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Tagged With "pitch"


A CEO's response to telemarketing

Art Post ·
Pulled this from the web, it is an answer to a sales blog where the blogger offers up only four questions when making a cold telephone call.  I thought there was some valuable insight from the CEO. Jonathan12/15/2013 2:41:00 PMSo....Aaron...

How To Increase Your Close Rates When Pitching To New Prospects

Art Post ·
Dear Art, How many times have you been burned by a prospect? You spend a bunch of time at their facility, talking to them about their needs, and putting together a sound technology solution or plan... and after all that, the client says, "No thanks." Well, the sad truth is that 9 out of 10 times that prospect ends up giving his business to someone else! I have two things that can fix this situation for you. The first is some great advice about changes you can make today that will...

The 2 Letters Destroying Your Sales Pitch (& How to Stop Saying Them)

Art Post ·
The 2 Letters Destroying Your Sales Pitch (& How to Stop Saying Them) By Jonathan Chan, May 8, 2017 8:30:00 AM Can you spot the two letters in this line destroying the entire sales pitch? “If your organization needs help managing X, then Y is the perfect solution for you.” Read Full Article »

The Best Sales Pitch Isn’t a Pitch at All

Art Post ·
The Best Sales Pitch 60% of people find generic sales pitches irritating. Instead of rolling out a traditional seller-centric pitch, tell your prospect a story. First, ask questions about their pain points and needs. Then, tell a story about a customer you've helped through similar challenges. A recent study showed 5% of meeting attendees remember statistics, while a whopping 63% recall stories. The best sales pitch is a story. Find out how to tell a great one in this blog. Despite its...