread about copier demonstrations. Check em when you have the time. Enjoy the threads from 5 Years ago this week! 10 Awesome Tips for a Great MFP/Copier Demo Re: Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation IPS · 9/23/135:27 PM Czech is correct: there are Ricoh printer models with non-Adobe PostScript as well as 3rd-party Adobe controllers for Kyocera, Konica Minolta and...
Blog Post Premium

The Flat Rate Program "The Good, the Bad & the Ugly"

Art Post ·
If you've been around as long as I have, then you're old! No, really it's that you've seen or heard about some of the coolest marketing programs from our beloved copier manufacturers. One program has recently has a ton of chatter on the Print4Pay forums lately. That's the KonicaMinolta All inclusive unlimited click program. I first heard of the program through one of my Linkedin connections and he was touting how awesome the program is for clients. In fact he's authored his success on the...
Blog Post

Leasing Companies are not Exempt from Changes

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Those in the technology industry face many challenges caused by innovation, new competitors, and changing buyer habits. Regardless of your core function in the technology deliverable whether you are a manufacturer, software provider, lessor or a reseller who delivers equipment and its services to the end-users, no one can assume yesterday’s circumstances will remain relevant tomorrow. Today all leasing companies in the channel are delivery models based on a monthly payment where hardware is...
Blog Post

3 Keys To Help Sales Professionals Unlock The Digital Business Door

Larry Levine ·
Technology and sales enablement tools are not only helping sales professional's gain momentum in their marketplace, they're also changing the way they sell their services. Selling successfully in a digitally driven, highly networked and socially empowered business world takes a new mindset and skill set. Inside many sales departments there's a tug-of-war happening, a generational change and shift in sales thinking. Tenured, well-seasoned sales reps are watching tech savvy young professionals...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
It's Friday night and late. Tuesday evening I traveled to Atlantic City for our annual showing of wide format copiers and white boards. Our event started Wednesday in the AM and lasted until 1PM today. I'm getting too old to put in 10 hour days on the show floor (lol). I love doing them because of the interaction with potential clients and you never know who you're going to meet. We brought the BIG 65 inch white board and it was the sizzle that we needed to catch all of those prospects. All...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of April 2015)

Art Post ·
For each of the next few blogs I'll be inserting some tips from what other dealers and sales peeps are doing on a daily basis from around the globe for staying relevant with their clients and prospects. 1. Promote yourselves and our business daily on social media Enjoy these incredible threads from 15 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of April 2005 Art Post · 4/12/157:15 PM . Built-in Wi-Fi in printers could make a tech's 4/18/05...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010

Art Post ·
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...

Re: 5 Reasons Why Not to Get Your Copier MFP at Discount Stores

kathie ·
Great true.

Re: Copier Color Cost Per Page Poll 1st Quarter 2014

Mir Afzal ·
Dear Thank you so kind of you Take Care and Kind Regards Mir Afzal United Engineers Center Jeddah Saudi Arabia Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 19:45:23 -0700

Re: Copier Color Cost Per Page Poll 1st Quarter 2014

Czech ·
Are these colour rates toner in or toner out?

Re: Copier Color Cost Per Page Poll 1st Quarter 2014

Art Post ·
toner included

Re: Color Cost Per Page for 2 Cents, Are You Crazy?

JC ·
Sorry, Art, this will not happen. If you spread the cost by charging more for black and white, some would buy it and only run color. It's already expensive to run black only on a color device, costing 2 to 3 times or more than on a monochrome Production machine. And even at a penny for service and supplies, monochrome margins are low on color production units.

Re: Color Cost Per Page for 2 Cents, Are You Crazy?

Art Post ·
JC: Thanx for the comment! I should have communicated better. This would not be a pricing model for Production systems. You're right, if it was all they would run is color, however, I'm now seeing cost per page for color under 4 cents per page.

Re: Color Cost Per Page for 2 Cents, Are You Crazy?

I think that while in theory this sounds good, it's not gonna fly. Already we're competing against dealers who have color clicks down to $.039 and black clicks down to $.005-$.006 on moderate speed office color units (35 & 45 ppm units). And these aren't those staggered click prices that Kyocera or Xerox dealers are offering for different forms of color (a splash, a bit, or full color). Even if they double click them, you're then back to industry standard for clicks, but most aren't...

Re: Color Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

Rogue ·
Art...for these click charges of .039 color and .045 black, what segment was this in? Second were these click charges for the same system or was one an award for a color system and the other and award for a monochrome system?

Re: Color Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

Art Post ·
Rogue That document and others are located here

Re: Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

Old Glory ·
You need to have a "Not Available" option. I just left the question unanswered but that skews the results. For instance, there is no way my company would allow a segment 2 to be placed without a base no matter the cost per image was.

Re: Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

Art Post ·
ok, let me see if I can edit

Re: Black Cost Per Page Poll for Segment 2 (produce 21-30 pages) Copier MFP

Art Post ·
Did it!! Thanx for the help on this
Blog Post

Eliminate Copier Overage Charges Once & For All

Art Post ·
Most every company owns and or leases a copy machine. In most cases these copiers are covered under a maintenance/supply agreement. The billing model that is most prevalent is where a company charges a fee for "x" amount of pages for black and color prints/copies. Those contracts are be billed annually, quarterly or monthly. In addition to the base charges (annual, quarterly or month), there is also a charge for prints/copies that were made in excess of the agreement. For example. Annual...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 4th Week of September 2005

Art Post ·
Two Japanese scientists snap more than 500 photos of a live giant squid and recover one of its two longest tentacles, which severed during a struggle. (National Geographic) (MSNBC [with pictures]) // <![CDATA[ searchResultsForm_formSubmitName240087079Button = new YAHOO.widget.Button('searchResultsForm_formSubmitName240087079', { 'onclick' : { 'fn' : function() { } } }); // ]]> Shrinking During...
Blog Post

How One Simple (Smart Phone/Tablet) Print App Can Help You Close More Orders!

Art Post ·
In advance of our Print Analyze App (smart phones & tablets) that is scheduled for February 9th & February 15th , I asked Jean Francois LE BRIZE to provide me with the same story that he told me at my first webinar a few months ago. Below is the blog from Jean: Thereis not a lot of software aimed at the salesman in the Imaging business. Among them, PrintAnalyze Full. PrintAnalyze Full is a cloud solution: the Salesman can perform audits, retrieve meters, calculate a...
Blog Post

Print Audit 6 & "Eric the Office Worker" Keeping it Green

Art Post ·
You just bought or leaseda shiny new Color "Green" Copier akaMFP that can print/scan/copy & fax.. You know the system, your salesperson touted the "Green" features such as default auto off, default power save mode, default duplex copying, the small carbon foot print, scan2email, scan2folder, scan2usb, scan2dropbox, scan2googledrive, scan2sdcardand of course it was the end of the month special deal just for you! So, what good is all of this...