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Tagged With "Cost for the Xerox"


Re: Xerox 9201 ColorQube "Pricing on the Street"

Art Post (Guest) ·
Xerox Model 3CQ9201 Copier at a cost of $22,452.00

Re: Marketshare

GIntel ·
Ricoh and Canon both say they are number 1 in the US and they are both right depending on how you are counting. Canon includes its desktop MFPs that sell in retail and Ricoh includes all MFPs priced above $1,000. Both include products that sell through any channel, but Canon has far more retail products that skew sales share in its favor. By Ricoh's math, it is number 1 with a 23.1 US share, followed by Canon. Ricoh also stated that it had the #1 color mfp share in 2009 (7 straight years)...

Re: Industrial Label Printers

SalesServiceGuy ·
Yes, I am getting the same feeling about this low margin business. I am hoping if it help gain access to a new account, it could open the doors to quoting on the customers copiers. Also, it could be useful as a "Wrap Around" sales tactic against National copier Vendors. By this, I mean it is probably difficult for Xerox or Ikon to bundle them into their quotes. I can easily add the additional cost of one into a copier quote and give it away as "free". As the labels themselves can be bought...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Art Post (Guest) ·
Ricoh has tremendous market share Top four and not in this order KonicaMinolta, Ricoh , Xerox and Canon Ricoh puts much more into R & D for MFP's can others add to this?

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

Art Post (Guest) ·
Seems Ricoh, Canon and Xerox may be the last of the holdouts. When speaking with a rep at Ricoh they were concerned that A4 devices will lower profit (image that,they do make a profit on a box)expectations especially if A4 takes off. With the presence of Sharp, Samsung and KonicaMInolta they needed to make the move. Keep in mind though that neither KM, nor Sharp has come out with an robust A4 monochrome (don't know what they are waiting for here), remember I stated robust A4, something along...

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

txeagle24 ·
You should check out the Lexmark XS658dme/dfe. 55ppm, single-pass duplex color scanning, open architecture, scan-to/print-from USB. It can handle 20k/month easy.

Re: Ricoh NEW PRODUCT RELEASE - C3001, C3501, C4501, C5501

GIntel ·
Thanks, But just about every document you ever see for DADF says "single pass" and since DADFs are standard on MANY systems including most higher speed Xerox models, how much of an advantage (or how different) is the SPDF?

Re: Weekend MFP Industry Notes 11/21/10

Chuck ·
"Xerox report $9.5 billion in debt" BILLION with a B?!!!? I'm gonna check that out.

Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon

Art Post (Guest) ·
GMAN: ok, I made a boo boo, so besides Ricoh, Xerox, KonicaMinolta and perhaps Canon, what will the others do? Does anyone else see the writing on the wall for the demise of printers and what will happen with MPS?

Re: IKON steals University of Kentucky MPS contract from Lexmark!

fisher ·
I don't find this story surprising at all. Lexmark is a printer company that lacks a complete competitive product line. Ricoh has a complete product line to fit a major university from production machines down to desktop printers. You can bet this was a very profitable deal for Ricoh. I don't even think low bidder would be an issue regarding Lexmark given how weak they are on any product beyond a desktop printer. Loyalty would be the only thing Lexmark would have going for it in this...

Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...

Art Post (Guest) ·
The earthquake and tsunami that have roiled Japan so far have not caused sizable production or supply chain problems for the Rochester area's major employers. Eastman Kodak Co. has two production facilities in Japan that produce printing plates. The Gumma facility, two hours northwest of Tokyo, sustained minor damage in the disasters "and should be able to go back in production fairly soon," said company spokesman Christopher Veronda. "We believe that any impacts to the supply chain will be...

Re: C900 - DocuCopy Reinforced Papers

Karl_S ·
I've had good results in the past with Xerox Nuvera, 4095, & 4110. Also runs well on Konica-Minolta 92/950 & 1050 series. I know of a customer who ran almost a million sheets on the KM 1050, without a single jam.

Re: Japan Crisis

fisher ·
Tsunami To Crimp Toner Supplies? Posted by Lamont Wood Mar 28, 2011 06:30 PM In the short term, yes, but in the long term things will probably sort themselves out, predicts economist's blog. Amidst all the other bad news out of Japan after the recent earthquake and tsunami, now it appears that toner may get scarce, at least for a while. \t A Forbes blog notes that Barclays Capital is predicting that Canon and Fujitsu Xerox may soon face shortages of toner material due to the disaster.

Re: Japan Crisis

Art Post (Guest) ·
Hi Art, Hope below help you understand the situation. This information came from industry analysts. OEMs Canon: Some plants are still not operational. They are facing serious shortage of Polyester from Kao. Biggest damage for MFP production is aspheric lens production at Utsunomiya plant. This is a key component for their MFPs, and recovery may take months. Tohoku Ricoh: Some of the facilities restarted operation, but not for chemical toner. Also finisher (for MFP/POD) assembly lines are...

Re: ACS, A Xerox Company, Signs $200 Million Contract to Provide IT Services for MGM Reso

txeagle24 ·
Totally off the topic, but my wife got a letter from Wells Fargo last week stating that one of her student loans had been purchased by ACS, a Xerox Company. Weird.

Re: MPS And Profit

yeti ·
With the Purchasing Frenzy this month Equitrac Picked up by Nuance NewField IT Picked up by Xerox Printelligent Picekd up by HP major corporations are seeing the value in MPS business software applications

Re: Market Share Chart

Old Glory ·
Ricoh 2010 Market Share

Re: MFP Scan to Xerox Docushare

Steve Haun ·
You need to create an embedded application supported by a non-Xerox brand copier. Ususally, each vendor provides Opern Platform for embedded application creation. Either WebDEV or DocuShare API (provided by Xerox) can be used for DocuShare file listing and transferring.


Art Post (Guest) ·
GMAN Never thought of that with either Ed or Pietrunti, either one may play well for Ricoh. More importantly I think the industry as a whole is struggling to find and identify new ways to make profit with the slow demise of the printed and copied page. Quietly Ricoh has launched a new start up and site for it's eWriter solution. It's an imprtant step for at least one of he manufacturers to identify the loss of clicks, thus the eWriter solution model is based on SAS (Software as a Service).

Re: Taurus launch ( 651 / 751)

Art Post (Guest) ·
The link was pulled, it's a never ending battle that the information posted here helps everyone sell more equipment, whether you're with ricoh, sharp, xerox, canon, toshiba. We're all one band of brothers trying to make a living with selling solutions and equipment. Product knowledge lets us get ou point across.

Re: Toner Save Software to Get MPS CPCs Down

gwalters2009 ·
heard of it...Xerox, partners...but I have not actually seen it... NewfieldIT out of London developed a software...I am still looking at it. But, why anyone wouldn't simply install it as part of their overall MpS is beyond me, if it works. Oh, and no need to inform the client - it should reduce the provider's cost...not the client's. Nothing wrong with that either... g

Re: Pietrunti Gig

Word on 'The Street' says that Global Imaging Systems, owned by XEROX, has hired Mike Pietrunti. Mike knew to abandon ship at Kyocera MITA and has landed at a very sound company, with Global. He will be far better off than landing at Ricoh and helping them transition to a strictly Direct operation, or helping SHARP manage their MFP business into extinction. Both Global and Mike Pietrunti made a good move.


montecore ·
I do not think that was a current customer of ProCopy. So I don't think it was something that they sold. It definitely was not a Canon, Ricoh, Konica Minolta, Xerox or HP. It could have been a Kyocera but I really think it was a Toshiba. Look at the copier as it is being hoisted into the air. It starts to spin and you can see the front. I think the blocked this on purpose so you could not see the make. But the box gives it away. I just replaced a Toshiba with a similar appearing shell.

Re: MOM Sues OSU for $1M over COMDOC Secret...

Art Post (Guest) ·
Two outside entities are claiming Ohio State University .Ohio State University Latest from The Business Journals Leading the List: Highest-paid Ohio State officialsHarley-Davidson CEO aims to ‘wow’ riders to keep turnaround in gearSlideshow: Most expensive college football programs Follow this company .employees have had improper contact with companies going through public bidding for university business, Columbus Business First reports. Cincinnati office equipment supplier Modern Office...

Re: Ricoh unveils space-saving A4 multi-functional printers for offices and workgroups

txeagle24 ·
Let's wait to see if these may be the best of both worlds. Comparing Ricoh to Canon, both of them are taking their first crack at monochrome A4 MFPs, so while they are competing against one another, they're primarily competing against perception that existing users of products from HP, Lexmark, Samsung & Xerox. From the TCO perspective, these should still blow HP's M4555 out of the water, at least as long as customers are buying OEM cartridges. Ricoh's A4 products will be great for Ricoh...

Re: Top Color Production Systems?

JasonR ·
Actually, I think you were clear and Art answered for Ricoh, the one he knew about. Art's answer was complete for Ricoh, so I'll answer for Canon: The Canon c6010vp and c7010vp 60 and 70ppm, with no slow down for heavy stock. You can also get them in the "non-VP" version which slows down for heavy stock. Now you just need answers for Xerox and KM.

Re: Top Color Production Systems?

Printfun ·
For Xerox, the 110ppm iGen4 is considered it's best color production press. The Color 800/1000 Press is however a great less-expensive option for many buyers. I have a lot of hands-on experience with this press, and I am still always blown away by the quality of the output from it.

Re: Kodak & Possible Buyers?

Jrlz ·
I would think that it makes the best sense to break the company into pieces and sell individual divisions. The print production division (Nexpress, etc..) would be enticing for Xerox, Ricoh, KM or even Canon. I think Ricoh is not in a position to buy. I think KM would make sense, but I think Canon would be a very strong player. They used to relable the Digimasters (not sure if they still do) and the Nexpress would fill the whole abover thier current color production gear.

Re: Kodak & Possible Buyers?

Art Post (Guest) ·
agreed but neither is Canon or Xerox also

Re: Would You Loan this company Money?

fisher ·
Didn't even think of Kip as being in our industry. Ha!!!! Prediction: Xerox will take them over like Canon did with Oce'

Re: Would You Loan this company Money?

montecore ·
Great job Art....I did not even think of KIP because they were not MFP's. You should have a whole series of this interactive areas.....I think this is the most response we had from several people in awhile. I don't think Xerox will buy them because Ursula Burns wants to stay away from wide-format. However KIP has a great relationship with KM so that could be a possibility. But at 6% marketshare KM is not very strong either.

Re: Would you loan this Company money "part 2"

txeagle24 ·

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

yeti ·
Canada is a simple environment for competition Ricoh (Ikon is long gone) Xerox Canon Even Canon is a very distant 3rd in this market Ricoh has dominated for years but they have been loosing some ground to Xerox in recent months. With Xerox Buying Laser Networks they are getting a jump on managing existing devices where Ricoh has been concentrating on flipping entire environments to Ricoh 2012 should be a challenging year for anyone in Canada.

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

yeti ·
Art all the manufacturers are in Toronto Kyocera Mita Konica Minolta Toshiba Sharp Ricoh Xerox Canon Pitney Bowes (Sharp the sequel) I Don't know if there is A Muratec or Copy Star direct The funny part is Pitney and Ricoh HQ's share a parking lot. This was a Huge sting to Ricoh, they were the incumbent and for a very long time now.

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

Art Post (Guest) ·
It may also be a copy of the xerox model for Global, instad of using just one dealer like Xerox has, Ricoh will just use many. RBS could then just focus on the top tier? Would love to hear thoughts from others on this move!

Re: Subject: Ricoh Introduction of the Ricoh Select Series

VinceMcHugh ·
I think Xerox said it better "Newly Re-manufactured" Or Birds Eye "Fresh Frozen" or was it "Frozen Fresh" Can you say Oxymoron? We also re-manufacture our own equipment, but we select equipment that we have been servicing, and ones that have lower miles on it. And we typically re-manufacture Canons which I have found have a very long serviceable life. That's an advantage for the Dealer over Ricoh who will be doing a re-man on whatever comes in (not as selective). If you find that you are in...

Re: Toshiba TEC (and OCE) partner with Memjet

SalesServiceGuy ·
Both Canon and Xerox press releases seem to point towards future wide format devices using Memjet technology. I thought Xerox was getting out of the wide format market? All of this new activity cannot be good news for KIP when these products are actually ready for disribution. Toshiba seems to be the only vendor talking about Memjet technology in a MFP.

Re: Toshiba TEC (and OCE) partner with Memjet

Art Post (Guest) ·
SSG Xerox has retreated from the North America market for wide format, but will continue to market systems in emerging markets. yeah, Toshiba seems to be the only player with memjet for MFP's we'll see!

Re: Competitive Info Needed on Xerox 7500 Series

Art Post (Guest) ·
JS I did an email a friend on this (xerox) person anf they replied with "the same" so at this point I'm thinking both finishers are equal.

Re: Transform Global 2012

Art Post (Guest) ·
Day one has passed and overall, I'm impressed with the event. I actually ran into a couple of P4P members and finally after all of these years got to meet Lee Rummage from RJ Young. On Wednesday evening Oki hosted the evening reception @ Hiltons Signature Island. Food, drinks and networking, at this time I also had to the chance to meet Greg Walters (Death of the Copier) and now the newly elected President of the MPSA. I also ran across many new contacts and believe it or not many readers of...

Re: Scan to searchable text PDF

SalesServiceGuy ·
Native Scan to Searchable PDF is a standard feature on most current Xerox copiers. It is an inexpensive iOption on Konica Minolta. Both vendors are using the processing power of the copier to create a Searchable PDF.

Re: Oce:CBS::Ikon:RBS Simple Math

VinceMcHugh ·
Canons do cost more! I always tell customers that we won't be the "cheapest" but we will provide the best value, So we will see if Oce can actually sell the value! Anyone can give away a product when it's the cheapest, But a good salesman cam sell value. My money is Xerox is the next up to be acquired, not necessarily by Ricoh. If I had to make a second choice HP is looking like they are in trouble.

Re: Ricoh acquisition ‘bolsters’ IT services strategy

From what I learned at the BTA East Grand Slam event in Rye Brook, NY on 10/3/12, Ricoh will not adopt this strategy in the U.S. However, they are preparing the RBS locations to pursue Managed IT Services in certain markets. They have no intent to offer any type of offer to Ricoh Dealers, like XEROX has with ACS and Konica Minolta has with All Covered.

Re: What is the future for DigiDoc Flow, eCopy and NSI?

Anders And ·
afaik the engine that do all the OCR stuff isn’t very powerful, the process is very slow (the Xerox mfp's are slow doing this) and it is probably intended for very small businesses.

Re: What is the future for DigiDoc Flow, eCopy and NSI?

SalesServiceGuy ·
The Toshiba approach to this would be to create a "One Touch" template to scan directly to the target folder. Current eBridge X Operating Systems allows you to navigate a network to find a specific "nested" folder but that can take a few minutes to complete. I agree with Anders that MFPs have limited computational power. The conversion of scanned documents from one format to another is faster processed by a Network PC. Can anyone comment on the length of time in seconds it would take a...

Re: What is the future for DigiDoc Flow, eCopy and NSI?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Toshiba seems to be taking the position of developing customized processors that are optimized for MFPs. The benefit is much smaller size, faster processing (measured by quicker FCOT) and lower power consumption. Many manufacturers use "off the shelf" PC processors due to lower cost and less complicated to develop. Xerox commonly convinces buyers to include the spec, "must have a minimum of a 1.2 Ghz processor" for their Black only copiers as a "knock-out" feature. The MFP industry will...

Re: there is no end in sight to Sharp’s crisis.

Jomama ·
From Industry Analyst. By Andy Slawetsky, President, Industry Analysts, Inc. Industry Analysts, Inc. has learned that Sharp Electronics has terminated their agreement with Xerox’s Global Imaging (GIS). The contract will end on November 26, 2012. After that date, GIS will no longer be able to purchase Sharp hardware and accessories. Sharp will continue to provide supplies and parts to GIS for the foreseeable future but they have eliminated discounts. According to Rich Boomsma, Senior VP of...

Re: there is no end in sight to Sharp’s crisis.

yeti ·
I don't understand this, GIS Dealers are the largest purchasers of Sharp devices. heck most GIS dealer sell more Sharp that Xerox to boot. Either GIS is demanding an agreement that is not profitable for Sharp or Sharp suddenly has another revenue source.

Re: there is no end in sight to Sharp’s crisis.

Yoda ·
Or their new Daddy doesnt want the big "X" around.

Re: Ricoh Dealership in Minnesota will buy.......

Art Post (Guest) ·
That's what GIS does with Xerox, and with IKON people at the helm of Ricoh, I'm thinking it's a good bet that we'll see more of this.