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Tagged With "Graph"


Re: Graph Expo Day Two 2016

Larry Kirsch ·
Good work...

Re: Two Copier Dudes to Attend Graph Expo 2016

John ·
Propane and propane accessories.

Re: Two Copier Dudes to Attend Graph Expo 2016

Petra ·
Hey Art, I'll be at Graph Expo, too. Would be great to catch you over a coffee (and, of course, talk about a couple of things .

Re: Two Copier Dudes to Attend Graph Expo 2016

Art Post ·
Awesome, looking forward to meeting you!
Blog Post

Graph Expo Day Two 2016

Art Post ·
It's early on day 3 of the Graph Expo show. I'm up and about early at the Hyatt Regency and I've made way to the pool grotto to enjoy the sunrise. Since I had covered most of the show floor on day one, day two was a chance to go back and gather additional information on some of those products that I found interesting. In addition there were some additional devices like the KIP Color wide formats, and the OCE Color wide formats that I wanted to get some additional data on to help me in my day...
Blog Post

Graph Expo Day One

Art Post ·
After a short flight down the east coast from New Jersey, I arrived in Orlando about 9:30AM. John Anderson (P4P'er) was to pick me up at Orlando International, however he forgot his notebook and have to travel back, by the time we spoke on the phone he was already an hour out from picking me up. Thus, I jumped on a Meers transport and finally made it to the Hyatt Regency about 11AM. John and I were able to hook up there, and we took some extra time to settle in to the old Peabody, relaxed,...
Blog Post

Two Copier Dudes to Attend Graph Expo 2016

Art Post ·
It's official!! John Anderson and I are booked to attend Graph Expo 2016 in Orlando as members of the Press! Ok, you may not be excited about us our press credentials, however John Anderson and I are stoked! What you can get exciting about is that John & I will be the only two copier dudes reporting about what matters most to those of us in the copier channel. To date there are 357 Exhibitors, out of those 357 we've identified 24 of the exhibitors that we want to have a conversation with...