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Tagged With "Thomas More College"


Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 47"

Art Post ·
Karl Thank you! Please feel free to share via social media also! Ten more to go. I was just thinking about doing a journal for the entire 2017. Art

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 47"

Jason H ·
I am seeing more of that with wide format recently and I am not sure why. Most of what I have seen has been where they are running the same volume as before but they just don't want to have a machine anymore so they outsource it and it doesn't seem to matter if the machine was leased to them for a $1 a month they still wouldn't do it.

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Eighteen of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
Give #1 a second look.

Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! Don’t Screw Up Your Defining Moment

mnchstr ·
I've got shut down customers asking how we can help them because they can't operate. It sucks for us but it sucks way more for them. I have "suspended" an MA for one because they asked" no cost no expense". I was lucky enough to get my PPP loan in on day one, approved and closed. I live to fight another day but I don't think things will change all that much. Americans are not going to change everything because of Covid 19, I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but this is a major...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

SalesServiceGuy ·
I just created my own YouTube channel doing product videos with future ones planned mostly focussed on MS365. ... and I am working Linkedin a lot more in different ways. Most of the people I know say they have never gotten a lead from Linkedin. They think of this site as a static business card talking about who they are and not what they can do for the customer. They never post to Linkedin. Like most things, Linkedin requires almost daily work to...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Although I am 60% on board with your move to A4 strategy, most of the rest of the stuff you are posting is "knocking it out of the park"! I would like to see a poll. As a business owner, during COVID-19 would you prefer? 1). No lease payments for 90 days 2). 1/2 price lease payments for one year The auto industry is pushing no payments for 90 days but I think business owners are more concerned about cash flow for the next year. I think the correct strategy is to offer as part of your...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
SalesServiceGuy, I would suggest that a payment strategy is not something I see valuable at all. Customers need help deferring payments on what they already own. In all do respect. A payment strategy is not helpful to end user strictly based on selling a new MFP. The Imaging Channel's resellers who only sell print equipment are going to find themselves in serious trouble. Customers don't need to upgrade their all already oversold A3 to another one. Dealers should credit back the unused...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

Ray Stasiezcko ·
SalesServiceGuy I will discuss this more on tomorrows "End of The Day With Ray!" Have a great evening

Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Art, Thanks for comments it's conversation which starts change. There is way more applications for A4 MFPs than those few applications you suggest. The large disruption will be from those who can isolate the realities of the customers needs and sell based on those realities. Declining Marketplaces are disrupted when the old way continues delivering to all the market's customers the same way they did before the decline. The old way needs to focus on the realities of over 80% of the market...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
No, Art. You're spot on. I haven't had many jobs outside the industry, but the majority of the old guard is so proud of the way they've always done it & receives so much validation from other dealers with the same mentality (via BTA, CDA, SDG, et al) that they often refuse to admit the need to change until it's practically too late. There are ideas & concepts that I brought up 3-5 years ago that were considered to be "interesting but not really necessary" that we're suddenly latching...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: Those Magnificent Men and Their Copy Machines

David Broaden ·
Hey Art, Really admire your efforts in our industry and with your blog. Its been a long time resource to keep me updated in our industry. I will be celebrating 14 years at Martin Group, and was happy to see us represented in the list above. We are as enthusiastic as ever in supporting our communities, and below is a quick write up we refreshed to be current. Martin Group in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin: Is a regional power house in the office equipment community. With 35 years in the industry, and...

Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?

Jason H ·
Jay, We typically go after about any machine other than a Xerox. If someone wants us to service their machine and its not a complete piece of junk we will take it on and will get parts and supplies from dealers etc. until we can upgrade to one of our lines; Savin, Canon, or Samsung. We expect our reps to go out and take service agreements and we pay them the first months billing. Most don't like to mess with 30.00 agreements but they add up and eventually you find a big one. We had a rep who...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

daninsun ·
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Czech ·
Great stuff Larry. A sales slump means you've fallen in love with the result more than the process. It's not a slump if you love selling and working with your clients.

Re: Ethos Tech Flat Rate

Art Post ·
If you don't think that One Rate or Flat rate will sweep the industry , then think again! Need to know more? Ask me our about One Rate Webinar scheduled for the 14th of this month.

Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Old Glory ·
Had a conference call with Epson Monday afternoon. They said the ended up with a 1 year warranty on the print heads but you can purchase an extended warranty for something like $250/yr.? I didn't write that down because the only thing that matters to me is what gets passed on to the customer and manufacturers warranties are seldom passed on. Epson Ink Process advantages: No heat so no heat related fuser, no cooling fan, no warm-up. Consumes 50% less power No drum or developer so...

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Art Post ·
Interesting, I thought jh told me the cost was 2,500 per year. I was like what? Can you find out exactly that that cost is. I'm curious as I guess we all are

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Old Glory ·
I guess he was just referring to the Epson C869R (25 ppm). We kept asking questions about the 100 ppm unit and I lost track which unit this information applied to. Sorry for the confusion. We have a launch on the 11th and he promised more info on the 100 ppm at that time.

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Art Post ·
Would love to know more about the launch when it happens

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Old Glory ·
Just to be clear, it is an Epson Launch, not a launch of the 100 ppm. He just said that he would know more about the 100 ppm when he came on the 11th.

Re: Are Copier Sales Reps Asking the Right Questions

Old Glory ·
As you said, this blog wasn't meant to cover all the bases but your comments about brand loyalty and brand/service provider loyalty are only true if the decision maker has been the same for each decision. If you aren't talking to the owner, you may be talking to a totally different person than the one that made past decisions. You need to know that before you decide whether to pack your bags and walk away. Also, in a leased equipment environment, the decision to stay with the same brand and...

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Larry Kirsch ·
Very interesting point of view. Always informative. Old adage. The more activity the greater the results. Plan your work. Work your plan. Have a great day.

Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Ty Larry Kirsch

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
More than a few copier/ printers are manufactured in Thailand and the Philippines due to low labor costs. I do not know but I think these products tend to be more low end A4 and printer products. I think most A3 product is made in China. I can only speak for Toshiba but I know the majority of North American toner is made in North Dakota. As I am from Canada, I am hoping with fingers crossed that this very likely US tariff war with China will not effect us.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am glad to hear that you are working in the copier industry so that I know that you have "skin in the game". There are very many players in the copier/ printer industry each with their own strengths/ weaknesses when faced with a trade war. Each player will have a different tolerance for how much money they want to loose to maintain market share. I definitely would not expect a uniform response. Multi line dealers will have more options to select from than single line dealers and brand...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
as of July 6th, there is no tariff on copy machines. Just copier parts and accessories.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
It seems the prospects of tariffs going away anytime soon are fading. Eventually the cost of most goods in the copier industry are going to increase because of President Trump. SSG I'm okay with this! This may help in the long run because more clients may opt for something off lease, or even release their existing devices. In both cases I'll probably make more than selling new. You keep calling it a TAX, it's not a tax it's a tariff. When I go to the store and pay for an item, a tariff is...

Re: You can't Manage Tranformation it must be Enthusiastically Led

gra8dane ·
Good post. I agree that enthusiasm is critical in the area of leadership. I also agree that good management is critical in driving progress...which can ultimately result in transformation. However, we differ in the idea that someone is either an enthusiastic leader or a good manager. The most effective and enduring leaders I have worked with have also had very strong management skills. They were not necessarily the ones in the trenches on a daily basis...but they possessed an understanding...

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
Never ever stop prospecting is the key. Always adding and subtracting. I would say on average I keep about $100K of deals I think can close in 30 days. I focus on 180 because 2/3rd of them will either roll, or lose. 90% of the time, I will wait until the first contact to determine if that appointment is an opportunity. Once it's in the funnel, I then determine when it may have a chance to close. If's it's more than 50% it's going in the 30 day close funnel

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Kyocera Guy ·
Maybe not such a bad thing. This makes shorter term leases with less interest more attractive and therefore leases can be turned faster as long as your not padding your leases to begin with.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Hello Art and the rest of the P4P members - Our industry association (ELFA), along with several independent law firms that represent many of our industry members are reviewing this legislation to determine the actual effects it will have on the industry as a whole and to provide guidance so that our members will be in compliance with the legislation. What we know at this point is that is you are involved in offering financing to businesses in California, you will be subject to this...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
In some cases, more is made on the lease padded rate than the salesperson makes in commissions. Others may tell you that they use the "padded" rates to create promo's for the reps. Do I look like I need an incentive to sell? Frak that, if you need an incentive to sell then you need to get a job at Mickey D's

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Here is a report from One of their legal editors is doing a three part review of this legislation. Leasing News Exclusive: State Senator Steven Glazer and the genesis of CA SB 1235 (Part 1 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor This is important not only if you are doing commercial business in California, but this may affect other states. If you are new to this, here is legislation passed both the assembly and senate, awaiting California Governor Jerry Brown’s...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Two: Leasing News Exclusive: The Opposition and How Senator Steven Glazer Got SB 1235 Passed (Part 2 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill was "Engrossed and Enrolled" and presented to the Governor at 5 p.m., September 12th, awaiting his decision to sign or veto. How He Pushed It Through the Legislature What are the takeaways from this interview and SB 1235? ▪ First , I Was Surprised at the Overwhelming Support of Trade Groups for the Bill. When he rattled off the...

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

grizzlyadams ·
Hopefully there are more A3 style components that will allow it to become an option for A4 customers printing on heavier stocks and media.

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Yup. it can print up to 300gsm

Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Most are missing this great opportunity to shift dollars. The satellite channels are starting to tell end-users to shift print spend to IT Security, and other more pressing issues. It won't be long before the buyer starts circumventing the sales engine of yesterday. Thanks for posting Art

Re: The A4 Challenge or Opportunity

fisher ·
In my experience A4 machines are as much or even more hassle than an A3 machine to install and train which I do myself for the customer but my income off of the sale of the A4 device is a fraction of what it would have been had I sold an A3. Beyond that most A4 machines lack a document feeder built to handle the page volumes of walk up copying and scanning my customers do. At the end of the day I have to make a living so I spend my time on A3 opportunities.

Re: Assume My Copier Lease....What? ·
Thanks for all of your questions and comments! To answer the first question by @AOSGROUP, we've had some success in our local area of Toronto, Canada. The transactions were completed manually before launching the marketplace. The current version of the marketplace was only launched this past January, so you guys are the early adopters. Transactions can take the form of either a lease assumption (where one credit-approved client assumes the lease of another as-is), or a split-buyout (where...

Re: Assume My Copier Lease....What? ·
@Kitz: Dealer support is also a great question. Currently we approach this on a case-by-case basis. New transfers would go to an affiliated partner in the geographical territory that is qualified to service that equipment. Ultimately, we are building a network of independent dealers not unlike what the direct channel already has access to. This way, independent dealers can leverage the network for new contracts as well, such as when a sale is made to a head office that includes installations...

Re: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

Anna ·
Nie ma mnie w pracy do 2014-02-18. Dear sender, Thank you for your email. I am out of the office, I will respond to your email on my return Reagrds, Anna Uwaga: To jest odpowiedź automatyczna na wiadomość od użytkownika "Post By Art Post: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying" wysłano 2014-02-01 22:03:17. To jest jedyne powiadomienie, które nadawca wiadomości otrzyma od tej osoby w czasie jej nieobecności. Mając na uwadze ochronę zasobów naturalnych i zmniejszenie emisji CO2,...

Re: Best Black & White MFP for 10k/month yeild. Suggestions?

Art Post ·
Actually, I did not mention that I am offering any equipment to them. I'm not even sure where they are located, I'm not looking to sell them, All of the recent MFP's that I've seen at the shows have pretty much the same GUI> I do remember something about a more robust partnering with Toshiba/

Re: MY Top 12 Likes about the New Ricoh MP2501SP

fisher ·
Wow. Gonna have to disagree. Thank goodness we have more than one line.

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
Art, it's a part of the industry that I doubt you will get rid of. I would like to add my own "observation". I don't think that 99.9% of dealers do a good deal. If 99.9% was the case these instances would not even be noticed because they would be unheard of. I think the reality is that around 60-70% of dealers are OK. Another point is that the leasing companies do not give a damn about the state of the copier at the end of a lease. As long as the customer has made all the payments they're...

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
It's easy to work out where the lease co's make their money. Every time a deal is upgraded early the early settlement discount is a paltry sum (3%). The effective interest rates are therefore huge. This settlement is then more often added to a new lease and interested lumped on top of that. There's no factoring in of a residual kit value for the lease companies, too little money for too much effort and management. That's why they don't handle the kit and insist the customer or dealer does...