Attached is the Allinplan from Xerox. I highlighted some of the less favorable points that I see. If anyone sees anything else please post a reply in this thread.
When you access the web site there are three choices for volume and three choices for coverage. I believe I selected the middle for both of them. The app then generates a lease document, each lease has a "benchmark". I was curious about that the first time I saw it. After reading through the lease twice I finally noticed the clause in the agreement that states something to the effect that if you are over three time in a row, XFS will either raise the monthly rate or add an additional MFP with a monthly fee attached.
Other than that I don't see that much out of the ordinary with the lease terms. But I did highlight some of my concerns.
I believe there will be issues down the road if someone selects minimum coverage and ends up doing high coverage.
I'll also post the copy of the maintenance agreement. In addition I don't see any copyrights so signup and download those quotes before you can't. As far as MFP's there are only three color MFP's on the site right now. I did not look at printers at this time.