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Tagged With "Nationwide"


Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunties Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Old Glory ·
Let me play devil's advocate here...First of all, usually it's not the dealers that forbid selling in other territories, it's the manufacturers, and dealers are bound by contract to uphold that obligation, which by the way is the only thing keeping us from having to compete with the internet. Secondly, if you receive any kind of salary and spend daytime hours selling a different product, that would be grounds for dismissal, regardless of brand or territory. If you question whether that is...

Re: Selling Copiers "Opportunties Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Art Post ·
Old Glory: Great comment, off hours would be the key. If you are salaried then you need to stick to working those hours for the company you work for, period! However, if you are a commissioned only rep, or looking to get out on your own, the opportunity stated above is a good way to get a start.
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "Opportunties Abound to Make a Few Extra Bucks"

Art Post ·
Some dealerships forbid their reps from selling into other territories. Maybe they don't have the coverage, maybe they don't like selling out of state.   Pahoda Image Products has created some exciting opportunities for reps who are interested in...