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Tagged With "Doc I Group"


Re: A Couple of True & Not So True Humerous Copier Incidents

Kyocera Guy ·
On a cold call I stopped in at a doctors office. The Office Manager was so glad to see me. She said that she was having fax issues and every time they received a fax it jammed. I told her I wasn't a tech but I would take a look. She escorted me to the fax and I looked down to see some questionably cheap paper. I simply asked if she had tried changing paper. She said "I don't have any control of the paper the hospital sends when they fax me." OooooK. She obviously didn't understand the...

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 44"

Jason H ·
Love it Art! I had a day of running around with a networking luncheon followed by a training for a new device that I sold earlier in the month and stole from Sharp. I was extremely late to the party with this deal but they already had a canon that was very old and decided they wanted another canon and on top of that wanted someone to deal with local over Sharp and Ricoh direct. Then I was walking into the grocery store on the way home and got a call from a person I quoted a machine to about...

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 44"

Art Post ·
Jason Awesome!!! Wish I was only 6K away!

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 47"

Art Post ·
Karl Thank you! Please feel free to share via social media also! Ten more to go. I was just thinking about doing a journal for the entire 2017. Art

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 47"

Jason H ·
I am seeing more of that with wide format recently and I am not sure why. Most of what I have seen has been where they are running the same volume as before but they just don't want to have a machine anymore so they outsource it and it doesn't seem to matter if the machine was leased to them for a $1 a month they still wouldn't do it.

Re: Top Ten Copier & MFP Quotes for November 2016

JeffR ·
What’s happened to our membership? I didn’t opt out! Sue at Copy-Fax

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 55" The Last Two Days

Tom Koenig ·
Good Luck Art I still got that $20 bill riding on you!!! Thank you, Have a Great Day! Thomas Koenig District Business Manager Dealer Division - Northeast Region RICOH USA, INC. 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Cell: 570-439-2864

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 55" The Last Two Days

Tom Koenig ·
Wish I had a few that I could give. The stocking is empty!! Thank you, Have a Great Day! Thomas Koenig District Business Manager Dealer Division - Northeast Region RICOH USA, INC. 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwell, NJ 07006 Cell: 570-439-2864

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 55" The Last Two Days

Martin Hofman ·
Hi Art, I am stil 100% confidend you will manage!, but between day 48 and 49 you lost 1K !! You have to do another 28.5K instead of 27.5K, sorry! Martin

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

Art Post ·
I like the second offer, yes people always like free

Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! Don’t Screw Up Your Defining Moment

mnchstr ·
I've got shut down customers asking how we can help them because they can't operate. It sucks for us but it sucks way more for them. I have "suspended" an MA for one because they asked" no cost no expense". I was lucky enough to get my PPP loan in on day one, approved and closed. I live to fight another day but I don't think things will change all that much. Americans are not going to change everything because of Covid 19, I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but this is a major...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
I just created my own YouTube channel doing product videos with future ones planned mostly focussed on MS365. ... and I am working Linkedin a lot more in different ways. Most of the people I know say they have never gotten a lead from Linkedin. They think of this site as a static business card talking about who they are and not what they can do for the customer. They never post to Linkedin. Like most things, Linkedin requires almost daily work to...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now

Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! Beware of the Predators!!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Which episode did you comment that everybody is trying to sell Document Mgt systems these days and why you think that is not the best idea? BTW, I purchased some eLearn courses on because of one of your SAT AM episodes. Thanks,

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Although I am 60% on board with your move to A4 strategy, most of the rest of the stuff you are posting is "knocking it out of the park"! I would like to see a poll. As a business owner, during COVID-19 would you prefer? 1). No lease payments for 90 days 2). 1/2 price lease payments for one year The auto industry is pushing no payments for 90 days but I think business owners are more concerned about cash flow for the next year. I think the correct strategy is to offer as part of your...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
SalesServiceGuy, I would suggest that a payment strategy is not something I see valuable at all. Customers need help deferring payments on what they already own. In all do respect. A payment strategy is not helpful to end user strictly based on selling a new MFP. The Imaging Channel's resellers who only sell print equipment are going to find themselves in serious trouble. Customers don't need to upgrade their all already oversold A3 to another one. Dealers should credit back the unused...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
SalesServiceGuy I will discuss this more on tomorrows "End of The Day With Ray!" Have a great evening

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
I have to dial back the 1/2 price payments for one year. Most SMB business will only get lease approved for a six month Step lease. So for those customers wanting to preserve cash flow, a six month 1/2 price lease cost followed by a 60 month regular cost lease would be the best offer. On a $5k lease this would add approx $139.00 to the total finance costs spread over 66 months ($2.00 month).

Re: Special Announcement from Art

CONGRATS ART! So excited for you and your family! Sucks to have been knocked with the flue so close to the birth of your grandchild, but take the great with the bad. I know we've spoke about it before, but my wife's still pregnant as yesterdays due date came and went. Kid doesn't realize he's impeding on poppa's schedule to sell! Congrats and get better soon!

Re: Special Announcement from Art

Art Post ·
wOW, BIRTHDAYS ARE SO CLOSE! Putting up a picture soon

Re: Ask Me Anything

Sounds like I missed a good knowledge drop last week Art! Had a pretty good excuse, but love the topics discussed! I'm always learning and part of this ongoing learning is something from your blogs/emails that I throw in my knowledge bucket. Keep it up and I appreciate what you do!

Re: Ask Me Anything

Art Post ·
@TML Yup anytime there;s a new family member it over rides anything that has to do with business. Hope to have you on the next call. Just remember to RSVP on the calendar and I will send you the link

Re: What Do You Do When You Need Competitive Copier Specs?

Art Post ·
i ALSO REMEMBER Better Buys for Business in the US! Ty for posting this

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Czech ·
Is it just me, or does West McDonald look like Wolverine? I watched the Seat-Based Billing video that was posted from the Top 100 Summit. Definitely some interesting points going back and forth. Print Audit has done a great job of persistently marketing seat-based pilling to the copier industry.

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Art Post ·
Czech funny you should mention that "wolverine" look, it was actually one of the "challenges" at the event. Whom ever had the most completed challenges won a MS Surface tablet. I did not win.

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Art Post ·
Tx, awesome post! The conclusion for managed IT was at our own round table and not the general audience. One of the dealers in my group is heavily involved with managed IT, and thought it would be great offer. Yes, it was stated that MNS is only used by copier dealers and should be referenced to what you described. TY for the awesome reply!!

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I will also add since you mentioned wanting to do this on copiers/MFPs: our industry also needs to get the idea that MPS only has to do with printers & A4 MFPs out of their heads. Output is output, & our clients don't see any difference so why should we? Properly deploy what systems meet the client's needs (or just get rid of them if that is best) & be of service in whatever way you can. Hell, our customers want all of this stuff to go away (just wait til the Millenials are in...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Art Post ·
Is it just me, it seems that the general rule of thumb for the copier industry to end users is "the take or leave approach". Meaning, come hell or high water we're not going to change the way we bill, the way we support, or the financial solutions that we offer. While I was at the Top 100 conference, a rep from Wells Fargo spoke about the billing options that they now have in their leases. One of the options was for seat billing for managed IT services. My thought is that if it's available...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
No, Art. You're spot on. I haven't had many jobs outside the industry, but the majority of the old guard is so proud of the way they've always done it & receives so much validation from other dealers with the same mentality (via BTA, CDA, SDG, et al) that they often refuse to admit the need to change until it's practically too late. There are ideas & concepts that I brought up 3-5 years ago that were considered to be "interesting but not really necessary" that we're suddenly latching...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
Almost three years ago, I wrote the above blog. I want to do a 2015 version. Please either post here or go to the forums and write a short paragraph about how your company is giving back to the community so that we can post the 2015 version of "Those Magnificent Men (Women) and Their Copy Machines". It would be great to see how we all contribute. Please post below. I re-posted the older version on the blog tonight also. Here is the link for the forums.

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: The Cannata Report 30th Anniversary Awards & Charity Event

Larry Kirsch ·
Thanks buddy.. Talk soon. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you..

Re: 10 Ways to Close Net New Business #4 of #10

Art Post ·
Just a short update in reference to the account I was speaking about. The IG came back with many additional questions today, asking if the cost per page could be lowered, the annual cost of the maintenance agreement, and the price of the system. I stated NO on all accounts. We had started with a 25ppm color A3 device and then moved to an A4 color device. They were not even happy with that price. In addition when they received all of the no's they asked about pre-owned or used. I then stated,...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

David Broaden ·
Hey Art, Really admire your efforts in our industry and with your blog. Its been a long time resource to keep me updated in our industry. I will be celebrating 14 years at Martin Group, and was happy to see us represented in the list above. We are as enthusiastic as ever in supporting our communities, and below is a quick write up we refreshed to be current. Martin Group in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: Is a regional power house in the office equipment community. With 35 years in the industry, and...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

Art Post ·
can anyone help bfox, I'm not that familiar with the manufacturers for stair climbers. I found this on the web

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jason H ·
Interesting perspective. We constantly have the talks about competitive machines we took on service, especially brands we don't carry. I tend to consider is taking a Konica on service and then a year or two later upgrading it to our equipment net new business from the sales side. Obviously we had net new business on the service side but not net new for "x" with the equipment sale. I'd be interested to hear how others see this. I hear a lot of people say it doesn't matter but if I bring a...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Czech ·
I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business for their sales department.

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

jay robinson ·
I was wondering if the subject of those customers who were acquired through service was going to come up, & Jason's comment is certainly "food for thought"... In his example, he brought on the service customer (with the obvious intention of upgrading them at the first opportunity) & the dealer gets a contract & machine sale that they otherwise wouldn't have. Sounds like net new to me. In my experience, though, most of these service to machine sale conversions are from customers...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

jay robinson ·
We do almost the exact same thing... anything but Canon, Toshiba, & Xerox. If I could get Reps to bring in 4 figure maintenance agreements, life would be spectacular!

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jason H ·
We were staying away from Toshiba for a long time until we had a friend who could sell us parts, supplies, and give us manuals etc. those 4 figure contracts certainly do help. Seems few and far between but I'll take them when I can get them.

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Art Post ·
Originally Posted by Czech: I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business...

Re: How I turned $15 into a 24K Opportunity

Czech ·
Hey Art! I started using Aweber email software about 5 months ago. I send out a monthly newsletter with a customized template. People read it! Best part is that you always stay top of mind with your prospects. I actually exported my contact list from my CRM software and imported that into Aweber. Currently have about 100 prospects and customers in my email list. It's great! Much cheaper than a mailer.

Re: A Sales Manager's Guide to LinkedIn

Art Post ·
good stuff Larry, I downloaded the file today.

Re: Top Ten Copier Proposals & Quotes for October 2015

Andrew Quillen ·
I'm not in KC anymore Art. I've been in Delaware for the last 9 years. I had Gates BBQ ready to ship out some burnt ends on dry ice I'll be in NJ soon for Canon imagePRESS training. I'll let you know when we can get together for a New Jersey Hotdog! Andrew

Re: Those Magnificent Men & Women & Thier Copy Machines 2015 -Part One

Larry Levine ·
Thanks for sharing the many great ways of giving back by these great companies. I am proud to be a part of Dealer Marketing. Darrell Amy is as genuine as they come.

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...

Re: Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Art Post ·
The only tip I know of is to work your ass off. Slumps are directly related to not working hard. The hardier you work, the luckier you get!