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Tagged With "practice"


Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
Larry High Schools nor College teaches students "how to work your ass off". I'm a firm believer that you can't coach nor teach someone how to work hard. Knowing how to work hard is one of those innate characteristics within people that only comes to fruition when that person has the passion or drive to succeed. I've seen it time and time again, you can't teach someone how to work their ass of. The either want or don't want to. With sales, we understand that in order to win, we need to lose.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Art, Agree 100 % with you. It boils down to will do versus can do. Great coaches are so critical to sales success. Athletes flourish when coaches align with their talent. There is so much to learn from coming in second. As sales reps we can't win every deal but we sure can learn from them. Cam Newton, I do not doubt his ability, desire, determination and quest to win... Translate to a sales rep and if we acted that way we would not get the second chance as prospects or clients would not put...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
If you're not first you're last

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
In sales you get no financial reward for coming in second. Commit to becoming the go to person in your market place as a sales rep. This culture starts at the top and filters down.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
too bad there are so many crappy sales cultures in the business world. Too many companies look at sales people as a necessary evil and pay too much money to consultants that are so far removed from the industry that they don't have a clue. Most of these "consultants" will make a statement that we can make add more profit with our "new" program. Most times that program is to cut the comp plan of the sales people. I call it "Ikonism"

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Oh boy Art biting my tongue dude. Walk and talk it, live it and breath it. Read between the lines and you will get my drift.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Kirsch ·
Fresh approach. Keep the info coming. Nice work..

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Thank you Larry! Glad you enjoy. Have a great week.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Jason H ·
Very good write up Larry. The statements are 100% right on that coming in second gives you nothing but the next phone call, door knock etc could be a win for you. I do want my sales reps to be pissed off and mad when they lose a deal. It tends to show me they really care. I personally get very upset when I lose a deal and I don't settle for second place. I am a sore loser when it comes to sales and I want my reps to be that way as well. I don't want to hear the BS "well there's always next...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Love it Jason! Finding out why we lost is always good. It allows for coaching and readjusting the game plan. The hardware deal may be lost if it involves one but the opportunities to sell additional solutions still exist.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
just 30 minutes ago I lost a deal. I was happy, because the decision was made in a timely manner and the client notified me, thus I did not have to play phone tag for two months. I did ask why I lost and I lost to the incumbent, prices were equal ( had $3K GP in the deal ) and they were receiving good support and service, thus they stayed with the incumbent. Thus, what did I learn? The next time I go up against that competitor, I know I can add GP, and also need to dig deeper with why our...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Art, Sorry you list the deal but even old time guys (me included) can learn something new. This validates it is easier to stay with the "known" Always be Positioning yourself even in defeat. Within copier dealerships there are so many other "things" you all can sell to help solve business problems and challenges. I hate losing but sometimes good losing turns out to be great opportunities down the road. The Carolina Panthers will be back, Cam Newton will be back and as salespeople you will...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Old Glory ·
A good book on this subject is: From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call ...Close more by doing what you do best... by Richard Schroder. It's about how companies should conduct post sale interviews on all deals to determine why you won or lost. They quite effectively illustrate the value of this process and why someone other than the salesrep should conduct the interview. It pretty much proves that a very high percentage of the time, the salesrep really has no clue why they lost or won...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Jason H ·
Old glory, That's a fantastic idea. I had never thought about having someone do an "exit interview" from a prospect after losing a deal or winning a deal. I would bet most sales people don't even know why they won a deal, let alone lose one. I can say that even after many years of selling I still forget at times to ask the client why they chose me. Other times they come out and say it but I bet at least 50% of the time I forget to ask. I am more inclined it seems to ask why I lost rather...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
Old Glory/Jason, Exit interviews are a fantastic way to truly engage and understand win/lose situations. So easy to get pissed off and move on, human sales nature. Stop and think about all the other things you leave on the table your dealership can support. A true sales professional wants to know why. This is how you improve. All too often the classic is "lost because of price" no you were outsold! Winning is a great way to find out what you did well so it can be repeated over time.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Old Glory ·
That's what this book is all about. Think of all the things that may influence a sale that the prospect will never say to your face. Are they going to tell you that they didn't believe what you said? Are they going to tell you that they just didn't like you as a person? Are they going to tell you that you were too pushy? No...they are going to say that you were more expensive whether it was true or not. The job of a sales person is the strategic management of perception. How can I possibly...
Blog Post

Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
"Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser" Vince Lombardi Well... "Here is looking at you kid! I admit I have Bronco Nation running through my blood, albeit Boise State Orange. Was I happy the Broncos won, of course. Peyton Manning, whether winning or losing is a class act. Peyton Manning and Cam Newton two phenomenal athletes at polar opposite spectrums of their careers. By now who hasn't watched the video clip of Cam walking out on the media, I laughed to myself as I watched.

AccountantsWorld Partners with AGN International North America

Art Post ·
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. , Dec. 21, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- AccountantsWorld, a pioneer in providing cloud-based software solutions for accountants for over 15 years, is entering into a two-year partnership agreement with AGN International North America, a regional subsidiary of AGN International. As a part of the partnership, AGN International North America members will enjoy a 20 percent discount on AccountantsWorld's Power Practice System bundle for the duration of the relationship. "Partnering with...
Blog Post

Time is Now To Focus on HIPAA Compliant Practices

David Bailey (Guest) ·
The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act is almost 20 years old at this point, which might lead some to believe that the medical sector has a tight handle on the requirements therein. However, the statutes were never that simple, and...

Clio Launches New iPhone App for Legal Practice Management

Art Post ·
Vancouver,BC and Chicago, IL (PRWEB) September 23, 2013 Themis Solutions Inc. has launched a powerful new iPhone app to complement the companys widely-used cloud-based practice management platform. The Clio iOS app employs an innovative design to...

Earnest & Associates and Rouse Consulting Group Announce Partnership for “Best in Breed” Managed Service Practices

Art Post ·
Earnest & Associates announced today the launch of its next generation IT managed services . E&A has partnered with Rouse Consulting Group, Inc. (“RCG&rdquo to be the provider for the Pro-Netguard and Pro-Recovery (“Pro-Series&rdquo IT managed services. Baltimore, MD (PRWEB) November 01, 2013 Earnest & Associates announced today the launch of its next generation IT managed services. E&A has partnered with Rouse Consulting Group, Inc. (“RCG&rdquo to be the provider...

Training Sales and Managed Markets Teams to use iPads to Increase Productivity and Effectiveness

Art Post ·
CHAPEL HILL, N.C., Jan. 17, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- As technology continues to evolve, companies are looking for ways to adopt processes and tools that will improve marketplace penetration. To that end, the iPad has become a popular tool for...