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Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Art Post ·
Harry: Awesome!!! Brings back many memories..... "You earned to right to have your own business card after making it past the 6 month employment mark. In the mean time you had to use white out on the reps card who recently left your territory",, yeah I was one of those that inherited someone's old business cards. we didn't even have the white out we just crossed the other persons name off! I can remember one phone blitz where we all had to stand on our chairs and make phone calls, after the...

Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

John Saramak ·
Love all of this. I had to show up first day with a Ford Galaxee wagooooon. I could fit a saving 840 and 765 in the back. Get the toner and liquid dispersant loaded and don't bring em back. Braniwashed and it worked.

Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Old Glory ·
Schools typically buy in the summer and bought larger equipment. Back then, suits were mandatory...that IBM look. Imagine if you will what a demo was like after you had just unloaded a 300 lb. copier in 100+ degree heat while wearing a suit!!! And I was in Iowa at the time. I can't imagine what Texas was like. Ever had one of those stairmaster carts collapse, dumping that "already sold" copier onto the customer's floor. Yea, me neither. And that pencil sell..."Mr. Prospect, about how many...

Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Art Post ·
Well, I had dumped an Adler Royal 209 in the middle of the street in Princeton, NJ once and had another copier that was on the gurney come out of the back of my hatch back at a traffic light.

Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Dutch ·
I lived that life, and remember it fondly, as the good times... Copier reps heard all the best jokes before anyone, and could hold their ground with anyone during happy hour!

Re: Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Wallingford ·
I had been a pretty successful typewriter salesman, when I first applied for a job with Nashua. So much so my pride and joy was the Mercedes Benz I drove. When told by the Nashua Sales Manager that my Benz was inappropriate, and that I had to have a wagon, I knocked the job back. I soon changed my mind not long after though, when I joined a U-Bix dealership after I realised how much money was being made in the copier industry. We sold a copier called the U-Bix 101, which was a bit of a...
Blog Post

Oh my, when selling copiers door to door was so simple?

Art Post ·
Guest Blogger!!!! Harry's back with an awesome blog that takes us old timers back to a simpler time in the industry and all you newbies are probably wishing you had a station wagon to cart a copier around! BTW, Toyota pic on the left is what my...