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Tagged With "Super Bowl Weather"

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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Wow, a Super Bowl thread from back in 2004, talking about the 14 game win streak from the Pats. It was the Pats vs the Eagles. Fly Eagles Fly, no Super Bowl for you this year! Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Re: Super Bowl Poll! Our Year! · 1/16/048:54 AM The Patriots are now on a 14 game winning streak. They will go into the Super Bowl on the longest streak of any team since the '72 Dolphins. And Peyton Manning is putting together what might be the best postseason for a QB in...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
One of my goals for this year is to garner more leads. You can do that with generating educational documents. I wrote this blog a few years ago, hope this helps. 31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31) Enjoy the threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of January 2004) Art Post · 1/12/143:32 PM it... Ricoh Dealer Meeting 1/8/04 9:48 AM Topic by Boston Mike Ricoh Dealer Meeting - Las Vegas, NV...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Fifteen years ago I was not blogging about our industry. Most of what you'll see below is threads from P4P'ers asking and answering questions. The Print4Pay Hotel forums offers our members the opportunity to post questions, answers, news or maybe you want to blow off some steam. If you do here's a link to our forums. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Ricoh Demonstrates Its Dedication 1/9/049:25 AM manufacturing, distribution, use and the recycling of its products. Sustainable...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Sixteen of Sales

Art Post ·
This blog will be one of the longer running blog series. NJ just locked down for another 30 days, that statement from the Governors Office came today. In addition an additional lock down was placed on all county and state parks. While it seems that the infection rate is slowing down, the media is mostly giving us the bad along with a few specs of hope here and there. I follow the numbers on a daily basis but I'm somewhat concerned that more peeps will be out and about as the better weather...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay it's Thursday and that means it's time for the Greg & Art lunch chat hour! Today was a great chat session and there were some chats about post recovery and how we can add our experiences to our value proposition. Another awesome question was posed as to how dealers are getting their PPE gear. I never even thought about the PPE thing. Drivers, techs, installers and maybe even sales people could be required to don PPE gear when entering an office now and in the future. In addition we...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Five of Sales

Art Post ·
Day Forty-Five and in no time it will be a full quarter since being optioned to the home office. Our blessed Governor post this on Face-book today and the response was WILD! Of course you can only guess at who captioned it with "The fool on the hill". Within a few short hours there were more than 5,000 responses with 90% or more of them being negative. Geesh I wonder why? Monday was a good day since I was able to roll through my list of things to do pretty quickly. In addition I also...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago for the Second Week of May 2005

Art Post ·
It's Saturday morning here in NJ. We've hit a snag in our spring weather today, although the sun is shinning the temp is only 41 degrees. Saturday's can be a fantastic day to prospect, whether it's a few phone calls, emails or inmails (Linkedin). Our job is to inspire clients clients that we all need to be moving forward and continue our determination to succeed. Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week RICOH INTRODUCES SOPHISTICATED DEVICE Guest · 5/10/059:49 AM ability to monitor up...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Six of Sales

Art Post ·
Day Six and not much relief in site in New Jersey. We're still in lock down mode and now have the second largest number of infections in the US. There's a few cluster of infections in New Jersey that keep growing at an alarming rate. As of today there are no infections in the town where I live, however I don't think that will hold up much longer since more surrounding towns are reporting higher infections. Maybe the only savings grace is that we have the Ocean to east and the Bay to the...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Six of Sales

Art Post ·
Working from home is something I never liked doing. In the past I've worked from my office when there were snow days, bad weather or days leading up to and after a major holiday. The reason I never liked working from home is because I can get distracting with other items when my mind roams. Whether it's watching the news, tending to the yard or just fix something that I've been itching to fix for a long time. I guess it's my adult ADD. A few weeks ago I decided to write my self a little note...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2005

Art Post ·
Back in 2005 I was just 2 years into having a real web site for the copier industry. I started back in 2000 with an message forum with MSN communities. It was really cool because there was no on-line forum where sales people and principals could chat, share ideas, share war stories, share information, share competitive info and the list goes on and on. Twenty years later there is still no site like the Print4Pay Hotel. Did I do something right? We're still the only site that allows members...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Thirty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
So much went on today and I'm not sure where to start. I'm thinking I won't get back to full time prospecting until next week and that's because I've be digging to try and hit that magical number of 200K for May. As of today I have about 30K in opportunities that could close in the next 2 days. After that it's going to be a struggle, however after tomorrow there are still eleven selling days in the month for me. What's good about the eleven days is that I still have more than 50% of the...
Blog Post

How to Add More Selling Days Without Really Trying

Art Post ·
How many sales days do you have in a year? Betcha you don't know! Sales aka Selling days or how many days per month, per quarter and per year has been something that I keep an eye on. Try to take a sales day away from me because you want to close the month early drives me up a wall. Let's face it I only have "x" amount of days each month and I need to make the best of them. Some dealerships or direct branches will close on the calendar end of the month. Others will close the month early so...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Second Week of January 2006

Art Post ·
If you take a peek at some of the threads below, you will see that many of the threads were related to wide format.  In another thread there were some references to the Seri Duplicator that used a separate device to cure the ink of the duplicator, this was necessary so that the ink would not wipe off of gloss stocks.  Just recently I came across the need for this device with a pharmaceutical firm.  Believe it or not, I called my contact in Europe and these devices and the ink...
Blog Post

5 Reasons Why I'm Going to Spring Break BTA in New Orleans in March!

Art Post ·
I'm about to make my first ever trip to New Orleans for BTA's Spring Break event. A fewmemories come to mind when thinking about New Orleans, The Super Bowl (many of them, in fact the first ten), Mardi Gras, NOMDA Show, and Katrina. Since I'm going to be a newbie in New Orleans for March 18th & March 19th, I'll be staying at the BTA recommended Intercontinental New Orleans. Similar to last years event at the Grand Floridian, IBPI is hosting their event on March...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Third Week of January 2006

Art Post ·
It's Super Bowl Week!  Denver or North Carolina? I'm picking Denver because of experience and their awesome defense.   Take some time and review the threads from ten years ago.   Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost Boston Mike · 1/24/06 8:55 PM Worked on my end at work and home. How does one sign up for this and are Jewish Temples allowed? Thanks -=Boston Mike=- Theo's back and you are all in BIG Trouble! Reply Re: NCPG gets DMAP6 Cost Old Glory · 1/25/06 9:11 AM The...
Blog Post

Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Art Post ·
Good afternoon Art. Had a quick question for you. One of my new reps had asked what information I could give for his review on cold calling tips, instruction, and helps. He is looking for help in running a better cold call in the field. HARVEG  ...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals for August 2015

Art Post ·
Well, it's now the last week of the summer! Now is the time to kick into high gear to get ready for end of year sales opportunities.  Good weather will be behind us, kids back in school, and the companies that we do business with will kick...
Blog Post

This History of the Fax Machine According to Art

Art Post ·
Go ahead, you can do it, no one will see you. It's ok to hug your fax, if you still have one.   Funny, just today, I was at an office and they told me about one of their principals that was still using a computer with a 3.5 floppy drive. He...
Blog Post

The Twelve Days of Selling "Day 11"

Art Post ·
Another day of wind, cold and rainy weather along the coast. My first appointment was about an hour away, to present pricing for one of the new production systems.    Pricing is tentative so there was not even an inkling of...
Blog Post

Nine Reasons Why I'm Going to BTA's Winter Break in Orlando!

Art Post ·
I missed out on the Winter Break event last year due to a snowstorm here in Jersey!  I was pretty bummed, who from the northeast wouldn't want to get to Florida in March.  March is one of my least favorite months of the year in Jersey, on...
Blog Post

Top 10 Copier & Printer Proposals for May 2014

Art Post ·
So, a few weeks ago I posted Top 5 Copier & Printer RFP's for Second Week of May 2014 . I thought that I would have the time to post these each week. However, the weather has been so beautiful these last few weeks that I've taken a great liking to sitting on my favorite couch in the evenings. No computer, no phone, and no ipad. The thought of another terrible winter has swayed me to enjoy more time outside. The amount of quotes and proposals that we've been...
Blog Post

A Cool Thing Happened While Away on Presidents Club

Art Post ·
It seems like every President's Club trip gives me a story to tell about a unique sales experience that I had.   This years trip consisted of 5 nights at the Hard Rock Hotel in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  The trip was outstanding,...
Blog Post

Top Ten Reasons to "Find Your Workflow" & "Managed Print Summit"

Art Post ·
No slipping, no sliding, no scraping frost or ice off the car windows, no bundling up to take out the garbage, no getting the driveway plowed in, no walkin the dog when it's below freezing outside and these are just a few reasons why it...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (3rd Week of January 2004)

Art Post ·
I checked around for a few events and couldn't find much from 2004. Wish Ricoh would have had a Super Bowl Contest this year, well maybe not since the Super Bowl will be in NY and out in the cold.  I guess I'm kinda hoping for the mother of...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31)

Art Post ·
Oh, was the weather brutal this AM, woke up to 6 degrees & two dead batteries in two cars, got one started went to an awesome appointment and then found out that the car wouldn't start when I was ready to leave!!! The life of sales right? Socialize Yourself with Linkedin All of these points below will establish yourself as a person who is knowledgeable with the industry that you work in. Thus over time you will be considered by your customers...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of February 2007)

Art Post ·
Just noticed on one of these threads that Ricoh Print Director has been around for ten years now! For those that don't know, Print Director is OEM'd from our friends at Print Audit. I highly recommend them. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! RICOH SHOWCASES RIGHTS-MANAGED DOCUMENT 2/5/07 5:03 PM individuals and businesses use digital and paper-based information. DSS offers a complete package of products, services and support programs to our all our channels, comprising of direct...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling "Day 13"

Art Post ·
Who says thirteen is unlucky? I woke up to a driving rainstorm this AM, funny how stuff works out sometimes for the good or bad. In my case, I had scheduled two appointments and thirteen stop ins today, in hindsight, maybe I should have checked the weather yesterday. I could have just went to the two appointments and canned the stop ins, but that wasn't going to happen since I haven't sold much for the past two three weeks. For me, stop-ins are pre-planned, for those accounts or prospects...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling "Day 19"

Art Post ·
It's Monday, the weather was clear and I got a head start on the day. Just about 8:30AM I received an email from an existing client that he had signed the order docs and they were ready to be picked up. I'm all over that and scheduled an appointment to pick them up at 3:15PM. I selected the 3:15PM time slot because I had another appointment booked for 4:15 a few miles away with an existing client. The other day, we had our net new telephone prospecting morning. One of the newbies in the...
Blog Post

Reaction or Decision

Ray Stasieczko (Guest) ·
Are we deciding or automatically reacting? I was at a stop sign the other day in the hot summer weather here in Nashville, and a thought emerged when I turned left; was that just a reaction to the commonality in my routine drive home, or did I actually decide to turn left? Every day we are presented with opportunities to make decisions. In reality, I think most of us are automatically reacting without really much thought - we just simply do what we make common. So as I had these thoughts, I...
Blog Post

Imaginations are a terrible thing to ignore

Ray Stasieczko (Guest) ·
Wouldn’t it be great if we humans could program our minds to dream of practical things? My answer - hell no! Although I believe many wish they could. In this information-driven world, we can learn so much today that we had no concept of yesterday. This fact is multiplied when we welcome time for our imaginations. So many of us get stuck in the routine commonality of what they do, their reality, they forget to nourish their most valuable asset their Imaginations. Things which are practical...
Blog Post

How Far Out On the Pier Are We?

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Recently I had an opportunity to speak to industry peers at the RT Imaging Summit-Americas in Cancun This article shares my thoughts of the event. As the Summit in Cancun, Mexico got under way, my mind went to the pier across the road, right off the beach. I began thinking how far down the “pier” the imaging channel has gone over its decades-old life. Just how much longer can we walk the planks of the pier? Using this analogy, the planks are the customers of print. How many new planks, if...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Jack Carrol

Art Post ·
Before we start, I thought it would be good to give everyone a little back ground about my relationship with Jack Carrol. Jack was one of the principal dealer owners at Century Office Products. Jack hired me in the summer of 1998 for a sales position in NJ. One year prior, I had sold my stake in my dealership to my two partners. In essence, Jack was my first sales manager. Over the years I learned so much more about selling, building relationships and was hitting six figure compensation...
Blog Post

The Spirits in the Shadows of the Statue

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Sitting on the cold marble chair under the canopy of a pillared room, this statue oversees our National Mall a most sacred place. They called him honest Abe he was a great president, a great man and to some an enemy. He died at the hands of a coward and was immortalized by a nation with gratitude. Today as Lincoln sits on his chair under his pillared gazebo his spirit can hear children at play, children of all colors greed’s and backgrounds. Sitting in his chair the spirit of Lincoln has...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling "Day 29"

Art Post ·
Last night, yes that was Sunday. I had the opportunity to attend a one of my 501c organizations charity dinner in South Jersey. The event was awesome, I won some stuff for the wife. You know that whole "Happy Wife, Happy Life" bit right? Made sure I had a chance at getting here some stuff! Oh yes, the food, the was..., well, let's say that I didn't have a great day today. But, today was a day when I had one late afternoon webinar scheduled. My goal for today was to follow up with all of...
Blog Post

Curious... Why Do Sports Teams Have More Than One Coach But Sales Teams Only Have One (Or None?)

Larry Levine ·
What would the world of professional sports look like without coaching? Now, I ask you to think about this within the context of the sales profession. Imagine a sales world with consistent coaching? Taking this one step further... imagine a sales world with consistent training across the entire team? Can you say, "Nirvana" I thought you could. Training and for that matter coaching is essential, vital and critical to consistent sales success; yet it often gets a bad rap or no rap at all. Ask...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Third Week of September 2014)

Art Post ·
Sunday afternoon here, just about a quarter to 4PM. Also a beautiful day here in New Jersey. Summer weather for another couple of days. At 1PM decided to watch the NY Giants vs Buffalo Bills. Just like last week the Giants score early and couldn't score again. Frak me, it's going to be a long season. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago this week! Benchmarked Sales & The Future of Selling Excellence Art Post · 9/20/1411:24 PM Blog Post This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (First Week of October 2009)

Art Post ·
How was your day today? I hear that quite a bit. One question that I'll ask other reps is "What type of day is it today", the usual response is something about the weather. Mine is it's a great day to sell something!" Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week in the copier industry! Topic Nuance Acquires eCopy, Extends Network Scanning Solutions that Connect MFPs with Ente 10/6/097:26 PM — result in scanning solutions that maximize gains in productivity and cost savings and...
Blog Post

To Ricoh "What I Want for Christmas 2019"

Art Post ·
I always like to start these Christmas blogs with a small story about Christmas tradition in other countries. On Christmas Eve, children, especially boys, often go out singing 'kalanda' (carols) in the streets. They play drums and triangles as they sing. Sometimes they will also carry model boats decorated with nuts which are painted gold. Carrying a boat is a very old custom in the Greek Islands. If the children sing well, they might be given money, as well things to eat like nuts, sweets...
Blog Post

Five Ways for Copier Reps to Stay Productive on a SNOW DAY!

Art Post ·
Weather for tomorrow here in the North East is SNOW, snow and more snow. In some areas there might be as much as two feet. Alas, spring is only a week away. I'm mentioned to my wife that the craziest part of this weather is that we're on daylight savings time and the temp is still hovering at or below freezing here. Alright, I've been through many of these snow days and it's kind of exciting for the first couple of hours and then reality settles in and you realize that you've lost a selling...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Quotes & Pricing for February 2018

Art Post ·
It' about mid-day @ the top of the NJ Shore in Highlands. Sun is shining, wind is strong with white caps appearing in the bay. It should be the start of flounder season, however the weather hasn't been anywhere close to co-operating. We need sunshine, low wind and air temps 50 plus. In addition we're to be hit with another Nor'Easter Tuesday into Wednesday. OMG, when the frack is spring going to get here? In the past I've told everyone the value of being able to see competitive quotes. Cost...
Blog Post

The Ten Yen Trip

Art Post ·
I guess this could have been my first blog! Back in 2002 I wrote a journal while on a Ricoh sponsored trip to Japan. I found it today buried in the forums when I did some searching on threads from 2003. It does bring back awesome memories and I thought it might be a good read for all. Please enjoy and feel free to comment at the end in the reply section June 4, 2002 To Japan and Back: Tales of a “Sell the Solution” Winner “Sell the Solution,” a successful nationwide sales contest organized...
Blog Post Featured

Capturing a Few Days On & Off The Road with Mike Hellebuyck, Senior Sales Director with DocuWare

Art Post ·
I was fortunate enough to spend some time recently getting to know Mike Hellebuyck, Senior Sales Director – West, at DocuWare and catch a glimpse of what life on the road is like for him. As a sales director at DocuWare, he travels around the country, along with his team of Regional Sales Directors (RSDs), building successful business and personal relationships with Authorized DocuWare Partners and equipping them with the best tools and resources to sell DocuWare’s document management...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of August 2014)

Art Post ·
Some what of an interesting day today I arrived about 645Am to the office. Had to prep for a 10AM, 1PM and 4PM appointment, All were closing opportunities, thus I wanted to have all of the documentation ready to sign. First appointment needed to "think about it", not worried been doing business with him for 20 plus years and that's just what he does. But, I also delivered a side by comparison via email later in the day (stated he might be looking at another copier from another vendor). I'm...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Second Week of August 2009)

Art Post ·
No story tonight, watching the Mets Vs Nationals, Mets down by 2 top 8 Enjoy these awesome threads from 19 years ago this week! Topic Konica Minolta, CTWP Put Printing Technology to Work in "100 Percent Green" 8/12/0910:58 PM Konica Minolta , CTWP Put Printing Technology to Work in "100 Percent Green" Office bizhub MFPs Increase Office Efficiencies and Eliminate Waste at Waco Chamber of Commerce Highlighted Links Count on Konica MinoltaRAMSEY , NJ and WACO, TX--(Marketwire - August 12, 2009)...
Blog Post

Private Equity, The Imaging Channel, The Silence in the Storm

Ray Stasiezcko ·
It Sure Is Quiet Out There! It almost seems as though the Imaging Channel has no hardship. It appears that everything is just fine. Who could have ever imagined that some of the mighty could fail? Who could have ever imagined that Private Equity would evacuate ahead of schedule? Who could have ever imagined that the glory of Managed Print Services would not be so glorious after all? Just because things are quiet doesn't mean all is good. As the weather teaches us, there is the calm before...
Blog Post

Caring: The One Key Component Missing With Salespeople Of Today

Larry Levine ·
Love, cherish, adore, idolize and worship... seldom used words within the sales profession. Caring, a term not often heard as well. Defined as, displaying kindness and concern for others. Ask those in sales, and you might just hear, "sales is a means to an end." A means to earn big fat commission checks. Dale Carnegie nailed it: “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” Sales is...

Re: Why Selling Copiers is a lot like Fishing

Larry Kirsch ·
Nice story. I myself , a past big game fisherman, did a great deal of scouting out the sea, checked the weather, tides, fishing reports, local knowledge, have had a great deal of success angling the bid ones . As many as 20 sailfish in a day , endorse the planning your trips well. In a similar fashion , have sold many major accounts. Plan your work, work your plan. Be patient. Good selling, good fishing..
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty of Sales

Art Post ·
This morning started last night (Sunday) for me. I had booked a 10AM to get docs signed for a new color wide format MFP. It was about 9:30PM when I tried to access our CRM and it was down. The site wasn't down but I couldn't access it because I still needed to be setup as a user and didn't have credentials. The plans of printing off the order doc, the ma and the lease wasn't going to work. Next course of action was to pull up order docs that I had already used for other accounts. Never the...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Second Week of June 2015

Art Post ·
Friday in New Jersey around 7AM. Overcast, damp and humid weather at the shore today. Of course today is the last day of the week. Should I ask what type of day is it today? What would be your answer? It's a great day to sell something! Enjoy these wonderful timed threads from 5 years ago this week! Print4Pay Hotel Enjoys a Day @ Ethos Technologies Art Post · 6/15/158:48 PM and asked if I was willing to travel to Ethos Technologies to meet with their sales people to share my knowledge of 35...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seventy of Sales

Art Post ·
The big 70! Since the weather has turned nice I find my self waking up earlier than every before. This morning it was 5AM when I grabbed a cup of coffee and then sat in the back yard to see the sun rise over the ocean. This morning was a little different from the others because I dozed off on the lounger after a half over or so. I was brought back to reality when I felt a thump on my chest and was there was Angus. Angus came to us a few years ago and adopted us as her people and yes she is a...