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Tagged With "Days of Selling"


Re: Compensation Question

Czech ·
I get paid strictly on GP, but I would be unopposed to a bonus structure for this model. 90% of my sales are new business, so I sell anywhere from 4 to 7 machines per month with 1000 to 2000 GP in each one.

Re: Graph Expo Day Two 2016

Larry Kirsch ·
Good work...

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Kyocera Guy ·
I know feast or famine right? I feel your pain but luckily not this month.

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 10"

Art Post ·
ty! I've had feasting for three months, now it's time for payback

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Kyocera Guy ·
Quick question Art. I am starting my pipeline for 2017. I have a goal set but my question is what % of that goal should I already have in my pipeline before the year starts to hit my annual goal for next year. Just your thoughts.

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
My quota is 720K for the year. Thus, I need three times that in my annual pipeline. On any given month, I need to have 180K in my pipeline. Pipelines are a moving number, you add some, you take away some. Hope this helps

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Kyocera Guy ·
That helps and is a little painful at the same time. I've got some work to do.

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Czech ·
Art, how do you create a funnel of 180k each and every month? What constitutes an "opportunity" in your mind: a) A customer who is actively looking for a solution you offer or B) Someone that you've determined (not the customer yet) has a need for a solution you offer?

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
Never ever stop prospecting is the key. Always adding and subtracting. I would say on average I keep about $100K of deals I think can close in 30 days. I focus on 180 because 2/3rd of them will either roll, or lose. 90% of the time, I will wait until the first contact to determine if that appointment is an opportunity. Once it's in the funnel, I then determine when it may have a chance to close. If's it's more than 50% it's going in the 30 day close funnel

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

JeffR ·
Art, You had mentioned a monthly customer contact email that you do—you were going to send a copy of that—where can I find it? Enjoying your 57 Days of selling—learning a lot! Sue

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.

Re: Canon's new 75PPM A4 MFP series

Jason H ·
As much as I am not a fan of A4, but realizing it’s our necessary evil, I hope they do. The A4 has for the most part killed it for us as sales people. We have to sell many more units to make the same revenue....revenue, I say....profit margin is good for the most part, but we still have to sell more united to keep everyone happy. Was the worst thing a manufacturer could do in my opinion.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
In some cases, more is made on the lease padded rate than the salesperson makes in commissions. Others may tell you that they use the "padded" rates to create promo's for the reps. Do I look like I need an incentive to sell? Frak that, if you need an incentive to sell then you need to get a job at Mickey D's

Re: Attention Sales Leaders... What Are Your Sales Reps Prospecting For?

Mike Cooney ·
Larry, You are exactly right. Excellent article. The challenge in our industry is the mindset of obtaining new business and putting ourselves in the minds of the 21st century customer. We need to break the cycle of a commoditized product offering. I have not waived the white flag and surrendered to that thought process. Instead I believe we need to evolve as sales professionals and engage in the 21st century sales process and those sales professionals/ companies that do will become behemoths...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Old Glory ·
The biggest challenge I see is that you have to sell so much more to make the same money you have in years past. It used to be that if someone needed duplexing, or stapling, or speed, etc. they had to pay for higher scale equipment. Now they can get for $3,000 what they used to have to pay $10,000 for. It used to be that everyone was a profitable prospect. Now only the upper 20-30% represent a potential revenue capable of earning over $1,000. Even solution sales are hard to build profit in...

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have one of these in the P4P market, after 4 months all seems well and customer is satisfied with media offereing and quality. The one thing that has changed for this unit, since its the same engine as the MPC6000 and MPC7000 is that default from the factory is 11x17 single click and lower consumable costs. Making an inroad will depend on how dealers will position this unit, dealers more than ever can now be competitive with single click 11x17, and if you're going to play in the P4P you...

Re: Sharp Helps Dealers 'Align' for Success at 2009 National Dealer Meeting

Sostilio & Associates did not have a very favorable review of the SHARP 'Align 09' Dealer Show and mentioned that SHARP "did little and offered less to neither raise the attendee’s spirits nor make a good argument to be a Sharp dealer if you want to sell A3 product." Moreover, there wer no 'show promotions' and during the Awards Ceremony, SHARP Branch personnel were given awards. I was wondering if anyone attended this Align 09 Dealer Meeting and cared to provide feedback, since this...

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

5050 (Guest) ·
Without a value statement that goes beyond copiers and even mps at this point --- people will be selling at cost, because they are transient, non-professional, and either don't have or have confidence in their skill set. The Trick is to work with companies that aren't in the market to buy copiers---I guarantee that their are other challenges that they are facing and trying to overcome...When you do this you can sell at retail, because there is no competition and you earned that commission.

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

5050 (Guest) ·
I have good relatioship === but employer is a little big... I am positive that equipment is dirt cheap, lease rates are bumped, but just like any other company, overhead to run a company has to be built in somewhere...Business's are in business to make money.....Even Non PRofits..... Merlin, are you a principal? I think the real point that should be taken away from this thread is that people have the ability to look at their company from a different perspective, not just the side of a...

Re: Ten Commandments of the Xerox ColorQube

5050 (Guest) ·
used to be a non -- believer--- Think you may be surprised....Got in to trouble because I was waiting for the territory reps to put these out before i would sell them...Waited 6 months - they are loved by customers and service. Watch out and sharpen your tools, cause I am comin after the two meter machines.

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Tokyoamsterdam: Japan's Canon plans to buy Dutch copier and printer maker Oce for 730 million euros ($1.09 billion) as it tries to return to growth after the global downturn and fight rival Ricoh. Copier and digital camera maker Canon and Oce said in a joint statement on Monday that Canon intends to offer 8.60 euros per share, or 730 million euros, for Oce's outstanding shares. Canon's offer follows little over a year after Japan's Ricoh, the world''s largest copier maker, bought US office...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Neal ·
KM has strengthened itself dramatically in the past 5 years and while losing this distribution channel is a kick in the rear, the biggest impact will be losing the high end Oce'. Would tend to think that will lead to KM getting deeper in bed with Kodak. I worked for Oce' for two years and frankly they are going to have to learn how NOT to sell on the lowest price now that they are being directed by Canon.

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Found this on the web today:: By Pavel Alpeyev Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Orbis Funds, the asset manager that opposed takeover offers by Warren Buffett and Citigroup Inc., rejected Canon Inc.’s 730 million euro ($1.1 billion) bid to buy unprofitable Dutch printer maker Oce NV as too low. Canon’s 8.60 euros-a-share offer “significantly undervalues” Oce’s assets, and Orbis doesn’t want to sell its stake of about 10 percent at that price, the Bermuda-based manager of $20 billion in assets said in a...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Great, thanx for the information. What is BPC ? What products do you sell? Can you give us your thoughts with the impending sales? Art

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
SCENARIOS-Will Canon succeed in its bid for Oce? * Canon offering 730 million euros to buy Oce * Shareholder Orbis with 10 percent stake opposes offer * Oce shares remain above Canon's 8.60 euro offer By Harro ten Wolde AMSTERDAM, Nov 20 (Reuters) -Japan's Canon (7751.T) plans to buy Dutch copier and printer maker Oce (OCEN.AS) for 730 million euros ($1.09 billion), but large Oce shareholder Orbis said the offer undervalued the company. In response, Oce shares passed Canon's 70 percent...

Re: Calculating Lease Costs and Effective Purchase Price W/O interest

montecore ·
Jake, No this is not a dumb is the easiest way to do this: $187.24/0.0302 = $6200 You will have an outprice say $5200 gross profit is $1000 Total = $6200 If someone wants to purchase outright instead of lease sell it for $6200 that way you will still be making $1000 profit. Always start with your outprice of the machine first and build up from there. Every deal will be different based on the circumstances and your competition. Does this make sense?

Re: Scan in One City, Print in Another

SalesServiceGuy ·
In he end my RFQ deadline was Dec 30, I decided Good Lad gave me the best advise and I pitched eCopy ShareScan. There were so many technologies going on in this quote that eCopy was the only solution that brought it all under one vendor besides my copiers. To paraphrase, "keep it simpler,stupid." The challenge wll be to get all of my technical support staff trained if successful. Also, one good comment, to successfully sell big Solution Sales you have to earn your stripes with some smaller...

Re: Is there a different approach?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Check this thread out: What we need more of is open discussions for all. We're all in the same boat, whether we're selling Ricoh, Canon, Xerox, KonicaMinolta, Sharp...etc. Sharing our ideas how how to sell more, learn more about the competition, how certain third party software will enable a solution will all help us in the long run. Having a better group effort will help all of us, there are only a handful of us that will stay at one...

Re: Is there a different approach?


Re: Is there a different approach?

Art Post (Guest) ·
B1116: I updated your permissions and you should have full access, please check for me and let me know. Your expertise can help all of us, no matter what brand we sell, hope to hear alot more from you. Art

Re: Panasonic Canada discontinues A3 Copier Distribution March 2011

Art Post (Guest) ·
Well, we all saw it coming, Panasonic had to be the first to go. Wonder who will be next, I don't see any other manufacturer dropping out like Panasonic, however I do think that another manufacturer will sell it's stake in MFP's in the next year.

Re: I need everyones opinion on this!

mmelrod ·
I used to sell sharp and they said the mainframe was Sharp, cleansheet design. the accessories were all Ricoh.

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Old Glory ·
What makes you think that Ricoh has any major level of concern about dealer profitability? Maybe behind closed doors their perspective is that dealers are a necessary evil for the time being until Ricoh can get the coverage they need from Directs. Every box they can sell, even heavily discounted, is more profitable to them then any box that you sell. The Rules of Engagement may have been put in place to stem the tide of defections because they still need the independents for now. In 2-3-4...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Art Post (Guest) ·
How do you come up with that assumption, is it because of the ongoing consumables the've captured?

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Old Glory ·
Certainly the service and supplies provide ongoing profits (at least one would hope) but keep in mind that the machine that they sell to you for $8,000 that you sell for $10,000 is still just $8,000 for them. They could sell that same machine to an end-user for $8,000 and be no worse off then had they sold it to you.

Re: Epson Stylus Series

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm pushing it hard, however have yet to sell one. I don't think it's price or features just the AEC is so SLOW right now, one client today told me it was SCARY SLOW.

Re: ComColor IS9000 Controller

txeagle24 ·
With Riso making a push in offering Print-to-Mail solutions, perhaps it would make sense for Pitney Bowes or Neopost/Hasler to acquire them. Pitney hasn't come up for air since they acquired Print, Inc. several years ago in order to gain valuable service & supply contracts with no obligation to sell hardware. Acquiring Riso could be the same type of acquisition, & I believe the Riso platform is the type of low-cost, high-speed solution that could complement PB's automated mailing...

Re: #2 Riso Poll

Art Post (Guest) ·
Seems viable, it would be an answer to the Edgeline and HP probably could do well with it. You definatley need a superior sales force to sell this unit in the DM market place. Toshiba????

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Mega ·
It would seem that it all depends on where you structure your profitability. Since Ricoh is a Japanese manufacturer and sells its product to the US Ricoh company and then US Ricoh sells it to a dealer or direct, the profits can be structured to be very little if any in the US and very profitable in Japan. Ex: cost to manufacture is 10, sell to US mfg. sales concern for 20, US concern sells it for 22, dealers or direct sell it for 24. The cost of goods to the US is high and the profits remain...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Pirate Mike ·
Something to think about as well, adding to what was mentioned by Mega. The Japanese division is making the bulk of their profits on the manufacturing of toner. That is the money tree for them. They sell to Ricoh USA and they work through their channels to distribute the boxes. The ultimate goal is to “place the box” Ricoh USA makes their overhead by the profit on the box moving it to the Dealer and other channels. The profit make by selling the box is what keeps the “Reps paid and the...


SalesServiceGuy ·
If you arrange to sell a new copier, replacing the current vendor plus arrange to ship the old copier back to the leasing company, who will likely resell it to a used copier broker and I do not know the service codes to format the HDD on the competititve box, who's responsibility is it to preserve the confidentiality of the customer's info?


Old Glory ·
I'm fine with sales reps who choose to take on the role of consultant in this area but liable??? I am not seeing that at all. Someone needs to help me understand how a dealer is liable if no promises to wipe the HDD are made. That's like accusing the Tooth Fairy of teaching kids it's OK to sell body parts for just seems like too big of a stretch to me. I see manufacturers being held liable long before a dealer would be brought into the fight but even that is a stretch.


JasonR ·
I think the liability enters in when the customer is never informed that the machine is storing copies, and then later the information shows up in a damaging fashion. In that case, I think a Jury would be empathetic to a customer who says "he never told me it was storing those documents". Let's pretend I sell cell phones. I sell you a phone, and you use it for 2 years. At the end of your contract, you turn the phone back in to me. I didn't mention to you that the phone records every...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Are we on the same wave length here?? Usually a 3-5 means that service and supplies are provided for three years, after three years the customer then has to pay for service, thus raising the cost to them. ie: $100 per month for 60 months includes 3 years of supplies and service for 100K, after the third year or whenever the supplies and service expire, the rep will come back in and refi the remaining 24 months with a new 3-5, they can usually sell this at a lower price that what the customer...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

Old Glory ·
I have also heard of reps who "sell" a 36 month term but leave the # of months blank and then fill in 60 months back at the office. Things like this is why our reps never fill out the documents. The lease company we use does all the paperwork and sends it to the customer for signature. The best way to not be accused of mishandling something is to never handle it in the first place.

Re: Time in business requirements

CashGap ·
JasonR, you are on a roll. We could then mix the "bad" leases in a little at a time with pools of "good" leases, buy insurance on them, and sell those. We'd try not to think about the fact that those would be further mixed with more "bad" and "good" leases... To make this REALLY roll though, we'd need Congress to step up. Follow the pattern of the 90s, and punish any leasing company that insists on only writing leases with customers who can repay. Block the merges of those leasing companies,...

Re: KM Promo

merlin ·
This is just another marketing sales tool. What there are not showing is the buyout at the lease end. It is always a FMV. KM is using there own leasing arm. If you use a lease factor of .0278 this will show you a 0% interest. We have in state government accounts, what is call a deferred payment lease. This is the state price divided by 36 months. 0 interest, 0 down, 0 buyout at the lease end. But the sell price is fixed.

Re: Why in 2010 have we still not seen Solid State Drives (SSD) in copiers?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Besides selling copiers, I sell Toshiba telephone systems. Toshiba has been using SSD in our voicemail systems for several years now. I would say they are 99.9% reliable.