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Tagged With "community"


Re: 3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Art Post ·
If you want to sell $500K per year, then join your local chamber of commerce, however if you really want to sell one million or more, the join those high profile charities in your geo area. Get involved, donate time and knowledge, within a year or less you'll be rubbing elbows with the most influential "C" level execs in your area. TY Larry, you took the words right outta my mouth on this one!

Re: 3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
You are very welcome Art. Best thing sales reps can do is get active, get involved, get noticed and help. This will elevate their status as a business professional. This blog was posted live from Sydney, Australia for all the P4Per's.

Re: 3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Jason H ·
Larry, I missed this blog post. I completely agree with everything you stated. It is hard at times for people to not think about what they will get for themselves out of volunteering at certain times. Personally, I volunteer for several charities, organizations, and causes and eventually people take notice and board seats start coming open and business starts coming back to you. It is not quick but when you get "in" with the crowd you will most often times be rewarded with business all the...

Re: 3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
Thanks Jason! Community service is rewarding in so many ways both personally and professionally. Boils down to making a personal commitment to yourself to help. This comes back ten-fold. Rome wasn't built in a day!

Re: Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

Art, this article is a quandary that I'm sure everyone's experiencing more of. It's often you field the email request or phone request with the information they think they need and "just send me a quote". Unless they're a solid customer I almost always push for and get the appointment. I usually leave a voicemail, but not with the information requested, typically I ask for a call back and then also follow that up with a quick email saying I left a voicemail, give me a call back. I can attest...

Re: Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

John Saramak ·
Art, well put and so true. We have to use the technology advances of email and vmail to keep up with the pace. We have to be very careful on choosing between the live personal transaction or electronic. First, if someone doesn't know who you are through a preceding live chat, there can be misinterpretation of what you leave them. They may not know how to take it, or ignore it regardless if the message conveys value. We always need to take into account that we don't know when an electronic...

Re: Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

Art Post ·
TML Hopefully our VP of Major will be in today and we'll find out how that went. I will let you know. Art

Re: Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

Art Post ·
John I'm going back to the eighties now, I will not email, fax, mail or give a pricing over the phone. If that's not acceptable for the client then they can go find someone else.

Re: Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

txeagle24 ·
In the scenario your VP asked you about, I would let them know our typically delivery/install process and the associated timelines and would ask if they would like me to email them the necessary paperwork or schedule a time to review it together. If the contact says yes, we're likely moving forward in the process. If he says no, it makes it easy for me to find out why he is asking & gives me a platform for uncovering and addressing his objections. I would withhold any mention of...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers "Reading Between the Lines"

Art Post ·
Cone of Silence Muchof the content that I use for my blogs comes from the daily grind of selling hardware & software. There will be days when I hear something unique,have a conversation witha client or aspark if imagination that will cause me to write. Actually, yesterday wasone of those days.Our VP of Major Accounts came over to my humble abode of 24 square feet and asked me about an he email he had received from a potential...
Blog Post

Data breaches in healthcare costing millions

Art Post ·
The healthcare industry is undeniably a target of cybercriminals. With the increased usage of electronic health records, healthcare organizations have large volumes of data stored in data centers, on employee devices and sent through email. However,...
Blog Post

A Special Print4Pay Hotel Thanksgiving

Art Post ·
Back in 2003, I still can't believe ten tears have slipped away that quickly,I started a small community for Ricoh copier sales people. The platform was an MSN Community (remember those), the first reason  for starting the community was that...
Blog Post

3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
What does “community service” mean to you? For some, community service means helping around the four-block radius surrounding their homes. For others, community service may mean their entire neighborhood, city, or town. Regardless of how you define community service, you should know you can play an active role in building it and helping it to grow. Acronyms and buzzwords are riddled throughout the copier sales community. As a recovering copier sales rep, I have had countless dreams and or...
Blog Post

Giving Back "How Print4Pay Hotel Partners Help Others" DocuWare in 2019

Art Post ·
It's been a few years since I blogged about how are Print4Pay Hotel partners give back to their community or to their charitable cause. Thus for the next few days we'll be posting a paragraph or two from our sponsors. Please hit up the like button and please share, it's wonderful that these companies take the time and effort to give back to others in need. DocuWare Supports Local Students At DocuWare , we take our corporate social responsibility seriously because we believe that the people...