Tagged With "#12"
12 Unexpected Productivity Hacks That Actually Work
12 Unexpected Productivity Hacks That Actually Work 1) Work less. Not only does working long hours cause health problems , but there's a wide body of research that shows productivity actually improves with shorter hours. A 2014 study published by John Pencavel of Standford University found that how much employees get done takes a sharp drop after 50 hours of work in a week, and even more drastically after 55 hours. The study found that employees working 70 hours per week...
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31 Ways to Close More Sales (#12 of 31)
Many times in my selling career I get caught up with just trying to meet my quota instead of putting meat on the table. Yes, I'm anal about hitting those monthly and quarterly and yearly numbers, and yes, I have been known to sacrifice GP just to...
Gordon Flesch Charitable Foundation Donates $12,000 to Columbus-Area Charities
Gordon Flesch Charitable Foundation Donates $12,000 to Columbus-Area Charities 10/26/2020 The Gordon Flesch Charitable Foundation is proud to announce that it has awarded $84,000 to 37 organizations in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and Illinois in 2020. This includes $12,000 to six Columbus, Ohio-area non-profit organizations so that they can continue providing services and support for members of the community in need. Read more »
Study of K-12 print shops
Study of K-12 print shops Research on print/copy shops inside K-12 school districts in education vertical - Average of 8 full time employees - 59% are self-supported (charge back revenue) - 50% has print revenue decrease in 2021 o 32% experienced increase - 97% have digital production print equipment - 97% have wide format color inkjet machines - 55% also manage schools’ fleet of copiers - 52% say top challenge is finding new services to replace decreasing print volumes
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Last Week of December 2014 Real Copier Sales (10 Years Ago) I grew up with the attitude that I Want it All, and through out the years, I pretty much always got what I wanted. Some may call it luck, some may call it fate, I say that it's the fire of desire that burns inside you that drives you to fruition. .. . more here Check Out These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week Generational Equity announces that the assets of Integrated...