Tagged With "Dealer marketplace"
Re: Does anyone have a clue as to how the CPC billing model started in the first place?
Wow! These are some awesome stories, I'm sure there are many more out there from some of our veterans, would love to read more.
Re: The Right Used Equipment Strategy Can Help Your Profits Soar
It's not how you sell it's how you buy. If you buy right you can make great profits on low meter pre-owned gear while selling it for half the price of equivalent new.
Re: Nine Serious Issues For Today's Copier Dealers
Art I would love to add a 10th to your list.... The transformation of sales reps inside a digital business world. Educating, inspiring and transforming sales reps! This is a huge issue inside dealerships. Sales reps must learn a digital set of sales skills.
Re: Konica Minolta OnePrice
Hey Bumble Not a KM dealership here, hope someone else can help you with this
Re: Konica Minolta OnePrice
I don't understand there is tons of activity on this site, but no one can find the time to help?
Re: Imaging Channel, Let's Become the Innovation Channel!!
Geo-strategic picture. Just great, Ray!
Re: Imaging Channel, Let's Become the Innovation Channel!!
Ray Good stuff, however when discussing imaging (which is a wide portfolio of devices), everyone seems to forget about the huge growth of niche imaging devices. Those devices include wide format, grand wide format, label presses, and envelope presses. While in Las Vegas in the spring of this year, I was able to attend the ISA Sign Expo. I've been to a lot of events in the past year and the ISA was the largest event I every attended. Two hundred thousand square feet of convention space with...
Re: Imaging Channel!! Here’s Why I am Excited to be part of the BEI Services Inc. Team
Geesh, you're a quick learner!! Didn't you just hook up with BEI a few weeks ago?
Re: Imaging Channel!! Here’s Why I am Excited to be part of the BEI Services Inc. Team
Proud to be the first to wish you all the best!
Re: Imaging Channel!! Here’s Why I am Excited to be part of the BEI Services Inc. Team
Thanks JF
Re: Imaging Channel!! Here’s Why I am Excited to be part of the BEI Services Inc. Team
Thanks Art, today you gotta be fast
Re: When your Deliverable doesn’t excite your Customers’ then it’s time to Innovate or even change that Deliverable.
Special thanx to Ray for letting us post this blog today Water, what's wrong with water? There is still growth in print, just not in the SMB or Enterprise markets. I'm in the trenches every day and you're correct. There's no more excitement with mfps. They all do the same thing, they are all reliable and when push comes to shove, all we are doing is stealing clients from each other. Growth for companies like Ricoh, Konic a Minolta, Canon and Kyo could be robotics. Robotics could mirror the...
Re: When your Deliverable doesn’t excite your Customers’ then it’s time to Innovate or even change that Deliverable.
Who is this guy, is he a consultant?
Re: When your Deliverable doesn’t excite your Customers’ then it’s time to Innovate or even change that Deliverable.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/raystasieczko/ good guy, been posting his stuff for quite sometime
Re: Konica Minolta Acquires More Than Just Copier Dealers
Muratec Dealers should also be in a good place. I just spoke to my rep who was in the meeting this afternoon and he said we should now have full access to everything Konica - production print, wide format, IT etc. Im pumped about this
Re: Konica Minolta Acquires More Than Just Copier Dealers
Attached is the letter I received from Muratec Marketing
Re: Toshiba Introduces Cloud Service Offering
Seems neat, is anyone using this yet? With the recent hacking of cloud services, do you think IT people would want to have this in place, especially with banking, insurance, retail, DOD & PIV?
Re: 5 Reasons Why I Like Print Audit Best Over PaperCut
I do like the control that the dealer has with Print Audit as well as the pre-sale MPS tools if you are one of their Premier dealers. But, turning on various rules in PaperCut is MUCH easier than in Print Audit/PCS Director or other similar products in our industry. Additionally, it works extremely well in environments in which Mac workstations are present, & their embedded (PaperCut MF) software works with most product lines which makes it easy to integrate if a client has a mixed ...
Re: 5 Reasons Why I Like Print Audit Best Over PaperCut
Great Article! Of course I am a bit biased... I'm not sure if the reader who commented is familiar with the standard rules available in Print Audit 6/PCS Director. They exist under the Printer Profiles section and can be implemented across the board with a click of the mouse. These basic rules address color usage, duplex print as well as limits on pages of print. By definition the basic rules apply across to board to all printing (subject to that Printer Profile). These rules are also MUCH...
Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015
I really like number 4, and I believe #7 is going to happen sooner than we expected. I hold out hope as well.
Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015
Not liking the Kyocera part of #4 at all. On the other hand really liking # 10 Add: Color equipment will become more prevalent with costs of color equipment continuing to drop and coming more in line with monochrome.
Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015
5) - Canon bought a very large stake in one last year (Therefore). Locally hosted or cloud based.
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Once launched It looks like we will be able to order the NEW BW series machines with the smart panel factory installed , I'm guessing no rebate on the 03 color series. Has everyone done a lot of these smart panels?
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
I order the Smart Op Panel with almost every one of these I sell and get nothing but rave reviews. The only exceptions are with customers that are using or considering using embedded solutions since Ricoh has yet to tell us that embedded solutions will work with the Smart Op Panel.
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Out of all the units I've sold I've only ordered the smart op panel 3 times. So, if I'm hearing right, the new 03 series of black systems will have the smart op panel that is unlocked? meaning no browser unit is required and it will be a true android tablet?
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Where did you hear that? My guess is that it's the same as the one that is available for the MP3353 series.
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Honestly, haven't seen any benefits to it. Fluff. We put one on a showroom machine and that's it. If anything it was buggy and un-impressive. Why would I spend the extra money to install it? What am I missing?
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
We have probably put it on 3 machines since it came out and the funny thing was it was our sales rep who is almost 70 years old. He loves that panel. My younger guys could care less it seems. King of backwards in my mind. I haven't quite found the practicality of it other than making everything "look" like a tablet. If they could make it as functional as the new Samsung 10.1 tablet on the MFP's it may become more practical. Just my $0.02
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Wow!! 70 years old and still selling!! That's awesome, that means I have a lot of time left
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
Yes that means I have a lot of time left as well but I wouldn't wish this guys work ethic on any sales manager. He is the laziest person I have probably ever managed. He is pretty much just wasting oxygen in my office. He is a straight commission employee and a pain in the a$$. We put him on straight commission and let him do what he wants in a very rural territory because we are 99.9999% sure he is going to sue us when he quits or is fired. He has a long history of lawsuits against...
Re: Should Ricoh Offer a Rebate When Dealers Buy the New Smart Op Panel?
I've yet to see these in the Canadian market. When did they get launched in the US?
Re: Canon Solutions America's IDEAS v2.0 (Intelligent Dealer Electronic Archive System) Now Includes Processing for Deal Jackets
Wow! This is big!! I could use this for a few of my accounts! Anyone hear what the cost is??
Re: Copier Dealers Need to Embrace the "Next Big Thing"
"For me, it's too much work for too little pay-off." Agreed. This small sales are great as positioning, but at the end of the day I want the MFP. Good article!
Re: A Morning With Darrell Amy of Dealer Marketing Systems
You can download Darrells presentation here https://www.p4photel.com/clip/ma14amy-pdf
Re: This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of April 2004)
I will be out of the office starting 04/23/2014 and will not return until 05/13/2014. I will have limited email access, if this issue is urgent and requires an immediate assistance, please contact Eileen at eileen.cleary@tabs.toshiba.com. Thank you. This message (and any attached files) is secret, confidential and proprietary and is intended solely for specific addressee(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by reply email and...
Re: This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of January 2005
I am out of the office on annual leave until the 26th Jan. In my absence please contact 01983 406522. Thank you
Re: Print Audit Introduces Mobile Printing Application, PrintMore
Is this a plant to see if anyone actually reads this stuff?
Re: Print Audit Introduces Mobile Printing Application, PrintMore
no, it was an April fools press joke
Re: Print Audit Introduces Mobile Printing Application, PrintMore
LOL, it's about exposure and brand awareness. I must say that I've been working with them for more than 5 years and they are one of those companies that you can only dream of working for.
Re: Larry Levine to Lead LinkedIn Sales Coaching Program for Dealer Marketing
Thanks Art! i look forward to helping in any way possible.
Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh
Have to remind customer of your long term involvement vs. price. Usually the differentiator...
Re: Lost two deals in one day
Art, Write your main contact(s) a nice email saying that you are sorry you lost their business, and if there is anything you can ever do to help them please don't hesitate to call or email you. Then check in six months and see how their service after the sale is. If their service is poor maybe your company can steal back the service. That does not help you immediately but the next time you put in a proposal you will NOT have to be the cheapest. Because they will have seen what cheap service...
Re: Lost two deals in one day
nice!! Thank you, I will do that tomorrow!! See, even an old dog can learn new tricks!!
Re: Lost two deals in one day
Along the line of Vince's thinking, recommend that they sign a separate service agreement from the lease & that they ask for a clause that allows them to terminate the Service Agreement if satisfactory service levels are not delivered. This gives you a better shot of being able to get the service back if they are unhappy.