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Tagged With "West"

Blog Post

Interview with John & West About Print Audits Recent Acquisition of NeoStream

Art Post ·
I had the chance to speak with John MacIness, President of Print Audit and West McDonald, VP of Business Development for Print Audit about the recent acquisition of NeoStream. My first thought when I heard the news was this recent Xerox publication: A recent Xerox International research effort reveals that nearly half (46%) of SMB’s will turn to office equipment resellers for help with paper free solutions. In addition, 25% will look to their IT provider and 37 percent to the product...
Blog Post

My Awesome Take Aways from West McDonald's Blog about Document Security

Art Post ·
It's thirteen minutes after 10PM, and I'm still not done with updating the P4P Hotel forums with various industry news that came across my alerts today. Earlier in the day, I took a few minutes to read the latest blog from West McDonald titled "A Lesson for Office Equipment Channel from the Alleged Realty Winner Leaks". My first thought was who the heck would name their child Reality with the last name of Winner? Well, I can't fault them, because at one time I thought what if I named my son...