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Tagged With "240W"


Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

chops ·
Yes it does Art

Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
that's awesome, are there any mods that need to be done?

Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
Chops, do you have anything in writing that shows that the 240W roll feeder will work with the W3601? The dealership I work for is wants me to provide proof! Art

Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
I also received this in an email about the roll feeder: We did an install of a 3601 a few years ago at one of his customers, and plopped it right on top of the old 240 roll feeder that they had...with no trouble at all. Hope this is all you'll need to convince "the man" !

Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
and this: As far as "proof" that it will work...... I have been a Ricoh WF dealer for 15 years. I have installed the 2400, 3600 and the 3601 on top of 240 roll feeders. They all work. The connectors are exactly the same. The printer does not "know" what roll feed is underneath it.

Re: Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
Thanx to everyone that helped with this. It's really going to help out a client that needs to get a pre-owned MP3601SP and will get to keep his dual roll feeder with the paper tray.

Re: Ricoh Wide Format Roll Feeders

Art Post ·
or the W3600?

Re: Ricoh Wide Format Roll Feeders

bandit41076 ·
when i was there, the roll feeds were interchangeable.

Re: Ricoh Wide Format Roll Feeders

Art Post ·

Re: Plotbase Dilemma Question

fisher ·
Why are they upgrading the PC???? Simply because Microsoft isn't supporting???? If so, my advice would be not to change a thing. The PC should be dedicated to the plotter and as such should not be doing anything out on the interwebs that would invite a virus in. Big can of worms to open on a machine that is that old especially with the lack of support from the defunct manufacturer of the Ratio controller. Opportunity to upgrade to a modern machine with internal controller.
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The Third Week of March 2006

Art Post ·
It was Monday , under the sign of Pisces . The US president was George W. Bush (Republican). In that special week of March people in US were listening to So Sick by Ne-Yo . In UK It's Chico Time by Chico was in the top 5 hits. Inside Man , directed by Spike Lee , was one of the most viewed movies released in 2006 while Micah by Laurell K. Hamilton was one of the best selling books. But much more happened that day: find out below.. March 2006 Re: 2051 duplex copy from bypass? 3/17/06 4:06 PM...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Last Week of April 2005

Art Post ·
Interesting first thread here "Have we won already over HP?".  Holy cow, it's been ten years since the infamous launch of the....?  Can you remember the name of that device? Alas, for the life of me I can't remember either. Someone help me...

Ricoh Wide Format Roll Feeders

Art Post ·
Here's a good one, can the roll feeder from the 240W be used on the W3601??

Plotbase Dilemma Question

Art Post ·
We have an existing customer that has windows XP and plotbase with an older 240W, they need to upgrade at least the software.  They have two PC's available.   One with windows 7 OS 64 bit (the 240W interface card will fit in this PC) and One...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The First Week of October 2006

Art Post ·
While I was scrolling down on this weeks threads from ten years ago, I saw the threads for the Aficio MPC2500, MP C3000, MPC3500, and MP C4500. Hard to believe that these systems are ten years old now Another old but goodie was the introduction of the variable print head for the Seri Model 25. The variable print head was actually an HP print head/cartridge that was located in the Seri Model 25. Never sold the VPPH model, however I did sell a few of the Seri Model 25, in fact I just sold a...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of October 2007)

Art Post ·
Interesting thread from ten years ago is the thread about Padded Lease Rates! Ethical or Unethical. Personally. I've never been a fan of this, and I also think it's theft by deception. Call it what you want, I also believe there should be some type of regulation especially when a "price" is published and or agreed to and then the lease rate is padded and the price is not what was stated. Enjoy these threads!! Topic Weekend Notes from the Copier Industry for 9/30/07 10/1/077:46 PM next 12...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago The First Week of November 2006

Art Post ·
One of the more interesting threads below is from Gordon MacKay from Queensland, Australia. Gordon posted a thread in reference to his existing dealership and his past experience in the copier industry. It was awesome to re-visit this thread. Gordon, if you're still out there, shoot us a reply. That thread is here Japan's Konica Minolta 11/5/06 6:42 PM multifunctional models, especially in Europe," company director Yasuo Matsumoto told a news conference. Konica Minolta also raised its...

Aficio 240W Roll Feeder & W3601 Roll Feeder

Art Post ·
Does anyone know if the 240W roll feeder will work with the W3601SP?
Blog Post

This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

Art Post ·
It's late on Friday night, and for most, their work is over for the week. For me, I need to do updates, and frankly, I've been lagging in my blogging lately. It's not because I don't want to write; it's mainly because nothing has triggered me to write. Nothing unusual in sales, nothing unusual in the field, and I've had my nose to the grindstone looking to hit numbers. Until tonight, when I needed to post my series, "This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago this Week." The nice thing...

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

fisher ·
Those were good times indeed. Big commissions and big points on the Ricoh credit card to boot. Very short lived though. I was doing one or two wide formats a month in addition to all of the mid-volume color machines that customers were buying. By 2008 it was over and the wide format market has never recovered. In the past 12 months I've sold 4 wide formats and only one was a brand new unit.

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

Art Post ·
I agree with you, by 2008 the big Aficio points and the big commissions were gone. All of the other manufacturers caught up with the technology. In addition Ricoh rested on their laurels with the 240W and waited way to long to bring an upgrade to the market place. I average about 1.5 new wide formats per month, GP is significantly down, but it's now a decent revenue generator. The Ricoh MP W6700SP is now three years old and needs a refresh. What does Ricoh have in the works?

Re: This Copier Changed My Sales Life 15 Years Ago this Week!

fisher ·
Hopefully whatever they replace the 6700 with is another compact machine that can be carried up a flight of stairs like the old 240 was.