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Tagged With "31 ways"

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31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #27 of 31

Art Post ·
There are countless ways to close business, all you have to do is be creative and don't be afraid to ask for the order.  What's the worst that can happen? They will say "no" and when they say "no" you ask why?  Every "no" may get you closer...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business #7 of 31

Art Post ·
Socialize Yourself with Linkedin   All of these points will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident expert...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales #29 of 31

Art Post ·
Geesh, two more weeks and this blog series is over!  I will be putting the entire 31 parts up as one document once the series ends.  The document will be posted in the "clips" section of the site, and will be listed under "Helpful Sales...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business #8 of 31

Art Post ·
Socialize Yourself with Linkedin   All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales #28 of 31

Art Post ·
In the office today we had about 2 hours of role playing.  We were given a real life prospect scenario, had to prepare just like a real meeting.   For me, it was quite a bit of fun, for some of the newbies....well it was umm....daunting,...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business # 9 of 31

Art Post ·
Socialize Yourself with Linkedin   All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales #30 of 31

Art Post ·
I would love to hear from others, about closes that you use. If you have a favorite close or like me, included something that was out of the ordinary.  Please post the thread in the reply section of this blog.         30. ...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business # 10 of 31

Art Post ·
Socialize Yourself with Linkedin   All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales #31 of 31

Art Post ·
This is the last post of the series!  My how time flies, just an FYI, I had a computer crash over the weekend and had to pull this one off of the back up.  I'm pretty sure I did not offer this one up yet.  Enjoy, in a week or two, I'll...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business # 11 of 31

Art Post ·
I had a few more of the tips on how I use linked in, however, I had a computer crash and the file I was worked from was not saved to my dropbox account, nor did I have it backed up! Thus, I did have an earlier version without the Linkedin tips. Here...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business # 13 of 31

Art Post ·
You've called almost everyone in your database, and you can't seem to find anyone that wants to meet with you.   You've then pounded the pavements and got the same, nothing!  What can you do to make that connection with potential buyers of...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#7 of 31)

Art Post ·
I always to try to add some type of value for one of these threads that I post for "31 Ways to Close More Sales". A few months ago I had to purchase a new cell phone, the blackberry was crapping out and so were my eyes from staring at that small...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#18 of 31)

Art Post ·
Many years ago I learned that all copiers are not alike, and way back when when we were up against a competitor we were taught to present a side-by-side comparison.  Back in the day we either used a typewriter of hand wrote a side-by-side...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#20 of 31)

Art Post ·
Have I done this, yes!  Did in work in my favor?.......well no, however I did get the order.  In a previous blog titles "What Type of Day Is It", I made mention that "business will not close by it self", yes there may be some strays that...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#19 of 31)

Art Post ·
It was many years ago that when it came to late December that I thought sales were done for the month.   I assumed this was due to the fact that I would be off a few days for Christmas and New Years and everyone else...
Blog Post

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business

Art Post ·
Finally!!! I've put the master piece togther.  31 Ways to Garner Net New Business, and I'll be posting one of these per week as Premium Content once the New Year of 2014 kicks in.   But in the mean time I've started a topic on the P4P...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#14 of 31)

Art Post ·
Some sales organizations elect to re-write the book on leasing, they have ideas that they can do it better and make it more efficient for themselves.  What they forget is the fact that they have effectively tied the hands of their creative sales...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#17 of 31)

Art Post ·
I tell you some of the stuff that I'm reading about selling is......stupid!   I agree that selling, and prospecting has changed, but when presented with the opportunity to sign the order...., well we need to get the order signed or not get paid....
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#9 of 31)

Art Post ·
I had scheduled the last stop of the day about a mile from my home. For almost three years I've been calling, emailing and dropping off production information for a net new account. Three years with nothing, I was beginning to think that the company...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#10 of 31)

Art Post ·
Busy month so far, I'm just about completed with renovating the home office and put the finishing touches on my new desk. Tomorrow night I'll be off to Cannatta Charity Fund Raising Event.  The event starts @ 5:30PM and I have no clue when...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#12 of 31)

Art Post ·
Many times in my selling career I get caught up with just trying to meet my quota instead of putting meat on the table. Yes, I'm anal about hitting those monthly and quarterly and yearly numbers, and yes, I have been known to sacrifice GP just to...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#11 of 31)

Art Post ·
I have a funny story to tell, my wife had to report for jury duty today, and if course she was not happy about it. Thus at dinner tonight I asked how what the jury selection process was like since I've never been called. Questions, questions...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (3 of 31)

Art Post ·
Do you ever get any of those days when you just can't move forward!  So many calls to make, so many interruptions,  that I just couldn't get my calls done in the office! Tomorrow, I'm going work from the home office, no...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (4 of 31)

Art Post ·
Socialize Yourself with Linkedin All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as the resident...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #26 of 31

Art Post ·
Only 5 weeks left on for "31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales". Once I've posted #31, I'll have all 31 available as a .pdf download on the site. Make sure you have a Premium Membership in place in order to access the document.  Either Or...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31)

Art Post ·
Oh, was the weather brutal this AM, woke up to 6 degrees & two dead batteries in two cars, got one started went to an awesome appointment and then found out that the car wouldn't start when I was ready to leave!!! The life of sales right? Socialize Yourself with Linkedin All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in. Thus over time you will be considered by your customers...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#22 of 31)

Art Post ·
For all of you newbies......, when was the last time you had a copier delivered to a customers office to do a demonstration of how the copier can help their business improve their paper intensive workflow?  For the life of me I can't remember if...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#23 of 31)

Art Post ·
Always keep in mind if you are doing something out of the ordinary with financing,  you'll need to clear it with the powers to be and the leasing company first. Double and triple check your numbers, and when you're finished leave not...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#21 of 31)

Art Post ·
Some of the best closes are the ones that sound out right dumb that you don't dare to use them right?   I learned along time ago that you always have to ask for the order in one way or another, it's a shame that I don't remember most of them...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (1 of 31)

Art Post ·
All of these points on our list of  31 Ways to Garner Net New Businesswill establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in.  Thus over time you will be considered by your customers and prospects as...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31

Art Post ·
Enough is enough, tired of the cold, the wind, the snow and hearing about the Super Bowl this week. Can't wait to get to the BTA Winter Break in a few weeks.  Please let me know if you'll be there!! My Account Close: Another unique...