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Tagged With "Ten"


Re: Top Ten Copier & MFP Quotes for November 2016

JeffR ·
What’s happened to our membership? I didn’t opt out! Sue at Copy-Fax

Re: Top Ten Copier & MFP Quotes for November 2016

Art Post ·
You should be finem what is the issue?

Re: Selling Copiers "Ten Tips to Keep the Pipeline Flowing"

Lou ·
Well said Art....especially the comment about offering a "low end" MFP... works about 40% of the time from deals I have tracked in my 21 year career!

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Jason H ·
I really like number 4, and I believe #7 is going to happen sooner than we expected. I hold out hope as well.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Kyocera Guy ·
Not liking the Kyocera part of #4 at all. On the other hand really liking # 10 Add: Color equipment will become more prevalent with costs of color equipment continuing to drop and coming more in line with monochrome.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

5) - Canon bought a very large stake in one last year (Therefore). Locally hosted or cloud based.

Re: Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Jason H ·
I have two points I will add that may help him out. First, don't assume anything when it comes to customers and their money. We had a rep who we were working with one day and he drove by a building. I asked him why he wasn't stopping and he said look at that place, there's no way that guy has any money to buy a copier. Turns out this guy was a fairly big developer and that building was his new office. They had not started construction on the project yet. They went in and the office had a...

Re: Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Jason H ·
I also meant to add that as a newbie its important to know as many people as possible. I have reps who know many different people all the way down to the security guards at big facilities. I, like Art, probably don't prospect enough. I'm lucky to get 25 calls a week compared to my reps who probably do 30-40 a day, but still have about a 600,000 book of revenues each year. Even in a management role I can't get it out of my system to go out and sell. It's taken me close to 10 years but now I...

Re: Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Czech ·
All great stuff. I'd like to add in a few more points. 1) Never use a cold call to sell, only to gather information. Receptionists and office managers are loaded with information because they are the primary users. Ask if they are having any problems with their copiers and you might be surprised with what you hear. 2) The 4 most important questions you need to answer in every cold call: What do they have? How long have they had it? Who is the decision maker? Who was their previous vendor? 3)...

Re: Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Old Glory ·
My thoughts, some of which repeat what others have said, maybe in a different way: I cold call for information, phone call for appointments to a large degree. What I would add to Czech's 4 point list is to ask who they call for maintenance. That usually tells you, not only the company, but the brand, and if the receptionist doesn't know, then they likely don't have many problems. I almost always separate fact find from presentation. Too many reps "get an answer" then "do some selling", "get...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Ten of Sales

Art Post ·
Busy, busy day for me. I started at 7:30AM and it's now 9:45PM, I figure I still have another 30 minutes or so to go. One thing I noticed today is that the pace of industry press releases as slowed to a crawl. Tomorrow marks the last day of the year for most copier manufacturers, I can only image the deals that are available for dealers right now. Yes, it's one of those years that will go down in the history of the industry. Today was interesting to say the lease. I had 40-50 contacts in my...

Re: My Top Ten Copy Machines of All Time #2

Former Member ·
This is an automated response. Carl Mica is currently out of the office and has limited access to email and voice mail. He will return to the office on September 12th. Thank you.

Re: My Top Ten Copy Machines of All Time #2

copyme ·
Great story Art!

Re: Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for March 2015

Keith Thompson ·
I am out of the office until 08/04/2015. I am away if you need to talk to someone please contact Darren Downey our GM Office 633-9264 X 226 Cell 204.229.7231 My Cell is 204.890.8570 Note: This is an automated response to your message "Post By Art Post: Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for March 2015" sent on 4/3/2015 10:33:08 AM. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Re: Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

Czech ·
Nice! I would like to contribute a few of my own predictions as well: Xerox will sell its MFP division to focus entirely on production equipment and business services. Toshiba Tec will not sell nor merge with Sharp. Toshiba is too much of a powerhouse in North America alone. Konica Minolta will continue opening up direct branches due to the rapid growth of their brand. These branches will quickly fall apart when they realize that the dealer model is more profitable. Samsung will start...

Re: Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

txeagle24 ·
Sorry for being the bearer of gloom & doom, but I think Czech is either being either overly-optimistic or things in the Great White North are just different than in the Southwest USA. Here are my predictions: Lease volume trends based on UCC filings from EDA show that 2015 placements have fallen by over 13,600 since 2013 (almost 10%) & are now at levels nearly equal to 2009 & 2010. Faced with increased competition for fewer units running less volume due to digitization, dealers...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals for July 2015

Art Post ·
Last night I took a peek at the proposals and thought, what's another benefit that I get from reading these?  At times, and more this year than any other year I've been struggling for revenue.  I'm behind in revenue for the year,...
Blog Post

Ten plus Tips for Cold Calling in the Field

Art Post ·
Good afternoon Art. Had a quick question for you. One of my new reps had asked what information I could give for his review on cold calling tips, instruction, and helps. He is looking for help in running a better cold call in the field. HARVEG  ...
Blog Post

Ten Questions for Timothy Sutter COO of DocuWare

Art Post ·
Every now and then, I’ll get the chance to speak with some of our P4P Hotel Partners.  With many dealers continuing to offer additional services to their clients, I thought it would be a great time to hear from DocuWare. A few weeks ago, I...
Blog Post

Top Ten MFP & Imaging Industry Predictions for 2016

Art Post ·
Looking back,  2015 was not one of my best years in the industry.  There were many factors involved but I can only blame myself for a somewhat lack luster performance (but I did have a good year of GP).  The good thing is, that January starts a new year and I'm excited about entering my 35th of SMB sales. Last years Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015  , some of the predictions from last year came to fruition and some did not.  I enjoy prognosticating on...
Blog Post

Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for March 2015

Art Post ·
Thanks to the help from a few Print4Pay Hotel members, we're able to give our members access to some of the copier & MFP quotes that were presented in March of 2015. I had a great chuckle at some of the Sharp proposals. One, was the base quarterly charge of $30 per quarter for 3,000 pages. Overages were then billed at .01 for black. It's like WTF? It's only $120 for the year, just bill the annual cost!!You'll save the customer money and time...
Blog Post

Ten Tips to get the DM to Take Your Call "Selling Multifunctional Copiers"

Art Post ·
Digging up leads for multifunctional devices can be trying at times, and especially if you're new to the business. I'm sure if you've just landed a position with a company that sell multifunctional copiers you've been given a list of accounts to call...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for June 2015

Art Post ·
Today was a pretty exciting day for those of us in New Jersey that support Governor Chris Christie.    The Governor threw his into to the ring for his first Presidential run.  For those of you that are not familiar with Chris Christie,...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for April 2015

Art Post ·
You've heard me preach about proposals before. If you're new to the site, P4P'ers will share quotes and pricing for systems with other P4P'ers.  These quotes are accurate, real time and can tell you if someone is using padded lease rates, heavily...
Blog Post

Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Art Post ·
Looking back 2014 was one of my best years in the business. The fourth quarter of 2014 was the best quarter I've ever had!  I can only hope that 2015 will be as good as 2014 if not better.   Last years Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for February 2015

Art Post ·
I can' tell you how much I enjoy seeing copier proposals and quotes from around the country.  I especially like seeing the ones from my competitors!!!   What's included, what's not included, what rate factor they are using, the cost per page...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier and MFP Proposals for May 2013

Art Post ·
May 2013 business got me back on top of the leaders list for tops in total sales and tops in new business for the entire team. To date I've racked in $130k in net new business.  However, June is not looking so good, a lot in the pipeline but...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals & Quotes for June 2014

Art Post ·
Kudos to the many Print4Pay Hotel members that are emailing us quotes they've ran across in the field.  I know when ever I get one, it's usually because I've won the day and the quote is "the badge of honor".  Keep them coming, if you're not...
Blog Post

My Top Ten Copy Machines of All Time #2

Art Post ·
The BETA, the ZOOM, "From the Mind of Minolta, Tony Randall, bayonet toner load, re-cycled toner and one tenth of 1% was the bomb!   I'm not sure when the Minolta Beta 450Z was officially released, something is telling me circa 1985. By 1986 I...
Blog Post

My Top Ten Copy Machines of All Time #3

Art Post ·
Think about this,  a copy machine that can copy up to A3 (up to 11x17), and only onto A4 size (letter or legal).  You don't see that feature with todays digital copiers.  I for one believe many of todays copier manufacturers are missing...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry (Ten Years Ago) 2003

Art Post ·
T his week marks the first year of Print13 in Chicago, formerly known as Graph Expo. Ten years ago I wasn't even aware of Graph Expo, thus there are no press releases that we have archived.  Sometimes I will look at the past present and future...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "Ten Tips to Keep the Pipeline Flowing"

Art Post ·
  Gosh, I wrote this almost 6 years ago!  Where does the time go.... thought I would re-post here and update a few items along the way. ENJOY!What does it take to be successful in the copier industry for a long period of time? Some...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier & MFP Quotes for November 2016

Art Post ·
I just checked my recent constant contacts and I was upset because three members opted out of the weekly email update. As my Father in Law states, what do you expect from a Pig but a Grunt. It's obvious to me that those three that opted out are probably terrible prospectors and terrible sales people. Over the years, I always believe and stated to others that Print4Pay Hotel members are the best of breed for the imaging industry. Below are ten quotes that we've recently ran across, and or we...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals for June 2017

Art Post ·
Where can you find more than five hundred copiers proposals? If you guessed the Print4Pay Hotel, then you've guessed right! Our Competitive proposals are shared from other Print4Pay Hotel members. In fact many P4P'ers will email me those "trophy" proposals in order to receive a few free months of Premium/VIP membership. You may ask what are trophy proposals? They would be the proposals where we've won the clients business and then asked for a copy of the competitors proposals. Over the...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals for December 2017

Art Post ·
Yesterday I posted Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018 . I don't have much time tonight, however please click that link and you'll read why I think seeing competitive proposals is key for keeping up with the latest pricing for hardware and cost per page maintenance agreements. Toshiba 5540ct unlimited color and black pages proposal 2017 Ricoh MP C4504SPex 5 device Proposal December 2017 Ricoh CW 2200 Wide Format Proposal MP_C2504ex_december 2017 Samsung X4250 Copier Proposal 2017...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018

Art Post ·
Proposals and quotes for end users. Our Print4Pay Hotel members contribute proposals and quotes that they've found in the field. Many of you might say, "why do I need to see these"? There are many reasons why viewing these proposals and quotes can be a treasure trove of information. For starters the cost per page for black and color is always moving. Why didn't you get that last order? Was your maintenance and supply price to high? Were you too low? Often clients take a back seat when your...

Re: Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018

David Whitten ·
Hey Art are you still offering short term membership for proposals? David A. Whitten Branch Sales Manager Inland Business Systems Chico / Redding / Yuba City mobile 530.624.1171

Re: Top Ten Copier Proposals for January 2018

Art Post ·
We have four left Premium/VIP Memberships (lifetime) for only $99, let me know if you want one via email
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Ten of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Ten of Selling Copiers How could I not write the blog today since today marks 110 business days that I was option to working remotely. With an average of 22 business days per month, today marks 5 full months. It was a terrible morning here in New Jersey. Right out 9:30AM we had some severe thunderstorms come through, by 10AM we were receiving tornado warnings. Tornado warning in New Jersey? Like I really need this, and I have no clue what to do...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Ten of Selling

Art, sucks to hear about the wf opp but those guys don't sound like someone you'd want to do business with anyway. maybe the gp and $$ would be good, but they don't sound like upright businessmen. I agree with the buyers are liars mentality, sucks when you get the old run around. Any time I've started to get that feeling over the last few years I just directly ask. If I got the shaft like you did on this one, sometimes I send back a chippy email or ask why you weren't considered based off of...
Blog Post

The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
The Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago Second Week of March 2011 In an effort to get ahead of the changes coming to our industry. I thought it would be good to start posting some information about digital services so that we can start learning more about the transition of our industry over the next 10-15 years. What does it mean to be a digital company? Digital businesses use technology to create new value in business models, customer experiences and the internal capabilities that support its...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Ten Years Ago Second Week of March 2013 Real Copier Sales I don't know how many of you do demos or do your own end user training anymore but I thought it might be interesting to hear snipits others use to interject humor or creativity in your presentations. If you haven't watched the Kenny Brooks YouTube videos you should. He is a door-to-door salesman with a totally hilarious pitch. read more here Enjoy these awesome copier threads from 10 years ago Re: OKI Data and...
Blog Post

My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
Let's see I entered the industry in 1980 via a State Sponsored program to put people to work in the technology industry.   I went to copier training school for a good 12 weeks to learn how to become a copier technician and was paid $3.50 per...

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Czech ·
Art, this is your best post yet. Just goes to show that even the best of the best have to work hard for their sales!!

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Wallingford ·
Hey what do you guys think of the Frank Rumbauskas and Never Cold Call theories.

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
I've never read it, do you have a link to it or something you can email me?

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Don Sweet ·
Hi Art, after 33 years in the business you have caputered what many of us we would like say. But I have 5 years to go so I iwll hold onto your list. Thanks for the great read.

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Wallingford ·
Originally Posted by Art Post: I've never read it, do you have a link to it or something you can email me? Along with I am sure thousands of others, I receive a daily email asking me to sign up for his Never Cold Calling System. I am surprised you don't know of him. He reckons that cold calling is an abject waste of good selling time. In fact he reckons we are all nutters, if we go out cold calling. Here's a link to his site. And please keep me posted on what you think of his "theories" ?

Re: My Top Ten Bucket List before I Retire from Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
thanx, I've seen the ads on linkedin however never checked it out. I will and get back to you