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Tagged With "tax"

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31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales (#19 of 31)

Art Post ·
It was many years ago that when it came to late December that I thought sales were done for the month.   I assumed this was due to the fact that I would be off a few days for Christmas and New Years and everyone else...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Third Week of November 2012 sponsored by Interesting chat I had the other day with someone about Ghosting and what are some on the avenues a rep can travel down to re-engage. In the next few days I'll be posting up a video on Better Call Art. I'm looking for help, I need to reach out to KM, Toshiba and HP principals. I'm willing to offer free Premium/VIP memberships for the team along with some other stuff. Please contact me for details...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in Copiers Fifteen Years Ago Second Week of November 2008 Real Copier Sales Japanese Copier Companies & WWII Before Ricoh was Ricoh, it was known as Riken Kankoshi Co., Ltd. was formed to produce positive sensitive paper, used to develop film. Riken also developed computer-designed lenses originated during World War II. Before Canon was Canon, it was known as Precision Optical Industry., LTD, not much here for them, all I could get was go here for rest of article Enjoy These...