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Tagged With "Salespeople"


Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Tom Koenig ·
Good Luck Old Dog!!! I've got $10 says you get your $200K

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
You're too funny! Make it $20 and we got a bet!!

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Tom Koenig ·
Your on

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Czech ·
$200,000 in revenue with no funnel?? I will be reading this every day.

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
posted up day one a few minutes ago!

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Old Glory ·
So Tom is betting $20 that Art makes his $200,000 goal and Art is betting that he doesn't? $20 is a lot of money. I just want to make sure that the rules of engagement are clear !>

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
I figured the least I could do for my DSM is to give him Twenty bucks!!!

Re: Why We Still Need Legacy Sales Skills

Czech ·
I would be very interested in learning how the competition came in and stole the deal. Was it a lack of closing skills, or was there something else missing in his sales process? Art, do you ever notice that CUSTOMERS are the ones that tend to make decisions towards the end of the month? By biggest "competition" is not the competition, it's the customers not revealing other information that could jeapordize moving forward. For example, customers needs a copier for a new branch office they are...

Re: Why We Still Need Legacy Sales Skills

Art Post ·
Czech Yes and no. What I do find is that are many that will procrastinate with the decision making process. Usually, this means that there is some type of objection and the client is entertaining other offers. In many cases I run into the same thing with new offices, but what aggravates me the most is the client that refuses to email you back or take your call after you've meet with them the first time. I'm a big boy, if you don't like me or what to go somewhere else, just tell me and I'll...

Re: Why We Still Need Legacy Sales Skills

Tom Koenig ·
Art Here is my two cents worth. What goes around comes around in this world. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. If and when we get to the point of people totally taking out the human to human contact in the sales process, they will then begin to miss that same human to human contact, and start to look to regain it. Its my belief that we will begin to see that very soon in things like facebook. Its a great way to help stay in touch with people. But once people begin to use it to avoid each...
Blog Post

Salespeople Can Right, Oopps...

Larry Levine ·
If I have heard it once then I have heard it a thousand times, salespeople suck when it comes to writing. A tip of the sales hat to Konica Minolta , "Only from the minds of marketers" you will hear salespeople suck at writing. The first disconnect between sales & marketing. Wisdom oft comes from the mouth of babes. George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones I am here to inform you wisdom oft comes from the mouth of salespeople. Sales teams can't go one day...
Blog Post

Cold calling isn’t dead it is just different

Larry Levine ·
There is a huge tug-of-war and discussions flying around between sales experts citing cold calling is dying or better yet dead.   For decades, cold calling has been the new business catalyst for salespeople all around the world. Heck, tenured...
Blog Post

Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
Just about two years ago, I posted up a blog titled the 12 Days of Selling (for some reason I can't find 7 & 8) which was based on the last 12 selling days of the year in 2014. Each day, I would post up my sales journal of the days events, and then keep a running total of what I needed for the end of the selling year. Thus, I thought I would not put as much pressure on my-self (lol), and start my sales journal earlier this year. Each selling day I will post a blog my days activities...
Blog Post

Why We Still Need Legacy Sales Skills

Art Post ·
I'm probably going to go a little off topic here and there, however please bear with me. A few minutes ago I finished up reading "Why a Lifelong Salesperson Thinks Salespeople Are Unnecessary". That the 80%of the purchasing process will take place without human to human contact by 2020, threw me for a loop! Dang, that's only three years from now! The blogger wrote about a software company that has NO salespeople, and that they grew to 450 million in revenue in 15 years. The gist of the blog...
Blog Post

Transforming How Sales Professionals Develop New Business by Integrating Social into the Sales Process

Larry Levine ·
Mediocre, average, unexceptional, ordinary, complacent - these aren’t qualities that usually come to mind when we consider successful salespeople. What is one key trait to expect of salespeople who make an impact, achieve success and smash their sales targets? Being insanely curious is a required character trait if you wish to master business disruptions. All sales professionals put learning on overdrive. A naturally curious salesperson can put themselves in the customer’s shoes, get to the...

Re: Salespeople Can Right, Oopps...

Larry Levine ·
Thanks Art for reading. Glad you enjoyed it.

Re: Salespeople Can Right, Oopps...

Larry Levine ·
Thank you Peter!

Re: Salespeople Can Right, Oopps...

Mark Smith ·
very good read !!
Blog Post

5 Habits of Highly Ineffective Copier Salespeople

Art Post ·
5 Habits of Highly Ineffective Copier Salespeople Many of us in the business community grew up influenced by Stephen Covey’s classic book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . It’s both insightful and inspiring. With that in mind, I’d like to introduce you to "5 Habits of Highly Ineffective Copier Salespeople": 1. Be the Most Talkative Person in the Room You know everything there is to know about copiers, so why bother asking the customer any questions that might help you understand...