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Tagged With "plan"


Re: Sales Manual "The Good the Bad & the Ugly"

Tom Koenig ·
your getting soft in your old age! Thank You Have a Great Day Tom Koenig Sr. District Business Manager Northeast Region - Dealer Sales Division Ricoh Americas Corporation 5 Dedrick Place West Caldwell NJ 07006 cell - 570-439-2864

Re: Sales Manual "The Good the Bad & the Ugly"

Larry Kirsch ·
One of the best articles.... Understanding the art of the comp plans does help. However there is always the authors interpretation . Lol keep selling. And hope the check clears... If you stop selling charge backs are moot. Lol

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Art Post ·
Maybe it's time to find a new home? Times are tough all over. But, you do have a few valid concerns. Do you get a salary or is your comp plan commissions only?

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Larry Kirsch ·
Re negotiate your comp plan. Are you receiving a significant salary? Ins coverage? Perks?

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Ken Stewart ·
Great post. Sounds like the frustration level is at a boiling point. One thing I can offer is in regards to the delivery/install fee, this is not as scalable as you might think. But in my time at a dealership the company president, sales managers, and I designed a plan that would scale based on speed segment and quantity. So, with some TLC, your company should have some wiggle room here rather than just stamping a flat fee on everything. The other thing we did was bundle the price into the...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Larry Kirsch ·
It helps if salesperson is at quota. May have compassionate ear . Best of luck. May be a good idea to consider working on a contract basis , need to have the business and confidence and resources to do so. Don't plan on many incentives other than making your own fortune... Best wishes...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

bobsynergy ·
We offer salary + comm. At dealer cost, no lease pad, 30% existing accounts, 40% new accounts, 5% bonus with growth. $200 install 1st, $100 additional units. questions -

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Walter Thomas ·
Maybe after 22 years, you should start your own dealership to be on the flipside of your comp plan concerns. But...oh...wait. That means that YOU have to put up with all the risk.

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Art Post ·
I took the dealer leap back in 1986 and did it for 12 years, I'd still be doing it today. However, I had one lazy partner and another who was, well lets say he was a lot like Slip Mahoney in the Bowery Boys. Risk is inherent in everything you do, from crossing the street to driving from appointment to appointment. Does taking the risk mean that you're allowed to charge whatever you want, well, yes it does. On the flip side, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts there is a high turn over. That's not...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Philip ·
Hello Ghost - i feel your pain and especially having been there in the same boat as you. My former employer marked up hardware by at-least 30% and lease rates by 4 to 5 points. Having transitioned to my own dealership 5 years ago, we do things differently. If you are looking for a partnership opportunity (you can be located anywhere in the USA), get in touch with me. For others reading this and interested in running your own copier sales business, please contact me. You must currently be in...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

John Saramak ·
I am developing a new comp plan for my team which I will implement in 2015. My intent is to establish a GP based plan which has a minimum for a rep to cover salaries/guarantee's, commissions over draw, related employment cost (FICA, benefits, insurances), and a contribution towards branch expenses. Considering a $40,000 annual pay guaranteed, we are looking at a 96K GP quota. Above that we are looking at 50% sharing of GP, maybe a kicker for a 150% performer. With $150.00 delivery charges,...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Larry Kirsch ·
Might work. Of course will require managing customary ingredients for sales to achieve above quota results... Best of luck...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Art Post ·
John GP Quota's is what I grew up on. Revenue Quota's are not healthy for the sales people, but good for the dealer. I'm 34 years in the business and still have yet to hit monthly, quarterly and yearly in the same year. Although GP commissions is not what it used to be

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Old Glory ·
I was reminded today of the "Few Good Men" parody. I thought this might be a good forum to reintroduce it. I'm certain it will be the best 3 minutes of your day!

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Art Post ·
Awesome first time I saw that
Blog Post

Planning for the Future with DocuWare

DocuWare (Guest) ·
Planning for the Future with DocuWare   Third-party retirement plan administrator, ADMIN Partners is using DocuWare to transform their business processes from paper-based to completely digital workflows, increasing efficiency and transparency...
Blog Post

Sales Manual "The Good the Bad & the Ugly"

Art Post ·
Knowing so many sales people in the industry allows me to see many different comp plans.  It seems that there are no two sales manuals or comp plans that are alike, unless you are working for one of the Direct manufacturers.   A comp...
Blog Post

5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Ghost ·
A few years ago a  Sales Manager made this statement,  "There is no perfect sales comp plan".  Ok, I beg to differ. There is a perfect sales comp plan, that perfect plan is too give me 100% of the commissions!  Especially...
Blog Post

Attention Sales Reps... What Is Your Purpose, Plan And Goal For 2017?

Larry Levine ·
Congratulations if you’re on track to meet or exceed your sales goals this year. Even if this year hasn't turned out the way you wanted, now is the perfect time to make a few adjustments to finish strong. Set aside quality time to do some serious sales planning so next year you get extraordinary results. As you reflect and start working on your business plan, think about one word... "TRANSFORMATION" LOVE TED TALKS AND THIS HELPS SET THE STAGE The sales world is changing more rapidly than you...
Blog Post

Why Having A Business Plan Is A Must For A Major Account Copier Rep

Larry Levine ·
These two quotes by Benjamin Franklin, one of the most influential founding fathers of the United States, have played such a pivotal role inside the sales world today. “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” and "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." I encourage you to set aside some time and think about these two quotes as a major account copier rep. If you would like some help check out What Is You Purpose, Plan And Goal For 2017 What is your plan to grow your business...
Blog Post

3 P's Major Account Copier Reps Must Embrace To Crush Quota In 2017

Larry Levine ·
Congratulations if you’re on track to meet or exceed your sales goals this year. Even if this year has been challenging for you as a major account rep, now is the perfect time to make a few adjustments, tweaks and commit to a successful 2017. Set aside quality time to do some serious sales planning so next year you get extraordinary results. As you reflect and start working on your business plan, think about one word... "TRANSFORMATION" As a major account copier rep, how can you transform...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Three of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day One Hundred and Three of Selling I was so angry that I took my the mug of coffee that was at my desk and starting beating the crap out of my notebook. I must have smashed it twenty times, by the time I was finished I had completely destroyed my notebook. All I could think of, is what did I just do, this notebook isn't even mine. How the heck am I going to explain this to my company? I thought about blaming the dog, I then thought maybe the cat, maybe I could say...
Blog Post

What Exactly Is ITAD?

Art Post ·
by Michael Vosnos, ITAD Consultant (CDIA+ and CITAD Certified) IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) has been a burgeoning industry for the past two decades and with the continued proliferation of data bearing devices, its growth is expected to be exponential in coming years. Yet outside the industry itself, there remains some uncertainty about what ITAD is and what it encompasses. Moreover, most organizations only consider ITAD as an afterthought when they have to “get rid of stuff” rather than...
Blog Post

Better Call Art "End of the Sales Month"

Art Post ·
Keep it simple, planning your months, think about close early and then end of month .