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Tagged With "WorkCedntre 3325"

Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Second Week of October 2004)

Art Post ·
Did you know that we have questions, comments, sales tips, sales advise, copier quotes and proposal that go back 16 years? Yup, more than 100K in threads stored for your enjoyment on the Print4Pay Hotel! Enjoy! Enjoy these awesome threads from 15 years ago this week! Savin 4022 / Ricoh 2022 10/12/045:09 PM The back side leading edge has toner on it and fades out as you get to the trail edge. if you run multiple copies it is only on the first copy. I have noticed that if you look at the drum...
Blog Post

The Week in Copiers 15 Years Ago This Week In 2005

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers 15 Years Ago This Week In 2005 I'm connected to a ton of copier sales people on Linkedin. For the last ten days I've been counting those connections that have changed where they work. First I check to see if when they left and where they went. In these last days I've counted 14 that have left the industry, almost all of these changes were in June and July. I would suspect that most were laid off due to COVID. Twenty percent of those that left were in the position less...
Blog Post

Lead for Managed Print Services in New York

Art Post ·
Keep in mind that all leads will be part of our Premium/VIP service again on April 1st. We are offering a lifetime service for $249. Please email me for details See attached file
Blog Post Premium

Lead for Large Fleet of MFPs and Production

Art Post ·
see attached files
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago Week of Last Week of April 2014 Real Copier Sales (10 Years Ago) Sometimes, I wonder if companies conduct an internal contest to see who is the rudest person in the company. The winner is then placed in charge of taking calls from sales people. Personally, when I run across someone like that I make a personal note to myself to tell as many people as possible about how "rude" that company is!! Bad news always travels quicker than good news, right?... read...
Blog Post Premium

Lead for 100 plus Copiers

Art Post ·
see attached file