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Tagged With "Efficiency"

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Proven Efficiencies with DocuWare

Art Post ·
Proven Efficiencies with DocuWare Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation automated the business processes in their accounting department to streamline workflows and provide all employees access to needed information whenever they need it regardless of their location. Additionally, audits are now easy to deal with and the company is in strong compliance with Sarbanes Oxley regulations. Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation is a publicly traded exploration and production company in the oil and gas industry...
Blog Post

Remote Employees Drive Accounting Processes at Car Dealership

Art Post ·
Remote Employees Drive Accounting Processes at Car Dealership Home Run Auto Group implemented DocuWare to consolidate its accounting staff spread among 27 dealerships into a remote, cohesive 16-person corporate department all individually working from home. The company reduced printing and personnel costs but more importantly, gained the ability to reassign workloads based on processes, not location, resulting in increased efficiency. Home Run Auto Group has 27 dealerships across the Midwest...
Blog Post

AVANCE (Uh-vahn-say) digitizes its operations for improved efficiency and real time finance tracking

Art Post ·
A nonprofit aid organization, AVANCE (Uh-vahn-say) digitizes its operations for improved efficiency and real time finance tracking. The freed up physical space from reduced file cabinets allowed restructuring the office for social distancing AVANCE operates early childhood and family education centers and has used DocuWare to automate processes such as purchasing and funds tracking to assist its Finance and HR teams. The need to move away from paper-based processing AVANCE operates about 30...
Blog Post

3 Interesting Facts About Office Printing

Alex Cribby ·
Technological advancements have made inter-and-external-office communications faster, more streamlined, and generally paperless. However, despite the decline in faxing, paper memos, and direct mail, printing remains an essential function for any business. When the printers go down or there are service interruptions, it directly affects the office’s productivity. This importance to both the home office and home office operations is exactly why office printer service providers and printer...
Blog Post

4 Ways Mobile Printing Is a Plus for Your Business

Art Post ·
by KP kelly Modern-day businesses are steadily moving to mobile devices for day-to-day business operations. Smartphones and tablets, coupled with the development of mobile applications, are making it easier for executives and management teams to monitor and make decisions on the go. But mobile business tools are not only benefiting decision makers. Whether remote, hybrid, or in the office, employees are seeing increasing benefits from mobile applications. Many standard business softwares are...
Blog Post

Office Printing Remains Strong in 2023

Alex Cribby ·
Office Printing Remains Strong in 2023 Marching into the new year, companies might be looking for ways to shake things up. These changes might include reducing or increasing prices, improving productivity and efficiency, or hiring new employees. As always, profit is the key consideration for every business. As such, one of the first moves companies often look to make in the new year is to eliminate factors that hinder profit. Simultaneously, they are also looking for newer, more efficient...
Blog Post

Business Process Automation Is A History Of Efficiency

Art Post ·
Business Process Automation Is A History Of Efficiency Business process automation has an extremely long history that many have not recognized in a formal way. Making business better by improving processes through automation is something that has made a significant impact on profitability, operations, and product quality over the years, and therefore it has become increasingly more important as technology and the corporate worlds collide. The automation of business processes is all about...
Blog Post

ERP Systems: The Key to Business Efficiency

Alex Cribby ·
ERP Systems: The Key to Business Efficiency Understanding the impact of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems on business efficiency is crucial. It has become an indispensable part of the operational strategy for many organizations worldwide. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global ERP software market is projected to reach $78.40 billion by 2026 , growing at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2018 to 2026. To begin with, ERP systems are comprehensive software solutions designed to...
Blog Post

Revamping for Relevance: Adapting in the Digital Age

Art Post ·
Revamping for Relevance: Adapting in the Digital Age The business landscape is being dramatically reshaped in the age of rapid digital and technological advancements. According to PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey, an overwhelming 72% of global CEOs pinpointed the importance of staying technologically advanced to stay competitive. To meet this challenge, the integration of high-tech tools, the use of innovative pricing strategies, and the adoption of flexible licensing models should be at...
Blog Post

ERP Systems: The Key to Business Efficiency

Art Post ·
Understanding the impact of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems on business efficiency is crucial. It has become an indispensable part of the operational strategy for many organizations worldwide. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global ERP software market is projected to reach $78.40 billion by 2026 , growing at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2018 to 2026. To begin with, ERP systems are comprehensive software solutions designed to manage and integrate all the processes and...
Blog Post

Why Companies Need Rules-Based Printing: Enhancing Efficiency and Cost Savings

Art Post ·
Why Companies Need Rules-Based Printing: Enhancing Efficiency and Cost Savings One often overlooked area is the printing process. Printing can be a significant expense, particularly for large organizations with high-volume printing needs. This is where rules-based printing comes in—a strategic approach that can help companies manage their printing resources more effectively. What is Rules-Based Printing? Rules-based printing involves setting specific policies and parameters for print jobs...
Blog Post

ERP Systems: The Key to Business Efficiency

Alex Cribby ·
Understanding the impact of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems on business efficiency is crucial. It has become an indispensable part of the operational strategy for many organizations worldwide. According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global ERP software market is projected to reach $78.40 billion by 2026 , growing at a CAGR of 10.2% from 2018 to 2026. To begin with, ERP systems are comprehensive software solutions designed to manage and integrate all the processes and...
Blog Post

5 Key Differences of the Ricoh IM C7010

Art Post ·
5 Key Differences of the Ricoh IM C7010 The Ricoh IM C7010 printer is legit and versatile, standing out big time in the market for a bunch of awesome reasons.. Whether you're upgrading from an older model or considering a new addition to your office, here are five key differences that make the Ricoh IM C7010 a noteworthy choice. 1. Enhanced Printing Speed and Capacity The IM C7010 steps up its game big time with faster printing speeds, making it a major improvement. Capable of printing up to...

Re: 5 Key Differences of the Ricoh IM C7010

grizzlyadams ·
Glad you're excited. It's nice to have a 70 ppm option but it's just a response to others that already have it. I think the 25 should be a 30. The 30 should be a 35/45 and the 45 should be 60/70. But hey...what do I know...I just sell copiers lol.