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Tagged With "CRM"


Re: Twelve Days of Selling "Day 7"

gwalters2009 ·
Nice -did he stay in the industry?

Re: Twelve Days of Selling "Day 7"

Art Post ·

Re: My Top New Years Work Resolutions for 2015

Kyocera Guy ·
Hey Art, Was wondering if you set resolutions to get x amount of $$$ in your pipeline for the year?

Re: My Top New Years Work Resolutions for 2015

Art Post ·
Nope, no resolutions for x amount of dollars. It's my belief that if you do the prospecting you'll have the pipeline of dollars.

Re: Sharing your story on LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
Right on Art! Regards, Larry Levine (805) 907-5947 Sent from my iPad > On Mar 16, 2015, at 9:00 PM, "Print4Pay Hotel" < > wrote: >

Re: State of the "Art" Sales Technology

copyme ·
Great read, you are right on the money as usual!

Re: State of the "Art" Sales Technology

Art Post ·

Re: State of the "Art" Sales Technology

JeffR ·
So, what’s the box approach? JeffR

Re: State of the "Art" Sales Technology

Czech ·
Hey Jeff, Art's Box Approach (I believe) is using 4 different methods of communication: Phone Call LinkedIn Email In-Person Cold Call You "box" the prospect in until they finally give you the time of day. Using all 4 methods of communication ensures that you are optimizing your ability to reach the DM via his preferred method.

Re: State of the "Art" Sales Technology

JeffR ·
Okay, thanks! I have the phone call, Email, In-person aspects covered. I use LinkedIn to find the right person—I don’t use it for communicating with them yet. I’ve tried to get referrals from people who are linked to them, but no success with that. My sales rep uses LinkedIn to continue my efforts. JeffR

Re: The Risks of Email Blasts and How the "Junk" Button Can Hurt Your Business

Art Post ·
Good stuff Darrell: I started my own email newsletter to my existing accounts and prospects. However, what I did first was to ask them permission, meaning, are they are ok with being on the list. I started this three months ago and the open rate is hair over 60% which is pretty awesome. So, far, I've only got 60 clients and prospects on the list, but, that will grow in time, in fact one of the blog articles already turned in to a 25k opp. Art

Re: The Risks of Email Blasts and How the "Junk" Button Can Hurt Your Business

darrell_amy ·
That's a great example of using email correctly. You know them and they opted in. Plus, you're also very active on social media. That's a great combination.

Re: Five Ways for Copier Reps to Stay Productive on a SNOW DAY!

Dr. Print ·
You better inform him that his is not supposed to send out mass emails!

Re: Five Ways for Copier Reps to Stay Productive on a SNOW DAY!

Art Post ·
Those blast (20-40) emails are going to existing accounts that have approved receiving enails from my constant contact account

Re: Five Ways for Copier Reps to Stay Productive on a SNOW DAY!

Tom Koenig ·
Hey Art I know your day is probably done by now, But just a heads up in case you don't already know. Marketbridge (link is located in InfoCenter) has 60 + customizable email templates that you can utilize for an email campaign or to help you EFFECTIVELY stay in contact with your customers and prospects. The templates cover different verticals, different horizontals, as well as specialty products (ACE), request for appointments, follow ups and holiday messages. It is easy to use and its...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Two of Sales

Art Post ·
This will probably be one of those shorter blogs tonight, however you never know once I start writing. A few minutes ago (it's 10PM) I just set an appointment for this Friday with a net new production prospect. I had emailed him earlier in the day and a few minutes ago I received the reply that yes Friday at 10AM works. Let me touch on the email a bit. The subject line was "hope you are well" and the base of the email spoke more about new 5th station color technology that could increase...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Ten of Sales

Art Post ·
Busy, busy day for me. I started at 7:30AM and it's now 9:45PM, I figure I still have another 30 minutes or so to go. One thing I noticed today is that the pace of industry press releases as slowed to a crawl. Tomorrow marks the last day of the year for most copier manufacturers, I can only image the deals that are available for dealers right now. Yes, it's one of those years that will go down in the history of the industry. Today was interesting to say the lease. I had 40-50 contacts in my...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Four of Sales

Art Post ·
It's 10:36PM on a warm night in New Jersey. Finally we have a day in the low eighties and there was no wind that blew in from the ocean. When that wind comes off the water we can be anywhere from 10-20 degrees cooler from inland parts of Jersey. There's also a chance that a week from today we just may be feeling the effects of a tropical storm that is suppose to move up the coast. If this storm becomes a tropical depression that stormed will be dubbed Arthur. What a great way to start off...

Re: Smart Copier Sales Person or Not So Smart with Lost Deals

Wallingford ·
I remember the first copier I sold, it was an Olympia wet process job, and it happened back in the early 70's. I was actually a typewriter salesman at the time, but they wanted a copier as well, and I had to beat the guy from Apeco. Eventually I started in copiers full time, in mid-1976, and the first plain paper machine I sold was a U-Bix 101, which was quite remarkable, because the machine caught on fire during the demonstration. I can't remember what the excuse I gave was, but I got the...
Blog Post

The Risks of Email Blasts and How the "Junk" Button Can Hurt Your Business

darrell_amy ·
Sending out large email blasts to your market is so tempting. With the click of the mouse you can instantly spray email newsletters and event invitations to thousands of emails that you have gathered from your CRM, customer lists, and (worst-of-all)...
Blog Post

Five Awesome Apps for Imaging Industry Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Thought I would share some of the apps that I use for work.  I can only wish that there were more industry related apps available to those of us in the industry. Zello   My son turned me on to this app about a month ago.  Do you remember the Nextel radio phones? If so, this app replicates that radio experience with the instant connection.  After downloading the app, you can submit your contact list to see if you have any mutual connections that are using Zello . I was...
Blog Post

Sharing your story on LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
Let’s face it; we live in a world of constant change. Today it is cloud computing, mobility, big data and information management services. Who knows what the next five to 10 years hold in store for us.   As I look back to when I first...
Blog Post

Our Top 5 Forum Threads About Cold Calling for Copiers

Art Post ·
I picked up a connection on LinkedIn last week where the person was asking for advise about cold calling for copiers.  Gesh, I thought this is right up my alley!  I contacted that person and had them put the thread here on the forums section...
Blog Post

State of the "Art" Sales Technology

Art Post ·
Today, I had the chance to site with our newbies for about an hour or so.  There was no agenda, just an off the cuff talk track.  My first intention was to see how much they know about closing, whether for an appointment or a sale.  ...
Blog Post

Twelve Days of Selling "Day 10"

Art Post ·
Todays agenda was to get an oil change and two new tires on the car.  Reason being, that I was going to the Stratix Corporate Holiday event at Headquarters in Wyomissing, Pa.   Just about noon time I arrived the office, and went right to...
Blog Post

Twelve Days of Selling "Day 7"

Art Post ·
Who likes Mondays?  Back to the grind, had to update my CRM and then sync in the AM.    I had no appointments, thus the entire day was spent prospecting again.  Out of the six emails that I sent on Saturday, I was able to get...
Blog Post

My Top New Years Work Resolutions for 2015

Art Post ·
Many people every year enable some New Years resolutions that might include exercising more, eating healthier, quitting smoking, and saving more money.  My friend to the left doesn't have that many options.   But, how many of us...
Blog Post

My Top Three Sales Quotes "part 2" Prospect by Day and ...

Art Post ·
Decreased margins, introduction of A4 MFPs aka MFD, lower MSRPs, increased competition for net new business equals a whole heck of a lot of work!! Years ago you could sell four or five 40 & 50 page per minute multifunctional devices and the average selling price with accessories would be in the $13-$18k range. Over the years I've pretty much tracked about 6 systems per month, thus it was easier to hit your total revenue number and or your GP number than it is...
Blog Post

Smart Copier Sales Person or Not So Smart with Lost Deals

Art Post ·
I believe I wrote this about four years ago and at that time I never used a real CRM system. Believe me, I fought it tooth and nail, four years later, I can't operate without it.  If I had once wish for a CRM program it would be that I could have...
Blog Post

3 Powerful Things Successful Major Account Copier Reps Use to Help Them Crush Quota

Larry Levine ·
One enormous challenge major account copier sales reps face centers around securing net new meetings with C-level executives. Gaining a first meeting with senior level executives is relatively straightforward, as you must have a strategic plan along with some personal chutzpah . Of significance is gaining return access to those same executives over and over again as this becomes the real sales art form. Executives don’t waste time with people who add or bring zero value. Even more...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 5"

Art Post ·
A couple of thoughts before I start day "5" for everyone. In reference to the opportunities that I've created. These are opps that have been created since from the start of this blog, in addition these are opportunities that I think have a 50/50 shot of closing my the end of my year. When I started the this collection of blogs, I had about $125K in the pipeline for the end of the year and nearly zero for this month. The reason for the zero this month is because I emptied my 30 day pipeline...
Blog Post

57 Days of Selling "Day 43"

Art Post ·
Fourteen days left, and yes, I'm starting to feel a little bit of pressure now. I have only one large opportunity that I have a chance of closing for December. That opp is for $48-$50K, if I can nail that down, the rest of the year should be a breeze. If I can't get that opp to close, I'll then have to figure out a plan to piece meal the rest together. If the piece meal bit comes to fruition, I'm thinking I may have to write 12-15 orders for the month. Egads! That will not be an easy task.
Blog Post

Five Ways for Copier Reps to Stay Productive on a SNOW DAY!

Art Post ·
Weather for tomorrow here in the North East is SNOW, snow and more snow. In some areas there might be as much as two feet. Alas, spring is only a week away. I'm mentioned to my wife that the craziest part of this weather is that we're on daylight savings time and the temp is still hovering at or below freezing here. Alright, I've been through many of these snow days and it's kind of exciting for the first couple of hours and then reality settles in and you realize that you've lost a selling...
Blog Post

The Quest for $200K "Luck is for Rabbits"

Art Post ·
Go ahead, ask me what I did on Friday of last week. For the life of me, I can't remember. I know that I worked, just can't pin point what I did. Wait, wait, it's coming to me. One of my to do items was the appointment I had in Shrewsbury for the two production systems. This was the same client that I had scheduled earlier in the week but had to reschedule. After a few back and forth texts with the client, we finally touched base about 4PM. My client expressed that he was on it way home and...
Blog Post Featured

Prosecting Hacks "Part One"

Art Post ·
In between appointments today I had made a short list of three net new suspects that I wanted to cold call. All three of those cold calls turned up a fat ZERO. I'm okay with that because I'll be following up in the near future with phone call and email. Sooner or later I'll get an appointment but hoping it doesn't take 10 or more years like some of the ones I've had. At my age 10 years is not going to cut it. In Between Drives About mid-day I pulled into a park so that I could check my...

Re: Five Awesome Apps for Imaging Industry Sales Reps

Anders And ·
Hi Art Thanks, just what I needed! I am taking a closer look at ZoHo

Re: Five Awesome Apps for Imaging Industry Sales Reps

Art Post ·
Anders Thanx for the reply!! Hope you are well and sales are brisk in Denmark!

Re: Five Awesome Apps for Imaging Industry Sales Reps

Anders And ·
You're welcome Yeah, everything is perfect here in Denmark - mind you, we're a monobrand Ricoh Dealer!

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 43"

Art Post ·
Also, if you enjoy these blogs, please hit up the "like button" and please share with your social media contacts!

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 43"

Jason H ·
December is such a toss up. I have had fantastic decembers and horrible decembers. Fantastic are the ones that call me New Year's Eve about 5:00 and say I'll sign the order of you come and get it today so I can take advantage of the tax benefits. I've had a customer call me to discuss a deal at 10:00pm on New Year's Eve to finalize and send him the paperwork. I've also had those years where I want to take a few days off and think I should stay and work and nothing happens. It's hard to stay...

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 43"

Art Post ·
TY, thanx for liking!
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty of Sales

Art Post ·
This morning started last night (Sunday) for me. I had booked a 10AM to get docs signed for a new color wide format MFP. It was about 9:30PM when I tried to access our CRM and it was down. The site wasn't down but I couldn't access it because I still needed to be setup as a user and didn't have credentials. The plans of printing off the order doc, the ma and the lease wasn't going to work. Next course of action was to pull up order docs that I had already used for other accounts. Never the...

Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Fifty of Sales

Martin Hofman ·
I tried to double or triple 'like' but that doesn't work.... Great job Art!
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day One Hundred and Twenty-Three of Selling

Art Post ·
I'm thinking it should be 124 days but yesterday here in the USA was a holiday. Over the long weekend I read an excellent thread about the top 5 ways to get in front of a CEO. Jake Dunlop wrote this and I'm sure he won't mind me sharing as long as you connect with him. Jake's stuff is below; Most sales reps should not waste time trying to get in front of a CEO. They can’t talk the talk yet. But hey, why not are the top five ways to get in front of a CEO from a CEO 1. Act like you...
Blog Post

Top Apps and Tools That Startups Swear By

Art Post ·
Top Apps and Tools That Startups Swear By Source Mary Jo Johnson Trying to get a startup business off the ground can be a scary endeavor. Apart from gathering the right people to help you fulfill your vision, gathering clientele and keeping them interested and engaged will take all of your time and effort; and because of the size of your company, every hit against your coffers has the potential to devastate your startup. It is every entrepreneur’s dream to watch their startup become...
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Six of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Six of Selling Copiers Hard to believe it's been a week since my last blog. It's mostly been a week of sheer frustration for me since it's been nine days since I've turned in an order. I knew going into to March that the no orders part would be the theme for the early going. However it's always tough when you're not getting the orders because anything and everything comes to the top of your mind. From pricing to presentations and follow ups...

Re: COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Six of Selling

Hey Art, keep that positive grind about you and the dollars will come! I can also attest to the back order situation due to the LA/Long Beach ports. We first saw this with some large format, now it’s starting to affect other products and items coming into the country (call me if you wanted to know more). I‘ve faced a few direct outfits the last couple weeks with unbelievable pricing. I couldn’t touch it so I did what I do best, DISRUPT! I know I wouldn’t get the deal so I threw some rate...

Re: COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Forty-Six of Selling

Art Post ·
I love this! I need to use it also..." “i know I’m going to lose the fight, so at least I want to give them a bloody nose and black eye”." My luck they would end of ordering from me because of my charming personality!
Blog Post

COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Four of Selling

Art Post ·
COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Four of Selling Copiers, Managed IT, BDR & Content Kind of hard to believe that it's the end of March and I'm seven days into my selling April already. Kinda plays head games with you especially when you're struggling. However there is always hope and that hope comes in the form of 23 selling days for April. Good Friday will see me working in the AM and my only task is to email and call as many prospects as I can in four hours. CRM For the...

Re: COVID19 Remote Working Day Two Hundred and Sixty-Four of Selling

Martin Hofman ·
Wow, more than one year now! Exactly one year ago it was 'day 11', I don't think we all expected to reread your vision for the future of April 1, 2020, and are amazed at what happened in the past year. Art, with you blog you helped a lot of people to keep going!