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Tagged With "Disaster Recovery"


Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Larry Levine ·
Art, Love it! Great perspective, a true professional. We can't bat 1.000 though it is a nice mindset. Being able to debrief, self-evaluate and learn how to improve is the key. The office environment we sell into as copier reps is rapidly changing and evolving. You may have lost the hardware sale but may look what you gained. Play your "sales cards" right and this can be parlayed into more revenue and more profit. Great job!

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Jason H ·
Love it. This all played out in full between the first post and today. I lost a deal to a competitor that I truly have never lost an MFP to. I had my typical pissed off time period where I pretty much hate everything and anything and asked the customer the reasoning. He said the church board laid the proposals out and took the cheapest one. I will log everything in my CRM and follow up in 5 years. This is the second time I've lost the deal but I keep going back. I wished him luck and went on...

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Art Post ·
Awesome!!! Love it!!!
Blog Post Premium

5 Reasons Why Managed IT Makes Sense To New Copier Reps

Art Post ·
So, the first one everyone knows, hey we're already in the office servicing the account for copiers.  Our service and support is excellent and we are a valued service provider. The second reason is also a no brainer for most companies. One...
Blog Post

Where's the sizzle for selling Managed IT or BDR (backup Disaster Recovery)?

Art Post ·
I've been thinking about this for the past week or so.  Where the frak is the sizzle for selling Managed IT or BDR (backup Disaster Recovery)? Selling Managed IT and BDR is boring!! As my wife states "it's a real...
Blog Post

Losing is the Key to Winning!

Art Post ·
Special thanx to Larry and Jason who gave me a few ideas with this next blog! We hate to lose right? Nothing grinds my gears more, than losing a prospect. I expect that I should be able to secure an order from all of my prospects. I expect to bat 1.000, however the reality is far from that. I definitely lose more deals than I win. In fact, I lose about 65% of the time. Is losing 65% of the time a bad thing? I don't think so, because I know that every lost deal moves me close a to obtaining...
Blog Post

Lead for Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

Art Post ·
see attached file