Tagged With "ufr driver"
Re: RISO ME9450 Questions
Aside from RISO's SF5130, all of their duplicators now come standard with a network card for network printing. However, printing from MAC OS requires ordering a Mac Driver which requires a license key ordered from RISO - doesn't cost anything to order. Also, RISO's Mac Drivers are always behind with current Mac OS versions. They haven't released a driver compatible with OS X 10.15 even though it's been about 6 months since 10.15 was released. Sorry I'm late to the party.
Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.
Re: Charge for IT support
We had never charged for it after the sale until about 6 months ago due to people calling all the time for driver installs, scanning issues related to their internet etc. We used to offer an optional network/it yearly agreement and people would decline and then start calling for help. We decided to send out, initially an opt-out to ever customer who had current devices, and after every sale send one out. We did it as an opt out due to the fact that customers would decline the option and...
Re: Mac to Print via PCL
Art, There is a built in Generic PCL Print Driver in the MACs now. Vince
Re: PrintCopy_Tool_Brochure
Yes, the Ricoh PrintCopyTool can work with any installed print driver. The selection of an output device is made when printing.
Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...
Re: MPS and Linux HELP!
So some clarification first. PaperCut absolutely does support Mac. In fact, it is the only cost recovery/print control solution that I know of that actually installs in an all Mac environment. (Server and Client) It also is the only solution I know of that installs in a Linux environment. So both of your issues are solved with PaperCut. I included the install guides for Mac and Linux to get you started.
Re: Canon imageRUNNER Advance C3535i questions
how about when printing? Is there a setting in the print driver? Can you send me post a pic?
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
I would look into Fabsoft's Reform Print Driver. It captures the print stream from the user's application and allows you to apply "rules." I don't know if it will do what you need but it is where I would start. I don't remember how much it is but I do remember that it was cheap. www.fabsoft.com Greg Levita (973)767-2100 ext. 505 gregl@fabsoft.com
Re: High Volume Updates
RICOH PRO 907/1107/1357 PRODUCTION PRINTER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Where do the new Pro Series Production Printers fit in the Ricoh high volume monochrome printer product line? A. The new Pro Series Production Printers are successors to the highly successful Digital Document Publisher models, the DDP70e and the DDP92. Those models were initially brought into the Ricoh product family through the acquisition of Hitachi. Technically, the 70-ppm Digital Document Publisher 70e is being...
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
I can't think of any way to duplicate a page (that's not just a driver/print setting/printstream issue, that's wholesale re-creation of a page) without getting a package that will do much much more (and cost more than you want to pay). How about setting up two printers with different default settings and having them print twice? If they aren't willing to pay, they either need to be willing to take extra steps or relinquish this request.
Re: Need Help for Print Solution!
Well, I figured out a temp work around. 1. Customer prints invoice to ecopy. 2. While in ecopy, customer makes a copy 3. Customer then slects print, (RPCS driver) 4. Customer selects customized RPCS print IKon we set up. 5. Customer hits ok. Two part form is printed from printer, canary is pulled from second tray, white is pulled from first tray and then stapled. These are work orders that service techs will take in the field with them. Problem is customer states he does not want to use ...
Ouch, that's a tough one. If it's really a proprietary system, there's probably no chance of a converter being available. What's the actual file format? Does it save in an an autocad format? or HPGL? Secondly, why do you need it to be PDF? If it's for printing to a ricoh wide format, could they use a PDF print driver to drop the file into a folder for the Rioch to grab it from?
Jason -- no the goal it to print a version of an 11 x 17 drawing and scale down to a letter size document. My PCL and PS3 driver is not reading the lines on the drawing as an image. I posted for a colleague so who just joined so I am not sure of the file format, nor am I familiar w/ this application. 2nd part yes -- they could do that -- that was a quick work around that we did - but was unhappy with the amount of clicks that it had to go through. They have a CANON that does it no problem.
Re: Canon Forums
Thanks, sounds great! The question I have has to do with printing to an irc3080i with UFRII printing from a Corel Word program. I can change color settings in the driver (it is defaulted to bw) but no color at all on output. A Corel program wouldnt require PCL or PS would it? I cant imagine it would....please help if you can.
Re: Ricoh Pro C720
Ricoh Americas Corporation announced today the official launch of the Ricoh Pro C720/C720s, a production class multi-functional color system and the latest addition to Ricoh’s Pro series of products, designed specifically for the production environment. This flexible system targets corporate and commercial professional print environments with demanding application needs. The Pro C720/C720s has a robust duty cycle of 320,000 images per month, and runs at 72 pages-per-minute (PPM) regardless...
Re: MP 6001 print driver issues
I have run into a similar situation like this where we did not have full functionality after installing the driver on a server and pushing it out to the clients. It is usually a problem when you are working with an ERP type program as you mention. The only way you can fix it is to have some type of script written to that program or load the driver on the workstations. We loaded it on the workstation but only had to do it on about 15. I will forward this to my IT support manager and he may be...
Re: MP 6001 print driver issues
We tried the Universal PCL 6 driver, and it actually took away some functions. So, we switched to PCL 5e on the LAN and haven't seen any issues thus far. My fingers are firmly crossed, because i really do not want to install 150 local drivers.
Re: MP 6001 print driver issues
That sounds like several cases that I have worked. You should call the Software and Solutions team. We have some ways of looking at the print drivers and print steam that can determine what the actual problem is. From what you are describing, the ERP system is not fully PCL compatible. The functions that are not showing up are driven in the Windows section of the print process. That is what usually is the case and sometimes the driver needs to be looked at, sometimes the application. I would...
Re: MFP Refurbishing & Recycling
When we have a client that asks us to dispose of a printer/MFP, I know we have our delivery driver pick up the device to properly dispose of it, but I have no idea what happens from there.
Re: Wireless Printing to a LAN port on a Ricoh 4420NF (Savin 3760NF)
Thanks very much and LOL about the paragraphs, you are right about that! So if I am understanding this correctly, I need to put the wireless print server next to the 4420NF and run a short CAT5 cable to it? I then can input an IP address into the 4420NF and tell the printer driver what it is. Or maybe it will assign one automatically under DHCP? I would then find it on the 4420NF and input that when settin up the driver? LAstly, do I need to do anything with the router if I use the wireless...
Re: Why do I end with the weird questions?
darn, I was thinking that this may not work. is it because one system is using the ratio print controller and the other is using a pcl driver?
Re: Booklet printing with saddle stitch using Adobe Indesign CS5
We solved the problem. We changed a setting within InDesign CS5 from "Binary" to "ASCII". I do not know why this works since that same setting in InDesign CS4 is set to "Binary" but it fixed the problem. Much thanks to JasonR for taking the time to call me and discuss the problem. Not alot of people would do that and I really appreciate it. I have attached a screen shot of the change from within InDesign CS5. Feel free to comment on why this would have made a difference as I have no clue. John
Re: MPC5000 with booklet maker inserting cover stock on booklets
Fiery Vue makes this type of setup much, much easier. If it isn't intuitive, it probably cannot be completed with the driver available. PCL 6 will allow you do this, but maybe not PS within Adobe. From my experience, the driver options are accessed differently. How about sending the components of this job to the Doc Server and combining?
Re: PCL Drivers and Rotate Sorting
My default driver install is always 5e or 5c. It is PCL6 "lite". PLC6 just doesnt play nice with some older software.
Re: PCL Drivers and Rotate Sorting
js: I've experienced this also (however, I just shook my head and sthought I don't have time for this) when printing to a new 40ppm color device, not sure what driver I was using however Jomama has a good point.
Re: PCL Drivers and Rotate Sorting
I agree, the PCL5 is better for older applications. However, at some point I feel like you have to go with the new stuff and see if you can make the switch...I've had fairly good luck up until now and when there is a problem (usually a medical office printing from practice management or EMR software that is older). Unfortunately, the PCL5 doesn't resolve the issue either. Here is the best solution I've found so far. 1. When installing the print driver, you go into printing preferences and...
Re: New Ricoh W3601 Prelim Brochure!!!
Interesting idea. If they could add a GDI controller to it, enable the USB, and maybe take away the scanning (or get a USB TWAIN driver), that would be interesting. I will run that by Engineering.
Re: First Look New Ricoh MPC2801_3301
I set up two C4501s this week. This law office has two workstations that are Win7 pro 64 bit. The rest are XP. There are no cotton-pickin drivers for this series on Ricohs site. And the C5501 isnt even listed. I'm going back today and will try the Univeral print Driver (64bit). I have never used it before.
Re: First Look New Ricoh MPC2801_3301
Dude, that Universal print driver worked like a charm. Looks just like the PCL 6. I usually install the 5c but these machines are replacing two C6501's that are off lease and they are used to the PCL6. Also I got an email from Ricoh support in answer to the lack of drivers question. They pointed me to Ricoh-AP.com (Asia Pacific) and all the drivers are there. Nice save, Ricoh.
Re: Drum Yields
A short discussion about copier vs printer yields. The document is a bit old but the main points are still valid.
Re: Savin SP3410SF going offline
Haven't seen it, but since it's a driver problem, we'd need to know the OS, what driver and what type of port you are printing to.
Re: scanning using auto color select
I've seen that on Ricoh and Canon products. So I think it's a problem with Acrobat more than the MFP. The issue is that the file is tagged as a "color" document so the MFP prints it as a color document. We tell our customers that when you print, the only way to be sure to get charged for a B&W print is to select B&W in the driver.
Re: scanning using auto color select
Jason: But how about with the new universal print drivers. I downloaded a few of the Ricohs and I could not find a tab for color and black, was I missing something on the universal driver?
Re: Ricoh Launches New Aficio MFPs With App2Me Solution
Without limits? If you sold a 171 and the customer had 50 workstations, you would install the print driver (and then the fax driver) on every one of them? My suggestion is to incorporate a reasonable limit to the installs. The customer needs to learn how to install the driver anyway since I doubt you would come back out in six months to install a driver on their new PC. Five workstations per device seems to work well. That's enough to make sure everything is working and train the customer...
Re: Ricoh Launches New Aficio MFPs With App2Me Solution
Long ago when digital was getting started and we didn't have a policy, we installed a machine similar to a 171 at a medium office. It was their first machine that could network fax, so they wanted us to install the fax driver on each workstation. I don't remember the exact number but it was around 40-50ish. As far as installing drivers on the server vs. the workstation, that's something the customer decides. If they decide they don't want the driver on the server (or perhaps their server if...
Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?
With our company, we charge just over $100 an hour for IT time. Do we charge it? Sometimes - depends. In the scenario where they need new drivers, as the Account Manager and free training resource, I will usually walk them through an upgrade - showing them where to get the driver and how to upgrade a computer. Then let them finish the rest. I usually preface my responses to their requests by stating that we do charge $x and hour, but I can help teach them how to do it and avoid the charges.
Re: Green not printing correctly on Ricoh MPC4500
Just got this from one of my SE's: I was able to adjust the green with the RPCS driver. With PCL you need to load the ICM to adjust the color. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Re: Green not printing correctly on Ricoh MPC4500
John, There is a simple test to figure out if it is the MFD or the Print driver. Put an original on the glass and make a copy of an original that has the correct color green. If it copies OK the copier is OK, and you need to focus on the print controller or print driver. If it copies and the green is bad on the copy then focus on the Copier. If the copier is off on the color you won't get it right on the driver. You need a break fix tech to adjust or fix the copier. as a side note remember...
Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?
On average, business computers are replaced every 5 years. That means (on average) 20% of all computers are replaced each year. If you did NOT charge for reinstalling drivers, you would need to employ someone (or several someones) full-time to drive around reinstalling print drivers on every client's computer they just replaced. It seems those customers most unwilling to pay are also those most unable to accomplish simple tasks such as reinstalling a print driver on their own. Funny story:...
Re: Q. How does your company handle networking charges?
Mid-sized dealership in Midwest- We have recently added a section to our maintenance agreement where the customer has to check either a network services rider($195-295 per year depending on the customer) or check the box that says if you don't check the above box, you will be billed $xxx per hour for network services. This doesn't mean as a salesperson we can't either remote in or stop out and load a print driver, but the customer up-front knows that we now charge for IT services. A couple...
Re: Printing Envelopes Reliably on MPC300
I think Old Glory means A4. Remember, 4 is less than 3 (it's a metric thing). You should be able to create an "envelope printer" by installing a second instance of the printer with the same IP address. In the PCL 6 driver (not universal), you can go into the printer properties, print preferences, detailed settings and rotate the image 180 degrees. When you say the printer "red lights", what is the error? Is it a paper type mismatch? If so, what is it calling for? How may envelopes are they...
Re: Color Print Control
I think we're talking about the same thing in different terms to a certain extent just using different examples. Do the newer printers/MFP's still print black using all colors if "Color" is selected in the driver? If so, then you're right that they would spend the same regardless of the type of contract. If only the black cartridge is used to print black even if "Color" is selected in the driver, then they would spend far more on a toner-inclusive agreement than if they were not under...
Re: Color Print Control
I'm definitely going to do some research with our OEM's to find out how black pages are billed if color is selected in the driver but that only black toner is used to print black pages. Based on a few cases I've had with customers that received massive color usage invoices without receiving any additional supplies, I'm thinking that all pages are billed as color, at least on RFG systems.
Re: Color Print Control
No, absolutely none of them do this. There is no MFP/printer (at least from Ricoh/Canon/HP/Lexmark/Kyocera) that will print a (truly) black document and click it for color. Now, there are many many times that a document appears to be B&W to the human eye and contains color to the computer's eye. The most famous instance of this is Acrobat 4. Acrobat4?!?!? you say? No one uses Acrobat4! But that's not true. For compatibility's sake, many scanners with a direct to PDF option (even...
Re: print outside of margins
I agree, the driver is what is controlling the margins, not the printer per se. Call the vendor of the program and see if there is an update or if they have a suggestion.
Re: MPW2400/2401
for copy mode if being used is this not programable in "syncr" mode. In reference to the print what application are you printing from, it is the windows print driver or plotbase?