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Tagged With "Book"

Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Five of Sales

Art Post ·
Day Forty-Five and in no time it will be a full quarter since being optioned to the home office. Our blessed Governor post this on Face-book today and the response was WILD! Of course you can only guess at who captioned it with "The fool on the hill". Within a few short hours there were more than 5,000 responses with 90% or more of them being negative. Geesh I wonder why? Monday was a good day since I was able to roll through my list of things to do pretty quickly. In addition I also...
Blog Post

7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
Life as a copier sales rep is dynamic, exciting, full of surprises and financial rewarding. However, this field is also highly competitive, particularly when economic business conditions become tight or as most of you can relate to commoditization. Overcoming the odds and keeping your sales numbers high can be challenging which is why you have to actively work at improving your results. The good news is one way you can become a top-performing copier rep is by creating a personal business...
Blog Post

The Only Book I Recommend for Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
If you're just starting out in sales, I recommend buying a book from Zigler, Roberge, or Cardone to get you up to speed about selling. Once you've read the books, you then need to apply those selling techniques, and tips to your industry. Early in my sales career, there was a time when I thought I would have no sales career. Taking matters into my own hands, I went an purchased a book about selling. That one book taught me the right questions to ask in order to move the sales process to a...

Re: The Only Book I Recommend for Selling Copiers

Larry Kirsch ·
Thanks Art. Always helpful.

Re: The Only Book I Recommend for Selling Copiers

MichaelP16 ·
No problem. I'll catch you Monday, unless you're out of the office. Have a great weekend. Michael Papagermanos Sales Representative Southeastern Business Machines, Inc. Cell: (256)541-8473 Office: (256)882-0190

Re: 7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
Thanks Art! Glad you enjoyed! Have a great Sunday!

Re: 7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

georgecheeran ·
Hi Larry Nice article and awesome list of books. I appreciate it. I already finished one of them " New Sales, simplified" and searching for the other titles to buy and read. Thanks and kind regards George

Re: 7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

Larry Kirsch ·
Try reading "the power of focus" author mark Victor Hansen... Enjoy.

Re: 7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

Larry Levine ·
Right on George. I enjoy what Mike Weinberg brings to the sales table!

Re: 7 Sales Books To Help Motivate Copier Reps In Achieving Higher Rates Of Sales Success

Art Post ·
My favorite all time sales book........ Tom Hopkins Low Profile Selling: Act Like a Lamb... Sell Like a Lion