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Wireless Printing to a LAN port on a Ricoh 4420NF (Savin 3760NF)

Sorry for the long case study here: I have a customer with a FAX 4420NF that wants to print to it from her laptop. She is wireless in her house and the router is too far and cannot have a CAT5 cable coming from it across the whole first floor. The 4420NF has a LAN port (ethernet) but no USB or parallel port. You can get the optional local printer option type 1013 with the USB/Parallel ports but I cannot find one that is low enough in cost to justify the expense (around $400). So, can I wirelssly print to the 4420NF with a wireless card installed in the LAN port? I was told the 4420NF can do Network printing but this is in a home. I have been told the router acts as a server as far as being able to input an IP address into the 4420NF's menu under "printer". Also, do I need a wireless print server, which is around $100 at Microcenter, it allows wireless printing and scanning. They did not have a wireless card that is for CAT5 to fit int eh 4420, only a USB port card. Any help appreciated, this is a challenge.
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