Tagged With "sales people"
Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-One of Sales
An excellent webinar on how to virtually prospect. https://vimeo.com/407322860/7ef91c5b72 What to say, what to do from America's #1 Sales Outsourcing Provider of the Year. https://www.koppconsultingusa.com/
Re: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
@wesmcartor this should be an awesome event for dealers
Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales
I just created my own YouTube channel doing product videos with future ones planned mostly focussed on MS365. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OotckdOtEg ... and I am working Linkedin a lot more in different ways. Most of the people I know say they have never gotten a lead from Linkedin. They think of this site as a static business card talking about who they are and not what they can do for the customer. They never post to Linkedin. Like most things, Linkedin requires almost daily work to...
Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now
Re: 10 Ways to Close Net New Business #4 of #10
Just a short update in reference to the account I was speaking about. The IG came back with many additional questions today, asking if the cost per page could be lowered, the annual cost of the maintenance agreement, and the price of the system. I stated NO on all accounts. We had started with a 25ppm color A3 device and then moved to an A4 color device. They were not even happy with that price. In addition when they received all of the no's they asked about pre-owned or used. I then stated,...
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
Interesting perspective. We constantly have the talks about competitive machines we took on service, especially brands we don't carry. I tend to consider is taking a Konica on service and then a year or two later upgrading it to our equipment net new business from the sales side. Obviously we had net new business on the service side but not net new for "x" with the equipment sale. I'd be interested to hear how others see this. I hear a lot of people say it doesn't matter but if I bring a...
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business for their sales department.
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
I was wondering if the subject of those customers who were acquired through service was going to come up, & Jason's comment is certainly "food for thought"... In his example, he brought on the service customer (with the obvious intention of upgrading them at the first opportunity) & the dealer gets a contract & machine sale that they otherwise wouldn't have. Sounds like net new to me. In my experience, though, most of these service to machine sale conversions are from customers...
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
Jay, We typically go after about any machine other than a Xerox. If someone wants us to service their machine and its not a complete piece of junk we will take it on and will get parts and supplies from dealers etc. until we can upgrade to one of our lines; Savin, Canon, or Samsung. We expect our reps to go out and take service agreements and we pay them the first months billing. Most don't like to mess with 30.00 agreements but they add up and eventually you find a big one. We had a rep who...
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
We do almost the exact same thing... anything but Canon, Toshiba, & Xerox. If I could get Reps to bring in 4 figure maintenance agreements, life would be spectacular!
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
We were staying away from Toshiba for a long time until we had a friend who could sell us parts, supplies, and give us manuals etc. those 4 figure contracts certainly do help. Seems few and far between but I'll take them when I can get them.
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
Originally Posted by Czech: I've always learned the two terms separately: Net New Business: Placing an MFP into a new account that had no existing MFP Competitive Knockout: Displacing a competitor's MFP with your own Base Upgrade: Upgrading one of your current MFP's Base Net New: Adding a new MFP into one of your current accounts The terms would be based based on the department. So for your car dealer example, you would be an existing account for their service department but net new business...
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
In my opinion, Net New is any revenue stream you did not previously have. Take over service of a competitor's equipment = Net New. Replace that machine purchased from a competitor with one of your own = Net New. Take over management of their print fleet or IT infrastructure = Net New. Replace those printers or computers, Net New. Time comes to renew those contracts at a lower or identical service payment= Upgrade. But, if their monthly payment increases, the difference between the old...
Re: Register for BTA's Aug. 20 Webinar Focused on Proactive Prospecting
Unable to click on the registration bar. Sincerely, Gary Morse Business Development & Client Relations Eastern Business Systems, Inc. 125 Wilbur Pl Suite 210 Bohemia NY 11716 Office: 631-567-8111 Fax: 631-567-8550 Gary@GoToEBS.com<mailto:Anthony@GoToEBS.com> www.GoToEBS.com < http://www.gotoebs.com/ > Tomorrow's Technology Today...
Re: Register for BTA's Aug. 20 Webinar Focused on Proactive Prospecting
You can follow this link and then select the register link http://www.bta.org/events/event_details.asp?id=653173
Re: Register for BTA's Aug. 20 Webinar Focused on Proactive Prospecting
Did anyone else catch this? I sat in for about and hour, although it was nothing really new, it did remind me of the basics. Actually there was something that I didn't even think of, when we're making phone calls, we are actually conducting "disruptive marketing", gee, never thought about it that way. I'll be posting the power point to the "clips" section of the our site either tonight or tomorrow. I did enjoy the presentation.
Re: Bad salespeople still exist, don't they?
Spot on Art. I love Gary Vaynerchuk's famous quote, "Legacy is greater than currency." You never know where you will be in 5 years. Walking away from every deal with your reputation and integrity intact is more important.
Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]
Art, I call Bull ****! At least for our industry, the copier industry! This may be true of a commodity (like envelopes, or coffee, or even a PC) but copiers, really MFDs require a lot of attention, both before and after a customer buys it. This article seems to be written by an old brick & mortar company that successfully transitioned to internet sales. This will work for any company that drop ships their products. And I agree that the MFD manufacturers would LOVE for this to be, or...
Re: The Death Of The B2B Salesperson [Infographic]
Vince: Well stated! I'm having a hard time with this also. We've seen Ricoh on-line now, they are pushing the envelope with direct vs dealer. I agree with you, what happens once the box arrives, what they thought they were getting because product marketing for all manufacturers have a tendency to over state what they systems can and can't do. I'm hoping we are right and Forrester is just pushing BS
Re: Are Copier Sales Reps Asking the Right Questions
As you said, this blog wasn't meant to cover all the bases but your comments about brand loyalty and brand/service provider loyalty are only true if the decision maker has been the same for each decision. If you aren't talking to the owner, you may be talking to a totally different person than the one that made past decisions. You need to know that before you decide whether to pack your bags and walk away. Also, in a leased equipment environment, the decision to stay with the same brand and...
Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps
Very interesting point of view. Always informative. Old adage. The more activity the greater the results. Plan your work. Work your plan. Have a great day.
Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps
Art, love this! You know my take on the integration of social into the sales process. Sales requires hard work as most will not put forth the effort. The reason why ones social anything stinks is their effort, plain and simple. Operating with an analig mindset in a digital world = death blow to a sales rep.
Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps
Who else has a marketing team write their blogs?
Re: Why Social Selling Stinks for Most Copier Sales Reps
My dealership does, we use DealerMarketing for our blog posts.
Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 2"
Sorry we did not catch up last evening. Great meeting... Let's try to connect before year end.. Enjoy the day... Larry Kirsch
Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 2"
Sent from my iPad > On Oct 6, 2016, at 8:32 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < alerts@hoop.la > wrote: >
Re: Sales And Branding Must Get Married, And Larry Levine Is The Priest
What is a recovering copier rep?
Re: Sales And Branding Must Get Married, And Larry Levine Is The Priest
Art, you will figure it out one of these days!
Re: Sales And Branding Must Get Married, And Larry Levine Is The Priest
Do you mean former copier rep? The only way I can see myself as former is when I retire. Recovering almost sounds like selling copiers was a "bad thing"?
Re: What Makes December One of My Best Sales Months for Revenue
It's so simple, i don't understand why people don't do it. I guess sometimes things are so simple it's not thought of or it is so simple people make it hard.
Re: 3 Things Sales Reps Must Use So They Don't Look Like Sales Monkeys With A Loaded Gun
Kind a reminds me of the "six foot question". TY
Re: 3 Things Sales Reps Must Use So They Don't Look Like Sales Monkeys With A Loaded Gun
What would the question be?
Re: Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven
Hi Art, Canon’s “NP” series stood for New Process. I started in the industry in 1985 when Canon released the NP50, NP60 & NP80 liquid copiers. Fun times. Regards Peter Ryan Dealer Principal Mobile 0409 458 065 Email pryan@inlandtechnology.com.au Web inlandtechnology.com.au Tamworth 02 6755 6600 Longyard Homemakers, 383 Goonoo Goonoo Rd Tamworth NSW 2340 Disclaimer: The above information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Inland Technology disclaims all warranties, either...
Re: Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven
Peter Thanx for the answer. I would have never guessed new process
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
I just added a poll to this question, please take the time to vote!
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
Management is now to the point that they are asking me weekly to update my forecast, it's getting to be a real drag going over every account on the opportunity list and what happened with them on a weekly basis. Isn't that the reason why I keep my CRM updated on a daily basis?
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
Keeping the forecast updated is part of our job; they need to know what that looks like on a regular basis. If you're a proven producer (which you are), they shouldn't feel the need to ask for updates on every account. That's nitpicking.
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
Agreed forecasting is a part of the job, nitpicking is not.
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
The biggest obstacle and it isn't on your list is time! If we are honest with ourselves the amount of time we are actually selling versus so called non selling activities creates my biggest limiting factor to increasing my success.
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
Bend: Nice one, I guess you are referring to slacking off and not doing the work right?
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
I do block out some time for my fantasy football team but I don't count that
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
I have my moments also... although I do like to make the dough!
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
The biggest challenge I see is that you have to sell so much more to make the same money you have in years past. It used to be that if someone needed duplexing, or stapling, or speed, etc. they had to pay for higher scale equipment. Now they can get for $3,000 what they used to have to pay $10,000 for. It used to be that everyone was a profitable prospect. Now only the upper 20-30% represent a potential revenue capable of earning over $1,000. Even solution sales are hard to build profit in...
Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis
Old Glory I agree!! Solutions take longer, I've been working on a secure print solution for almost 4 months. I'm lucky if the deal will top 40K and even luckier if I get the deal. I've tried to focus on higher end hardware and multiple units. The multiple units is tough because everyone is involved and margins are so so at best. MY only saving grace has been the wide format stuff.