Tagged With "Old Town"
Color-Logic Certifies First South African Xerox Iridesse Press
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release For more information, contact: Mark Geeves at 513-258-0047 or mark@color-logic.com Color-Logic Certifies First South African Xerox Iridesse Press West Chester, OH; March 2020-- Color-Logic has certified Webprinter--an online printer based in suburban Cape Town, South Africa. Webprinter uses a Xerox Iridesse press and an in-house design service to supply South African businesses with business cards, folders, flyers, postcards, booklets, leaflets, posters,...
Avon council gets hacked, forced to reschedule meeting
Avon’s first attempt at a public meeting via the Zoom teleconferencing app was hacked on Tuesday, forcing the town council to reschedule the meeting. Mayor Sarah Smith Hymes said the hackers had malicious intent in crashing their meeting. “Thanks to everyone who tried to participate, and deepest apologies for any disturbing content you may have witnessed,” Hymes wrote in a statement. “As we navigate the new reality, we’ll make some missteps; please bear with us as we work out the glitches of...
Office1 Finalizes Partnership with Turk's Kern Copy and Establishes Market in Bakersfield Area
LAS VEGAS , March 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Office1 is proud to announce its partnership with Turk's Kern Copy, a company based in Bakersfield, California . Turk's is a locally owned and operated business that provides office equipment and document imaging solutions to developing businesses in California's Central Valley. Office1's number one mission is to provide businesses the opportunity to digitally transform their operations through innovative technologies and solutions in a way that...
Blog Post
COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twelve of Sales
I'm going to start this a little different tonight. I'll start at the end of my day because that part of the day had a profound effect on the rest of the evening. Earlier in the day I text'd one of my clients that I have an opportunity with. The text was simple with "how you holding up". Since the churches are closed in NJ, I opted for the text rather than the call. I was also mildly concerned since there were many cases of the virus in his town and he's a bit older than me. Thirty of forty...
Blog Post
This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the First Week of May 2010
Years ago I use to burn the late night candle pretty often. In some cases I would still find myself emailing a prospect at 2AM in the morning. In most cases the email was to schedule a meeting for later that week. Those late night emails was just something I was use to. It wasn't until one of my clients made mention of the email that arrived at 2AM. Of course he didn't see it until he arrived at work. But this client went on to tell me that he wished he had more sales people like me, meaning...
Re: 3 Aficio 220's w/Fax in Milwaukee
I thought a ricoh guy here in town would take them bieng so close, but hes phasing them out. I will call a couple of NFP orgs. around here and see if i can get them moved for you. Gregg
Re: sr4000 info
you should be able to get detailed info from the sales intro booklet that ricoh provides, I will see if I can upload for you when I get back in town!
Re: 2090 printing?
Send the print job to the document server and then print from the doc server, this is logical and should work, please let me know. If you need me to check a 2090 I can check when I get back in town!
Re: Ricoh – Prepare for a talent exodus
This talent exodus already occurred at Ricoh Corporate in NJ, wherein legacy Ricoh / Savin / Lanier employees and executives were pushed out as IKON came in...the new Sheriff in town. Now, with a fractured Direct Sales organization that they put all their money on for the future, as they maligned the Dealer channel, the Ricoh slide continues...
Re: MP6002 7502 9002 coming soon
How do they do that??? I have lost multiple deals to the Ricoh dealer because I cannot compete. This was not like this last year....just in the last few months they have been killing everyone. It is almost like a loss leader marketing concept to get people to try Ricoh which unfortunately would NEVER happen here or for that matter most places. This is the most powerful dealer in town but I have heard several times that their service is horrible but it did not use to be like that.
Re: City, vendor at odds over copying contract
That's the problem with government and often churches and other large organizations who go out for multiple bids and then go for the low bidder. They almost always wind up getting the $h!ttiest vendor. Price isn't everything. I think back to a local school system who leased a fleet of 5 Canons from the low bidder. The vendor delivered all 3 year old 50 ppm Canons with over a million copies on each. When I got involved the original vendor had taken the money and run only a year into the 63...
Re: USA Presidential Poll
Chuck I am not shure how that shows that the local government si not more efficient. In this case a town if being ordered to us the government "approved" vendor. That vendor is more expensive than the one the town had been using. The added expense may cause the town to have to rethink how many meals a week they can provide.
Re: USA Presidential Poll
Great point Art. The US Post Office is a case study on how the government should not run a business. The post office has a failing business model and has failed to adapt. For one, the drop in documents being mailed becuase of e-mail. How did they not see that one coming. Secondly, charging the same rate regardless of where you are mailing to, across the town or across the country and they charge the same. I think they are legally bound to this policy, but it should be changed. Go to a tiered...
Re: Sharp has Serious Money Problems!
(Reuters) - For Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, the world's No.1 maker of smartphones, TVs and memory chips, this week's deal to invest in a Japanese display maker spotlights an uncomfortable fact: it is no longer the undisputed global leader in displays. Cross-town rival LG Display Co Ltd overtook Samsung's display unit last year as the world's top maker of liquid crystal displays. LG Electronics Inc, an affiliate of the display company, has beat Samsung to market with a TV using a new...
Re: Tip of the Day
Building a Vertical or Geographical Leave Behind A vertical or Geographical leave behind’s aim is to entice a Prospect to connect with you, either from reaching out to you, taking your call or responding to your email when you reach back out to them after foot canvasing or mailing info to them to start the relationship. The components of a Vertical Leave Behind should include: Case studies of how your dealership has worked successfully within their industry or town. Key names of documents...
Re: Need your input~~!
Art, here's a thought . . . how about having a true industry knowledge board where everyone share everything? If the mission of your website has been to inform then why not inform. Those individuals that a too unconcerned with our industry haven't and won't be bothered to sign up and learn. The scope of what you've created has grown worldwide. I don't fear that someone selling against me across town is gaining knowledge that will help him/her beat me - that would be a odd enough chance to...
Re: Rutt's Hut Fried Hot Dogs
Opening in a week is a new Hot Dog place right in town! I'll be checking them out for ya. Here's a few pictures:
Re: Rutt's Hut Fried Hot Dogs
nothing for us, I live up on the hill, thus they cakk it Highlannds. The center of town is below sea lever, back in 1991 a noreater blew threw and there was 5 feet of water in most places downtown., We're good thanx for asking!!
Re: committee approved a plan that would consolidate the copier leases
Off-topic rant: So, this article is a good example of one thing I hate about online articles. It says nothing about where it is from. Even clicking the link (to Southcoasttoday.com, hrm, Southcoast... Is that Texas? Mississippi?) shows a byline of "Middleboro". I'm sorry, but I don't know that Middleboro (Cranberry Capital of the World) is a town in MA with a population of 20,000 people (ok, I know that now, but didn't earlier). Website says nothing, even on the front page, about being in...
Re: The curious case of county copiers
"In fact, they would be money ahead to do it" sounds like something you would hear a Savings & Loan officer from the 1920's say. I'll bet that reporter is one swell flapper gal & that their town is the bee's knees.
"What We DoThe Remi Group specializes in providing programs that replace Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Third Party equipment maintenance service contracts. We work with your organization to eliminate unnecessary maintenance expenditures and gain the greatest return for each dollar invested in equipment maintenance. Our program helps improve equipment performance and minimize equipment downtime by changing the economics behind the maintenance relationship between you and your...
Re: Irene
Well, after 5 days (almost) power was restored today! It was most interesting, I live right on the NJ coast less than 1/4 mile from the beach. Power went out around 11PM Saturday night, throughout the over night wind, rain and damage. No damage to my home, however the town of highlands had up to 5 feet of water from the surge and high tide, many residents were flooded, numerous downed trees, power lines, and there were even some slides (slump block) from the hills in the Highlands. Winds at...
Re: which software?
I have conducted some research on this. Handwritten information is not supported by Doculex. However, when using an OMR sheet we can specify what type of information to capture: Such as social security number, name, town, etc. We can have this attached to the first page of the doc or mark the social or account number on the OMR sheet. From there Doculex does have a feature that will only capture information in certain areas of the document and then store them. Another way to is to go to your...
Re: Konica 8050 50ppm Color and B&W
Well they just pushed us back to the mid-june end of june range on the machine. I am thinking your right with that August date Brad. When I get a chance I will upload the brochure. June 12th in Chicago come see them in action. Konica is bringing the truck into town with the color lab on wheels so if you want shoot me an email I can get you in to see what the hype is about.
Re: Service Rates
hello guys in south africa we were excluding toners in the begining but now we have to include toner because of the market trend with our opposition. our service cost is R0.08 b/w and R0.80 for colour all inclusive. your service department will not like the idea of includig toner but the problem is that the copier goes out with a demo toner in the start of the contract so that cost your service company a start up cost, work a set of toner into your deal to help out service then they will see...
Re: HP MFPs Selling With Metered CPCs
We see them a ton down here in Dallas, particularly in MPS engagements. I think it's partly due to the fact that Print, Inc. had a fairly substantial client base in DFW. Once Print was acquired by Pitney Bowes, every toner recharger/distributor in town copied the formula and sold a ton of 4345 MFP's because they could get them through Tech Data.
I may have the instructions will have to look through my files when I get back in town. Art Post
Re: Konica Minolta releases KIP 3000!
Hey Art, I have been slammed busy. I always know where to go for help though. I need to be more involved with the message board and give out the help too! Where are you staying in West Palm Beach? I haven't seen you since Vision in Orlando. Let me know when you are going to be here and I will make sure we get together. I can tell you all the hot and not so hot spots in town. John
Re: RBS Quote/Proposal
Nice job Art. Be aware that RBS is coming to a town near you. In Florida they are in Tampa and have a branch office in Sarasota. Will be in Orlando, Miami and Jacksonville soon. If it is not bad enough to compete against Savin, Gestetner, Lanier, Ikon and another Ricoh dealer on some deals. That's (6) Proposals for Ricoh equipment to one customer. I guess one more from RBS couldn't hurt.
Re: Ricoh & 240W Wide Format Marketing
When it comes to distribution, you can't trust Ricoh to care at all about us. We are 22 years dedicated Ricoh except for taking on Riso 10 years ago when we couldn't get any support from Ricoh on Digital Duplicators. Longview is a town of 75,000 but within a 30 miles we have three Savin Dealers, a Lanier, two IKON offices and a Gestetner Dealer. Our Owner met one-on-one with Red Skelton (I forget his name but that's who he looks like) who promised to weed out some of the dealers. Now they...
Re: Nationwide Service?
I like the way you are thinking. The issue for me is all of the copiers are covered on a Xerox cost per print plan. So, this is essentially a new line of business, starting from scratch. I have considered buying 4 standardized models and doing an exchange replacement situation. Where we replace the copier (the client would have a deductible to pay, maybe $300 to cover the transport) - If I bought 5 color copiers at $600 each - Then sold them for say $1900 each - The driving across town would...
Re: old town copier brochure.pdf
Please us your scanned old brochures, special thanx to Bill for these!!!
Re: Sharp Ends Talks with Samsung to Create Joint Copier Company
WHOA! Hold the text messages, stop the tweeting, the last we heard Sharp had nixed Samsungs offer a few months ago!! Thus, the real dope is out about Sharp, like I stated in my opening statement. According to the above Rueter news report Sharp has been peddling their MFP division to Samsung. But all you heard from Sharp USA and other drinkers of the Koolaid was that this was not the case. Vince, myself and a few others (p4p'ers) were able to read between the lines. What I do find odd is that...
Re: Weekend Service
We have a weekend service phone number on our answering machine. Someone in management carries that cell phone on the weekends. We do our best to help them out on the phone and only send someone out if the situation calls for it. Heck, Sunday morning of Memorial Day weekend I drove an hour each way to help an urgent care center in a resort town that was down with a jamming issue. They are a golden account so I have no problem taking care of them.
The Shoe Tree of NC
Being a native of New Jersey, you automatically have a lot to brag about--living only thirty minutes from the greatest city in the world, being known as the diner capital of the world, and having such a great thing called Weird NJ. Going away to...
Colortrac will exhibit the latest SmartLF wide format GIS scanners at the ESRI World-
8th July 2009, St Ives, Cambridge, UK; Colortrac will present its industry-leading, high definition wide format scanning technology to geospatial professionals and educators at the world's biggest Geographic Information Systems (GIS) event in the San...
Where is Klerksdorp?
I know its in South Africa, but where? Is it a big city or town. just curious.ThanxArt
A Road Less Traveled
Some roads just seem to have a bad reputation for some reason. Often it is due to an infamous historical happening that occurred along the byway. Sometimes it takes nothing more than the dark foreboding environs of an isolated roadway to earn it its...
Aficio 2105 vs. Canon IR105
Lost a bid to canon on 2 ea. aficio 2105. customer put the equipment out for bid and we lost. We proposed at $1,595.00 lower on the 2 aficio 2105s' hardware and went in at .0065 on service for 4.8 million a year. canon came in at .00637 so we are...
Need A FW-870
Can any one help me? I sold a customer a FW-870 over a month ago and Ricoh has none in the country. They say there is a slim to none chance that I might get one by the end of July and Slim just left town. Apparently the 870 is soon to be discontinued....
Batavia Town Board buys copier
BATAVIA — Purchase of a new color copier/printer, fax and scanning system for $9,638 was approved by the Batavia Town Board Wednesday night.The equipment is for Town Hall offices. An existing copier will be shifted to the nearby town Highway...
Fla. Residents Wait on Half-Mile Food Line
Fla. Residents Wait on Half-Mile Food Line Florida members of the P4P, hope everything is OK! By MIKE SCHNEIDER, Associated Press Writer VERO BEACH, Fla. - People lined up for more than a half-mile for food and water, while others searched in vain for...
THE EGG-O-MAT Until recently, one of New Jersey’s most unusual roadside oddities could be found on Mountain Blvd. in the town of Warren. It was the Egg-O-Mat: A 24-hour vending machine offering "Eggs of Distinction."Now, a mere shell of its...
Copier issue unresolved
By Dave CanfieldThe RecordNORTH GREENBUSH — The town debated a handful of cost-cutting measures Thursday to address a looming year-end deficit, approving some but taking no action on the most contentious.While it remains uncertain whether the...
Weekend Copier Notes from 06/28/09
WEEKEND MFP INDUSTRY NOTES 6-28-09 The following is a quick review of copier/MFP industry news from various trade publications. Canon’s executive vice president of research & development, Toshiaki Ikoma, was interviewed recently and made following comments: - Will gradually shift from make-everything-in-house approach to open style I which Canon purchases and licenses technologies from other firms - “I will primarily focus on deepening and broadening the company’s...
Weekend Copier Notes from 07/05/09
Weekend MFP Industry Notes Newsletter7-5-09Toshiba announced that it is working with a small town in Alaska to build a nuclear plant. Details: - Will supposedly be built in town of Galena, population of 580 - Reactor design called “4S” for...
Bondholder loans save CIT, for now
Bondholder loans save CIT, for nowby Lisa Fleisher and Joseph R. Perone/The Star-Ledger Tuesday July 21, 2009, 11:32 AMFor decades, CIT Group was the company that helped finance businesses with specific needs -- such as retailers stocking shelves with...
Wekend Copier Notes from 07/26/09
Weekend MFP Industry Notes Newsletter7-26-09Details on Canon’s own leasing division, Canon Financial Services: - Run by Richard Palmieri – President - Funded by Canon - Has enough reserves to support leasing services for a minimum of 5...
Interns are the future of local businesses
Leah Powell knew all the stereotypes.Making coffee. Picking up dry cleaning. Sorting through lunch orders.But after taking a summer internship at The Bonadio Group, the Rochester Institute of Technology graduate was given the opportunity to work...